Politics and Religion

Obama's JIMMA minute :)
NCJimbo 2894 reads
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Would you still vote for Obama for President in 2008 knowing what you know of this actions so far as President? Are you happy with his job so far?  Would you vote for McCain instead?

Makwa 18 Reviews 1651 reads
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xfean 14 Reviews 632 reads
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Former Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin's appearance before the National Tea Party Convention in Nashville Saturday night gave plenty of red meat to the attendees, such as calling President Obama "a charismatic guy with a Teleprompter."

The thousand-plus Tea Party attendees who paid $300 to hear her speak (Palin was paid $100,000 for her appearance) probably did not glimpse Palin's own handy Teleprompter — crib notes written on her left hand.

She could be seen glancing at them during her Q&A with Tea Party Nation founder Judson Phillips when asked what were the top three things a Conservative majority in Congress should do.

A AP photographer's picture revealed the words "Energy," "Budget cuts" (crossed out), "Tax," and "Lift Americans Spirits" scribbled in ink on the inside of her left hand.

CBS News political analyst John Dickerson said the revelation may give some ammunition for her critics, but also that it matters less than what she says (or doesn't say) right now

RRO2610 51 Reviews 1025 reads
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willywonka4u 22 Reviews 660 reads
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Am I happy with the job Obama is doing so far? Absolutely not.

I would have preferred Kucinich. But in a choice between Obama and a half dead zombie who picked the most utterly retarded woman in the history of American politics as the veep, then I'd vote for Obama until the end of time. To even ask the question baffles me.

It seems like the standard measure for the GOP to nominate someone to high office is to out do themselves in finding stupid. I mean, Bush was a fucking imbecile, but at least he knew where to show up at work.

wormwood 17 Reviews 2056 reads
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Yes. What choice did I have? Could I seriously consider a candidate who had so obviously given in to the lunatic faction of his party as McCain did? Palin's selection let me know that McCain wasn't leading his party, he was cowtowing to its worst elements.

Nope. Obama campaigned as a moderate lefty and has proven to be  a puppet of Wall Street so far. He's about as far left as Clinton which is center/right.

Vote for McCain??? Can't imagine doing that!!!

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 769 reads
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get reaction from people and can't be serious with that reply.

As far as the tenor of the rest of your post, it only again shows how utterly classless you really are.

You are entitled to your opinion but referring to anyone with the childish and sickening "R" word and calling our Commander in Chief a "fucking imbecile" only proves that you are one yourself.

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 927 reads
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-- Modified on 5/26/2010 11:03:45 PM

_Puck_ 838 reads
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You righties are so fucking PC


anonymousfun 6 Reviews 1052 reads
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and the Republican party is clueless so, yes, yes and yes!

dblhappy 43 Reviews 614 reads
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Yes, I would still vote for him.

No, I am not completely happy with his job so far.  I expected more transparency, or at least a concerted effort towards it.  I expected a little more vision and a change of approach.

Instead, I feel like we are getting simply, "more of the same old, same old,"  just wrapped in a donkey's ass instead of in elephant dung.  It certainly does seem that the good ole' boy network of washington admin/congress/lobbyists is much more able to assimilate and dominate than I had feared.

As far as voting for McCain, I most likely WOULD have voted for him in 2008 ... that is until he made the fundamentally STUPID choice of Palin as his running mate.  It may have been politically savvy for the masses, but he certainly lost my vote.

How anyone could seriously believe that she has anything positive and constructive to add to the national situation is simply beyond my comprehension.  I have yet to see or read or hear one thing from or about her that paints her in a positive light in my mind. Hell, I even thought that George W. would probably be a cool mountain biking partner, at least.

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 983 reads
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GaGambler 1007 reads
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but referring to the word retard or retarded as the "R" word is about as Politically Correct as you can get.

Not that I agree that Palin is a retard, quite the contrary, she is making quite a nice living for herself pandering to retards. lol Just like Michael Moore and Al Gore on the left. She is no better and no worse than either of them IMO, but she certainly is not a retard.

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 1243 reads
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but we've had that discussion before on this board and I'm not going to rehash that one.

My comment was more to his childish and stupid remark about President Bush.  It only shows how limited his vocabulary and his imagination are.

But, I don't need to rehash that either . . . . . .

GaGambler 1032 reads
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There is no reason to bring political corectness into the mix, thus creating a straw man argument that has nothing to do with the actual crap that he posts on a daily basis.

If you choose to single out his use of the word "retard", it gives him the opportunity to deflect the argument to political correctness instead of the original stupid comment that he made in the first place.

Just repeat after me. "I am a Willyholic, and I need help from a higher power" lol

-- Modified on 5/27/2010 12:03:48 PM

downtrocker 29 Reviews 1091 reads
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RRO2610 51 Reviews 932 reads
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Rich boy gets into Annapolis Naval Academy through his family's influence.
He graduates Annapolis near the BOTTOM of his class.
Becomes a Navy pilot and bends THREE aircraft in his short career.
His 4th plane is blown out from under him because he didn't turn on defensive radar costing him 5 years in a POW camp.
He comes back home and becomes a "Career Politician" where he is lauded as a "War Hero" because he spent 5 years in a Vietnamese POW camp subsequent to his NOT turning on the "Defensive Radar".

 Not long back in human history “Military” leaders were often appointments given to the wealthy and privileged. They often had NO training OR innate leadership skills, and since rules of combat forbid the killing of Generals, Captains and such they were simply ransomed BACK to the family if defeated/captured.

Timbow 1199 reads
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I guess the people who voted for Obama are that gullible to believe the cute story that his daughter asked if he had plugged the hole while he was shaving  is reality :)

SmellDaCoffee 1480 reads
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mookie58 18 Reviews 493 reads
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FINALLY!!!! An Obama voter who admits it was a mistake electing this guy!
You have my undying respect.

Timbow 1131 reads
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About like Carter discussing nuclear proliferation with 8 year old Amy :) :)
Please do not tell me you actually believe that really happened with  Malia :)

-- Modified on 5/28/2010 7:51:21 AM

741512th 34 Reviews 1183 reads
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However, if we're talking about going back in time, then I wish John Edwards had been nominated and kept his dick in his pants (because if he had been nominated, the scandel would have arisen during the election).

Obama was never my first choice, but he is far superior to McCain and, especially, that dimwit Wasilla hillbilly, Palin.

741512th 34 Reviews 1625 reads
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. . . I could easily have answered "no" to the first to questions as well.  You seem to be in line with my sister who thinks that if I disagree with an Obama administration decision / action, that I must be fully on board with the idea of more republican mismanagement, corruption, and outright idiocy.

Just because I sometimes don't like blue doesn't mean I automatically like red.

PitchingWedge 88 Reviews 747 reads
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Kinda sounds like the last week or so in the current White House . . . . .

None of those traits have their copyright owned by either party.

dc5 5 Reviews 580 reads
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yes. no. never! As far as I'm concerned, Bush did enough appalling things-especially to our civil liberties-to permanently destroy any trust I could ever have had in the republican party.  BTW,I voted for him the first time.  None of this is meant as a ringing endorsement of either Obama or Gore.  Shakespeare said it best:  A plague on both your houses

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