Politics and Religion

I didn't read it, I saw it in his eyes.
quadseasonal 27 Reviews 132 reads

I've seen women fearful of their man, more than I would care to count.
  Toya Graham's son didn't have the look of a woman losing her sanity, in fear of her life, from a deranged jealous man.  
  For a guy who's  used apples and oranges more than a few times in the past, you sure made a funky flavored juice with your  comparison, similar to  Julia Craven using  Adrian Peterson's  
 assault on an innocent child in the same punch bowl with  Toya Graham trying to save her sons life.
   IMO if Toya Graham's  son continues to hang with punks throwing rocks at police, he has as much a chance of being killed before his time, as a toddler aimlessly wandering unsupervised in traffic.
  I agree with Toya Graham's public punishment of her son, wholeheartedly.  
   IMO he is much too old for a time out punishment, or a smack on the hand for grabbing candy in the grocery store.  

Posted By: mattradd
"In my professional opinion, Toya Graham's son showed love and respect for his Mom when she    
    publicly put some minor knocking on his head."  
 I have no doubt that you did. However, I've seen the same in the face and eyes of a woman, who's boyfriend or husband, knocked her around, in a fit of jealous rage. Or, said boyfriend or husband beat up on another man, in a fit of jealous rage, with no cause. I've met women who have no concept of what a loving relationship is, but feel loved when their lover acts all jealous and threatening toward any man who may view her as attractive. One thing that I've learned; never come to believe you know anything about anyone, from a news story.

I'm not one to condone hitting children in the head, or tanning their rear, though in this case I agree with the sentiment of many,  "Mom of the Year" deserves a Great Mom medal  for trying to knock some sense in her  punk son's head  !  

  The moral I see in this story .  
  If more children  had a Mom or Dad, one of each, or two of the same, who paid attention and corrected their children when necessary, there would be many less, young, ignorant adults, dead on the street.



-- Modified on 4/28/2015 6:12:04 PM

CltLuvr177 reads

been lost in the "anything goes" generation.  I'm surprised the DYFS creeps aren't trying to have her arrested for assault and battery of a minor.

nuguy46172 reads

maybe you spoke too soon...the Dims are trying to figure out how get her for child abuse......ah, maybe they can blame her actions on Bush.. yes that's it...it was his fault

If she is charged with child abuse she will most likely get what she deserves, a million bucks for a "Mom of the Year" go fund me account, and her charges  thrown out of court.  

As it stands, the goal of her gofundme sponsor is only aiming for 25K.
   Very few people believe she did wrong with her method of discipline.  
  Toya Graham  is a hard working Mother raising  six children on her own, hoping to keep all her children alive.  
 The video of her message is priceless

when a kid has asked for candy, ice cream, tatter-tots or what ever. Kids learn very quickly, if you're going to get the maximum punishment for even the least infraction, you might as well go for the major crimes and hope you don't get caught. Kids need more than attention. They need to feel they have value and meaning, and the means, resources and venues to gain it. Of course that takes parents, teachers, coaches, other adults, and our society as a whole, giving them the correct amount and type of attention and support.

I'm highly trained to recognize by observing someone's facial expression, when  they are  feeling love, contempt, respect or hate.  
  You wouldn't guess one of my jobs if I gave you a dozen chances, don't even try.
     I know I know, You have no reason to try.  :-D
   In my professional opinion, Toya Graham's son showed love and respect for his Mom when she  
   publicly put some minor knocking on his head.
    He  showed love and respect for his Mom by the reaction he had in front of his associates,
         He also showed a big dash of shame for letting his Mom down.

  I'd bet a month pay , Toya Graham's son reads well, not because he has the best teachers, or special training at school.
  Because Toya Graham is the kind of  Mom who's given her children love and guidance from the time they were born.  

  Toya is doing "her best" to help her children find success, when they become  adults.

 I know nothing about Julia Craven, other than the little I've read,  though I'd bet six months pay,  she's never walked in the type of shoes, Toya Graham wears every day.  



