Politics and Religion

Bush has Secret Service protection for life given by Obama. EOM
barnstorming 23 Reviews 3144 reads
1 / 38

Are due in large part to the countries love of her husband. Are we going to elect here because she was senator for a few years than lost the nomination to this winner,mI mean what is her purpose other than serving her self!  Am I the only one that's bothered that we may elect another president that really has no business in the office, what did Hillary do besides give bill a bad blow job?  What does this say for the modern feminist movement when the Republican Party is full of bright independent woman while the democrats try to ram Bill Clinton's leftovers down our throat.

randomvr301 617 reads
2 / 38

So, bring on your bright independent women from the Republican Party.   Here are a few I can suggest:

1. Sarah Palin
2. Michelle Bachmann
3. Condi Rice
4. Ann Coulter
5. Namritha Randhwa
6. Liz Cheney

Must be a formidable team to beat in November 2016.

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 599 reads
3 / 38

The ones I have seen and heard from doesn’t look all that bright

salonpas 618 reads
4 / 38

.......dumbos Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin.

Posted By: anonymousfun
The ones I have seen and heard from doesn’t look all that bright.  

barnstorming 23 Reviews 727 reads
5 / 38

You obviously are brainwashed by the liberal media that tells you that Sara Palin and Michelle Bachman  
Are the only republican woman out there, just fascinated with the obsession with Hillary  
And the answers I get from people when I ask them what qualifies her to be president.
What's on her resume? Being senator? Can we afford another unqualified president.

I was thinking I wish condi would run  
I think overall there is a deficit of intelligent people in public servic

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 808 reads
6 / 38

Sorry,I'd take Hillary any day, really more qualified then that group.Shit, I'd take her over any other GOP nominee right now because the GOP doesn't have anyone that's centered or even center right. And yes I kinda of agree that she may be riding the shirtails of her hubby but what's wrong with that? She'll have the best sounding board to bounce issue off, almost like an inhouse consultant so I got no with that. Bubba or the "Big Dog" will be our "Secret VP"......lol.
Don't be ashamed of your how you got your wealth and who you know...use it.

randomvr301 581 reads
7 / 38

Condi is a war criminal and should be in Gitmo.    There are arrest warrants for her, Dubiya and Darth Vader outside USA

mattradd 40 Reviews 601 reads
8 / 38

"What does this say for the modern feminist movement when the Republican Party is full of bright independent woman while the democrats try to ram Bill Clinton's leftovers down our throat."

What does that say about the Republican party that they have not run any of these many "bright independent woman?"

Timbow 557 reads
9 / 38
mattradd 40 Reviews 579 reads
10 / 38

I have an acquaintance who was no fan of the Clintons, but then had to work very closely with her in the State Department. Now, he has nothing but great respect for her. I think I'll go by his analysis vs. yours!  ;)

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 818 reads
11 / 38



      SUNDAY OCT 15, 2000

As I watched Rick Lazio's interview on Fox News this morning, I felt compelled to
write this open letter to you, Mrs. Clinton. Brit Hume asked Mr. Lazio's views
regarding you as a person and how he perceived you as a candidate. Rick Lazio did
not answer the question, but I know that I can. You know it, too.

I have no doubt that you are the same conniving, self-serving person you were
twenty-two years ago when I had the misfortune to meet you. When I see you on
television, campaigning for the New York senate race, I can see the same hypocrisy
in your face that you displayed to me one evening in 1978. You have not changed.

I remember it as though it was yesterday. I only wish that it were yesterday and
maybe there would still be time to do something about what your husband, Bill
Clinton, did to me. There was a political rally for Mr. Clinton's bid for governor of
Arkansas. I had obligated myself to be at this rally prior to my being assaulted by  
your husband in April, 1978. I had made up my mind to make an appearance and then
leave as soon as the two of you arrived. This was a big mistake, but I was still in a
state of shock and denial. You had questioned the gentleman who drove you and Mr.
Clinton from the airport. You asked him about me and if I would be at the gathering.
Do you remember? You told the driver, "Bill has talked so much about Juanita", and
that you were so anxious to meet me. Well, you wasted no time. As soon as you
entered the room, you came directly to me and grabbed my hand. Do you remember
how you thanked me, saying "we want to thank you for everything that you do for
Bill". At that point, I was pretty shaken and started to walk off. Remember how you
kept a tight grip on my hand and drew closer to me? You repeated your statement,
but this time with a coldness and look that I have seen many times on television in the
last eight years. You said, "Everything you do for Bill". You then released your grip
and I said nothing and left the gathering.

What did you mean, Hillary? Were you referring to my keeping quiet about the assault
I had suffered at the hands of your husband only two weeks before? Were you
warning me to continue to keep quiet? We both know the answer to that question.
Yes, I can answer Brit Hume's question. You are the same Hillary that you were
twenty years ago. You are cold, calculating and self-serving. You cannot tolerate the
thought that you will soon be without the power you have wielded for the last eight
years. Your effort to stay in power will be at the expense of the state of New York. I
only hope the voters of New York will wake up in time and realize that Hillary Clinton
is not an honorable or an honest person.

