Politics and Religion

A series of politically incorrect ethnic "standup jokes"teeth_smile
Priapus53 1736 reads

The following moth-eaten jokes comes from the late & venerated standup comic Henny Youngmann. All ethic varieties get roasted, so I don't wanna hear any mangina whining :

Q : What do you call a woman thats half Chinese & half Jewish ?

A : A Oriyenta.

I have this Mexican gardener who goes under strange name of Manuel Labor.

I have this gardener who's half black & half Japanese; every Dec 7th, he bombs Pearl Bailey.

A pic is provided below for those not old enough to know who entertainer Pearl Bailey was, or, what she looked like------------:(

-- Modified on 6/30/2011 4:21:18 PM

Priapus537704 reads

JESUS-----HOW PC is MSNBC ?!  The Prez gets gets called FAR worse here ( as do I ) & WE'RE not "suspending" anyone ! Maybe the "leper colony" here should run its own cable news channel------------LMAO !

I think Fox has them trumped in their attempt to paint Jon Stewart as a racist though.

I try not to watch either network, I get most of my news during the day watching CNBC, at least whatever spin they put on the news can make me money if I am paying proper attention.

It protects them from their own racism.

Of course, Stewart nailed Fox on their faux outrage over Stewart's "racism".

Stewart just isn't one of them, and yes Stewart tore them a new one, I thought it was hilarious.

but who is the real racist? The guy that occasionally uses the word nigger or chink, yet who surrounds himself with people of all races and colors and not just the gardener or the pool boy, but who truly has friends, colleagues and running buddies of all colors. Or the lilly white soccer mom suburbanite who would never dream of uttering a racial slur, yet has no friends of "color" and defends herself by saying she knows lots of black and brown people, "lets see there's Julio the butcher, Carlos the gardener, and Tyrone the pool boy. See I know lot's of minorities" lol

...I say if you're white and you live in America, then you're racist. Some realize it, and some don't, and even fewer realize it and do their best to fight it.

I openly admit that I'm a racist, but I've been trying to deprogram myself from that shit since I was 12 years old.

The odd thing is that my racism is virtually non-existant when it comes to Asians and Latinos. It just doesn't occur to me when talking to a white person that they're white, and it doesn't occur to me when talking to an Asian or Latino that they're not white.

Deprogramming myself from the racism I have for African Americans is much harder. That shit was drilled into my head by my parents since I was in the 3rd grade, and I haven't managed to drill it all out yet. But I keep trying. Maybe one day I'll succeed.

So let me return the favor, I am prejudiced against all races as a group, but i don't treat individuals as members of a group. I treat individuals as individuals.

I also don't buy into this PC crap about the use of certain words. I don't think the use of the word nigger makes me a racist, especially when I have black friends that are close enough friends that I can use that word or any other word with out having to feel that I am walking on eggshells.

That's why I consider myself much less racist than all those liberals who would never dream of uttering an ethnic slur, especially around a person of color. They are like you, in the fact that they feel "different" around people of color. I give the respect to people of other races by treating them exactly like I treat everyone else. There is a time and a place for everything however, I would no more call a black man who was a stranger a nigger than I would a white stranger a cracker, nor do I use any of this type of language in "polite society" anymore than I would use the word fuck in the company of a bunch of grandmothers.

The long and the short of it is that if you feel like you have to act differently around people of different races, like you do around black people, than yes you are a racist. I feel just as at home around people of every color, I don't even need to speak the language. I have traveled the world over and found that there are good and bad people of every race, color, and creed,  It really doesn't matter to me. People are people.

Now I am the exact opposite where it comes to groups of people, I despise "black leadership" and feel like they are prolonging racism in order to keep their power, I also hate special rights organizations for every group ranging from anti defamation groups for gays, blacks, and yes even asians. These groups put the emphasis on our differences rather than our commonality and IMO do much more harm than good. If I had my way the NAACP and every other organization of their ilk would be dissolved immediately.

