
Wow this comment is so foolish with no facts to back up your stupidity!!!
bigguy30 1021 reads

I see some people just don't get it, and let greed get the best of them. So smart ass, I don't have time for games or waste people time! This is a fun hobby for me and the providers, I see are treated only with respect. Also I don't even know who you are and I guess you are bitter provider or agency.

So maybe instead of trying to accuse people with no proof or facts, you should try improving your own provider business. It sounds like you need money. The first step is treating customers like people and not just dollar signs. Also getting a hobbyist to keep coming back is key.  

Well your comment shows desperation and how little your customers mean to you, that is your problem not anyone else!

-- Modified on 6/29/2014 12:53:53 AM

PhxGirls.com3292 reads

Everyone has them right?  Girls that don't show up on time, too many rules, etc.  Please allow me to share a couple of mine in so many words as I won't spell anything out in a public forum. Let me say this... I actually care about the ladies on my website.  I was once a provider and I refuse to allow certain things to go on.  I do not mean for this post to sound ugly but more of a "what not to do" when you are in the company of not only the ladies I work with but I bet I can speak for every single lady on this board because I've been around long enough.  

If you're looking for a naive new girl so you can get away with unsafe shit, let me tell you this... THIS is my number ONE pet peeve and I will ban you from calling me again.  Some of you, I've warned.  And trust me, I'm looking for these types and I actually talk to my girls and they will call you out!  So don't do it please. Go elsewhere if this is your "thing".  

If you ask for a ladies personal number. or you solicit for any reason, there isn't a warning. You're banned.  I used to work for an agency and I know this happens but trust me when I say, if someone spills the beans on you, I'm done with you.  Again, not trying to be ugly but my site is not a personal sugar baby pick up site for you. Go elsewhere.  I don't give second chances on this one and I'm sorry for that.  

And lastly, if you're disrespectful and I warn you and you continue, then you leave me no choice. Again, I care about the ladies more than your wallet. That's simply the way it is. I love this hobby but as long as everyone is having fun and everyone is safe.  

Hope everyone had a great weekend.   I hope this didn't come across wrong or hateful. That's truly not my intention.  


Likeaglove1954 reads

Staying overtime because we're both having fun or just because. It's still not cool. If an hour isn't enough time and 2 hrs is too much, ask for 90 mins. It doesn't mean we're clock watchers but this is a business and our time is valuable too.  
Kissing with a mouth full of saliva. Swallow first please.  
Or kissing with rough facial hair.  
Playing with the kitty with dry fingers. Please lubricate.  
Absolutely no teeth while daty.
For those who do, Stop trying to bbfs.  
Uncleanliness and halitosis is a total turn off.  
Last but not least, ask before spanking hard or pulling hair. Some ladies don't like it

Regarding staying over time...

I understand, conversation and chemistry may be great and the time just flies by...if you have stayed over 15 minutes...give us a tip...if the overage is nearing half an really should pay for 90 minutes. Little gestures like a tip when time runneth over will stick in our mind and you'll be rewarded with renewed excitement when we see each other again!

bigguy301273 reads

I was not going to respond to this post at first, but somethings need to be said about it.

Why is it some providers not all, don't get that even though it's a business.  We do it for fun too and don't want to be reminded of $$ all the time.  If hobbyist want rules, then most of us would just stay with our girlfriends or wives.  

If guys are made to feel like they are on the clock, then we won't bother coming your way. Also we already know we are on the clock and if we go over.  Then the smart ones, will make sure to tip if they have extra money.  How about the guys, who travel a long way to see a provider and have to pay for hotels, car rentals etc?  Do you take that into consideration too?  

So whether it's a agency or provider, the smart ones will also think about their customers once in a while.  It's goes both ways and that is why reading TER reviews, plus comments are important!  

Just remember any business, survives on how they treat the customers.

If I were  going to post it public, either here on the board or on my website (about clients respecting my time which is what I think Madison is trying to convey),  it's more than just a statement and plea to respect my time for the hundreds of eyes that may view it.  It was put out there to deter anyone who has the attitude that my time is not important. I would not post an hourly rate for time if I didn't mean it.  

 Just like you have your pick of ladies, we have our pick of men.  I prefer to not see a person that I'm going to feel animosity towards because they had no respect for my time.  There are plenty of clients that respect time and I no longer see ones that don't-  even though they try to book.  Ten to fifteen minutes is not a big deal.  It's the half hour over that starts to feel like an abuse of time for me.  Most of our world functions on a clock, why should this be any exception?  I do my end to make sure that each hour booked is my best.  Why ruin my enthusiasm to see you again?  

