Politics and Religion

'60 Minutes' Apologizes For Botched Benghazi Report, Says Show Will Issue Correction
salonpas 1806 reads

In a humiliating retreat from a piece she had staunchly defended, "60 Minutes" correspondent Lara Logan admitted on Friday morning that she and the news magazine had made a "mistake" in their reporting of a controversial story about the Benghazi attacks. She apologized to viewers and said "60 Minutes" will issue a correction about the reliability of one of her key sources, security contractor Dylan Davies, on its next program.

"We were wrong to put him on air," she said, adding, "We will apologize to our viewers and we will correct the record on our broadcast on Sunday night."

The only problem, those who would like Benghazi to go on forever will not allow this to penetrate into the fact processing part of their brains. They have certainly proven that over and over again.

Cataclysm581 reads

when they stop surpressing the survivors then maybe we will get the truth about how Hillary and BO ignored cries for help to protect an election .  

" Okay Mr. President if you come on our network and do your ObamaCare apology we will do something to take the edge off the Bengahzi story we ran "

-- Modified on 11/8/2013 11:51:52 AM

Whether or not that is an admirable ability to have is debatable.

I can't help but to find fault with your applying of morality to military endeavours.


Not that morality shouldn't be including in decision making. Applying it to real world military operations doesn't make sense.

Cataclysm306 reads

operation then the attack everybody knew was coming would have been twarted.  

The lack of a military operation to protect our people is going to cost that sweat hog the Whitehouse .  

You cannot do that to people and not have it come back on you .

Has the notion that government does not care about the individual, slip your mind

GaGambler248 reads

but I am willing to wager once people wise up to just how badly they got fucked by ObamaCare, he will need that protection even more than GW.

The other day I was reading something, where congress had limited to only ten years after they leave office. This year Obama, signed into law lifetime Presidential Secret Service protection for ex-prezs.
prothttp://www.politico.com/politico44/2013/01/obama-grants-himself-lifetime-secret-service-protection-153854.htmlection for life.

I didn't know they lost that, although the article seemed familiar. Perhaps I forgot I read it, based on the fact I didn't think it was that important.

Yes he is going to need it more than Dubya, due to Obamacare.

Cataclysm258 reads

When the truth comes out, and it will before '16 , she's done as a politician . Her reluctance to give them the security they begged for is going to cost her the Whitehouse.  

As far as him , this  ObamaCare will be his legacy .

And, some house Republicans are going to try to impeach Holder for Fast and Furious!   ;)

It has mutated into the delusional part of the brain.

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