Priapus532285 reads

on the far left you see it manifest itself
in some pretty vile anti-semitism,particularly when Israel is brought up. ( BTW----it's entirely possible one CAN be anti-Zionist, but, NOT anti-semitic,  but, some of the far left's rhetoric betrays that notion. ) Let's also not forget Jesse Jackson's "hymietown" remark. Also, some of the left's attacks against black conservatives are also pretty vile.

On the right---what can I say ? Racist attacks & imagery against BHO, crude Latino immigrant bashing, vile homophbia from Evangelicals, etc.

Of course, all this stupid garbage needs to go from both sides, but, that's obvious, will never happen, so won't launch into chorus of "Kumbaya"

As for me, all demographics are fine & copacetic, which is why I get worked up over board bigotry. I will confess, to be honest, not  crazy about Muslim extremists for obvious reasons ( tho I chastised SJ for her "Koran burning stunt ) & bigoted "white trash".

-- Modified on 6/30/2011 2:43:55 PM

but I feel the left is more hypocritical about it in the fact that they try to act as if the right are the only ones guilty, in the same fashion that the right "family values' should expect more criticism when it turns out that they are just as morally bankrupt as the rest of us. lol

and FWIW, I am no big fan of Israel or the action of their "hardliners", but I doubt anyone here would accuse me of being antisemitic.

My defense to racism charges is that I am prejudiced against everyone, which cancels itself out and results in the fact that i am not really prejudiced against anyone if i despise everyone equally. lol

as for SJ, I don't really mind burning Korans as long as they burn an equal amount of Bibles. Of course there is a certain irony when there is undoubtably a holy war being waged today, but one side is denying that it is really a holy war despite all the evidence to the contrary.

I'm reminded of a comic (can't recall his name) who said: "Racial, ethnic or religious prejudice seems so silly to me, because there are so many good reasons to hate people on an individual basis."
I was raised in a very liberal and anti-bias environment but I go batshit when I hear someone say, "I don't see color."  Bullcrap!  A person's exterior is the first thing you see.  It's what you do about it that counts.  Example:  if I see a black person in ghetto garb bouncing along, I feel threatened and uncomfortable.  Should I?  Sometimes yes, sometimes no;  but I can't be sure.  But if I see a black person in business attire I automatically assume we have things in common and threat isn't part of the equation.  But do I know he/she is black?  Of course!  Same with Asians or anyone else.
I'm also a lapsed Jew who is not a knee-jerk supporter of Israel and thinks the current regime there needs a spanking.  I'm strongly in favor of a Palestinian state.  BTW, I'm also no knee-jerk supporter of the US, or any entity.  I'm a natural-born skeptic.
Point being, no one is easily categorized.

It's silly to say that one doesn't see another's color, race, or ethnicity. And, prefer to speak in terms of tolerance, in how much tolerance do I have in differences between me and another person of color or culture, rather than racism or prejudice, since tolerance or intolerance, and to what degree, is more experience near. As a child, lived in a small rural town in the Mid-west until about 3rd grade. All my classmates were white, though I made some friends, who were Mexicans, who's parents worked in the truck farms and pickle factories around about. Then we moved to Venice, CA. I was immediately in a minority, and learning to survive was the first priority. Then, once I felt safe enough, I learned to tolerate the racial, and cultural differences of my classmates. Once I made friends, I came to really enjoy their cultures, though I think each of us felt more secure and at home in our original cultures. Today, I'm quite tolerant of, but never initially trusting, based on any race, ethnicity or culture.

Being a half breed, I am always the minority no matter what the setting. Americans see me as Asian, Latinos see me as either Asian or Gringo, Asians see me as American. Blacks certainly don't consider one of their own, so WTF, how the fuck can I really be racist?

I grew up in a racially mixed part of the SF Bay Area, so blacks, latinos etc were not something introduced to me later in life, I was always around people "different" than me, half the time as both a child and still today, I am surrounded by people who don't even speak my language, and truth be told, it doesn't bother me a bit.  I think I prefer meeting new people of different cultures. I find it exciting, maybe it's why I am able to maintain platinum status on Untied, Continental and Delta all at the same time. lol

racial labels, or tell off color racial jokes, but doesn't really have any close friends of differing races, speaks to my point about racial tolerance. By being PC, he's just being PC, not racially tolerant. Though one can be PC and racially tolerant. ;)

I seldom tell off-color racial jokes to my friends, whether white of or color, mostly because I'm a terrible joke teller. I inevitably screw up the timing or leave out a very important part of the joke. But, we do often go to stand-up comedy clubs and hoot and holler at the racial jokes and routines.