 Of course there have been men that I have had real and pure chemistry with (the kind that I dream of running off into the sunset with that person) and I have given them more time off the clock, but they are not here now.  They come and they go and there are few and far between.  

 There are also a few of you that are real and true friends that I might meet for coffee or dinner.  I do that to nurture the friendship and you know that what I'm saying here in the above paragraphs doesn't pertain to you.

-- Modified on 6/24/2014 10:52:32 AM

Well said Sedona...

15 minutes over a 2 hr appt is nothing. 15 minutes over an hour appointment is not a BIG deal, but if you break it down, 15 minutes is 1/4 of an hour (priced at $400...that is $100 of our time) Is it unreasonable to have a couple of extra $20s on you for tipping if you are enjoying a lady's company enough that you remain in her company longer than agreed on and she doesn't rush you out the door.

I am not a clock watcher by any means...but there have been times when I have genuinely enjoyed someone's company and am thoroughly pleased with the time we have spent together but I still ended up feeling badly for having to ask someone to leave so that I could get to a training or nail appointment which I scheduled following our time together.

I never want a gentleman to feel rushed in my company, but I also don't like to be late for my other commitments. Most gentleman (in my experience) are courteous enough to inquire if there is anywhere I need to be on those occasions where time runneth over. But every so often I have encountered a gent who just doesn't seem to respect my time at all. Thank goodness these occasions have been FEW and FAR BETWEEN.

In all my time in and out of this business over the years, I have only had to blacklist a handful of gentleman for the most egregious of offenses and only once for overt abuse of and disregard for my time. Generally a mere mention of having a tight schedule the next time we get together resolves any conflict.

THANKS TO ALL OF YOU for making the vast majority of my experiences in this business so rewarding and for the time and companionship you give to me every day.

But, go ahead and ban me now. My pet peeve is pimps and that is exactly what you are. You send these girls you care so much about out to fuck men and then take part of their earnings to support yourself. You USE others too support yourself. That being said you have some legit points. Personally, I would never do any of the above pet peeves. However, after your little rant something else I would never do is call your agency!!! Your mouth is hurting your business and the ladies you USE. I think you need to work on your people skills a bit.

referring to her as a pimp is, in my opinion, a bit harsh.  The term Pimp implies oppression, coercion and violence, hardly is that the case with this agency.  While an argument could be made that a pimp provides value, certainly the agency provides significant value in the form of services to the providers that work with them.  A well run agency performs referrals, screening, marketing, in-call services and the list goes on.  The relationship between a reputable provider and a reputable agency is mutually beneficial, is entered into willingly by both parties and is a business model that is used in many other main stream businesses.

Regarding the OP's rant about pet peeves, I am with you 100%.  If the OP felt it so important to tell us what will get us banned from her agency then she should have simply put it up on her website and left it at that.  These ladies are getting anywhere between $350 - $500 per hour +++, it isn't because all of the clients are great looking, charming,  impeccably well behaved and clean as a whistle.  

Having said all the above, I believe the pet peeves are legitimate, I just don't like to listen to the bitching, save it for the PO board where it belongs.  

-- Modified on 6/23/2014 7:45:21 PM

Webster dictionary definition of a pimp.  

noun \ˈpimp\  

: a man who makes money illegally by getting customers for prostitutes.

In this case a women....or pimpette? It does not imply oppression, coercion or violence. It is simply an exact description of what this women does.

However in the OP there was a reference of violence towards client "punch you in the throat" and there is no doubt that this pimp was trying to oppress and coerce possible future clients into her rules. So by either definition a pimpette.

-- Modified on 6/24/2014 12:05:22 PM

Anyone capitalizing on another person performing sexual acts on someone else is a pimp.  If you would not hire anyone who didn't perform then what are you?  A booking agent/assistant?  I don't know how anyone who does this could pretend to care about the woman they use. I chose to do what I do, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone nor would I want this life for my own daughter.  There are obvious dangers associated with our line of work. I don't know why anyone would want that responsibility unless it were just for ego and greed.

Posted By: balljointnut
But, go ahead and ban me now. My pet peeve is pimps and that is exactly what you are. You send these girls you care so much about out to fuck men and then take part of their earnings to support yourself. You USE others too support yourself. That being said you have some legit points. Personally, I would never do any of the above pet peeves. However, after your little rant something else I would never do is call your agency!!! Your mouth is hurting your business and the ladies you USE. I think you need to work on your people skills a bit.
-- Modified on 6/24/2014 10:51:17 AM

It's asinine to pretend to know the empathic relationship between the OP and her girls. I can't even tell if your serious with that post.

