Politics and Religion

Bill Maher slams ultra-religious Tim Tebow
Priapus53 7189 reads

Maher should get a Noble prize.

Be sure to watch Maher-Bill O'Reilly interview on the link :

-- Modified on 12/27/2011 10:27:01 AM

Everybody here I am sure knows my low opinion of Bill Maher, but I detest Tim Tebow even more.

I guess this is a win win for me. and I have to admit for the first time in years I found a Bill Maher joke hilarious.

St. Croix2458 reads

helmet to helmet hit on Maher. I would prefer Tebow do it, but James Harrison of the Steelers will do. Yeah, I detest Maher just a bit more than Tebow.

after all what Raider fan would want to give a fucking Bronco QB helmet to protect himself?

As for Bill Maher, just like WW or liorr, I don't really give a fuck who delivers the blow, as long as they hit him really, really fucking hard. lol

St. Croix2044 reads


Probably the best helmet to helmet hit I've ever seen, and it was by a fucking Trojan no less. But I gotta give Taylor Mays his due. He took out the Penn State receiver and one of his own D-backs on the hit. Watch the 1:00 minute mark when they do the replay. Just insert Bill Maher as the Penn State receiver.

I know Raider fans are basically functioning neanderthals, but I can guarantee every fucking die hard Raider fan I know, would gladly give Tebow a helmet. Now, right after they cheered the decapitation of Maher, Raider fans will turn on Tebow in a nano-second. What the fuck do you think we are cavemen (lmao)?

smack the shit out of the little smartass.

It's fun enough to know Tebow is way under Maher's skin.

ElGuapo5051386 reads

The pot smoking Democrat with the late night pay-cable talk show with D list celebrities that nobody watches? Whose movie about 4 people have seen?

He has something to relevant to say/tweet?

What is next? Bill Maher takes a shit and tweets the photo?

... a proselyte Atheist who gets off on spewing his intolerance of other people's faith.

I will agree that proselytizing Atheists can be every bit as annoying as their religious counterparts, but they are out numbered a million to one by proselytizing religious fanatics that threaten to end life on this planet.

Perhaps if Atheists ever gain any real power, ala Atheists on South Park, they will become as dangerous as Bible Thumpers and Islamic Terrorists, but that day is a long way off. In the meantime they do serve the purpose of giving an example of how annoying proselytizers can be.

For every intolerant, proselytizing Atheist you can point out, there are millions of the Christian variety with a much larger soap box.

Maher is simply annoying, unfunny, and obnoxious, his religious counterparts are not only annoying, but are downright dangerous.

have a LONG way to go before they even come close the death caused by Stalin and Mao.

but Christians and Muslims have killed more in the aggragate than Stalin, Mao, and Hitler all put together.

That doesn't mean that Stalin et al are any "less evil", but it certainly doesn't exonerate the people that could quite possibly end life on this planet.

Neither your secular examples, or my religious ones have any monopoly on evil, but I have never tried to claim such a thing, and by simply pointing out that there are other evils in this world by no means eliminates or diminishes the evils men have perpetrated on their fellow man all in "the name of God"

of Christians killing people EN MASSE in a purely religious motivation. Can't quite say the same about Muslims but even then we are told that those who are doing this are a minority of Muslims, which I happen to believe. I don't see the Isreali/Pali struggle as one of religion but rather of land.

I make the distinction between modern and ancient for obvious reasons.

Nevertheless, what puzzles me about your statements is that you seem unable to recognize any good religion does. Not headline stuff but rather daily, small stuff. The stuff which holds societies together.

are you saying that the people that do good in the "name of God" would not do so if they had no such beliefs? That would be saying that their only motivation for doing good would be to stay out of hell.

Any good that Christians do, and I don't dispute that people of religion do many good things, they would have done regardless of whether or not they believed in Jesus Christ.

I do many "good" things, I give to several charities, and I am certainly not motivated by some "invisible man in the sky" that will punish me if I treat my fellow man badly.

I believe you do "good things" for the same reason, by and large "religiious" people do them. It makes them feel good inside. I really don't think most people give a lot of thought to "heaven and hell" afterlifes. I frankly believe Heaven and Hell are in the here and now, NOT some afterlife. I believe religiuous associations, when they are at their best, teach and reinforce people living principles, and give us Earth Creatures a social medium in which we can connect to each other.

I don't need to be told of the mega-church money grubbers, I've seen enough of it myself. But what I've also seen over my years is thousands of people giving up time, money, and resources to help others, simply for the joy of it. They say God is the motivating force. It could very well be YOUR motivating force, even if you would rather it not be. That would be a laugh, eh?

Priapus531702 reads

How predictictably tasteless.

It sure doesn't take long for you to expose yourself as the lying sack of shit that you are

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