There is a huge difference between being tolerant and accepting. Most of these white bread soccer moms are outwardly "racially tolerant", but make the conscious choice to associate with their "own kind". That to me is a racist, a closet racist perhaps, but still a racist.

That's what bothers me about the whole debate are these "white guilt, closet racists" that pretend that they are the open minded accepting ones, and that people like me who might use an ethnic slur on occasion (ok, lots of occasions) are the real racists.

"white bread" then there's "white honky motherfucker" . You have to be a 4TH generation or more white American from  Europe  to qualify for any of those titles. White Jews don't count.

There are however multitudes of White "Cracker" mother fuckers. lol

and White Jews don't get a pass on this, but they are definitely few and far between.

-- Modified on 6/30/2011 3:18:22 PM

Priapus531098 reads

If I said "board trolls" are a "chink in your armor" here, or, your politics take a conservative "slant", you wouldn't be pissed wouldja ?!---:)

Stewart is not the only Yid bastard around----GaG, let the insults flow------LOL !

St. Croix1052 reads

Don't Gyp me
Don't be an Indian giver
Don't Welch on a bet
Don't Jew me down

I could go on and on and on. I didn't really like the last one too much, but I used the others.

I've often used the term "don't Christian me down" it just seemed fitting.

A couple that I do like are:

How do you make Gypsy chicken?

First thing you do is "steal a chicken"

and another one that I find fitting

How do you cook Italian?

First thing you do is open a bottle of wine.

Priapus531737 reads

The following moth-eaten jokes comes from the late & venerated standup comic Henny Youngmann. All ethic varieties get roasted, so I don't wanna hear any mangina whining :

Q : What do you call a woman thats half Chinese & half Jewish ?

A : A Oriyenta.

I have this Mexican gardener who goes under strange name of Manuel Labor.

I have this gardener who's half black & half Japanese; every Dec 7th, he bombs Pearl Bailey.

A pic is provided below for those not old enough to know who entertainer Pearl Bailey was, or, what she looked like------------:(

-- Modified on 6/30/2011 4:21:18 PM

A car thief who can't drive.

I had a maid who was half French and half Chinese, All she could do was "suck laundry"

-- Modified on 6/30/2011 4:36:30 PM


1) you would say it with a smile

2) I know you are my friend

3) I know you are really racist,

so no offense would be taken.

OTOH let's say Xfean said something like that to my face, and lets also assume he's not a 5' 2" 98lb little wimp, If he said it, I'd break his fucking face. See it's all a matter or intent with me.

I used to have a black GF about ten years ago that would constantly call me a "Cambodian", in return I would call her my "negress" from the outside it would appear that we were both racists when in fact we both we rather fond of each other, it's just the way we talked to each other.

Priapus531744 reads

Btw, I think you should have on your tombstone the following : " I ain't no PC Mangina"---------------I can think of no more complimentary epitaph.--;)

Lastly, clarification about Xiao ( someone should alert Zisk & Marikod about this ); I didn't give a FUCKING RAT'S ASS if he was anti-Zionist---it was the sheer NUMBER of these posts ( I think 3,000 ) that indicated to anyone that has half a brain that he was was anti-semitic. Also, nary a post from him about such "rogue nations" as Iran, N. Korea & Pakistan.

-- Modified on 6/30/2011 4:27:44 PM

No Xiao crossed into simple "Jew bashing" a couple of thousand posts ago. I rarely read, much less respond to any of those posts of his. Even when I agree with his many criticisms of Israel, it's like agreeing with nogood, i just don't want to go on record agreeing with someone who spends 90% of his time here "jew bashing"

St. Croix1652 reads

Do you have any really really close friends that are not white, and in your case black? One group of my close friends are Mexicans. You wouldn't believe some of the shit they say about Blacks, both in a joking and serious manner. It would make your hair curl. That is just one small example. Racism, bigotry, whatever you want to call it exists just about everywhere, and to different degrees.