Gism1031 reads

We all want a safe hobby so I applaud your second paragraph. Yes, protect your providers, keep them safe and clean. Good for you, you are not a pimp, you help providers find safe clients. I believe you when you say, "I care about the ladies more than your wallet"
This is how I interpret your third paragraph; your number one priority is to protect your wallet. You say you have warned a couple of men who have tried to "get away with unsafe shit" which means a giving them a second chance but you will not tolerate, "I don't give second chances on this one" a client asking a provider to deal directly with him and cut out the middle man (in this case, the middle woman). Ok, now you are a pimp. Now you have said, and I am paraphrasing, "I care about my wallet more than the ladies". Kinda sounds like you are staking out your territory, your territory being the women themselves. Have you ever told your ladies, "if I ever find that you have negotiated directly with a client, I'm done with you"? Yes? You are a pimp.
It seems unlikely that your intention was to threaten your clients just because you want your cut of the action but it certainly seems to me that is exactly what you have done.
Please believe me when I say I hope this didn't come across wrong or hateful. That's truly not my intention either

PhxGirls.com1248 reads

I've had more than one lady mention the "white knights" that try to befriend them and "save them" so to speak. In the same sentence, these guys ask for a ladies phone number. C'mon, they don't want her number so they can "save her", palease! :p What some of you don't realize is that when you talk to us like, for example, "Why are you doing this when you're so much better than this?"  Well, you've just degraded her/us and what we choose to do for a living. You've just "labeled" us as someone lower than dirt. Of the ladies that mention this to me, they mention how bad these particular clients make them feel. One lady even said, "I wanted to punch him in his throat." (Figure of speech, not literally, of course). Another girl cried because of a clients comments.  

Not all of us feel that this is a degrading business.  Personally, I believe this business should be regulated, taxed and legalized. We provide a service like any other business.  

So this is what I'm referring to by "don't ask for my girls number" along with others that want their number to try and get some freebies (again, I was a provider and I also worked for an agency). Most, not all, clients that asked for my personal phone number bugged the shit out of me.  So when I hear a lady tell me how she wanted to "punch him in his throat" because he was trying to "save her", I felt the need to speak up. It's not just about "cutting out the middle man".  

Again, I apologize if it comes off as a rant, I can see how it seems that way and I apologize. Maybe in a way it is a rant but I listen to the ladies and I'm telling you what they have to say. I do not post much. I do not wish to be in the spotlight EVER!  I don't even like this thread getting long. It draws attention that I am NOT trying to get.  


-- Modified on 6/24/2014 2:03:23 AM

Posted By:
I've had more than one lady mention the "white knights" that try to befriend them and "save them" so to speak. In the same sentence, these guys ask for a ladies phone number. C'mon, they don't want her number so they can "save her", palease! :p What some of you don't realize is that when you talk to us like, for example, "Why are you doing this when you're so much better than this?"  Well, you've just degraded her/us and what we choose to do for a living. You've just "labeled" us as someone lower than dirt. Of the ladies that mention this to me, they mention how bad these particular clients make them feel. One lady even said, "I wanted to punch him in his throat."    
 Not all of us feel that this is a degrading business.  Personally, I believe this business should be regulated, taxed and legalized. We provide a service like any other business.  
 So this is what I'm referring to by "don't ask for my girls number" along with others that want their number to try and get some freebies (again, I was a provider and I also worked for an agency). Most, not all, clients that asked for my personal phone number bugged the shit out of me.  So when I hear a lady tell me how she wanted to "punch him in his throat" because he was trying to "save her", I felt the need to speak up. It's not just about "cutting out the middle man".  
 Again, I apologize if it comes off as a rant, I can see how it seems that way and I apologize. Maybe in a way it is a rant but I listen to the ladies and I'm telling you what they have to say. I do not post much. I do not wish to be in the spotlight EVER!  I don't even like this thread getting long. It draws attention that I am NOT trying to get.  
Threatening to ban guys who irk you from using your agency seems a bit silly to me as there is no shortage of providers in this area.   You do seem very controlling and manipulative.  Now you are telling us not to respond because you don't want a long thread!   Let me tell you that every business has pain in the ass clients.  You deal with them and take it in stride.  In your business there will always be clients trying to "save" girls, showing up stinky, bad breath, trying to manipulate her time, etc.   Deal with it or close up shop.  Cause it's never going to change.  

And you need to teach your girls some anger management.  Punching clients in the throat is bad business!  They are less likely to return if they have been assaulted.

bigguy301110 reads

I think sometimes we all forget, it's always two sides.  Just like in any business, if customers feel like the business does not care about there dollars or wants more money.  What happens, we go somewhere else to buy or in this case play!

So we all have to treat each other with respect, but don't make demands or expect more than the agree upon fees and time.  I would like to know how many of us, could make those demands in the real world?  

