
This isn't unlike Emily Paige's post a few threads down but you chose to single this one out...
Drumsticks 90 Reviews 854 reads

...I always welcome these amusing threads, even if mildly not exactly on topic, they are still entertaining. Makes the board a livlier and more entertaining place to visit.  

Thanks for posting, Misty!  :)

I realize it can get boring while in traffic but this story is so funny plus a reminder that cameras are everywhere...even on back of vans.

Woman driver smashed her Mini into the back of a van while pleasuring herself with a sex toy at the wheel
Mini driver hit M&J Seafood van after lurching forwards in a traffic jam
When company bosses checked video they saw she'd been using sex toy
Footage from van's camera showed woman doing up her trousers  
PUBLISHED: 05:53 EST, 13 July 2015 | UPDATED: 10:28 EST, 13 July 2015

A woman crashed into the back of a van while using a sex toy when she was stuck in traffic.
The Mini driver lurched forwards and hit the vehicle in front of her after apparently getting distracted at the wheel.
The driver of the van, who was delivering fish to restaurants, initially worried that he would be sacked for his involvement in the accident.
But when bosses at his company, M&J Seafood, checked video footage they saw that the other motorist had been using a vibrator.
Crash: A woman driving a Mini smashed into a van while using a sex toy behind the wheel (file photo)
Crash: A woman driving a Mini smashed into a van while using a sex toy behind the wheel (file photo)
The film, captured using the van's rear camera, showed the woman - said to be in her 30s - hurriedly doing up her trousers in the aftermath of the crash.
The van driver, who works for M&J in Cirencester, Gloucestershire, was relieved to discover he was not at fault for the bizarre incident.
A source said: 'A driver was called into the office and feared he was getting the sack. He'd been on his first shift after looking for work for ages.

'The bosses told him it wasn't his fault and then said, "Have you seen this?"
'They all had a good laugh. Apparently the lady was pretty fit.'
The company has refused to release the video footage or identify the driver involved in the crash.
A spokesman said: 'The matter is in the hands of our insurers.'
The firm is owned by catering giant Brakes, and specialises in delivering fresh and frozen seafood to restaurants, pubs and canteens

Loved this story on the same day as Sheriff Joe's horse whisperer!!

Is this now a news site? I thought this was an escort site? I'm sure most of us read the newspaper or watch the news!

yeah but Vampy, while we DO live in an evolved era where sex is an open-topic among younger generations, and its appeal dominates our television and media sources, can't you just imagine there's probably a special unit standing by in the ER, especially for these types of accidents?  Complete with the jaws-of-life like tools to aid in the removal of such lodgings??  heehee!

...I always welcome these amusing threads, even if mildly not exactly on topic, they are still entertaining. Makes the board a livlier and more entertaining place to visit.  

Thanks for posting, Misty!  :)

The reason I singled this one was it was the second off topic post. Miss Paige's post was another waste of time, IMHO. This is a escort review board not a news board. But thanks for your input.  

Posted By: Drumsticks
...I always welcome these amusing threads, even if mildly not exactly on topic, they are still entertaining. Makes the board a livlier and more entertaining place to visit.  
 Thanks for posting, Misty!  :)

...including the Las Vegas, Florida, San Francisco and Minnesota boards. Frequent topics include best restaurants, bars, favorite things to do, best places to stay, strip clubs, etc. Those are some of the livliest boards that I follow. The Phoenix board used to be one of the livlier boards, too. It's getting better but it's far from what it should and can be. We should be welcoming and encouraging more positive posts like these.

-- Modified on 7/16/2015 9:36:51 PM

Vampat is so right, U just don't get it.  Guys used to Come here for good info, not BS posts.  I guess that has changed, too. the fun of the BS posts. It's no longer a 'No Girls Allowed' site that it may have been at its inception but it has evolved considerably since. I know that you'd prefer to keep it limited to your view of how  the board should work but, like most other participants on boards across TER land, they like it a bit more light hearted, fun and maybe thoughtful. I tire easily about all the threads about NCNS, fake reviews and upward prices. They're useful, of course, but not the reason why members seek entertainment from the boards.

But that's what this board is for Drum...NCNS, reviews (real or fake),rates, best hotel or restaurant to take a lady.  

And someone playing with themselves while driving or getting in a "Horse sting" is not entertainment.  

