Politics and Religion

Anyone notice how bland, dreary & dull CNN is ?
Priapus53 1746 reads

Since much of MSBC's daytime coverage was pre-empted by the Olympics, I was forced to watch CNN, which I found to be an excellent insomnia cure. While it's commendable that they strive to be "middle of the road" for cable news, it's no excuse to be boring & understandable that they badly trail Fox & MSNBC in the ratings.

-- Modified on 8/12/2012 11:58:27 AM

All you have to do is listen to Wolfe Blitzer and the nattering nabobs on CNN on Ryan and compare him with Chuck Todd, Madow or the invaluable (to me) discussions on Saturday and Sunday at 8AM by Chris  Hayes on "Up With  Chris Hayes."

The stupid discussions on Morning Joe are just as bad, but they beat the morning show on CNN ratings wise.

"Up with  Chris Hayes" and the panel he assembles or a discussion from any of the people who anchor shows on MSNBC at night.


Blitzer just rambled and repeated banal generalities about Ryan on  Saturday and today,  and never touched the specifics of the impossible position Ryan's plan would put the 54 and younger group in when it came time for them to receive the Medicare they wouldn't receive or slashing Medicaid by a third.  Right now GOP governors are asking for block grants for Medicaid instead of say $40 billion in Medicaid funds that Georgia would get so they can fuck the Medicaid recipients. It's amusing that now Ryaney (as Ryan's policy will dominate the remaining few days to November) is avoiding the term vouchers as to Medicare's total destruction or the fact that they want to slash Medicaid by a third.  Team Obama Chicago is going to hammer the meaning of vouchers in the coming months and they are going to get traction with making Ryan's plan explicit.  

It's amusing that while the Republican emails have told all the surrogates and surrogate wannabes to emphasize Simpson-Bowles reforms, that Paul Ryan voted against Simpson Bowles and helped break it up.

Team Obama would do well to put up the most common surgery performed on individuals over 55, the 15 grand voucher, and what the actual cost of the  surgeries, hospitalizations, medicine, ancillary testing and imaging care for those surgeries is.  It's a helluva lot more than 15 grand right now, and having your butt wheeled into an  OR is $80 a minute before anyone has touched you, put an alcohol sponge on you, inserted an IV or taken a film.

Why aren't they sending beaming Paul  Ryan charging into Florida in the next few days? Are they afriad he'd be lynched?

The best thing the Obama campaign can do is repeate the words "Ryaney's plans would fuck the middle class and poor while fiving the rich a 250 grand tax break at the expense of higher taxes for the middle class and poor totally" over and over again.

-- Modified on 8/12/2012 3:11:39 PM

Priapus53195 reads

At least he's a fair enough minded conservative that I don't throw my shoe at him , like most righties-----LOL ! The show has good panelists from left & right, although co-host Mika Brezinski comes across like
a shrill bitch from time to time.

As for CNN, their on camera "talent" is a pretty mediocre lot; be a good idea to jettison such "weak sisters" as Anderson Cooper & Piers Morgan & replace them with more substantive commentators from the left & right.

Lastly, what can I say about Ryan ? Bonehead political move for Mitt to have picked someone who clearly won't help him win the election.

-- Modified on 8/12/2012 12:46:02 PM

followme149 reads

CNN/MSNBC in the morning, what's the matter the soaps in reruns?

You're Welcome
2012 = Drug Free GOP

how is that special project going ha ha ha ha ha ....just a sissy boy......all talk ... just sitting with the old ladies eating bon-bon's watching the sopas.

I saw an Obama commercial during the Olympics this morning that said Rommey will raise middle class taxes and cut his. Didn't mention Ryan yet.

trying to make drama. Get rid of the drama kings and queens like Anderson Cooper, Blitzer, et al. BBC been around for decades still considered best source for world news reporting across the world. Both CNN, Faux and MSNBC, etc. is determined to make Americans dumb minute by minute,

if you haven't noticed, there's not much of a market for that. I don't know if they are fair and balanced or not, and I've only watched them briefly while grabbing a sandwich at a sandwich shop, and I don't watch any news on TV, at home or work. If you want to know what's really going on, and quickly, you gotta read it.

I wouldn't even know what channel they're on.

GaGambler176 reads

Of the relatively few hours of CNN that I have watched over the last several years, most of has been in airports, sitting at the gate, waiting for a plane.

It' is every bit as bland as watching BBC, but without the intelligent commentary. I probably watch more CNBC than any other news station, but will occasionally switch back and forth between FOX and MSNBC to listen to the wingnuts from both sides of the aisle.

and comet to think of it, I don't know what channel CNNi is on my satellite either.

People are really waiting on that "Eskimos in America" 2 hour special - that should really do the trick like all the other guilt trip exercises did for them. How cute that Solo Dad got her own show I saw.

They are behind MSNBC in the ratings - so less than 3 people watch CNN? Bad ratings for CNN - guess overt guilt brainwashing doesn't sell the way it used to.

Very few people in the larger population actually spend anytime watching the tripe on any of these networks - the only reason why I give any of them a look now and then is the stuff the larger population is watching while they ignore the cable news networks is even worse.

they aren't out to get you angry unlike the other news stations- and that's why it struggles.  

If you have not seen it- watch Fareed Zakaria GPS.   The guy is incredible and you need to actively listen because his discussions are very advanced and deal in complicated issues, and he offers intelligent discourse.  I have great respect for what he says.  So watch a few of his episodes and then tell me the channel sucks.

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