Politics and Religion

Nationalism is as divisive as religion and more hateful than the racism
mrnogood 2368 reads

All over the world, EVERYDAY, our government is dropping bombs on people.. Many times these are innocent people that die in these bombings..

MILLIONS of innocent people have been killed in our name, by our government, with these bombs..

And NO ONE is outraged by it...  No one is in the streets, protesting this injustice!

But, IF, our government had been dropping bombs like they do in Iraq, or Yemen, in Idaho, or Washington you would be..

and this revelation is profound..

Think about what this implies!  

Nationalism and patriotism has killed as many people, if not more, than religion, or genocide.. and I'd say most Americans are great examples of how this kind of injustice can happen.. It's not that any of you are bad, but because you've been indoctrinated through their school systems to be good statist and patriots you don't see the injustice  

Worst of all, they took you from being a thinking individual, and turned you ALL into one collective group with a shared identity that we can call patriotism..  

Education played a VERY important part of Nazi Germany too..

"Education played a very important part in Nazi Germany in trying to cultivate a loyal following for Hitler and the Nazis. The Nazis were aware that education would create loyal Nazis by the time they reached adulthood. The Hitler Youth had been created for post-school activities and schools were to play a critical part in developing a loyal following for Hitler - indoctrination and the use of propaganda were to be a common practice in Nazi schools and the education system."



Our government shows us EVERY DAY what they think of human life, and none of you feel threatened by this.. But you would, if they were dropping the bombs they dropped in Iraq over your hometown.. this MUST be part of how their "education" has effected you..

I bet the children of Nazi Germany never felt threatened by what Hitler was doing, UNTIL, he started killing them too..  


http://schoolsucksproject.com/003-the-myth-of-democracy-the-illusion-of-freedom/ I really enjoyed listening to this podcast which is part of a series of podcasts  http://schoolsucksproject.com/category/podcast/a-young-persons-guide-to-politics/  that try to explain how fucked up our system is, very obviously, it's all around us, and how none of us can see it because we're "educated" to love this BS we call "democracy"  


HALF of the kids that go to public school can not read, but they are ALL good statist.. I'd say the school system is a great success.. They want our kids to dumb to read, but to be loyal patriots

-- Modified on 7/10/2013 4:50:35 PM

Loyalty to the tribe increases the probability of survival of the tribe, and each of its members. Ultimately, that is what we are all striving for; surviving. The evils you are talking about are much better explained by the 7 deadly sins (as wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, and gluttony). The degree to which a tribe permits it's members to exercise such sins, particularly with impunity, whether against it's own members, or members of other tribes is what will dictated the degree of evil that is perpetrated, not loyalty to one's tribe.

Posted By: mrnogood
All over the world, EVERYDAY, our government is dropping bombs on people.. Many times these are innocent people that die in these bombings..  
 MILLIONS of innocent people have been killed in our name, by our government, with these bombs..  
 And NO ONE is outraged by it...  No one is in the streets, protesting this injustice!  
 But, IF, our government had been dropping bombs like they do in Iraq, or Yemen, in Idaho, or Washington you would be..  
 and this revelation is profound..  
 Think about what this implies!  
 Nationalism and patriotism has killed as many people, if not more, than religion, or genocide.. and I'd say most Americans are great examples of how this kind of injustice can happen.. It's not that any of you are bad, but because you've been indoctrinated through their school systems to be good statist and patriots you don't see the injustice  
 Worst of all, they took you from being a thinking individual, and turned you ALL into one collective group with a shared identity that we can call patriotism..  
 Education played a VERY important part of Nazi Germany too..  
 "Education played a very important part in Nazi Germany in trying to cultivate a loyal following for Hitler and the Nazis. The Nazis were aware that education would create loyal Nazis by the time they reached adulthood. The Hitler Youth had been created for post-school activities and schools were to play a critical part in developing a loyal following for Hitler - indoctrination and the use of propaganda were to be a common practice in Nazi schools and the education system."  
 Our government shows us EVERY DAY what they think of human life, and none of you feel threatened by this.. But you would, if they were dropping the bombs they dropped in Iraq over your hometown.. this MUST be part of how their "education" has effected you..  
 I bet the children of Nazi Germany never felt threatened by what Hitler was doing, UNTIL, he started killing them too..  
 http://schoolsucksproject.com/003-the-myth-of-democracy-the-illusion-of-freedom/ I really enjoyed listening to this podcast which is part of a series of podcasts  http://schoolsucksproject.com/category/podcast/a-young-persons-guide-to-politics/  that try to explain how fucked up our system is, very obviously, it's all around us, and how none of us can see it because we're "educated" to love this BS we call "democracy"  
 HALF of the kids that go to public school can not read, but they are ALL good statist.. I'd say the school system is a great success.. They want our kids to dumb to read, but to be loyal patriots

-- Modified on 7/10/2013 4:50:35 PM

mrnogood868 reads

that it builds schools, and educates them for their first SEVERAL years of life on how great America is..

Something is wrong

Half of the kids graduating these schools can not read; but they all can recite the pledge of allegiance

Hey, the guy who did the podcasts in my OP is a teacher, he has a very interesting perspective.. Wish you'd check him out.. Because the example you gave, and the example that is actually our reality are very different..

Apples and steak type shit..  

The state educates children their entire child hood to be statists...


-- Modified on 7/10/2013 5:27:53 PM

I'm assuming you're meaning the Federal government. Problem is, the Federal government has less influence on funding and what is being taught in schools, than forces on the state and local level. The communities I grew up in, indeed wanted all of us children to know all about our country, and to take pride in it. It had nothing to do with the 'state.'  