It's very simple the better a provider treats a hobbyist, the more a hobbyist will want to see them.  Then you won't have to bring up pet peeves or about tips.  The hobbyist just might want to do more than what you are expecting, just by how cool a provider acts!

If somebody saying "why are you doing this your better than that" makes them feel that low then they already have issues with what they are doing.  

Not that I would tell anybody what to think but maybe rather than getting upset they should be thinking NOT saying " Hey I choose to do this. There is nothing else I can easily do and make the same money and by the way nobody asked you, douche bag. Fuck You. I won't be seeing you again if you choose to belittle my profession!!!!" They need to grow a little thicker skin.  

I agree with legalization although prices would skyrocket and a lot of us would simply be priced out of the market which would limit the amount of men available and make for much more competition. Those ladies willing to provide more service and push the boundaries for the smallest price would get the business.

Because our work would become more accepted.  More women would probably flood the market (maybe more clients, too). You would no longer be seeking black market goods.  I've worked in Canada and rates were lower and it was legal.  Although I've worked in London. It was legal but still expensive.

I am just speculating. You could be entirely right.  

I would use as an example the price people pay for legalized marijuana. Substantially higher than what it can be bought for on the street illegally.

I am a proponent for legalization, but am realistic to know it will never happen.  Too many anti provider fanatics running the show.

Decriminalization would at least stop wasting le resources for going against discrete providers and agencies.  Prices would remain competitive, we might actuallyget more providers and more guys would feel safer to play.

GreekDeprived870 reads

“ Well, you've just degraded her/us and what we choose to do for a living. You've just "labeled" us as someone lower than dirt. Of the ladies that mention this to me, they mention how bad these particular clients make them feel. One lady even said, "I wanted to punch him in his throat." (Figure of speech, not literally, of course). Another girl cried because of a clients comments.”

There could be another way to look at this......there wasn't any degradation in “"Why are you doing this when you're so much better than this?"”. Consider the statement as simply one person's judgment system similar to saying Chevrolet is better than Ford, red heads are more beautiful than blonds, blue is a better color than red.

“..lower than dirt.” is like wise some one's judgment. There isn't anything inherent in “'re so much better than this.” indicating that “this” places some one as lower than anyone else.  

Some might consider politicians as the only beings capable of being lower than dirt. Some have remarked that a street with lawyers offices all on one side is the only street that is shady 24 hours a day.

I have a terrible memory for details, awfull spelling, and only remember three or four quotes. One of my favorites is “I neither want nor need your approval.” When I heard that one I thought PERFECT!! That concisely and accurately states my view point.  

If someone does like some thing I've done or not done.......well? So what? Ultimately it doesn't have anything to do with me......they are the one who has an unresolved issue.

Once in a while I’ll meet someone who I like struggling with issues of someone in their life who doesn't like an aspect of how the former lives.  I print out that quote in BOLD letters on a sheet of paper, frame it, and give it to them along with one of theses removable wall hooks so that they can mount it some place to remind them they are a mature adult, not a child that has to live their life predominantly concerned living with adult's approvals.

Tis quite true that everyone does not consider getting paid for doing something one choose to do as degrading. Some people consider a woman who figures out how to get paid for doing something they really enjoy and are free enough to let themselves engage in it as very lucky, VERY free!


PS: one time i heard this view or attitude expressed this way, "Supposing someone walks up to you and tells you the shirt you have on is ugly as sin, but you are waring a sweater. What do you do?" do you feel bad and question what you chose to ware? do you try and explain you aren't waring a shirt? do you do nothing and go back to whatever you were doing before you were interupted?

I'm curious. What is the difference re: Pimp or Madam? It seems to me that it is just  gender.

I don't believe that it is good business to solicit information from a provider that is employed by an agency. We all operate businesses and I know that if one of my clients attempted to hire one of my employees, I would not tolerate that underhanded business tactic. I do not think it is asking too much that us hobbyist treat the ladies with respect. Moreover, IMO I think that a hobbyist should maintain superlative hygiene before expecting his new friend to be intimate with him.  I really think these rules of engagement are reasonable. I have not done business with Ms. Star or Phx Girls agency only because of their policy of requiring that I produce my ID regardless of my references white list of many providers ETC.  Consider this, maybe some girls would prefer to work for an agency to avoid the everyday tasks of making appointments verifying etc...  I have always thought they have some beautiful girls on their site I would have loved to see.  Again disclosure of identity is never in the best interest legally, of either the client or the agency...

-- Modified on 6/24/2014 12:49:41 PM

-- Modified on 6/24/2014 1:40:18 PM

bigguy30853 reads

It's a gender thing and why pay someone, when a provider is smart enough to do it themselves?