You can't make a broad brush and lump Asians into the same pool, as you can't with Hispanics, Arabs, or Blacks. Spend some time with someone who is Vietnamese and ask him his thoughts about someone who is Chinese. Ask a Cuban, or anyone in South America their thoughts about Mexicans or Central Americans. You'd be surprised. It just ain't whites Willy.

Willy, I kinda get the impression your racism, or probably your fear, is a result of your upbringing, lack of close friends of color, your current interests, and your lack of international travel.

To make that comment that if your white in America you're probably racist is a really really really dumb comment.

-- Modified on 6/30/2011 3:25:54 PM

Racism predates the USA by millennia, to think that only white people are racist, is to prove ones own racism. lol

You can go to the remote islands of the South Pacific and find people from two islands only a few miles apart with only a few hundred people on each island and I guarantee you the people on each island will feel superior to the people on the other. People have always felt fear and hatred towards those different than themselves.

And BTW Willy, if you don't think that black people don't make fun of "whitey" you are sadly mistaken. but it doesn't have to be a bad thing, One of my best friends in Tulsa is black and has a thing for white girls, every time he pulls one the next day he would walk around strutting and going "nigga got himself
another white girl, those white girls just can't pass up the chocolate, who's your nigga now?" now some people might call
that racist, I don't. I will tell you he scores a lot of pussy, so I've heard him go through this routine many times. lol

St. Croix1439 reads

In fact, they all married white women. I once asked why none of them married a Mexican girl. They all said, "have you looked a Mexican girl after she's had a few kids"? They go from fat to fatter to obese. At least the fuckers all married white Irish Catholic women (lol).

I just hope your black friend didn't do Lisa Lampanelli, the comedian on those comedy roasts. She only does black men. She is one big fat ugly white woman. Greg Giraldo another comedian said she looks like the Octomom. No she hasn't had 8 kids at once, but she has had 80 fingers in her pussy at once.

but no, my buddy has pretty good taste. but I do no some brothas that will do the most heinous cows as long as they are blond, oh well even fat pigs need to get laid too. lol

I had a "Chicana novia" back about thirty years ago that was one of the most "bonita" of any woman I have ever been with. A spinner type, about 5' 3" and maybe a hundred lbs. She was actually a twenty one yr old virgin when I met her as coming from the poor town of Mexicali her parents had her working 18 hrs a day and she never had time for a boyfriend.  Well to make a long story short, it looked for a while like GaGambler might be headed to the altar until I met her sisters. Everyone of them used to look just like her until they had kids and everyone of them had ballooned up to over 200 lbs after having kids.

Call me shallow if you like, but I headed for the hills. I still don't know to this day if I might have sired a bambino with her, but I wasn't sticking around to watch her blimp up on me and find myself stuck with a "gorda" for a wife. lol

for many years. there was an untold stream of young little hotties that turned into chubby little mamasitas once they started popping kids and staying at home watching novelas...

I didn't say that if you're white in America then you're probably racist. I said that if you're white in America, you ARE racist. Whether you realize you are is a different story.

I live in a pretty racially diverse area of the country. I have friends whose ancestors come from all over the world. My own bloodline is as white as they come, and unfortunately for me, mostly my Irish side comes out, so in the summer I just try to neutralize the blue. :) I have family that are black, Hispanic, Asian, and Native American, but Willy himself was beaten with the cracker stick.

The strange thing is that I have a few close friends who are black, and it rarely occurs to me that they're black. Maybe it's because they don't have few, if any black friends themselves.

I wonder how much of this stuff is race, but culture. I freely admit that if I'm in traffic in the city and a car pulls up next to me blasting hip-hop, I'll lock my doors. I don't check skin color before I do.

to make decisions based on racism  that affect the lives of others.

