Politics and Religion

Do we really need a comptroller who can not find a provider for less than $4,000 an hr?
kendalllynn See my TER Reviews 2681 reads

This guy has to be kidding me . Miss K

followme806 reads

Anthony wiener in running for mayor.


Running mates !  in more ways than one

And besides I have a new found respect for Mr. Spitzer since he managed to violate the federal Mann Act, the federal Travel Act, DC laws prohibiting prostitution, and New York laws prohibiting prostitition and still managed to avoid prosecution from any of those three law enforcement agencies. I don't even think he was disbarred. Meanwhile, the Desert Divas clients who offered reviews for discounts got indicted.  

       What a difference between New York and Arizona. Anyone who even thinks about hobbying in Arizona is absolutely crazy. But if you don't get arrested, there's no such thing as bad publicity....

:) It covers Both of them as well as the other runner :) The Madame who supplied his girls lol .You can not make this shit up , Miss K

...the rules apply to everyone. Except, of course, those who make those rules in the first place.

but if he had his way several years ago the Banks and Wall Street might not have ruined the U.S. economy for 99% of the rest of America!

I think that included her travel and time to Washington from New York where she was based.  

He could have done better with a local Washington provider, but I think he felt safe with this one in NY.  He was wrong and made a mistake.  

He is a smart and highly qualified man and would be a great choice for any elected office.  IMHO

GaGambler958 reads

You lefties love to crucify the "family values" Republicans that get caught with their pants down, and rightfully so. How do you get off giving Elliot Spitzer  a pass for the very same thing?

As people were saying when this all came out he shouldn't be able to be elected for dogcatcher

...linked post shows, but did you express any opinion about Mark Sanford running for Congress last year?  Did you give him a pass?  Should he have been elected to Congress?  Should he even be allowed to be a dogcatcher?

salonpas745 reads

Anyone remember Sen. David Vitter, R-La., who has bounced back from what he called committing a “serious sin” when he solicited prostitutes, overcoming his isolation in the Senate and even getting floated as a possible candidate for governor of Louisiana

GaGambler921 reads

I don't really give a fuck about Sanford;s, or Spitzer's infidelities. If Sanford had conducted a witch hunt against other cheating spouses and had done his level best to put them in jail, then yes I would hold it against him. IMO Sanford was about as guilty as Bill Clinton, he cheated on his wife and lied about it. I give Clinton a pass for this, I give Sanford a pass, and I give most of the members of TER a pass on it.

FWIW, although I give others a pass on this type of behavior, I don't condone it and personally I never cheated on my wife while I was married. I don't judge the rest of you for "cheating" on your spouses, you may very well have perfectly valid reasons for your actions, and as your actions don't effect my life, you are free to do as you wish without listening to a bunch of judgmental crap from me.

...the entire state of South Carolina.  He disappeared for six days without telling anyone.  The Lt. Gov. was not left in charge; the state was without a leader.  To me, that's worse than Clinton getting a BJ in the Oval office or his many other infidelities.

Do you really give Sanford a pass for his actions?  He didn't just cheat on his wife, he abdicated his responsibilities of his office.

There's no doubt Spitzer is a super-duper hypocrite.  But his family has 'fuck you' money and he could easily spend 4K 2-3 times a week on escorts for the rest of his life.  So why would he want to run for public office?  To stroke his ego?  Not worth the opprobrium he is facing.

Sanford and Weiner aren't rich - they want to get back on the gravy train.

Have you ever been to that piece of shit state? Trust me, if no one was Governor for the next 6 YEARS, no one would fucking notice.

GaGambler672 reads

I will have to admit that going AWOL to chase a piece of tale isn't exactly "executive behavior" I run a company about a million times smaller than the state of SC, but I never simply take off out of the country without letting people know how to reach me in case of an emergency. Sanford's behavior looking back on it was unforgivable, but doesn't rise to anywhere near the level of hypocrisy as that POS Spitzer.

