Politics and Religion

:-D Humble Atheist. The ultimate oxymoron? What say you? [e]teeth_smile
HalfTroll 7690 reads


Priapus532089 reads

& I've never made claims for  my "humility"

Pinhead City-----:)

St. Croix1780 reads

I don't think I've ever heard of another Secular (blank) label, only Secular Jews. Why not just say you are secular, or atheist? Are you trying to distinguish and let others know there is the observant side, and there is the the cultural side, or the identity side, or the historical side? OK I'm confused. I've only heard other Jews use this label, so it must be important to let others know?

Jews don't identify themselves with the country they had to flee and persecuted them.  They stopped being Germans, Russians, etc. and just became Jews.

Priapus532922 reads

& many others of this nature ( writer, Harlan Ellison, et al ) Check out below link :

Posted By: Officer Cartman
Jews don't identify themselves with the country they had to flee and persecuted them.  They stopped being Germans, Russians, etc. and just became Jews.

St. Croix1583 reads

There is not a clean simple definition. I've run into this before. You go to a party, especially in West LA, and you know there will be a few Jews. Must be there for the free food - just kidding. Somehow, and I don't ask it, but someone blurts out I'm a secular Jew. I, the non-Jew, take the bait, and ask, "What is a secular Jew?" The answer tends to be long winded and confusing. If you have 3 secular Jews, well then you have 3 different long winded and confusing answers. I usually excuse myself, because I've lost interest, and I need a drink.  So I guess what I'm saying is, if you can't put it on a bumper sticker, I ain't interested.

-- Modified on 12/30/2011 3:15:49 PM

Priapus531828 reads

As for me, I'm a complex guy, what can I say ?------;)

Lastly, Croix, if your wife is versed in any of this, talk to her----maybe she can figure it out for ya.

Being a "Jew" is a cultural state as well as a religious state due to the fact that in one way or another they have always been a tribe in a desert.  Priapus using Wikipedia shows he really doesn't understand it.  BTW, I like the fact he identified with Woody Allen- Two unfunny douche bags.  :)

Posted By: St. Croix
There is not a clean simple definition. I've run into this before. You go to a party, especially in West LA, and you know there will be a few Jews. Must be there for the free food - just kidding. Somehow, and I don't ask it, but someone blurts out I'm a secular Jew. I, the non-Jew, take the bait, and ask, "What is a secular Jew?" The answer tends to be long winded and confusing. If you have 3 secular Jews, well then you have 3 different long winded and confusing answers. I usually excuse myself, because I've lost interest, and I need a drink.  So I guess what I'm saying is, if you can't put it on a bumper sticker, I ain't interested.

-- Modified on 12/30/2011 3:15:49 PM

Priapus532100 reads

Woody Allen used to be great, but, over the last 15 years he's lost it. Speaking of "unfunny douche bags", guess you think you're funnier--------;)

& A Happy New Year's to you-------

Broadway Danny Rose

Posted By: Priapus53
Woody Allen used to be great, but, over the last 15 years he's lost it. Speaking of "unfunny douche bags", guess you think you're funnier--------;)

& A Happy New Year's to you-------

HalfTroll1879 reads

Using "Jewish" a a euphamism for people that are supposedly of hebrew decent is ridiculous, yet is remains common in the world. Why is that? Because the Jewish religion, nationality and ethnicity and religion have always been interrelated.

Judaism is a faith of the Jewish nation, who believe that are God's chosen people, both as a nation and a religion. Yet, there have been many convert to Judaism throughout the centuries. Due to the religious tenets, thos people come part of the chosen nation, even if they were black as coal and cam from Africa. In common language they are "a Gee-e-u-u-wa" as Jewish comedian Lewis Black would say.

As individuals many hold onto that religious portion of the badge of specialness in being the chosen of almighty God by forsaking any other national, racial, or cultural moniker than Jewish. Even if their linage is acually, say, German whos ancestors converted. Instead of saying they are German, they will say they are Jewish.It is important to them to be identified as such

Personally, I contrast this with my brother-in-law who is black as coal. (Who happens to be an atheist.) He refuses to recognize the term "African American" for himself. He said he would considerate if he was born there and moved here. But he has never met anyone in his family, including greatgrandma, who came from Africa. He says he doesn't mind being called BLACK if a racial identifier in needed, but Africa has nothing to do with him so to hell with that heritage-based label.

In being labeled "Jewish", the religious portion of the strong interrelation between religion, nationality and ethnicity as God's chosen ones may even trump a person's true religious views, such as with the "Jews for Jesus" movement. (which is an interesting topic in of itself)  But the most OUTSTANDING example of the inability to shake off the religious aspect is demonstrated right here on by our very own P53. The guy says he is an ATHEIST and that ALL religions are poo! Yet he will piously don the term "Secular Jew" like a kippah at synangogue.

