Politics and Religion

74% of Republicans are White Christians
Priapus53 2927 reads

Below you'll find the link to that demographic--------------thoughts ?

From 1992 to 2008, between 78% and 80% of the Jewish vote went to the Democrat presidential candidate.

My source? The American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise.

Any thoughts?

DoctorZGonzo2440 reads

Until recently, the Republican party when seen through the eyes of most Jews, was considered the party of, for, and supported by anti-Semites, and by 1933, when Aramco was founded, as the party that kowtowed to Arab interests because of oil. Think Henry Ford; Father Coughlin; Charles Lindberg.  

Today, most Jews recognize that the only real reason the Republican party supports Israel at all, is because of the Evangelical Christian voter base that still comprises a solid portion of Republican voters. The agenda of the Evangelicals of course, has nothing to do with politics or oil, and everything to do with religious dogma that includes the dictate that all Jews shall be killed during the Second Coming except for the 144,000 who shall accept Jesus into their hearts, convert and be saved. Despite my secular lifestyle, I am very aware and proud of my Jewish heritage and ancestry, and as you can well imagine, I have a REAL problem with this. So does almost every Jew I know.

But today, partisan issues are more prevalent and powerful, and for many Jews, the issue is becoming one of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". Hence the rapproachement between the Jews and the Republican party, and the growing divide between the Jews and the Democratic party under Obama.

But don't think for one minute we Jews don't know the truth... that at the end of the day, nobody gives a flying fuck about the Jews but the Jews.

Which might be why Netanyahu is not going to play ball with Obama. He's a savvy mutherfucker who understands appeasement doesn't work when the other guys just want you dead. But this is yet another topic:)

"But don't think for one minute we Jews don't know the truth... that at the end of the day, nobody gives a flying fuck about the Jews but the Jews."

I'm calling bullshit Doc... I care about how the Jews are treated, and I think its disgusting the attacks they have endured for thousands of years..Of course my opinion on Jew bashing equals  a tinkers dam from the worlds perspective.

You have acknowledged that, in your opinion, either implicitly or explicitly the following are valid

1. That ethnicity exists in physical reality
2. That distinct ethnic interests exist
3. That expressing those interests in political terms is legitimate

In this case, you have expressed the idea that "Jews exist, they have distinct ethnic interests, and it is legitimate for those interests to be expressed politically."

That catch-22? (As a famous Jewish writer, Heller, would describe?)

That IF we believe in universal rights and wrongs (i.e. that something is right or wrong based on the ACTION rather than the ethnicity of the person undertaking that action); then the word "Jews" in the foregoing sentence could be replaced with a word representing any other definable ethnicity, and it would be just as valid.

SO -- either we must accept the idea that right and wrong should be interpreted differently based upon the ethnicity of the actor (which opens a SERIOUS can of worms); OR we must accept that it is okay to put other ethnicity-type words in that sentence.

That is, of course, if we grant the idea that expression of ethnic interests in the political realm is legitimate for folks of Jewish ancestry.

OR (third choice) we might consider that in a country based on INDIVIDUAL rights and liberties,  ethnic interests might be illusory group-think and that voting on the basis of perceived ethnic interests is foolhardy.

Especially seeing that, for all practical purposes, REAL policies are the same for democrats and republicans anyway.

"He's a savvy mutherfucker who understands appeasement doesn't work when the other guys just want you dead. But this is yet another topic"

Don't tell that douchebag Charlie!!

Folks do NOT get it. I've been there. I've seen their souls. They are BLACK.

I have to get back to work..Dirty floors from all the mud so I don't have time to research right now..
Help me out..What percentage of Democrats are Christians?? I'm "guessing"  65%..
Does it matter?

I think the suggestion here is anger that Repubs "kowtow" to "White Christians", the same way they "kowtow" to "the evil rich".
But Democrats cater to their own demographic, and that's okay.  Beyond stupid, but what do you expect.
Only the poor, colored, and irrelegious have a right to be represented according to "open minded liberals".

That stands to reason. White Christians also make up the large marjority of the Democratic Party as well.

With more than 70% of Americans claiming "christian" as their religion, and whites making up a little more than 60% of the population, why are you surprised that the Republican Party would reflect that? It is true that more whites are conservative than liberal, but the difference is not statistically significant.

As we all know, there are lies, damned lies, and statistics. Stop trying to make statistics mean something they don't please :)

Priapus531205 reads

& let people draw their own conclusions;so this thread can be seen as a Rohrschach test or, I'm indulging in "the Socratic method". So why then anger over a statistic ?

Some more stats------minority demographics of the ' 08 Obama vote : African- Americans : 95%;
Jews : 78%, Latinos : 67% & Asians,61%.

Currently, White Chistians compose 67% of US population. Projections show by 2050 they will lose majority status.

Fight over these stats as you will.-------;)

Lastly, Doc, an opinion I'd like to voice: I'm a supporter of Israel's right to exist & a Palestinan state------Israel's move to make 1600 settlements in Arab East Jerusalem( & the timing of that announcement during Biden's visit ),is just plain wrong, in my opinion.

Now, why do you think that the Dems are dying to give the vote to felons, including those currently in prison?

I have been in crim law for almost 30 years and can tell you where 95%R of those votes will go.  

Gosh and golly them white Christians are horrific people.  Now my child molester clients are real nice people.  Hey, one of them even bought ALL the boy wrist watches?

You wanna play sterotype.   "Lay on, Macduff, And damn'd be him that first cries, Hold, enough"

Priapus531138 reads

you did. I merely laid out several sets of neutral stats-----funny how people get hysterical over such things.

You ever think of going into social work ?------:)

I would trust a Christian a lot more than a Heathen, statistically speaking..
I would trust a  Kohein with my children, but never a Catholic Priest or his Clone the Heathen.
In case you misinterpret  my opinion, all Heathens and Catholic Priests are not bad, but the many that are convince me to profile them all.

I finally clocked out after a long day of overflowing toilets and now it seems I am greeted by the same from you..
I'm still wondering how many Democrats are Christians...not that it really matters but I desire  some fair and balanced facts..

-- Modified on 3/17/2010 3:28:27 PM

Priapus531147 reads

As for the demographics on Obama's victory,it comes from a link that I posted previously here-----------if you're interested,check my posting history. As for the Democratic demographics,I'm sure you can google something about that.Or pehaps Willy would like to do that.

Priapus "Quad, the link on my OP includes the inital stats"

At least you have explained why you are  gullible.Your poll statistics were sampled from ........"This ABCNEWS/Beliefnet poll was conducted by telephone June 20-24, among a random national sample of 1,022 adults"

Do you actually believe a RANDOM National poll of 1022 adults in a country of 309 million is anywhere near accurate?..

I know you are a great speller but your statistical math is lacking clarity.. a thousand thousand is only one million.


Priapus531001 reads

if memory serves me correctly, they determine population percentiles from phone area codes throughout the country. Dems, GOP, liberal & conservative polling groups all use this method.
Quite accurate, actually. If you wanna bury you head in the sand ( or ,in your case, a toilet ),
over the demographic makeups of the 2 political parties, your business.

But, with your lack of erudition, I didn't find your post surprising at all--------;)

-- Modified on 3/17/2010 5:41:42 PM

Exactly why so many polls are inaccurate..
In case you don't realize it let me fill you in on a secret ...People aren't always what they lead others to believe,especially  on the phone and internet, and a whole lot of people lie about their Religious beliefs, cuz they are living "hippocrits".
Try a online dating service and enlighten yourself to the true statistical version of tall and athletic..LMAO

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