I also recall the blatant lies that Sanford told about driving "the coastal route" between Buenas Aries and Mar De Plata, enjoying the "scenic" drive" While it's true that Mar de Plata is a coastal resort town about a four hour drive down the coast, the highway is no more a "coastal highway" than I-5 in California and is about as scenic, I've driven that route and it's nothing but Pampas and cow pastures, so I knew from day one that Sanford was full of shit.

All that said, I don't have the same burning contempt for Sanford as I do for Spitzer, but would I vote for him??? Hell fucking no.

...when you have to drive thru that piece of shit in a rental and get charged for damages just because you drove on I-95. They might as well have given up on asphalt all together and just gone back to using gravel roads.

South Carolina finally fixed this, but only after Obama have them some stimulus money.

that "actions don't effect my life," they affect your life.  As to the rest, you are totally correct.  Spitzer is despicable for his blatant hypocrisy in going after Johns and then whoring around himself.  I am not married but have been so twice.  I never cheated on my wife during those times.  Once separated, however, I whored around like a true Man-Slut.

I really like Eliot Spitzer. I like that the son of a bitch had the balls to go after Wall Street. When Spitzer did so, the US Chamber of Commerce said that it was "the most egregious and unacceptable form of intimidation we've seen in this country in modern times".

Well, if a bunch of fucking fuckwads like the Chamber of Commerce gets that pissed off, you know Spitzer was doing something right.

But here's the problem. The fucker went after prostitution. He stepped up prosecutions of adults doing exactly what he got caught doing. That's blatant hypocrisy. Spitzer proved that, when it really comes down to it, he's a douchey sleezebag. And a dumb one at that.

So what happens? Douchey McSleezebag gets caught, and then he has to go on his public shaming tour. You know the drill. A bunch of over-the-hill mommy machines who have jobs as talking heads on the TV get to act all self-righteous and indignant at our newly crowned Captain Asshole, while everyone else gets to take turns calling the guy a piece of shit.

Meanwhile, every man in America collectively takes a kick to the balls, because the demonization of male sexuality is reinforced, yet again.  

Just once, I'd like to see one of these assholes get caught, and say, "Yeh, I fuck hookers. And you know what? It fucking rocks. It's awesome." Or at the very least say, "hey, what do you expect? The wife's a dried up ole fish, and she won't go down on me no more."

Which brings up a damn good point. Ever noticed that when a guy gets caught cheating he's an asshole. But you never see any kind of public shaming of women who won't sleep with their husbands anymore, now do you?

Somehow I just can't see Joe Scarborough asking Sanford's wife, "hey, your husband said he found 'true love' with another woman in Argentina. What was going on at home for something like this to happen? You weren't even giving the guy handjobs anymore, were you?"

No one asked Spitzer's wife, "hey, maybe if you let ole Elliot play target practice with the back of your throat, maybe he wouldn't have looked for another pair of dick sucking lips. Can you shed any light on that? When exactly did you stop sucking his dick?"

Nope. That never happens. Instead we get another new episode of Captain Asshole. Each and every time.

And people wonder why so more and more men these days are avoiding marriage.

santanaxyz711 reads

engaged in money laundering. tax evasion, trafficking  and other illegal acts, and in the case of the Phillipine tour agency allegations of underage prostitutes. Don't think he prosecuted a single john.  Would you have done it any differently?  If you believe prostitution should be legal, would you still turn a blind eye to tax evasion, money launderers, and traffickers? Lot of piling on here by guys not very knowledgable about what Spitzer actually did. Maybe a better case can be made when he was governor when he signed some new prostitution bills into law. But as a prosecutor, I don't see hypocrisy.

That's because GOP Hypocrites will talk about "God" and "Family Values", then go out and engage in the practices they condem.  

Spitzer was doing his job.  As a prosecutor he did not make the laws, but his job is to enforce the laws as written and he was very good at his job.  
Even Mr. Spitzer would admit he made a big mistake.  But he is still very capable and qualified for public office.  And if elected he would again do a great job.

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