Politics and Religion

Gay/Pro Abortion Terrorism?
sappybullfighter 2291 reads

Just sitting around wondering how long it will take before yesterday's shooting at the Washington, D.C. headquarters of the Christian advocacy organisation, the Family Research Council (FRC) building will be denounced by the corporate media as hate crime terrorism.  

I'm not holding my breath.

You will recall that FRC recently was made to dance around in the glare of publicity due the the contributions made to it by the CEO of Chik Fil A, Dan Cathy and his his anti-abortion, anti-gay opinions.

FRC has been listed by none other than that behind the scenes co-promoter of the government-sponsored Oklahoma City bombing, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) as a "possible candidate for hate group classification."  Closing ranks with the SPLC, none other than our very own willwonka has characterised FRC as a "hate group" in a prior thread.


Fox News has reported, “Sources also said the gunman may have been carrying a bag from Chick-fil-A, the embattled fast-food restaurant whose president came under fire from gay activists after he said he did not agree with same-sex marriage,”

Right after the Batman massacre in Aurora, ABC's Brian Ross claimed that James Holmes, was a member of the Tea Party, revealing how eager the corporate media is to demonize the political enemies of the establishment and attribute violence to them.  Ross retracted his statement later when the stink of untruth became evident.

May we now expect to see the spectacle of Christians staging a "kiss-in"-type protest in front of gay-owned business?  Will Rahm Emmanuel get his ballet tights in a knot the next time an abortion clinic applies for a business license in Chicago?

After all, what's fair is fair.  Right?

Timbow171 reads

Quote :
A man suspected of shooting and wounding a security guard in the lobby of a Christian lobbying group had been volunteering at a community center for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people.


mrnogood144 reads

did you hear about the retired army guy that wrote an opinion piece, to indoctrinate military personal to squash a tea party rebellion?

It was disgustingly gross..

"Imagine Tea Party extremists seizing control of a South Carolina town and the Army being sent in to crush the rebellion. This farcical vision is now part of the discussion in professional military circles."


IMHO I'm not on the left or the right! BUT, it's clear the super conservative right is under attack by the mainstream

This fucker only managed to shoot a guard in his arm, and the same guard wrestled this guy down. What a fuck-tard. He's lucky he didn't shoot his own face off.

Of course, one should draw a distinction here. There is a difference between terrorism and the use of force as a means of self-defense.

This is the first time I've ever heard of anyone from the LGBT community using force to fight back against the HATE groups who have targeted them for decades. It's about damn time.

Perhaps, if these Christian Supremacists get the message that attacking others based upon their idiotic delusions will have consequences, then they will change their behavior.

You would be comfortable if you paraphrased General Phillip Sheridan to say, "The only good Christian is a dead Christian?"

You have also performed a rhetorical shell game by characterizing this attack (the guy showed-up at their building, armed, started shooting and peobably would have continued shooting other people if his first victim hadn't tackled him) as "the use of force as a means of self-defense."  Would you please be so kind as to share with others exactly how you have developed your delusional mindset that the shooter's behavior was a justified and timely responce to the people who occupy the FRC building?

No doubt you've taken too many hits from your asshole bong?

This is the first time I've heard them described as "Christian Supremicists."  I think you'll have to do better than that if you want to succeed at demonizing them to the point where the fascists you work for who tell you what to think will go for another Waco-style massacre.  Even if that were an apt description (which it isn't) that wouldn't justify shooting them, except in the mind of someone who is as much a dim bulb as you.

" Urban Dictionary: dimbulb, a witless and humorless and without remorse; a broken unit."

A couple of links for you, Mein.




When right wing Christian terrorists decide to stop murdering and attacking people based upon their delusions, then they won't have anything to fear from the LGBT community.

Until then, I hope far more LGBT activists start packing some heat.

John 15:18 "If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.
19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you."

Anti Christian violence is as American as getting money from the government for doing absolutely nothing.  Some links for you:





You have failed to adequately express why you think the actions of yesterday's shooter was an act of "self defence."  The more you say about this subject, the more you sound exactly like a KKK bigot sounds when he talks about black or jewish people.  

I suppose that everyone needs someone to look down on, even tolerant "liberals."

If we did, then Christians might have something to bitch about. If that were the case, I would be bitching along side them. But we don't. We live in a nation that has a long Christian tradition, and those Christians have a long history of persecuting others.  


I noticed from this link, that there isn't even an entry of any Christian persecution in the United States.

It's also not an excuse to say that Christians are persecuted by someone, as a justification for Christian persecution of the LGBT community, Christian persecution of atheists, Christian persecution of blacks, and Christian persecution of women.  