 When Julia Craven compared Adrian Peterson's  beating of his young  child with Toya Graham, two things came to my mind, subtle plagiarism {often found in HP articles} and false narrative.  


Posted By: mattradd
when a kid has asked for candy, ice cream, tatter-tots or what ever. Kids learn very quickly, if you're going to get the maximum punishment for even the least infraction, you might as well go for the major crimes and hope you don't get caught. Kids need more than attention. They need to feel they have value and meaning, and the means, resources and venues to gain it. Of course that takes parents, teachers, coaches, other adults, and our society as a whole, giving them the correct amount and type of attention and support.

-- Modified on 4/30/2015 3:55:06 PM

"In my professional opinion, Toya Graham's son showed love and respect for his Mom when she  
   publicly put some minor knocking on his head."

I have no doubt that you did. However, I've seen the same in the face and eyes of a woman, who's boyfriend or husband, knocked her around, in a fit of jealous rage. Or, said boyfriend or husband beat up on another man, in a fit of jealous rage, with no cause. I've met women who have no concept of what a loving relationship is, but feel loved when their lover acts all jealous and threatening toward any man who may view her as attractive. One thing that I've learned; never come to believe you know anything about anyone, from a news story.

I've seen women fearful of their man, more than I would care to count.
  Toya Graham's son didn't have the look of a woman losing her sanity, in fear of her life, from a deranged jealous man.  
  For a guy who's  used apples and oranges more than a few times in the past, you sure made a funky flavored juice with your  comparison, similar to  Julia Craven using  Adrian Peterson's  
 assault on an innocent child in the same punch bowl with  Toya Graham trying to save her sons life.
   IMO if Toya Graham's  son continues to hang with punks throwing rocks at police, he has as much a chance of being killed before his time, as a toddler aimlessly wandering unsupervised in traffic.
  I agree with Toya Graham's public punishment of her son, wholeheartedly.  
   IMO he is much too old for a time out punishment, or a smack on the hand for grabbing candy in the grocery store.  


Posted By: mattradd
"In my professional opinion, Toya Graham's son showed love and respect for his Mom when she    
    publicly put some minor knocking on his head."  
 I have no doubt that you did. However, I've seen the same in the face and eyes of a woman, who's boyfriend or husband, knocked her around, in a fit of jealous rage. Or, said boyfriend or husband beat up on another man, in a fit of jealous rage, with no cause. I've met women who have no concept of what a loving relationship is, but feel loved when their lover acts all jealous and threatening toward any man who may view her as attractive. One thing that I've learned; never come to believe you know anything about anyone, from a news story.

Never seen any Moms putting the smack down on 16 year old boys in any  grocery in my  
  home town.
   I'd buy a ticket to see that. :-D  
    I have seen Mothers get overly excited when their four  year old is whining and grabbing for candy she doesn't want to buy.
    The odd thing I notice with half of those Mothers, after  smacking their little kids while saying NO, those dumb Moms give in, end up  buying  candy for their brat, more likely  to become  a juvenile delinquent .  
    The message they are sending is not a good one, certainly no key for success.
   A smart Mom will say NO ........and NO means NO.  
    Children learning the meaning of NO have a much better chance making something of their life.  

 Have an open mind for a change of pace, look at another view, straight from the source .
 Tell me you don't see Big time unconditional  love between Toya Graham and her son and I'll never try to convince you of the obvious I can see, ever again.  :-D


Posted By: mattradd
Nothing I haven't seen in the grocerry store...
 when a kid has asked for candy, ice cream, tatter-tots or what ever. Kids learn very quickly, if you're going to get the maximum punishment for even the least infraction, you might as well go for the major crimes and hope you don't get caught. Kids need more than attention. They need to feel they have value and meaning, and the means, resources and venues to gain it. Of course that takes parents, teachers, coaches, other adults, and our society as a whole, giving them the correct amount and type of attention and support.
-- Modified on 4/30/2015 7:49:20 PM

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