Oy vey!

So you feel you HAVE TO identify yourself as one of the chosen of YHWH when telling us you don't BELIEVE in YHWH? ;-)

Just watch some person claim that parts of this post are somehow anti-semetic!

-- Modified on 12/31/2011 3:10:42 PM

favor with people whose asses he kisses, ie, GaG and Icki.

Now that John is back posting he wants to posture himself tolerant of religion because he wants a piece of john's bunghole too.

yet another demonstration of his abject lack of character.

Priapus531613 reads

Posted by mr.notrouble  , 9-7-2011 21:56:09   [mr.notrouble has 11 reviews]-----------

"This in NO WAY states that Bachmann believes blacks were "better off as slaves". Rather, it is a comment on the state of the black family unit. This is the type of demaguagery leftists imploy to fire up their black and brown pawns".

We Know whose bungholes YOU'RE trying to curry favor with, mr.noballs------

The reason it's hard for you to see it is because you are 1 yourself

Go ahead ask the board see if they agree with me that the left demagogues race

I'll bet a 1 year hiatus did you lose that poll:

Put up or shut up mister no nuts

Knowing you though Youll claim you never said it
Even if it's there in black and white


The_Lord_God2476 reads

Posted By: Priapus53
& I've never made claims for  my "humility"

Pinhead City-----:)

There's a whole movement.

If being Jewish is not a religion ... and since I could convert it isn't a "people" -- it is just a social construct.

Social constructs have no foundation in reality.

Hence, Jews do not exist.

Priapus is a Jew.

Priapus does not exist.


-- Modified on 12/30/2011 3:02:16 PM

-- Modified on 12/30/2011 3:03:37 PM

Priapus531548 reads

I believe he called me an "Atheistic proselytizer"-------no such thing; in fact ,sounded like he was doing
a bit of Proselytizing yourself ( Freudian projection )

As for Atheist/Secular Jews, they DO exist;check out above link. Your "inspiration" Ayn Rand was one.

Guess that means I exist & that put the kibosh on your syllogism.

& A Happy New Year to you-------:)

I believe that a People and its Culture exist in a mutually supportive symbiotic state, and that harm to one will be reflected in harm to the other.

Like it or not, Judaism IS that culture for Jews.

Atheism, the denial of the essential culture of the Jews, harms the culture and thereby harms the people.

It is my contention that rampant atheism among Jews has led to acceptance of abortion, birth control and intermarriage to such a degree that in aggregate they now present a greater existential threat to the continued existence of Jews than even Adolf Hitler did.

The evidence can be seen in the fact that EVERY definable Jewish population EXCEPT Orthodox Jews is DECREASING in numbers, and has been for some time. In some areas, the intermarriage rate exceeds 50%.

In essence, Jews are birth controlling, aborting and intermarrying themselves out of existence, and a key contributor to this is the rejection of Judaism -- the culture that grew symbiotically with the Jews. Please keep in mind that the division of Judaism into Reform, Conservative, Reconstructionist, etc is a relatively recent phenomenon.

In essence, Atheism among Jews (or the implicit adoption of secular humanism) has prevented more Jews from coming into the world than Adolf Hitler.

Whether Judaism is objectively true as a religion is not relevant. I don't care if Moses never existed. While the Jewish population can withstand some outliers, on a whole it NEEDS Judaism. Without it, they will perish.

Happy New Year!!!!

May you be healthy, whole and happy!

As an agnostic who was born Jewish (parents identified themselves as Jews) but was not really raised in the faith (no bris, no Bar Mitzvah, etc.), my measurement of who is Jewish is simple: What would Hitler say?
I tell this to my nephew who was born in Rome of an American-born Jewish mother and an Italian Catholic father when he tells me he isn't Jewish.  I point out to him that if Hitler was around it would be off to the ovens for him.  His response is that's irrelevent and that to Catholics it's the fathers religion that counts.
In other words, the whole debate is pointless.

What would Hitler say? You'd let Hitler define you?

Hitler is dead.

That's like saying that Schultzipus53 gets to define who is "properly religious" and who is a "crazed, closeted Bible Thumper".

I would never allow sociopaths to define me.

If NOW you are agnostic that's one thing. Agnostics simply say, I don't know. You rarely see people who say "they don't know" mocking people who do believe but, be that as it may, that is NOT a complete repudiation of Jewish faith whereas atheism is. How can it be otherswise? That repudiation MUST therefore extend to any culture.

Frankly, I simply don't see how someone can on one hand claim to be jewish simply by virtue of "culture" and be atheist WITHOUT also believing their ancestors, in whose culture they identify to, was rooted in, what do you call it? fantasy and fairy tales?

