Politics and Religion

2 Q's for board : 1. Can Newt get GOP nomination ? 2. Can he beat BHO ?
Priapus53 2591 reads
1 / 8

Being the board's "most objective poster", I'll
decline to state an opinion & let others speak-----;)

-- Modified on 11/15/2011 7:34:49 AM

inicky46 61 Reviews 1857 reads
2 / 8

Pri, your humor is priceless.  And your attempts to appear "fair and balanced" are almost as funny as those of Fox News!  LMAO! I said, "almost."
Regarding Newt, until recently I'd have answered: 1. No; 2. Hell, no!
Now I'm not sure sure, so I'll amend that to: 1. Still unlikely; 2. Even more unlikely.
Not impossible.

-- Modified on 11/15/2011 11:43:58 AM

DefinitelyNo_NOWAY 1232 reads
3 / 8

What the hell you looking for, Pee Wee Herman ?

Pee Wee has a better chance than Newt beating Obama.

Priapus53 1363 reads
4 / 8

1. I'M a bigot ?! Am I the one who put up lists of Baptist & Jewish child abusers in a vindictively juvenile post ?!

2. You're a moronic & childish drag---------;)

TheTruthDetector 823 reads
5 / 8

1. You are a bigot.

2. Your commentary and opinions are infantile and idiotic.

Snowman39 1503 reads
6 / 8

Still a long way to the nomination process, but actually I would say he would have a better chance beating BHO then getting the nomination. I think he is going to be the VP nominee.

Priapus53 852 reads
7 / 8


I'm very confident of my sexuality & was never assaulted as a child.

Were you ?

TheTruthDetector 732 reads
8 / 8

Were you sexually assaulted as a child by an "uncle"? You seem fixated on crossdressing and feces. You can't go a day without commenting to that effect. I think your constant protestations indicate that YOU are perhaps not confident with your own sexuality. Again, were you assaulted as a child?

This kind of fixation (crossdressers, etc) is a form of bullying. Are you a bully too?

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