
Why us gals need to be careful - Mesa escort robbed at gunpoint
AZ Misty See my TER Reviews 2704 reads
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I saw this in the paper.  Does anyone know who she it??

Escort service customer robs Mesa woman
By Daryl James

A female escort who let a stranger into her west Mesa apartment to provide "company" was robbed at gunpoint Thursday evening, police said. According to a news release from Mesa police, the robbery took place about 5:20 p.m. at the Homestead Studio Suites at 1920 W. Isabella Ave. southeast of U.S. 60 and Dobson Road.

Police said the woman let a man into her apartment who called himself "Matt." Once inside, he pulled out a black handgun and demanded money.

When the woman told the man she had no money, he pushed her into a bathroom and locked her inside while he looked through the apartment. Police said a second man joined the robbery.

The two assailants fled the apartment with the woman's laptop computer and cell phone.

The victim told police she was expecting "Matt," who was sent to her room by a female friend who owns an online escort agency.

The victim told police that "Matt" had agreed to pay her for her "company," not sex.

WildwestKelly See my TER Reviews 1515 reads
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Most Ladies, do not call the police. I have a girlfriend that is UTR that got robbed by a guy that had a knife in Tempe. She does not screen and I have tried to talk to her about the importance of it, she is listening to me now.

Also, if you are a traveling lady, like myself, you need to Screen very heavy! As we are an easy targets for crime and they watch for the visiting ladies.

Ladies, be on your toes and screen the hell out of them!

The saying I always go by is "not all money is good money!"

Stay Safe and Have a Wonderful weekend,

blackjacknova 18 Reviews 1377 reads
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That is a new one for me. I always hear about the girls "rob" men. Take the money and run.That is one thing, having a gun drawn is another. Hopefully she is ok. Just another reason to SCREEN !!!! Both men and women cannot be too careful. Have a good weekend. BJN

SaharaJewel See my TER Reviews 1398 reads
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I am so sorry to hear that this happened to yet another provider.  I have to agree that this IS exactly why it is so imperative that we do our screening.  

However, I am not sure if any other providers have run into this but just recently I contacted a provider who is pretty well reviewed on here over the last two months and she was down right rude and said that she doesn't interact with other providers.  She isn't the only one that I have contacted that refuses to give references.  It makes it hard for me to do the obvious screening if the other girls don't participate.  

Now, I go through the screening process for my safety and I appreciate every single provider that has ever participated in this.  

Unfortunately there are girls out there that don't get into the screening process and then something like this happens.  It's sad and it could have been avoided.  Not to say that even the best screeners can't end up in a bad situation, but I think that by sticking together we are making it less likely for something to happen to us.

Anyway, just my opinion.  Again, thanks to all of you out there that do participate in this practice!  Be safe and have a great weekend!


PoetInPause 3 Reviews 2269 reads
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...but good to remember. The hobbiest newbies seem to find the verification process and need to have a couple references for most providers tough. But incidents like this really shows why it is all needed.

AZ Terri See my TER Reviews 2598 reads
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Pretty scarry..couldn't agree bjn! SCREEN,and then SCREEN

Thanks Misty for the heads up!

Enjoy the weekend and the great weather!!!!!


askmetoflashyou 2146 reads
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I'm glad she wasn't hurt. Just the reporting could be very upsetting.

Having a back-up to the computer & cellphone would be a good thing as well.

AZ Terri See my TER Reviews 2575 reads
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but coming home from a CA trip, I was in the parking garage at the airport..a car driving by slow, a thug jumped out and grabbed my purse..Nothing I could do but scream, some people near by saw and called the's a day I never want to relive. I was thankful I didn't get hurt.

AZ Terri See my TER Reviews 2183 reads
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We can always find other ways to verify...they just need to trust us as we are trusting them

If they feel uneasy about giving out any private info, that's why they should put trust in a very reputable provider.


PoetInPause 3 Reviews 1221 reads
10 / 11

...and it is sad that things like what happened in Mesa chip at the trust needed in our little community.

bifur 3 Reviews 1140 reads
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I'm not disagreeing with you about the importance of screening -- far from it. But, in this case, "Matt" was referred to the victim by an agency owner* she regarded as a friend, he identified himself as "Matt," and the article gives no indication this wasn't the same person referred by her trusted friend.

Realistically, what more could she have done in this instance?


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