I will end by asking if you believe the statements I made on NBC Dateline when Lisa
Myers asked if I had been assaulted and raped by your husband? Or perhaps, you
are like Vice-President Gore and did not see the interview.

     Juanita Broaddrick

Watch how quickly libtards rush to blame the victim!!!

randomvr301 604 reads
12 / 38

Why not you ask all those 3 crooks why they cannot travel outside US!    They are not even given an invitation to attend the RNC conventions, LOL.    I remember those two shoes in Baghdad.

Add on to this all the stupid things he has said that made him look more of a clown than the President

GaGambler 636 reads
13 / 38

I had times when I crossed paths in business with both Clintons. Bill was actually OK, I'd have a drink with him, vote for him for POTUS, anything but let my sister be in the same room with him alone.

The Hildabeast OTOH was a cunt back then, and I am sure she is still a cunt. I couldn't stand her in person back thirty years ago, and she has done nothing to improve my opinion of her since. I think I will go by my own, first person analysis of her, not your third hand anecdotal account by an aquaintance.

mattradd 40 Reviews 506 reads
14 / 38

1st person experience trumps 2nd or 3rd hand anecdotal accounts.

pot/kettle 624 reads
15 / 38
StJames1949 16 Reviews 688 reads
16 / 38

I must assume this is a joke!  The half term governor of Alaska who does not know the correct address of the White House, anything about the world and even less about her secessionist Husband.

Or the Congresswomen from Minnesota with know knowledge of anything.

Or Condi Rice who lied us into Irag, ran up a 4 trillion dollar debt and 4,400 American service men/women killed.

And Ann Colter, a racist homophobic

And Liz Cheney who's concept of truth is to lie on her application for a fishing license  

The like of Margret Chase Smith and Clare Booth uce are turning over in their graves

barnstorming 23 Reviews 765 reads
17 / 38

The real question is are we going to get a president the likes of Roosevelt, either one Eisenhower or Nixon in my lifetime
I just want someone with a resume preferably someone over 50.  

We elected a guy that did nothing and look where we are now, didn't fix the economy and the worlds on fire.
Clinton didn't leave us in such good shape either if you remember al qaeda how many times under Clinton he did Nothing  
9/11 was planned while Clinton was getting head.

Can we take this seriously people? It does matter can we get rid of these egomaniacs
Can we see that they are opportunists and the opportunity to say o wow the first woman  

Big fucking deal how about someone competent.
There has to be someone more competent than those two.

User1994 23 Reviews 609 reads
18 / 38

The Left fears them, so the easiest way to deal with them is to convince you that they're duh duh stupid. It's just the path of least resistance.

Posted By: anonymousfun
The ones I have seen and heard from doesn’t look all that bright.  
-- Modified on 10/2/2014 7:34:08 PM

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 812 reads
19 / 38

But none of them are in the “Party of the Dumb” so, says Bobby Jindal.  

Put anyone of your 23 Repugnant Women in a debate with Hillary Clinton on any subject she will blast them all to Mars. Let us make it even more interesting and make it Town Hall style with one simple stipulation, that is; answers must not be talking points, insightful, fact based and must clearly identify with one’s position on the issue the question is based on, domestic or international and the questions must be only given to debaters two hours prior to the debate.

Let us know how many of your brilliant women in Congress will accept the debate in the above format and we can make it happen.

Not Kidding.

earthshined 742 reads
20 / 38

Bachmann is a nutcase.

Don't you mean Andy Coulter?

Liz Cheney? Meh

As far as recent poiliticians Nikki haley is the best one listed.

I always thought Christine Todd Whitman would have made a good POTUS.

Posted By: csekhar73
So, bring on your bright independent women from the Republican Party.   Here are a few I can suggest:  
 1. Sarah Palin  
 2. Michelle Bachmann  
 3. Condi Rice  
 4. Ann Coulter  
 5. Namritha Randhwa  
 6. Liz Cheney  
 Must be a formidable team to beat in November 2016.
-- Modified on 10/2/2014 7:44:30 PM

anonymousfun 6 Reviews 491 reads
22 / 38

So who is the idiot? You or Juanita

Undoubtedly You for posting someone else’s writing to prove your point. It only shows you are dumber than Donkey’s Tail.

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 772 reads
23 / 38

Those ladies wouldn't strike fear in any presidential election if they ran on the GOP tickets. I guess it could be guilt by association. So then in your opinion, which one of the 23 congresswomen will run in the primary???

marikod 1 Reviews 1167 reads
24 / 38

Wrong - George Bush has indeed been CONVICTED of war crimes

including torture,  in Malaysia, as have top members of his administration.  
Exercising universal jurisdiction, a five panel tribunal heard testimony. George didn’t have the guts to show up. The charges and conviction have been sent to the International Criminal Court.

