Politics and Religion

Actually it was even higher as black voters were 96 percent ....
Timbow 1269 reads

Posted By: dncphil

 Look at the number fo Blacks who were 92% for Obama.  If the black vote ever splits and is not a predicable group, the Dems are in trouble.  

-- Modified on 11/24/2011 10:33:30 AM
Quote :
Fully 96 percent of black voters supported Obama and constituted 13 percent of the electorate.


-- Modified on 11/24/2011 12:04:34 PM

Priapus532949 reads

ANOTHER achilles heel for BHO 2nd term; these "Reagan Democrats" ( a figurative & literal oxymoron, since many of the folks have no College education ) COULD tip the balance to GOP candidate.

Couple intersting stats from article : 26% of Dems want another candidate, up from 18% several months ago; & check out fascinating stats from link about "Obamacare".

-- Modified on 11/24/2011 10:33:30 AM

The Dems have a very tenous coalition, and many groups do not like the others.

Blue collar may be Dem to the extent that there is a labor interest, but they often do not like enviornmentalist aspects of the party, nor will they be sympathetic to Hispanics who will support illegal immigarants, even if it undermines salaries.  Many are socially conservative on abortion, gay relations, gun control, and other issues.  They will join hands out of self-interest, not because they like the rest of the platform.

Other groups are equally conflicted.  

The biggest group in CA against gay marraige was the portion of the black community that goes to traditional churches.  And that is a fairly large number.  

Hispanics and Blacks are often in conflict for political power. Look at what happens in Compton when Hispanics more into traditionally Black areas.  If you think the old days of the KKK were bad....
Also, if "people of color" get along so well, go visit a prison.

The Green Crowd tends to be more upper class and more educated, and they look down on the "Reagan Democrats."  If you doubt that remember the applause at people clinging to guns and Bibles.  They will tend to be very pro-choice, in conflict with the church segment of the Black community.

The areas where school vouchers are most popular are in the Black community, and the area where they are least popular is with unionized teachers.  Wow. Conflict City???

This is a coalition of people who are looking for their own interests first, and have uneasy alliances with the others.

If the Dems ever lose a significant part of any of these coaltions, they will never win again, so the job is keeping them together.  Look at the demographics.  Figure out what percent of the popular vote went to Obama.  Look at the number fo Blacks who were 92% for Obama.  If the black vote ever splits and is not a predicable group, the Dems are in trouble.  Combine that with Jews who are still overwhelmingly Dem.  

If they lose a lock on those two groups, I don't know what would happen.

Posted By: Priapus53
ANOTHER achilles heel for BHO 2nd term; these "Reagan Democrats" ( a figurative & literal oxymoron, since many of the folks have no College education ) COULD tip the balance to GOP candidate.

Couple intersting stats from article : 26% of Dems want another candidate, up from 18% several months ago; & check out fascinating stats from link about "Obamacare".

-- Modified on 11/24/2011 10:33:30 AM

Timbow1270 reads

Posted By: dncphil

 Look at the number fo Blacks who were 92% for Obama.  If the black vote ever splits and is not a predicable group, the Dems are in trouble.  

-- Modified on 11/24/2011 10:33:30 AM
Quote :
Fully 96 percent of black voters supported Obama and constituted 13 percent of the electorate.


-- Modified on 11/24/2011 12:04:34 PM

I knew it was in the 90's, but didn't have time to look it up.

Here is an example of his being forced to go negative and not focus on his "accomplishments."

It seems that in public, Obama shies away from talking about his accomplishment of health care.  Not something to brag about.  It is only behind closed doors with the big donors that he trots it out.  The people who he wants to get big bucks from like it.  THe rest of the public does not.


The irony is all the talk of uniting and not being negative vaporizes if he can't talk about what he did.  Attack, attack, attack will be the plan.

And think about this:  If Gigrich gets it, will the Dems focus on Obama's healthcare or Gingrich's divorces?  The issues or what Obama used to call, "distractions."  

Suddenly, the focus will be a person's personal life, like their pastor and assoicates (oops.)

Posted By: Timbow
Posted By: dncphil

 Look at the number fo Blacks who were 92% for Obama.  If the black vote ever splits and is not a predicable group, the Dems are in trouble.  

-- Modified on 11/24/2011 10:33:30 AM
Quote :
Fully 96 percent of black voters supported Obama and constituted 13 percent of the electorate.


-- Modified on 11/24/2011 12:04:34 PM

I think you're right re the Dems, but keep in mind the Reps are not a solid bloc either.  Both parties have about 40% of the electorate, so it's the 20% that call themselves independents who are the swing votes.  As for the Reps, there are so-called Reagan Democrats but also Evangelicals and Tea Partiers at the far right of the base.  If Romney is the nominee, many of them may stay home.  Also, some of the blue-collar Reagan Democrats who are state and local employees have been aliented by what Govs. Walker and Kasich have to end collective bargaining rights.  So it's all up for grabs.

But Obama has to be the worst President I've seen in my 44 years.

It has nothing to do with him being black. Half black. WTF-ever. Just don't think he was up for the job. Or better yet, didn't have the right people with him. And if he can't find the right people to take care of the tasks at hand pertaining to their capacities, what does that say about his judgement and who he appointments?

If he gets re-elected, I'd be convinced the whole country is drunker than I ever could be and huffing super-glue when they go vote.

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