
where is everyone
kdawn See my TER Reviews 2239 reads

I have been a provider here in az only for the last year. When i started my phone was ringing like crazy and now its like a ghost town. I have changed my ads pics and posted everywhere possible. What am i doing wrong now? Is there sites to post i dont know about? All i know is it is not good right now but it doesnt stop bills from coming any info as to where to go or what i should do would be awesomr.

Your last review was a little scary!

Alan19491521 reads

More than just the last review was scary. They all are a little scary

Really alan did you read all of them? Im thinking not cuz only three of them are not that great. And it just so happens the ones that are not that great are b.s reviews. They dont twll the truth as to what happend at there sessions. The messed up thing is that if the guy does.t get what be wants or something they can post a review that is false and leaves out part of the encounter.its pretty sad but whatever. Im damn good at what i do.

Omg i didnt even says it seriously i was laughing when i said it. I have seen that person several times and never would of said it if i thought it was going to be taken seriously. How could anyone take it serious when i was laughing and joking around before the comment. Thats b.s that anyone can say anything on here even if it is said out of context. I need to get it removed then somehow. Im really pissed now cuz his whole review is wrong as far as what happend.

Alan1949963 reads

I read most of them. Unfortunately all of your appearance scores are 6 and lower. However that being said performance is usually what counts for more and you've had 2-2's and 1-3. Those are hard to ignore when some of your other performance scores were 6's & 7's. You can try to challenge them with TER but it may be a little late since at least a couple of them go back several months. Sorry. Best of luck

Well it cracks me up what the replys have been to my post.  If guys want to go off of others opinions they can but its one side. Im damn good at what i do and im a attractive girl so im over the whole review thing. Im going keep doing me and keep it real cuz thats the only way i know how to be. I would love to beable to write what really went down on the 3 bad reviews. All i can say is find out for ones self how someone is for yourself cuz you cant always believe what u read

bigguy301039 reads


It's hot as hell over here right now, as you know already.  Also your reviews might be scaring some people off. I can tell the last review you had, the hobbyist sounded like a bitch and could not take a joke.  So I will say that in your defense.  

The age limit thing in your back page ad, it should apply to everybody or be lowered a little bit.  

I hope things turn around for you, with some better reviews in the future and I just might have to tryout your specials one day.

-- Modified on 8/5/2014 8:51:24 AM

I live in the area and thought about checking you out.

I'll take one but you have to take your teeth out first. LMAF

.I hear you.  I usually get  gentlemen who fly in for business or gents that prefer irish lasses or really appreciate someone who will pay full attention to them :).  The market has gotten very flooded as well recently by new females I believe in coincidence with the lack of jobs and cries that economy is suffering.  I do wish you much luck in your endeavors  as I do hope you wish well on mine.

bigguy30878 reads

I think providers in this state are going to have to understand, the laws in this state are the main reason your business is slow. It makes people think twice about coming here, with all of the crazy news about  people getting arrested.  

Then if a hobbyist like myself, does come to see providers in Phoenix.  They stick with their favorite ladies, who they have seen before.  Why take the chance, if they don't know the area or who to trust?  This is why people say stick with the well known providers or the ones, that are well reviewed.

Just think how many times on this Phx broad in the past year, people have been talking about other people getting busted with the new laws?  

So I have been saying this for a while now and I hate to say it. The problem is the state itself.

I will not stop hobbying in this state, we all just have to be smarter now.

-- Modified on 8/6/2014 12:16:10 PM

Freemoney682 reads

Please leave bigguy30 you are the most bitter and negative person I have ever seen . And it really get tiring with your  comments .. Please go to some other state .

Posted By: bigguy30
I think providers in this state are going to have to understand, the laws in this state are the main reason your business is slow. It makes people think twice about coming here, with all of the crazy news about  people getting arrested.  
 Then if a hobbyist like myself, does come to see providers in Phoenix.  They stick with their favorite ladies, who they have seen before.  Why take the chance, if they don't know the area or who to trust?  This is why people say stick with the well known providers or the ones, that are well reviewed.  
 Just think how many times on this Phx broad in the past year, people have been talking about other people getting busted with the new laws?    
 So I have been saying this for a while now and I hate to say it. The problem is the state itself.  
 I will not stop hobbying in this state, we all just have to be smarter now.

-- Modified on 8/6/2014 12:16:10 PM

bigguy30703 reads

Freemoney  I am not saying anything, that is not true and the only negative people are the ones making these laws.
So you are way off base, with your comment about me. It does not surprise me either, with your site name.
You know what happens to people who assume right? Lol
Just get your facts straight next time and I am not going anywhere!

-- Modified on 8/6/2014 6:59:32 PM

to state laws.

Leave it along the adults here KNOW how to handle themselves  

They don't need you in their face everyday.

bigguy30696 reads

If you don't want to hear about it, then don't read it.  
We are adults and have the right to post comments, that we want on TER.  
I am not the only one making a comment, about the problems with this state laws.

So you write, what you want and I will continue to do the same smart guy.

-- Modified on 8/8/2014 5:05:52 AM

We were all responding to Kristy post when you jump in with your BS about State
Laws. WTF did that have to do with this post.

If you want to talk about the law start you own post

bigguy30568 reads

She ask for reasons or comments, why it's so slow?
If you looked at my first comments to her, I gave her suggestions to help, while things are slow for her business.  
Since you want to pick and choose, did you not see my first comment to her? I think you just wanted to be a smart ass.

So only a fool would not realize,  the new laws in this state are the major problem. It not bs, this is fact.
It has cut down on people taking chances meeting new providers and if they have bad reviews or no reviews.  
Then it really gets tough, for some providers.

I responded to her post and mention other points too.
The only one that brought up bbj was mainly you!  
This was not what the post was about at first, so what is your problem?

Just a side note smart guy, read tvlaw. I think more people agree, a person has to change the way they go about hobbying in this state.


-- Modified on 8/8/2014 8:49:06 PM

after replying decided to read replies lol..I have to agree with some of the guys here. the scores do matter to them, a lot.  If anything is inaccurate you are welcome to inbox the writer of the review and politely ask him to reword or omit anything you feel unfair.  You may also write to ter and ask they remove it however, ter does believe in honesty in all reviews and fairness to both poster and provider so they would have to deem removable or no.     I've only had to remove one review due to it being an awesome review however, from a guy i never saw! lol...  maybe i'll see him someday :)

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