Politics and Religion

A real bad sign!! USdebt clock now shows foreign countries who are holding US debt droppingsad_smile
mrnogood 3587 reads

It's dropping as fast as our debt grows..Which means the government MUST be buying all this debt these countries are dropping..

IMHO we're a few weeks away from collapse if this trend continues..

I need to understand your logic. Why is it that the debt can't be held by private concerns rather than nations?

mrnogood1547 reads

there is no gold backing our money, and if we buy all our debt back, well, we will be no different than the wiemar republic, or zimbabwe..

John, in markets, the person owing the debt, can not be the only one holding that debt, or your money is useless..

This will be a hyper-inflationary depression, if everyone holding our debt drops it-

in this fiat system, with no gold, our money is backed by debt, and the faith that we will pay our bills...

We are losing that faith, and faith is the whole fiat system..So we lose faith, we lose dollar

... but I still wonder.

For example, pretend 45% of our bonds were held by China, but now it is only 40%.

Why couldn't Citizen's Bank, Bank of America, TD Bank or any of those banks have been the ones who bought that 5%?

Originally, savings bonds were almost exclusively bought by Americans. Of course, those days are long past; but still, institutional investors could certainly be buying those bonds, especially with the stock market about the same now as it was 10 years ago.

mrnogood1337 reads

so, these banks being artificially propped up by the fed allready is one HUGE reason I could think of on why that plan wouldn't work...

All our banks are in the red john, all our banks have been artificially propped up this long, so this far along in this "fiat" game, it wouldn't work..IMHO

Foreign country's are DUMPING over 100,000 a minute, and the banks allready have been artificially propped up..

IMHO, this will be the final straw, and it does look like the trend will continue, since it's been going on for 2 days now that we've been bleeding 100,000 a minute..

You have to remimber ALL our banks are allready on life support, and they have been since the first stimulus, they are NOT in a posistion to save us..

Not only has ALL our banks been artificially propped up, but they've also been downgraded..They are in NO posistion to help, infact they're part of the problem with the FED and fiscal policy being the main problem our banks are a symptom of the federal reserve..

IMHO- This is it, it's going down..and I hope I'm wrong, but I doubt it..Our banks have so much in the red on their books that if they were one of us "common folks" they'd be jailed for fraud, so I don't think it will do any good to look to them to get us out of this..When at the end of the day the problem is we have a debt based (also known as debt slavery) based system..

The problem is for every 10,000$ in circulation 1 MILLION can be loaned by the banks, so they create money out of thin air just like the fed, making it even funnier money than the fed does.

and every stimulus, and every bit of money printed by the stimulus ONLY makes this problem worse, not better..

ALL that money in the stimulus also allowed MUCH debt to be created, and since the WHOLE system is debt based the more money they print, the more credit they issue..

This game is getting old for our foreign investors, and they, not us, is what keeps this debt based system afloat..

Bread will be 30$ soon!

-- Modified on 10/12/2011 12:38:50 PM

mrnogood1653 reads

but, they pull their money out of our economy, not only will this also hurt them, it will hurt us..

China holding our debt is a major problem, but so is our fiscal policy..

and the problem is BOTH..

The problem isn't china, all though china adds to it, the problem is we have a debt based currency

China couldn't hold all that debt, if our system wasn't debt based, so, we agree this shit with china is gassed up, but our debt is not..and ultimatley it's the debt, not china that will be our downfall

It doesn't matter if it's china, or brazil who is holding the debt..The problem is it's a debt based system, and we have wayyy more debt, than we do money in circulation..

The problem is US, and no one else..Well not us, but the FED

-- Modified on 10/12/2011 10:41:41 AM

mrnogood1273 reads

It doesn't matter if it's china, or Saudi Arabia who's doing it..

THE DOLLAR IS BEING DUMPED! and this trend will only get worse the more dollars are dumped..Because even more countries will begin to dump the dollar too..

The last time the debt clock showed this kind of activity, the economy tanked in 08'

-- Modified on 10/12/2011 11:03:00 AM

Posted By: mrnogood
there is no gold backing our money, and if we buy all our debt back, well, we will be no different than the wiemar republic, or zimbabwe..

John, in markets, the person owing the debt, can not be the only one holding that debt, or your money is useless..

This will be a hyper-inflationary depression, if everyone holding our debt drops it-

in this fiat system, with no gold, our money is backed by debt, and the faith that we will pay our bills...

We are losing that faith, and faith is the whole fiat system..So we lose faith, we lose dollar

mrnogood1479 reads

For the banking elite..

One of the FIRST things we do when we invade islamic countries is get them off the gold dinar and insert a debt based currency.. This is one BIG reason we're at war with them..

Ther koran specifically forbids debt based currency..

We invaded Libyia right after Ghadaffi pegged his oil to the gold dinar and took it off the USD, ironically we also put bank in libyia soon as we attacked..

We did this to not only keep his oil on the dollar, but to then STEAL his oil by owning the national bank in his country..

Don't know why you asked who's money is backed by gold, NOT OURS, that's for sure, but the FACT that you did ask indicates you don't understand what we're doing in the middle east, and why after 10 years of being in Iraq we're still there..

We are there to FORCE our money system on them, a money system that their koran forbids ontop of forcefully putting our guy in power in their countries so he'll screw the people and allow our bank

-- Modified on 10/14/2011 7:06:53 AM

mrnogood1103 reads

Good thing a trillion is such a high number we might only have days, now is the time to rack up on things before the prices soar!

It's also time to make sure you keep a full tank, our spat with Iran will send gass prices to 10 bucks a gallon, EASILY

If this doesn't change our Worse case scenerio is, we have days before hyperinflation hits, best case end of October, early November..

150,000 -200,000 USDs dumped by the minute, this is a dump folks, it's now time to be putting finishing touches on last minute preparations..

It also looks like china is going to cut her nose to spite her face..

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