-- Modified on 6/25/2014 11:31:11 AM

I have used a few agencies (mostly Asian) and I am not going to debate the pros and cons of the point established.  

I have been "the culprit" a few times of running over time, and sometimes do not carry a lot of extra money to tip during the visit (I carry only the donation and may be $40 more when doing Incall). But anytime a session runs over, it means that it was a good to great session and I will mostly be back to see the provider either for a longer time or will ensure I bring a nice tip or gift during my repeat visit. I have never heard the provider complain about the extra time we spent as in this business sometimes we are in for the experience and not just the transaction.  

On the other hand, I have seen several providers (both Independents and agencies) where I have left way early than the paid for time due to lack of chemistry or otherwise (and never in the history of my 10+ years of hobbying was given a refund or a gift) ; My record I think so was a 10 minute visit after paying for an hour (not going to get into the details) from well reviewed provider. The point is, I have seen both independent and agency providers (the very best of them) try to create an experience rather than an transaction - these are the providers that get the repeat business and more importantly stay in the game for several years. The are no clock watchers and most of the gentlemen are fair enough to either tip them for the extra time or make up for it during the next trip. I have repeated 20, 30 times with providers from agencies I have clicked with and the experience definitely gets better during my repeat visits.

I do have a few contact numbers of providers belonging to agencies, but it was mostly given without asking after they were comfortable with after several visits and we do have met afterwards without paying the "cut" and hence I see the point of the middle person having this issue as a pet peeve. I believe that you provide value to the transaction, but after the same provider and hobbiest have met for say 3 to 4 times, I think the provider probably feels shortchanged for the commission. It should be noted that I continued paying the same rate to the agency ladies even after I met them in outcall (most asian agencies do not allow outcall, so having the personal contact was the only option) or a longer date - so there was no personal benefit for me.

I do like working with agencies as the scheduling and hassle is minimized and would like to try out what this agency has to offer, I am new to Phx and still getting my feet wet in your part of the country. But if I am going to get  nasty call or warning for going over by 15-20 mins, I might want to reconsider using this agency.

- IHOH..

ALL of my dates go over the allotted time scheduled. I don't mind, especially since I'm usually the one that's talking too much anyway. Conversation is fun. We are relaxed and forget about the time. Oops.  

What I have noticed, is the 90% return rate with the guys that I allow to stay an extra 15-20mins, sometimes 30mins or more. Therefore, I consider "extra time" or "OTC" be an investment. This applies to locals and guys I meet when touring other cities. No, not every guy repeats with me, but 90% ain't bad.  

Sometimes being businesslike requires some leniency (generosity w/time) in order to succeed in the long run. When a certain hotel allows me to check out at 2pm instead of noon, for no extra charge, you bet your ass I'll be back to patronage their establishment, plus tell a few people about how accomodating they were.  

For every good experience a customer has, he tells 2 people about it. For every bad experience, he tells 10 people about it.  

"It's a business doing pleasure with you"  


Of course we don't know anything about you because you hide behind an alias. As such, your opinions really lack any substance or consideration. I can only assume you are very high volume and an extra couple of minute encroaches on your next date. Why do you feel the need to us an alias?

Likeaglove803 reads

Not high volume at all. I agree 10-15 mins over is cool. Like I said before, if one hour isn't enough and two is too many opt for 90 mins out of consideration.  

Posted By: balljointnut
Of course we don't know anything about you because you hide behind an alias. As such, your opinions really lack any substance or consideration. I can only assume you are very high volume and an extra couple of minute encroaches on your next date. Why do you feel the need to us an alias?

I didn't take offence to this post, because I'm not the kind of guy it was directed too. I have had my share of dates over the past 17 years where I've had little to no chemistry with a lady, but for the most part I enjoy my time with a provider so things go pretty well. Ive never once asked a woman to give me her private number, or tried to save them. When I was in my late 20's, I had two women then give me their private number. One was 35 and I was 26, I think she just liked banging a young guy. LOL She called me once and just came over on her own time. I wonder what ever happened to her. I thought she was so classy. The other gave me her number because we were the same age and I think she liked me, but I could never date someone I met thru an agency. Not sure what kind of guy tries to pick up a provider anyway? These are the same guys trying to pick up on strippers at the club!

I admit I don't watch the clock. I'm guilty of allowing the provider to tell me when my time is up, not because I am trying to get something for nothing, but because I just dont like staring at a clock. I used to years ago, and the provider [that classy older one in fact] saw me doing that in the act and said "just enjoy yourself", so from then on, I did just that. I figure they kind of are keeping an eye on things, and will give me a hint when its time for me to get up and out. When they say times up, I jump up, get dressed and Im out.