You can talk about Christian persecution when 2 dozen blacks wearing hoods ride on horseback to white Christian's home and burn it down with them inside. You can talk about Christian persecution when a couple of gay guys ties a Christian to a fence, tortures him, and leaves him to die like Matthew Sheppard. You can talk about Christian persecution when a gay guy assassinates a mayor and a city council member for being a Christian, and then claim that eating twinkies made him do it.

For every delusional Christian lunatic who stands in line for Chick-Fil-A sandwich, it gives cover to those of their flock who will engage in violent and murderous behavior. When Christian hate groups claim that the only purpose of the 1st Amendment is to discriminate against homosexuals, then that is more than "religious freedom". That is a declaration of war against all those who are not Christian.

Of course, if Christians really do have a problem with one lone gay activist turning the guns in the other direction, they can simply do what their savior instructs them to do: turn the other cheek.

Timbow176 reads

Posted By: willywonka4u
This fucker only managed to shoot a guard in his arm, and the same guard wrestled this guy down. What a fuck-tard. He's lucky he didn't shoot his own face off.

Of course, one should draw a distinction here. There is a difference between terrorism and the use of force as a means of self-defense.

This is the first time I've ever heard of anyone from the LGBT community using force to fight back against the HATE groups who have targeted them for decades. It's about damn time.

Perhaps, if these Christian Supremacists get the message that attacking others based upon their idiotic delusions will have consequences, then they will change their behavior.
-- Modified on 8/16/2012 7:11:49 PM

and religion is the original form of statism. The people have not yet evolved.

GaGambler186 reads

Why don't you try some plain old, non enigmatic, English for a change? You might get other people besides Daffy to talk to you that way, who knows? a real conversation might even break out? lol

If I ever became a billionaire, I would open up a vegetarian fast food restaurant, and try to put them next to every McDonald's in the country. I'd sell the food cheaper, pay the employees more, and make it healthy and delicious. I'd call it McPickles. We'd serve fortune cookies that would have nice little messages like, "Go fuck yourself", and various other insults.

Best fortune cookie message ever? See below.

if they think it will make money they might finance your idea.

Religion was the original form of government.

Government: the political direction and control exercised over the actions of the members, citizens, or inhabitants of communities, societies, and states; direction of the affairs of a state, community, etc.; political administration: Government is necessary to the existence of civilized society.

Religion: a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

build your business plan, build or rent your buildings, finance and equipt them, set up your menu, source your supplys, train your employees, (LOAD THEM UP WITH BENIs) because god know THEY deserve all the credit thus far.

Dont get sued, dont take any of those cheating tax loopholes like deducting expenses, PAY those fucking taxes...cherish the experience when the health department comes in and fines you

After that, let's talk. I look forward to the new willy.

But I have been thinking about opening a francise. I'm not sure I'll be able to finance it for a couple of years, which is fine since the economy is shit right now anyway. I know a guy who does this, and he says if you manage to keep your profit margin at about average, you can work about 10 hours a week and make between 80k-150k a year. Is this really what capitalists bitch about? What whiners.

Note the "if"?

"if not", then it may mean 12-16 hour days, 6-7 a week in order to keep from losing the life savings you sunk into the business to get it started. It's different when you don't own a money tree like the federal government

I hope you do do it. Leave your guaranteed paycheck, put everything you've saved on the line, only to have some snotnosed college rabblerouser tell you "you did'nt buid that"

I guarantee you will see things differently than you do today.

Posted By: willywonka4u
But I have been thinking about opening a francise. I'm not sure I'll be able to finance it for a couple of years, which is fine since the economy is shit right now anyway. I know a guy who does this, and he says if you manage to keep your profit margin at about average, you can work about 10 hours a week and make between 80k-150k a year. Is this really what capitalists bitch about? What whiners.

...and having worked at a few fast food places as a teen, I can tell ya I never saw the owner in there. Makes ya wonder what they do all day. I'm betting they spend most of their time sitting on their ass, taking their worker's money and whining and complaining non-stop about how mean government is.

That sounds like the perfect job for me. I can sit on my ass and complain with the best of 'em. :)

you conclude that because you never saw your owner he must be sitting on his ass complaining. And you consider yourself "scientific"? Do I really have to waste my time expalining the fallacy of your reasoning?

If you did'nt see an owner, you must have seen a manager, you know, the guy you all thought was overpaid? Who do you think paid him? If it was a multistore operation he may have reported to a supervisor. Who pays him and to whom does he report? Who managed trhe payroll? The maintenance? Paid the food supplier? Who answered the alarm at 3 am when someone threw a brick thru the window?

You really don't understand what it takes to operate a business, but that's okay. You will one day I hope. I guarantee you that will be the day you and me and GaG will have a beer and complain about the wonkas of the world. LOL

GMO free I hope, probably not since costs will be an issue.

Then people can protest in front of his Mcpickles, and demand Mcpickles switch to natural organic.

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