Politics and Religion

Trump on the Refugee's......
HONDA 153 Reviews 242 reads

"What I see (in these "migrants") is a lot of strong, young men but not a lot of women and children."


..............or even worse coddled and showered them with welfare handouts of various types.

According to a recent Mercy Corps refugee report and hidden within the attached link is this ditty:

In the first seven months of this year, 67 percent of the war refugees arriving illegally in Europe were between the ages of 14 and 34, Mercy Corps said in its new report. Through focus groups, it found many were males escaping recruitment by government forces, insurgents and jihadists. Some young men had been sent by families who believed they were more able to bear the risks of illegal entry.
So, now we find out, the so-called "refugees" invading Europe are not refugees. Fact: In most "mass" refugee crisis cases, especially of refugee's escaping from a war zone, the demographic of refugees tilts heavily toward women, children and the elderly.  Why? Because men of fighting age, 14yrs and up, stay behind and fight to the bitter end, that's why. So tell me, why these so-called "refugees" have an inverted demographic? Why they are majority fighting-age men?  It takes only a minute to realize, they are not refugees at all; they are in fact an army going out to wage war while the women and children, along with the infirm, stay behind!  

IMHO, things may get ugly in Europe going forward and the Paris bombing might be just the beginning. How could the Europeans, especially the Germans, be so naive to think they could take in a bunch of Muslims and live happily ever after. The clusterfuck that is the Middle East has now arrived at Europe's doorstep.


-- Modified on 11/15/2015 3:34:30 PM

GaGambler331 reads

Except for POTUS Obama it's becoming more and more clear that you are absolutely correct about the situation over there, and if we aren't careful, it's going to happen here to sooner or later.

An act of terror like what happened in Paris is going to happen right here at home sooner or later. I really hope that is not what it's going to take before the leadership of this country finally gets it through their heads that "being nice" to them is not going to do anything but encourage them to attack such a feckless, cowardly, leaderless people such as ourselves.

I wonder if the Euros are watching Trump's campaign speeches about rounding up illegals and shipping them home and thinking to themselves "that doesn't sound like such a bad idea"  

Lets remember the lesson of Troy, the highest and strongest walls that can be built are of no use if the enemy is already amongst you. Now I certainly don't mean to imply that the millions of Mexicans are somehow our enemy here to do us harm, but can the same really be said about the millions of Muslims we have let into our country in recent years. I'd be happy to let every single illegal Mexican not only stay here, but bring another family member to join him if in trade we could send every so called refugee from Yemen, Bahrain, Syria et al back where they came from and make sure they stayed there.

When you have countries with similar cultures NOT taking in the refugees, what does that tell you? It tells you that all these clusterfucks in the region are only interested in removing Syrian President Assad. They could care less about the "real" refugees. Those three countries created ISIS and want ISIS to rule Syria. Unfortunately we have a WH that is clueless about the goings on in the M.E. and is being jerked around by our so called allies.

...............killing by these gang of murderous thugs called ISIS. I have never heard secular or centrist Muslims speaking out forcefully against their Islamic/Jihadi brethren, who are committing these heinous acts in the name of Islam. Every time I travel and have to remove my belt, shoes, empty my pockets and get frisked by a TSA agent, I get ticked. All this because of a haggard looking, porno loving, now DEAD mullah named OBL.

-- Modified on 11/15/2015 7:42:58 PM

allowing their citizens some chance of defending themselves.

Oh, wait . . . Never mind.

Regarding the preponderance of fighting age men in the refugee blocks. . . Are you saying I shouldn't trust CBS and 60 Minutes when they reported a couple of weeks ago the reason was that the young men were going first to scout and make preparations for the rest of the family to later join them

Let’s see, there is no right “to bear arms” in France. Great start.

       You are required to have a hunting or sporting license to own a gun and best of all, you have to pass a psychological evaluation to get a license. Sound policy.

        The law has teeth – up to 7 years in prison for illegally owning a gun. Well, I’d prefer public flogging but this should do.

      While we know there is no measurable causal relationship between gun laws and gun injuries, it is worth noting that there are 2.8 gun deaths per 100, 000 in the United States, and .2 per 100,000 in France.

       Yet some are asking why France’s strict gun laws didn’t stop Charlie Hebdo or the Paris attacks. And the answer is -you have to be a moron to even ask the question. The solution to terrorism is not… Duh… gun laws. If you have an open border policy with thousands of refugees entering with military weapons, you are going to have problems.

       And do the math – there will be more gun deaths in the US this year than in France, notwithstanding this one tragic episode

If our meager offense continues as is, leading to a breach of our defenses, resulting in an attack right here on the scale of Paris...we'll probably be able to test your theory. Except of course those that will commit the assault will be able to read the most basic of English language public signs, especially those that read "gun free zone"

It won't be the first time that a television network has gotten a news story backwards. However, one must conclude that the Europeans are either allowing in a horde of gutless turds who won't fight for their own countries, or an advance guard of Islamic jihadists. In either case these muslims have zero intention of assimilating into our Western way of life

60 minutes and Politico are gifted at artful deceit, misleading their minions  to suit their agenda.  

     Dr. Carson stated in his book "Gifted Hands" many of the top Colleges in the country contacted him with inducements.
        In the book Dr. Carson stated  he only "applied" to "one" College, Yale
  He was considering Harvard until he watched an episode of College Bowl and Yale beat Harvard by a score of something like 510 to 35.

  My GF mentioned  the morning after the attack in France , she's going to obtain a conceal carry permit.  
  She said she's not going to be a sitting duck if some lunatic comes into her restaurant and starts shooting.  
     I thought to myself she's already sexy, carrying concealed she'll be off the charts.    
   .  I sincerely hope  there will be no more successful ISIS attacks against anyone.  
        If ISIS isn't stopped soon Trump could become President.
             Trump's not my choice, I'm a Rubio supporter and a spokesperson for the truth .  



Posted By: ed2000
allowing their citizens some chance of defending themselves.  
 Oh, wait . . . Never mind.  
 Regarding the preponderance of fighting age men in the refugee blocks. . . Are you saying I shouldn't trust CBS and 60 Minutes when they reported a couple of weeks ago the reason was that the young men were going first to scout and make preparations for the rest of the family to later join them?  

"What I see (in these "migrants") is a lot of strong, young men but not a lot of women and children."


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