Politics and Religion

100% correct. Exxon knew about climate change in 1977, 11 years...
BigPapasan 3 Reviews 177 reads

...before it became a public issue.  TwoBits and his two-bit knowledge said that Exxon "...can't disagree publicly.  That's bad business.". But that's EXACTLY what Exxon did.  They covered up their own scientist's findings and then spent millions promoting climate misinformation.  They acted like the cigarette companies did in covering up the dangers of smoking.

Dumbass righties...always talking out of their asses.

...Because their already pea-sized brains have become even smaller due to a brain-invading parasite caused by...wait for it...climate change!!!

How can global warming be an issue.

You will be okay  just  don't go to Hawaii and lick slugs

Posted By: BigPapasan
...Because their already pea-sized brains have become even smaller due to a brain-invading parasite caused by...wait for it...climate change!!!

nuguy46241 reads

calm down..you will survive...the real danger is the TDS you have. get treatment!

Papa has a better chance of drowning in his own tears than global warming.

Posted By: nuguy46
calm down..you will survive...the real danger is the TDS you have. get treatment!

TwoMints126 reads

The Climate changes. It's likely Humans have some role it that.

I do not for a second believe the hype job that we are destroying the world. I do not believe the hype job that we cannot adjust to some warming/cooling. (which is it this decade?)

I don't believe dumping Trillions of dollars into this boondoggle with no appreciable benefit.  

When Al Gore, give all his hundreds of millions to fight it, including his private jets. I might consider it.  

Show me ONE climate model that is right.  

You've bought into the hype and lies pushed by people looking to enrich themselves, looking for glory.  I mean your "star" is Al Gore, the dude got D's in science.

The difference is you regressives run on emotion and your emotions have been manipulated.

Posted By: BigPapasan
...Because their already pea-sized brains have become even smaller due to a brain-invading parasite caused by...wait for it...climate change!!!

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