Politics and Religion

Reid did a great job losing the Senate majority
mattradd 40 Reviews 232 reads
2 / 17

And, notice Bush's approval rating just before 9/11 and then after, and how far it fell as his term in office ended. That's why he's not invited to Republican conventions!  lol

Only time will tell if Obama can be proud of starting a dialog with Cuba.

bigguy30 234 reads
3 / 17

Posted By: mattradd
And, notice Bush's approval rating just before 9/11 and then after, and how far it fell as his term in office ended. That's why he's not invited to Republican conventions!  lol  
 Only time will tell if Obama can be proud of starting a dialog with Cuba.

User1994 23 Reviews 325 reads
4 / 17

Then I have your refill of Gleemonex ready for you. No need to leave your bubble and find out how people out there really feel about him.

Posted By: mattradd
And, notice Bush's approval rating just before 9/11 and then after, and how far it fell as his term in office ended. That's why he's not invited to Republican conventions!  lol  
 Only time will tell if Obama can be proud of starting a dialog with Cuba.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 273 reads
5 / 17

expect a different result, which is what makes wing nuts Bat Shit Crazy!!

Posted By: followme
 Now he has his legacy  
 2016 = GOP All The Way

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 227 reads
6 / 17

Wing nuts have a long list of them so, why not add one more.

2016 = Hillary

followme 250 reads
7 / 17

When I said that “is something for obama to be proud of” I was being sarcastic.  
Actually it is a sad state of affairs that the president of the United States of America is more popular in another country than in the United States.  
Perhaps in 2017 he should/will move there and run for office there, it is already a communist country so he would fit in perfectly,  The place is already fucked-up but I bet obama could fuck it up even more, being that he is a total fuck-up.  
Think about it obama is more popular in cuba than in the USA, that is fucking sad. He is just a pathetic fuck-up  
You’re Welcome  
2016 = GOP WH, House and Senate

Hpygolky 205 Reviews 335 reads
8 / 17

I'm surprised that it isn't met with 100% approval from the Cubans. They have been living in a time warp capsule in a communist society. The problem Followit is that you're not looking at the big picture. Sanctions haven't work in over 50 years. Maybe something like this can lead to Democracy and without a single shot fired. The Castro's won't be there forever. Can you imagine firing up a true Cohiba. Cuba will not be a threat, not that Cuba was but it'll be one country scratched off our list...think big.
All those 57's chevy's will be sold to antique dealers in America. Vacation spots will sprout... think BIG dude and quit the hating on the smartest man in the room.....lo

TriFitness 4 Reviews 294 reads
9 / 17

I hate the fact the people are always are point to polls as proof to support whatever the topic of day is. Poll results are only good for people that took part in the poll and if that person was honest in answering the question. At the end of the day the best thing we have are election results and keep in mind voter turn out is not that high. If you don't like someone vote them out of office when the time comes, as really that is the only thing you can do. Regardless of my views on Bush or Obama I give them both men credit for getting elected president of the usa, as that is a very small club to belong to and no one can take that accomplishment away from them.

mattradd 40 Reviews 205 reads
10 / 17

nothing to do with reality. Just another sign of a sore loser!  ;)

As bad as you say Obama is, I'm certain Republicans are very happy that they don't have to run against him again!  ;)

-- Modified on 4/11/2015 12:48:58 PM

BigPapasan 3 Reviews 227 reads
11 / 17

...who hate Obama would grab onto a poll to prove how "unpopular" a president is.  Polls can change from week to week and their accuracy is always in doubt.

History is the best judge of a presidency.  You have to wait at least fifty years to reflect on any president - unless you're so consumed by hatred that you'll rely on anything to "prove" how bad Obama is.

DUANE 33 Reviews 204 reads
12 / 17

so does this apply as well?

 You have to wait at least fifty years to reflect on any president - unless you're so consumed by hatred that you'll rely on anything to "prove" how bad BUSH WAS.

JohnyComeAlready 229 reads
13 / 17

Obama, won more votes in '08 than he did in '12 yes he still won the election.

That should account for something, given the fact the LEFT DESPISED Romney!

Obama, certainly didn't gain popularity during his first four years.

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 314 reads
15 / 17

In his 2008 Presidential bid Obama spent hundreds of millions more than McCain, close to a half billion more.
Out of +- one hundred thirty million votes cast, Obama won five and a half million more votes than McCain.
    McCain would have had a better chance of winning, or at the least gained millions more votes, if he had been a hypocrite and not towed the line he had preached with campaign finance reform.

  or google     RIP: Obama the Campaign-Finance Reformer

  Add another  recipe for the McCain melt down, most Americans don't realize  Russia can be  seen from parts of Alaska.

  Google , Bing or Baidu   :   Big Diomede, Russian territory, Little Diomede, United States territory  


 .When Obama saw how spending millions more  helped win  the Democrat primary against the anointed Hillary, Obama  decided to go for the gusto with private donor dollars and forgo public funding against McCain, leading Obama to become President Obama.