...I keep an eye on the clock during a session so I always display respect for a woman's time. I've always found that ladies are quite adept at letting you know when the time is up by just getting up and start getting cleaned up and dressed. Or, she can just look at the clock and say, "Wow, look at the time! Sorry, but I've got to go." I'm definitely not a chatterbox so, if a lady wants to hang around and chat, that's fine, that's cool. But I'm not going to tip based on the time you stayed and we chatted. I'm not into paying for social time unless that time is prenegotiated at an extremely favorable rate to me. If I tip, it's based on the overall experience I've had with you and hanging out after a session usually doesn't enter into the equation, but it can. I would love to spend social time with most of the ladies I've met and I would guarantee her usual session rate for a repeat performance if I feel I would be up for it if her social time was very generous.

Likeaglove888 reads

Get a clue. It doesn't mean you're screwing up my schedule for the next date. Some providers have a kid or kids to care for, family near by, plans w/ friends, bf's, g'f's, or like MM said, nails or personal obligations. Most ladies don't sit around all day seeing as many guys as they can for $$$$ every single day. We have personal lives!!!! We aren't ok w/ 15-30 or 45 mins over the hour without compensation because most have a 90 min or 2hr option. I'm sure a massage therapist, a counselor or anyother pro that charges by the hr would want consideration...
If she starts to get dressed or get up & move towards wrapping things up, follow her lead. Its uncomfortable for us to have to tell you "I've got to get going...bla bla bla"

Posted By: balljointnut
Of course we don't know anything about you because you hide behind an alias. As such, your opinions really lack any substance or consideration. I can only assume you are very high volume and an extra couple of minute encroaches on your next date. Why do you feel the need to us an alias?

So true, Which is all my dates are clockless ! Who needs a clock, Basic mutual communication gets the job done.

In regards to everything else on this thread.. It was a train wreck waiting to happen.  

Posted By: akiya
ALL of my dates go over the allotted time scheduled. I don't mind, especially since I'm usually the one that's talking too much anyway. Conversation is fun. We are relaxed and forget about the time. Oops.  
 What I have noticed, is the 90% return rate with the guys that I allow to stay an extra 15-20mins, sometimes 30mins or more. Therefore, I consider "extra time" or "OTC" be an investment. This applies to locals and guys I meet when touring other cities. No, not every guy repeats with me, but 90% ain't bad.  
 Sometimes being businesslike requires some leniency (generosity w/time) in order to succeed in the long run. When a certain hotel allows me to check out at 2pm instead of noon, for no extra charge, you bet your ass I'll be back to patronage their establishment, plus tell a few people about how accomodating they were.  
 For every good experience a customer has, he tells 2 people about it. For every bad experience, he tells 10 people about it.  
 "It's a business doing pleasure with you"  

bigguy30807 reads

Just look at the responses and it will tell you fellow hobbyist all you need to know about how a provider really thinks about this hobby!  Also where your hard earned money really is appreciated!  It does not mean all providers are bad either, but some are just better than others in customer service.

Sometimes it really pays to shop around and do your research.  

Also just in case some are wondering, I do have reviews and only see the best in Phoenix.

Akiya, You have an excellent bed side manner. Moreover, you are so polished, who could ever forget you....

Akiya, RE: "It's a business doing pleasure with you" I love it!! And I'm sure all your clients do too!

I totally love surprising you far above and beyond the call of duty.

GreekDeprived1004 reads

Lets see......

When I'm with a doctor during a doctor's appointment, which one of us decides time is up?

When I'm at a dental appointment, does the dentist or does the patient decide when time is up?

Looking at it from another perspective, who has the most experience gauging how long an appointment is taking?  

Some people are born with a characteristic called ADD. One of the major hallmarks of this is becoming board easily, difficulty concentrating, unless one is fascinated, at which time awareness of time disappears during a condition that can be characterized as super concentration.  

Or, who has the best experience to handle the role of producer as in a movie production? Who has the best experience to direct progression of an appointment?

Some times I have met people complaining about being taken advantage of. When I've listed to what they talk about a common thread seems to be a lack of communicating expectations, inability to communicate something is not as expected or wanted.  

My observation is that it is a lot easier to blame some one else than it is to either recognize or accept one's short comings; their inadvertent part in creating the situation?  

For me, meeting women this way provides me the setting and opportunity to practice telling a woman want I want, what I like, what I don't like; a form of cognitive behavior modification.

What anyone choose for themselves doesn't have a thing to do with me, not something I judge.


I am quite adept at pacing appointments...I generally don't find that BCD is where the overage occurs. In my experiences, it is always after the full hour (or more) has been expended BCD and we are now dressed and chatting about seeing each other again while walking towards the front door.

