Politics and Religion

Oops! I guess he wasn't suppose to say thatconfused_smile

...legs and runs away, just like TER righties (props to the ones who stayed).

...panders to viewers with the intelligence level of this guy.  They have high ratings because hillbillies breed like rabbits (and are about as smart).

Zing!!!957 reads

I guess the 3 contractors who died with the ambassador don't count huh?

His point was that hundreds of contractors, Americans, were killed in Iraq as they served in various capacities to provide security there for US VIPs of various levels of import including ambassadors.

The point is that this event is no different than all those others which were never talked about,brought up, looked into, investigated, etc..

IOW it's the cost of doing business and it has beeen for a very long time therefore why should this be any different; it shouldn't. Unless of course you decide it's a good idea to standing on the backs of those who died performing their duty for the country.

Timbow884 reads

The idiot Ricks ignores the fact that they had repeatedly asked for help prior and during the not small firefight.

-- Modified on 11/26/2012 3:40:48 PM

Zing!!!938 reads

In war...lots of people ask for help and don't get it.

Again, par for the course.

You can't stuff shit in a donkey and none of this makes this scenario any more relevant or important than all the other times contractors, foreign service personnel, etc.. were killed in the line of duty.

This is just republicans politically grandstanding on the backs of dead patriots.

They ought to be ashamed of themselves. The hubris of McCain and his ilk is sickening.

Timbow1006 reads

Posted By: Zing!!!
In war...lots of people ask for help and don't get it.

Again, par for the course.

You can't stuff shit in a donkey and none of this makes this scenario any more relevant or important than all the other times contractors, foreign service personnel, etc.. were killed in the line of duty.

This is just republicans politically grandstanding on the backs of dead patriots.

They ought to be ashamed of themselves. The hubris of McCain and his ilk is sickening.
-- Modified on 11/27/2012 5:10:27 AM

Zing!!!931 reads

McCain and his ilk OTOH have nothing because there is nothing:

"The chairwoman (House Intelligence Commitee), Senator Dianne Feinstein, Democrat of California, also said she was certain that the White House had not been behind any change in the original C.I.A. language to that later used by Ms. Rice. “With the allegation that the White House changed those talking points, that is false,” Ms. Feinstein said on the NBC News program “Meet the Press.”

Yup, communications were screwed up; that's been vetted. Oh well, shit happens. Maybe that additionalfunding requested for security, knocked down by the house, could have gone a long way here...

None of this changes the fact that this incident isn't entitled to any more gravitas than all the others of the same ilk which transpired previously. tht gravitas is practically nil, so yeah, this is being overtly inflated by McOl'Senile Fuck for nothing more than old rooster crowing.

-- Modified on 11/27/2012 2:25:21 PM

Timbow1011 reads

and Lamb testified under oath that those cuts were not a factor in security.

-- Modified on 11/28/2012 5:46:25 AM

Zing!!!867 reads

Talk about naive.

It's bullshit and you know it.

Zing!!!766 reads

Context escapes you yet again.

Timbow1025 reads

This is the full context, which is a total of 147 Republicans supported the bill, 149 Democrats also cast their final vote for the bill and the cuts contained in it. Elijah Cummings, the ranking Democrat member of the House Oversight Committee who tried to blame Reps voted for them.
It can be argued though that there were no cuts since a continuing resolution was decided upon.

 To blame the Benghazi  debacle on lack of funding and budget cuts to embassy security is not feasible and Lamb did not lie under oath as she knew it was not a factor and that it could be easily disproved.

Also, the 16 member team of  Lt. Col. Andy Wood that was pulled was under the Pentagon not State.
But people can remain being delusional about it. ;)
More :  


-- Modified on 11/30/2012 6:31:20 AM

Zing!!!831 reads

or not...you've tossed a shoals worth of red herrings...


-- Modified on 11/30/2012 10:18:13 PM

eager to buy his book.

His point seems to be that Fox should just let Obimbo continue to trot out his lies to the UN and America.

I'll bet he gets a 1/2 hour segment on MSLSD, the Obimbo Network.

OkHereGoes856 reads

Scott works for a DC think tank, and both of the founders of this same think tank worked for or is now working for the Obama admin.

Zing!!!692 reads

Exactly how does that dispute the factual nature of his comment?

400+ contractors killed in the line of duty. Not a whisper.

What he said was true and what Jon Scott said was false: ""When you have four people dead for the first time in more than 30 years, how do you call that hype?" Scott said, pushing back against Ricks' characterization of the network's coverage." Then after he lied, he pulled the plug on the interview!

I guess he forgot about those Marines in their barracks in Lebanon; unless he was talking about the exact number 4. What happened to Reagan, after that? And, where was the Republican outcry after that?

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