Politics and Religion

+1 EOM
USGrantlover 219 Reviews 149 reads


...American lives, we decided that the lives of swarthy Middle Easterners were worth less so we let them be the guinea pigs to test the F-35 in combat situations.

Not to mention that our government gives Israel the money to buy the fighters, lining the pockets of private military contractors like Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Pratt & Whitney, et al.  AND, the government also provided the funding for the private military contractors to develop the F-35.  So U.S. taxpayers are paying to build the plane, and U.S. taxpayers are paying for Israel to buy it.  The only ones getting rich are the shareholders of the military contractors.  Most likely, many of those shareholders are corrupt politicians and their corrupt Citizens United donors.

Oh, and in case one of the rightards still has a flickering brain cell or two - yes, the mission took place during the Obama Administration.  It's not about who's President, it's about the Military-Industrial Complex.  Ginning up a war is a great way to create jobs and improve our economy.  How do you think Mnuchin is planning to increase economic growth from 1.6% to 3%?  By cutting taxes alone?  Yeah, right.


JakeFromStateFarm183 reads

The F-35 has had a troubled development but has already been deployed by the US Air Force in Japan and Europe. Some are no doubt flying right now near North Korea. In exercises against F-15s, not a single F-35 was shot down.  So it's not like we're using the poor Israelis as guinea pigs.  The Israelis are buying the planes because they value what they can do and if they used them in combat it's because they have a high opinion of their capabilities.  Their pilots are among the finest in the world and are never put at an unnecessary risk.  So your point is laughable.
Calling Israelis "swarthy Middle Easterners" is also droll.  Israelis come in all colors and races. Many have European backgrounds and are hardly swarthy.  What a joke you are, Komodo.
Here's one of those swarthy Israeli pilots.

...since the creation of the state in 1948.  NONE, they've all been of European ancestry.  Isn't that strange for a country located in the Middle East?  The same thing applies to fighter pilots like the one in the photo - they're Ashkenazi for the most part and the grunts are Sephardic, but to Americans they're all swarthy Middle Easterners because Americans know as much about Israel as JakeFromTheFunnyFarm does.

At one time there was a saying in Israel: "It's a good thing we have the Arabs as our enemy; otherwise there would be a civil war between Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews."  It was something they didn't like to talk about, but there was hatred between Ashkenazi and Sephardic Israelis and very little intermarriage.  As in many societies, lighter skin was prized.  This didn't change until about 20 years ago.

JakeFromTheFunnyFarm doesn't know much about Israel since he doesn't get out much from the funny farm.  Apparently, he's only allowed out on a furlough to go to CR to fuck $100 putas.  

Here's your assignment, Jake - find out what "chach-chach" and "vos-vos" mean.

JakeFromStateFarm276 reads

YOU were the one who described the Israeli pilots as "swarthy."  I simply showed you a picture which refuted that.  I guess only a dunce like you -- who claims to know so much about Israel -- seems to have no clue why so many Israelis have European genes. As for your Sephardic vs. Ashkenazic spiel, are you even aware that the Likud Party which has run Israel for most of the last 30 years, is the party of the Sephardim?  You clearly have no clue about Israeli politics, history or ethnology.
Finally, why so jealous I get to bang hot Latinas during the winter? Sounds like you've been getting bupkis, loser.
Now, are you going to pull your OP after getting humiliated the way you did earlier this week?

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