I feel awful cutting someone off mid conversation because I have somewhere to be, and the last thing you want to do after a wonderful time together of unrushed companionship is leave them feeling rushed as the end of the time spent together is usually what remains freshest in their mind after leaving.


bigguy301088 reads

If you feel a tip is required for a extra 15 minutes or a extra half an hour is worth 90mins payment.  
You should let the hobbyists know up front.  

So now you feel bad, cutting a hobbyist off mid sentence if they are going over the agreed time?

It just better to be up front and people will get the hint.  

I read your earlier comments and this last one. This is why, I am responding to your last comment.

All providers are not the same and neither are us hobbyist. I just like the providers that don't worry about time.

This just my opinion and nothing personal against you or your business.

-- Modified on 6/27/2014 4:36:54 PM

Likeaglove766 reads

So you're the type that books an hr, doesn't worry about a provider's obligations and will stay an extra 30 mins over the hr even though she has a 90 min rate? You won't consider compensating or tipping? That's not thoughtful or gentlemanly at all of you. Most providers will think twice before seeing you again.

bigguy30823 reads

I only deal with providers that are non clock watchers and they will not only get tips from me, but gifts.

So read and know what you are talking about, before making assumptions.

The screening is tough, biggest thing to becareful for in phx is that leo has a hard_on for "agencies"

Stay safe starr and other ladies.

I have to agree with you on this one Starr. It was something that needed addressed. This is your business not anyone else's and I know for a fact that you run a very tight ship and will not allow this kind of thing to go on. You don't owe anyone an apology for anything you have said regarding your business practices and policies. The ladies that work with you deserve better treatment than what they obviously sometimes get and you have the right to institute and enforce your policies the way you see fit.

Its funny how the thread took off inon a tear regarding the overage of time spent when the main issue is that girls are getting pressured for bbfs and creeps are making girls feel bad for their ptofession.  Those douchebags  should be checking themselves in for violating their own "moral code".

I applaud Starr for coming out like this.  Posting on this board gets leo's attention, so yeah... But you are trying to make sure as many people know your possition before booking.  The angry dudes would never call you regardless.

But one public service announcement you are helping to inform the many guys who are clueless... Dont ask for a girls number.  If she likes you, she will give it to you.  They provide a great fantasy, thats all it is, and dont expect more.  If it happens, then consider yourself lucky and that is between you and the girl.

I have heard from a number of girls I see that more and more guys keep trying to take the wrapper off.  Whats up with that?  Its a significant breach of trust and disrespect shown to the lady.  Wtf is up with that?

URanID10T1017 reads

"I only deal with providers that are non clock watchers and they will not only get tips from me, but gifts. "

Ignoring ettiqute, a providers time and their own personal lives/schedule is just plain rude no matter what dumb gifts or small tip you give them. Sounds like you are part of the same crowd that wastes their time with essays not short direct emails and then drives them up the wall with stupid text messages to the point that they cancel on you because you are annoying. Maybe you are also part of the group of so called hobbyist/gentlemen that plays games with screening and then blasts them on reviews. It is people like you that make the hobby difficult. Thanks a lot sir. Providers should be respected not an object to torture because women can't stand your personality in the real. Make no mistake they are compensated for their time and stealing it is wrong. Time is money.

-- Modified on 6/28/2014 2:13:09 PM

bigguy301022 reads

I see some people just don't get it, and let greed get the best of them. So smart ass, I don't have time for games or waste people time! This is a fun hobby for me and the providers, I see are treated only with respect. Also I don't even know who you are and I guess you are bitter provider or agency.

So maybe instead of trying to accuse people with no proof or facts, you should try improving your own provider business. It sounds like you need money. The first step is treating customers like people and not just dollar signs. Also getting a hobbyist to keep coming back is key.  

Well your comment shows desperation and how little your customers mean to you, that is your problem not anyone else!

-- Modified on 6/29/2014 12:53:53 AM

URanID10T871 reads

Nope not a provider, you do not have facts either, have just heard from the other side of the coin from provider friends. There are ladies that state clearly on their website email only etc. Truth hurts and we do not who you are either since you are hiding behind an alias also. If you are so offended then you know it is the truth and you are lying. These women are not desparate, it is about ettiqute thanks for showing your true colors.

bigguy30860 reads

It's clear you have a problem.  Why would I be offended by your false information and either you are a pimp or just a clown.  I tend to believe you are a pimp.

So your words don't mean shit to me.  I laugh when people don't have any facts and talk shit and yes my alias is used to protect myself from fools like yourself.

Also my reviews are up and I will go on hobbying, not worried one moment about your stupid comments or the bad providers you want to protect.

I only deal with the best providers and yes no clock

URanID10T799 reads

I cannot believe your quote:

"I only deal with the best providers and yes no clock!"