It's not "OK" to be a racist under any circumstances.

politics and to have people thing the comedian's words carries any weight is a joke.

Next, dems accuse repubs as being racist anytime someone disagrees with Obama.

Now everytime some dem/lib disagrees with Herman Cain the repubs can call the dems racist.

Not sure if you saw it, but that's exactly what Fox News did with Jon Stewart the other day.  His response was hilarious.  He showed clip after clip of him ridiculing people of all races, religions and ethnic groups.

-- Modified on 7/1/2011 2:10:26 PM

I think the war between Stewart and Fox News is hilarious.  I love the way he exposes Fox's hypocrisy.  His spoof on himself in response to their "racist" attempt was hilarious, too.  If Fox were smart (too much to expect), they'd just ignore his jibes.  Because when it comes to being able to joust with humor they aren't in the same league.
PS:  Stewart ridicules Obama, too.

but to accuse him of  being a racist for his bit on Herman Cain is so over the top I can hardly believe that Fox would even go there. It's not like Stewart doesn't have a platform to fight back from, and he is inarguably a thousand times better at this sort of thing than Fox.

and yes Stewart ridicules everybody. it's one of the things I like about him, the little jew bastard. rofl

A chink joke!  And this one is real.
I was in the waiting room of an expensive Palm Beach lawyer and former judge.  The waiting room featured a reproduction of one of the Xi'an terra cotta warriors, life sized.  The lawyer came out to greet me and, as I shook his hand I gestured at the figurine and said: "I see you have a Chink in his armor."
The poor schmuck (yes, he was Jewish) was so taken aback he could only smile wanly.
PS:  There was nobody else in the waiting room to offend.

Both of them are sitting in a bar minding their own business when out of the blue the jew gets up and knows the Chinese guys off his barstool. Taken aback the Chinese guy goes "WTF was that for? I don't even know you"

Well the Jewish guy responds "that was for Pearl Harbor" which of course was the Japanese not the Chinese, but when the Chinese guy and the bartender tried to explain that to him, he simply responded "Chinese, Japanese, what's the fucking difference"

At any rate the bartender got them separated them and they went to different ends of the bar and it seemed to be the end of the issue, expect the Chinese guy just started getting drunk pounding Crown Royals down like there was no tomorrow. Finally he gets up, walks across the bar and starts pummeling the Jewish guy, beat him to within an inch of his life before the bartender could pull him off the Jewish guy.

Finally the bartender gets the angry and by now quite drunk Chinese guy off the Jewish guy and tries to figure out what the fuck had gotten into to Chinese guy as he thought their earlier troubles were settled to which the Chinese guy responded "that was for the Titanic" Now the bartender and the Jew were both completely dumbfounded, they both responded in unison, but that was an iceberg that sunk the Titanic, to which the Chinaman responded "Iceberg, Greenberg, Goldberg, what's the fucking difference?"

Thank you folks and don't forget to tip your waitress. lol

WhiteGuiltDetector1452 reads

You don't need to be a shrink to see the similarity  between Willy judging racists and a  suppressed closet homo judging homosexuals.
God damn white guilt liberal honkies are disgusting.

Has willy ever had a Black GF or seen a Black provider ?
Has he ever had a Black man over for dinner besides the Black man he enjoys looking down on in the soup line?.


A Hasidic Jew walks into a bar in lower Manhattan.  He has a parrot on his shoulder.  The bartender walks up and says, "Hey, where'd you get that?"
The parrot says, "Brooklyn.  There's thousands of them over there."

The office of the Presidency deserves a certain level of respect. No matter how one feels about the President or the job he is doing, no one should go on national or national cable television and be allowed to disrespect the office of the President of the United States in such a derogatory manner.

Of course, Halperin will probably gladly take the suspension in exchange for all the free publicity he generated with his tacky remark.

...believe there was a seven-second delay and egged him on to say what he wanted.  Then he was shocked that Halperin actually did express his opinion while expecting it to be bleeped.

and hearing the context, I thought halperin was set up.

Besides, since when did MSNBC stop advocating "telling TRUTH to power"?

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