-- Modified on 7/11/2013 7:24:02 AM

mrnogood724 reads

for statism, which is the term "the state" in another one of it's form.. Statism is the act of being a statist..


It's pretty much a broad term for ALL forms of government and governance  

Posted By: mattradd
I'm assuming you're meaning the Federal government. Problem is, the Federal government has less influence on funding and what is being taught in schools, than forces on the state and local level. The communities I grew up in, indeed wanted all of us children to know all about our country, and to take pride in it. It had nothing to do with the 'state.'    

-- Modified on 7/11/2013 7:24:02 AM

mrnogood841 reads

"educating" you to have pride in the country, maybe you'd see ALL the reasons you should not have pride in this BS...

We're killing 1,000's of innocent people A DAY, around the world.. The empire you were taught to trust, love and obey is a TYRANNY, maybe you would see that if they forced you to spend your ENTIRE childhod hearing how great America is in our state run schools?\

I bet if ALL of us hadn't been so " educated" during our ENTIRE childhoods people would see what a tyranny we are..

I mean come on matt, murder is WRONG, but not when the state does it? Why is this? why do different morals apply to the state? Why does the state get away with so many immoral things?
Why do we allow the state to have different morals? Why is it ok for the state to have different morals?

I've got wonder if we hadn't of been so "eductaed" if we'd allow the state to have another moral code..

We even allow the state to steal from us via taxes... Stealing is wrong when ANYONE else, but the state does it

-- Modified on 7/13/2013 6:00:44 AM

mrnogood824 reads

it's still an oligarchy.. Where a small group of well connected individuals rule over the rest of us..

What if you hadn't been educated by this system? Do you would think how wrong it is we kill innocents around the world? Or do you really believe going through the world killing innocents spreads "freedom and democracy" ?

LOL... yea this system is soooo goood we should spread it around the world..

...but that line is pretty fucking slim.

There's nothing wrong with having love for one's own nation, i.e. patriotism, it's quite another to be a nationalist. Just as a German.

mrnogood768 reads

is the state... Everyone end up being so educated that they love the state...

Statism is a religion, for some reason you can not see this.. Must be because it is your god..

However, I re-read my post, and I never said that patriotism, and nationalism are the same... I just said BOTH have had their profound effect on you, and your state imposed moral system..

Where you actually think its ok, the state kills people all around the world, as long as their not Americans

Posted By: willywonka4u
...but that line is pretty fucking slim.  

There's nothing wrong with having love for one's own nation, i.e. patriotism, it's quite another to be a nationalist. Just as a German.

...than Ayn Rand Objectivism is. The only real difference is that Objectivism is more of a cult.

mrnogood739 reads

who enslaved blacks and slaughtered the indigenous people of America, and stole their land and resources loved and endorsed ANY kind of freedom..

You believe land can give orders.. Like the state of VA can force you to do things like pay taxes and obey their rules.. Last I check the ground does NOT give orders..

Believing in the state takes A LOT of faith willy...

Faith you OBVIOUSLY have :)

EVERYTHING the government touches it turns to shit.. Not ONE, or 1,000 more elections or laws will fix the problems in this country today, YET, you still believe democracy can fix this BS...

It is JUST LIKE  a religion willy, even though you don't see it that way..

The ONLY difference between having faith in religion, and having faith in the state or God, as the granter and protector of your "human rights" is that people who have religion KNOW they're putting their faith in religion, where people who have faith in the state do not recognize they're putting their faith in the state..

It's actually more dangerous than religion in that regards.. because you don't even know you're doing it

mrnogood707 reads

income tax, car insurance, hunting license, fishing/ hunting licenses, marriage license, ANY regulation fees on our utility bills..  Think of EVERY FEE you pay to the government on top of  income taxes..

Once you've taken a good look at ALL the fee's the government is TAKING, you should see, almost ALL of your income goes to the government!  Yet people do not see it as slavery because; they HAVE been brainwashed to believe giving the government money, that you earned, is "patriotic"..

when really it is not patriotic, but slavery

-- Modified on 7/11/2013 4:13:02 AM

Yes, we , US has committed more crime in the world for one stupid reason or another in the name of security. Considering the fact that, we spent more money on defense than the next 36 countries put together, who in their right mind is going to attack us militarily unless, they have death wide.

Terrorism on the other hand is different even though our actions and policy across the world is the root cause beginning with middle east and Israel.

I wanted to cry, watching how dumbed-down these American citizens are that would freely give up our Bill of Rights

All the self-righteousness is enough to make one throw up in their mouth. If they are so incensed about the ignorance of those who signed the petition, why not go out and educate them? That's what our political system is suppose to be about.

Zombies don't want to be educated.  And it's too depressing for the rest to come out of their distractions and awaken until it hits their little world.

I just returned from several days of sitting under an umbrella looking at the ocean.  And it dawned on me, after the background noise was quiet.  Our government can make all the laws they want, but I can only be governed as much as I am willing to let the government govern me.

So, now you are dehumanizing citizens of your own country. Dehumanizing one group of people is one of the first strategies that any other group or government uses to justify taking inhuman action against them. Fascists thrives on such. They don't base their arguments on why they should have political power based primarily on their policy ideas, but that the others are so inferior and subhuman, that they have no right to govern.

A person on their cell phone while at the beach.  A person on their cell phone while live music is going on.  A person on their cell phone while on a date.  A person on their cell phone at a Nascar race.  They have already dehumanized theirself.  Has nothing to do with me, and they are annoying in my company!  I prefer to look in people's eyes.

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