I see now it is so crystal clear keep wasting providers time, I feel sorry for any provider that sees you.

bigguy30725 reads

I guess you need attention and some help too!  The foolishness of your comments do not need anymore comments from me.

Also I would never stoop that low to pimp etc. I make great money the right way, earning it myself smart ass!  
If you are the mouth piece for the bitter time counting providers, then I feel sorry for them.  
So get some help and move on now.

-- Modified on 6/29/2014 3:06:21 PM

URanID10T800 reads

You have made no points at all in this entire thread and the only thing you have proved is that you are not a gentleman. You have only proved that you like to waste a provider's time, curse, express that you have money (for which nobody cares), and that you are a mental midget. Good luck with your A-type personality trying to make providers believe that you are gods gift to them, when in reality they cannot wait for you to leave. I am only a mouthpiece, (which is one word by the way), for reality. This is a business of time and money. I think you are just upset that you cannot solve the same 5-10 topics that are always talked about in these discussion boards every year. Why so mad? No worries, I will leave you to your fantasyland where everyone thinks you are a great guy because you pay them to. Lol

bigguy30879 reads

While I see you can't comprehend and if you think I am living in fantasy land. Then try reading some other comments stupid. I see acting stupid is your defense.  

Why would I be upset, nothing you have been saying is true and you don't know me. Lol

I guess your hobby experience sucks and your upset. It's simple, I let the provider knows upfront how long I want to hang out. If I want more time, we work it out and don't worry about it. So time is not a issue, but I guess you will twist that too!  

When you see providers over time and build up trust, it's not a issue for me

URanID10T884 reads

Lol I thought you were moving on. I don't have a problem at all, I see wonderful providers. I don't need to build anything as I treat them with respect. It seems you like to use the hobby as if it were and hanging out is code for wasting time. Fantasyland is one word by the way hopefully you can comprehend that.

bigguy30799 reads

Okay I gave you too much credit, you really can't read and must be just plan stupid.  

I done with you, can't reason with stupid people!!! Lol

-- Modified on 6/30/2014 10:30:15 AM

URanID10T893 reads

Is that all you got? Are you sure you're done because you keep responding haha. You are too easy to pick apart, can't handle the truth and accept that people do not care for you or your entitlement issues. You are definitely the type of hobbyist that wants to pay for an hour and then stay for another hour off the clock so that you can basically get the whole appointment for free. That sir is what we call a cheapskate.

bigguy30813 reads

This is some funny shit, you keep coming back to money.  I know it's hard for you to handle, that some of us don't have to worry about money smart ass!  I guess counting your pennies makes you feel better.

Also I have been call a lot of things, but cheap was never one of them.

I know messing with a stupid person is not right. LOL

So I will keep letting you make a fool out of yourself and keep talking shit!  It's finally time to really move on now.

You are doing a great job, making yourself look like a clown.

If you don't have much going on for yourself in life, then you have to prove something right?!!  

Thanks for the laughs URanID10T.

-- Modified on 6/30/2014 1:45:23 PM

URanID10T830 reads

You're so sad you want to quit responding but you can't because I'm right and you have to have the last word lol typical. You should have called yourself bigTimeWaster. You look like the douche clown I'm perfectly fine. I have many a penny and I keep outsmarting you by bringing you back haha.

Posted By: URanID10T
You're so sad you want to quit responding but you can't because I'm right and you have to have the last word lol typical. You should have called yourself bigTimeWaster. You look like the douche clown I'm perfectly fine. I have many a penny and I keep outsmarting you by bringing you back haha.
Clearly, in the best interests of time management - I rarely (if ever) lick a girl's pussy; as George Clooney said in the Movie the Mechanic when he was visiting an escort, "I came here to get pleasure not give it." That's my credo - and it saves time for both parties.  I want to get in, get the business part taken care of, get naked, get a quick shower, get blown (bbbj preferred), get my nut in or on her face, if she is gracious take a few iPhone pics or a short show the Boyz in the 19th hole; and maybe some pillow talk if I have the reserve for a 2nd nut.  

I have learned in my many years of "hobbying" that I see a familiar and unsavory trait amongst older providers (of all price ranges) that of - their development of a - jaded personality.  To me, the longer in this line of work, the meaner a provider becomes; I speculate this observation is tied to their view of limited longevity and the reluctance of men willing to pay $3/400 per hour for - a body that was in its prime a decade or more ago. Aging is the end game for girls - and there is an ocean of willing 20-somethings available to seal their bacon.  And then what can they do?  Perhaps they are reduced to pimping out other newbie girls?

For me, I like the newer girls - fresh and not demented by all the peer pressure of their elders.

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