If Romney's campaign  had spent a billion more instead of close to the same amount as President Obama in the 2012 race, one billion dollars +- , the end result would have been the same , Romney wouldn't be able to  buy the far right born again Christian vote, and win the election.
  With  media  clearly anti Romney and pro President  Obama, along with  Harry Reid's usual straight  faced lies alienating millions of lower  middle class struggling  independents  against successful businessman Romney, no matter how much he would have spent, Romney as a Mormon was destined to waste his time.  
 In 2012 out of +- one hundred twenty seven million votes President Obama beat Romney by  five million votes.

    Millions of voters had more  apathy toward both Presidential candidates in 2012 than they felt in 2008, regardless,  Romney could not win when six million far right Christians  stayed home and did not vote.  
 Millions of far right born again bigoted Christians look at Mormons the same way millions of Bigots  on the far  left view Christians, as a cult.  
Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Obama, won more votes in '08 than he did in '12 yes he still won the election.  
 That should account for something, given the fact the LEFT DESPISED Romney!  
 Obama, certainly didn't gain popularity during his first four years.

-- Modified on 4/12/2015 1:00:04 PM

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 205 reads
16 / 17

McCain was a loser before he picked Palin.
  If he had been a smart politician, he would have rejected public money and raised another 500 million like Obama did.
    Citizens don't mind  when Politicians lie to win, we are accustomed to that.  
   I'm  glad McCain lost,  he probably would've had us in another big war or two in the Mid East,
most likely starting with Iran.  
   In case you missed it, many of President Obama's supporters admit Palin was correct about  
Putin and Russian aggression if Obama was elected.
  What worries me about Hillary the most, she'll likely have us  in another large scale Mid East war, with a hundred thousand U.S troops,  to show the World she's as tough as any  man.  
 Hillary might have been smart at one time, now she appears to be losing her mind.  

       Even though Palin was correct about Putin, I'm glad we aren't doing more to help Ukraine.
   It wasn't our business when we supported the overthrow of their elected President, it's not our business now.

   I'm not whining about Reid in the least. His dictatorship philosophy helped him lose the Senate.  
          His performance causing a severe beating in mid term elections worked out well for the country as a whole.
  If not for the way he ran his one way Senate dictatorship and liar of the year show, the Republicans would not have won the Senate in 2012 and gained more House seats .  
   I've noticed we never  have a robust  economy when one party controls the White House and Congress under any Presidency.  
                 How about you ?  
          For the economy of today, I thank  Harry for losing control.  
 Only the most  ignorant or naïve would  claim the economy was doing well before Reid lost   Senate control .
   Did you not hear  Democrats on the Daily Kook and similar left wing cult sites, crying out loud, "Where are the jobs Mr. Boehner" .
     Once  Republicans won the Senate , Voila, look at all the available jobs.  
          Clinton's economy  did well when the Republicans kept him in check.
     Would Reagan be considered by a majority as a Great president who  saved  an economy previously in the gutter,  if not for his ability to work with a divided government and Democrats keeping him in check.  
    Opposites united with  division attract the best results, Dictatorships lose the most.
              Fact check that
Posted By: Laffy
And it's not that he picked her, but how.  He'd only met her for about 15 minutes.  Anyone that picks their VP that way should be sent to the old folks home.  
 Had they done any actual research on her, they would have realized what a complete idiot she was.  Her own handlers for the debate were AMAZED at how STUPID she was on ALL the topics.  
 And even worse, she didn't WANT to learn.  She just wanted to wink at the camera and get the low-info hillbillies to love her.  ANY question she couldn't answer was a "gotcha question from the mean liberal media."  
 In case you missed it, just a couple of months ago, many of her former ardent supporters actually admitted what a f-ing retard she is.  
 And the part about Alaska wasn't if it could be seen from Alaska or not.  She thought being close to Russia where "Putin pops his head up" gave her foreign policy experience.  The seeing part was just funny.  
 And the fact-checkers rated Mitt's campaign as one of the most dishonest of all time, so quit whining about Reid.  Mitt turned off the middle class with his "Screw half the country" speech that was secretly recorded.  You can't pin that on the "mean liberal media."  
 Oh......and they are ALL cults.
-- Modified on 4/15/2015 10:56:23 AM

quadseasonal 27 Reviews 179 reads
17 / 17

I don't think Putin is afraid of anyone, even when he knows the odds are stacked against him.

 Putin realized  Bush's idea of a line in the sand wouldn't be building Sand Castles.
   Even though Putin  wasn't afraid of Bush, after the Iraq debacle , Putin knew testing Bush might cost him more than he was willing to spend.  
   The facts of Russia's cold war attitude today speak differently, than Putin's non aggressive demeanor  when Bush was President.  
   You might have yourself convinced, negotiating with  Iran is a Noble gesture.  
   In my opinion trusting  the word of Iranian leaders is a Naïve tactic,  when leaving the Iranian  sanctions already in place, was working.  
   Time will tell and history will record whether negotiating with Iran was a gallant well thought idea,  or the silent slow beginning of World War 3 .
           Treason in your mind is not a crime.    
Posted By: Laffy
"Putin's aggression" on Obama when the guy invaded Georgia after Bush said he looked into his  soul and saw a great guy?  Putin would be doing whatever he wanted regardless who was Prez.    
   They committed treason inviting Netanyahoo over here and then sending that letter to Iran.  .

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