IOW, if the belief in God is irrational, if religion is fairy dust, then the culture you tie yourself, by claiming yourself a jew is fairydust as well.

-- Modified on 12/31/2011 5:06:13 PM

Its purpose was to use "what would Hitler say" to illustrate how foolish all these labels are, and how arbitrary all the distinctions are.  In fact, Hitler's crew created race laws that very specifically determined what amount of Jewish blood in any person's family history determined whether or not they were Jewish.  It was quite ridiculous.  Then again, super-Orthodox Jews have standards for who's a Jew that are almost as silly.  I figure, given the trials the Jews have suffered over the centuries, that anyone who wants to call themselves a Jew ought to be welcomed.  Anyway, I hope I have clarified.
I am not going to engage in further debate on the subject with anyone because, ultimately, I just don't find the subject very interesting.

h8drama1678 reads

Posted By: inicky46
As an agnostic who was born Jewish (parents identified themselves as Jews) but was not really raised in the faith (no bris, no Bar Mitzvah, etc.), my measurement of who is Jewish is simple: What would Hitler say?
I tell this to my nephew who was born in Rome of an American-born Jewish mother and an Italian Catholic father when he tells me he isn't Jewish.  I point out to him that if Hitler was around it would be off to the ovens for him.  His response is that's irrelevent and that to Catholics it's the fathers religion that counts.
In other words, the whole debate is pointless.

But, having said that, I make the following distinction:  I think all religions are crap, based on ancient and ignorant fantasies.  However, that does not mean I totally reject the possibility that some great force -- not a blind force of nature but one with some sort of consciousness -- created the possibilities for life that resulted in us being here.  I tend to doubt it, but realize I don't know enough to foreclose all such possibilities.  If that makes me an agnostic, so be it.  If someone believes that makes me an atheist, so be it.  I could care less about the labels.

the bullshit from the ice cream.


interesting someone so feverish about sticking labels on other people insists on the right to label themselves.

phil, how was it again you defined hypocracy?

for the 1,001st time, schultzipus53, the bigoted bigot-hater, needs his nose rubbed in the dictionary.

-- Modified on 12/31/2011 9:05:01 AM

Priapus531043 reads

THIS, coming from the man who talked about "Black & Brown pawns of the left"?!

Once again, it's spelled "hypocrisy". If anyone needs to rub his nose in the dictionary, it's you, since definitions & proper spelling seem to constantly evade you.

& for the 1,0001st time, you're a bigoted moron.

& a Happy New Year to you------:)

Start studying the dictionary .

 The Thesaurus has caused you confusion.

 Just because a racist is also a bigot in the Thesaurus
doesn't mean a bigot has to be a racist.


If you weren't a bigot you wouldn't be  
excessively  narrow minded .

You don't have to be religious to be sanctimonious.

 If you weren't a bigot you wouldn't cry out  
 about others sexual choices .

If you weren't a bigot you wouldn't mock
someone's choice of employment.

If you weren't a bigot you wouldn't belittle ESL posters
about their spelling.

If you weren't a bigot you wouldn't have posted
stalked liorr on the sports board .

If you weren't a bigot you would respect others'
choice of  Faith .

If you weren't a bigot you wouldn't be prejudiced against
those with different views than you .

If you weren't a bigot you would also condemn  
Jewish child molesters and other crazy Jews .

If you weren't a bigot you wouldn't try to act superior.

You might think you are a funny common ass

You come off as King  bigot in this class .

Happy New Year

Posted By: Priapus53
THIS, coming from the man who talked about "Black & Brown pawns of the left"?!

Once again, it's spelled "hypocrisy". If anyone needs to rub his nose in the dictionary, it's you, since definitions & proper spelling seem to constantly evade you.

& for the 1,0001st time, you're a bigoted moron.

& a Happy New Year to you------:)

Priapus532727 reads

( pardon the pun ) In my recent religious posts I took pains NOT to mock or ridicule anyone & said so.  See any mocking pictures ? One of the few pics I had was highly spiritual painting of Saint Paul. You consider THAT mocking ?! I merely questioned religious beliefs to provoke debate.If you consider that "lack of respect", I pity you.

"Jewish child molestors & other crazy Jews" ?------ohhhh, I see-------so there arent any "Christian & Muslim child molestors & Crazy Christians & Muslims" ?! NOW WHO isn't respecting" other's choice of faith ?!"

I am DEEPLY touched that you are Liorr's lone defender------;)

& a Happy New Year's to you-------:)

HalfTroll1548 reads

****He's trying to google his way out of this one****


At certain moments I am the funniest man alive.

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