I believe I told you several years ago that Mr Bush and Yoo etc had committed war crimes by virtue of their torture.

 I ‘m sure you have noticed that Mr. Bush has not taken any vacations to Kuala Lumpur lately. Should he do so, the arrest warrants will be issued.

     In Texas,  the best looking P & R Board posters are surrounded by criminals  – the governor is indicted,  the former president is convicted, and now we have ebola. LOL.

      But I forgive you for missing this one Tim – somehow Fox News failed to cover it.
CS93 was essentially correct. Now apologize to CS93 Timbow

Hpygolky 208 Reviews 452 reads
25 / 38
mattradd 40 Reviews 568 reads
26 / 38

"Are we going to elect here because she was senator for a few years than lost the nomination to this winner,mI mean what is her purpose other than serving her self!  Am I the only one that's bothered that we may elect another president that really has no business in the office, what did Hillary do besides give bill a bad blow job?"

I don't contest that there are some bright independent Republican woman politicians, but again, my question is, what does it say about the Republican party, and now I'll ad, their base, that they have not chosen any of them to run for president?

Timbow 1002 reads
27 / 38

Quote :
While the hearing is regarded by some as being purely symbolic....

President Lamin told a packed courtroom: “As a tribunal of conscience, the Tribunal is fully aware that its verdict is merely declaratory in nature. The tribunal has no power of enforcement, no power to impose any custodial sentence on any one or more of the 8 convicted persons.

No country  will arrest a former US President on this what do you think the repercussions would be to said country ? :D I am beginning  to think you are a retired porn star. :D

-- Modified on 10/2/2014 8:24:51 PM

Timbow 832 reads
28 / 38

Quote :
While the hearing is regarded by some as being purely symbolic....

President Lamin told a packed courtroom: “As a tribunal of conscience, the Tribunal is fully aware that its verdict is merely declaratory in nature. The tribunal has no power of enforcement, no power to impose any custodial sentence on any one or more of the 8 convicted persons...

No country will ever arrest a former US President for this and what do you think the repercussions would be for said country? :D
I am beginning to think you are a former porn star .:D

NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 632 reads
29 / 38

who sounds authoritative but often has his head up his butt

randomvr301 742 reads
30 / 38

Give Dubiya a ticket to Baghdad and see if he travels!     It is the "free democracy" he created.     If he does not travel, he is a war criminal.

marikod 1 Reviews 724 reads
32 / 38

but for the next 30 years or so I’m an Unemployed Porn Star, not a Retired Porn Star. Got it? I still have that “star quality,” albeit that I may sometimes need a “little help.”

      And I didn’t say Mr. Bush would be arrested, did I? I said the “arrest warrants will issue.” The tribunal has just as much power to issue arrest warrants as it does to exercise universal jurisdiction. Always a good idea to pay attention to the text.

       Finally, as for  your “apology” to CS93, I’m afraid I will have to quote from Erin Brokovich- you really suck at apologies. LOL

Timbow 1211 reads
33 / 38

none out on Bush so I owe  him no apology :D

The tribunal has no power of enforcement, no power to impose any custodial sentence on any one or more of the 8 convicted persons. What we can do, under Article 31 of Chapter VI of Part 2 of the Charter is to recommend to the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission to submit this finding of conviction by the Tribunal, together with a record of these proceedings, to the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, as well as the United Nations and the Security Council.
 It is not a legally recognized court not part of the Mal govt and cannot issue arrest warrants.:D You really need to research more before spouting off. :D

The former United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Independence of Judges and Lawyers, Param Cumaraswamy, has suggested the tribunal is a private enterprise with no legal basis and questions its legitimacy.[13] The tribunal does not have a UN mandate or recognition, no power to order arrests or impose sentences, and it is unclear that its verdicts have any but symbolic significance.[14]

A statement on the tribunal's website states: "In the event the tribunal convicts any of the accused, the only sanction is that the name of the guilty person will be entered in the Commission’s Register of War Criminals and publicized worldwide."[15]


marikod 1 Reviews 840 reads
34 / 38

Think about exactly what is being said here before you go “spouting off”:

“The tribunal has just as much power to issue arrest warrants as they do to exercise universal jurisdiction.”

      Now you owe me an apology.

         But hey thanks for spending your morning studying the Malaysian War Crimes Tribunal. I’m sure that information will come in handy some day LOL

Timbow 684 reads
35 / 38
GaGambler 503 reads
36 / 38

I am beginning to think he has a point about Mari being a "real" lawyer, mr fisher makes more valid points where it comes to issues regarding the law.

GaGambler 528 reads
37 / 38
NeedleDicktheBugFucker 22 Reviews 721 reads
38 / 38

but dummyfuckingcrappers like you dont care.

that's all im saying.

glad you proved my point.

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