Posted By: Drumsticks the fun of the BS posts. It's no longer a 'No Girls Allowed' site that it may have been at its inception but it has evolved considerably since. I know that you'd prefer to keep it limited to your view of how  the board should work but, like most other participants on boards across TER land, they like it a bit more light hearted, fun and maybe thoughtful. I tire easily about all the threads about NCNS, fake reviews and upward prices. They're useful, of course, but not the reason why members seek entertainment from the boards.

The board has been very quiet and variety is what LIFE is about, not just this site . And you don't even live in Arizona any more as per your own posts. So why what is said here so important to you then?

Posted By: vamptat2
But that's what this board is for Drum...NCNS, reviews (real or fake),rates, best hotel or restaurant to take a lady.  
 And someone playing with themselves while driving or getting in a "Horse sting" is not entertainment.  
Posted By: Drumsticks the fun of the BS posts. It's no longer a 'No Girls Allowed' site that it may have been at its inception but it has evolved considerably since. I know that you'd prefer to keep it limited to your view of how  the board should work but, like most other participants on boards across TER land, they like it a bit more light hearted, fun and maybe thoughtful. I tire easily about all the threads about NCNS, fake reviews and upward prices. They're useful, of course, but not the reason why members seek entertainment from the boards.

Plus he has posted that he doesn't even live in Phoenix anymore too. He is back in Illinois I believe.
So why does what is said on the PHOENIX board so important to him.
This board has been dead. And love the video you added too.

The reason I still come here and still post is, unlike some people, I still have friends in Phx and wanna see what's going on. I also check other boards, for your information. As for "off topics", if it's about where I'm from i'm gonna post.  

Ever think the reason this board is dead, is cause people don't care about what some people have to say?  

This will be my last post on this subject (which should have been closed a long time ago if we had a real mod), so you can take drum's head out of your ass.

Misty is one of the ONLY ladies who were kind to me when I first came to TER & was great for info/references thereafter.  One of the most genuine in the biz.  She is good people!!

Posted By: vamptat2
The reason I still come here and still post is, unlike some people, I still have friends in Phx and wanna see what's going on. I also check other boards, for your information. As for "off topics", if it's about where I'm from i'm gonna post.  
 Ever think the reason this board is dead, is cause people don't care about what some people have to say?  
 This will be my last post on this subject (which should have been closed a long time ago if we had a real mod), so you can take drum's head out of your ass.

-- Modified on 7/19/2015 2:04:30 AM

Thank you Caramel for the kind words. I do truly believe in Karma so I always treat everyone nice no matter how they treat me. But Vampy is just going after me because he and AZCandy (Candy Cane) have owed me a good deal of money for years now. And I spoke the truth and he along with others do not like when someone speaks the truth.

Again thank you.  

Posted By: CaramelBBW
Misty is one of the ONLY ladies who were kind to me when I first came to TER & was great for info/references thereafter.  One of the most genuine in the biz.  She is good people!!  
Posted By: vamptat2
The reason I still come here and still post is, unlike some people, I still have friends in Phx and wanna see what's going on. I also check other boards, for your information. As for "off topics", if it's about where I'm from i'm gonna post.    
  Ever think the reason this board is dead, is cause people don't care about what some people have to say?    
  This will be my last post on this subject (which should have been closed a long time ago if we had a real mod), so you can take drum's head out of your ass.

-- Modified on 7/19/2015 2:04:30 AM

Why are you lying and bringing me into this?   This issue is from 10 yrs ago and we don't owe you or anyone any money.  Why would you even say anything like this except to be mean.  it is certainly not nice.

KARMA...what a joke...Misty you have made so many enemies you better pray YOUR karma doesn't catch up with you.

Caramelbbw please be careful. She is nice at first and then turns evil, bullies and stalks anyone she doesn't like.  It's could only be a matter of time until she turns on you too.  Don't trust her to much or it could be put in public later.  Please protect yourself before you become her next victim.

Misty has stalked, harassed and bullied me on the boards for over 10 yrs. now.  She's done it to many others here and on other boards as well. She back channels and lies to everyone who responds to my posts and they have sent me the proof.  She has does this for over 10 yrs. now and she is still doing it.  There was NO reason to bring me into this discussion at all especially with lies.

Misty has very few supporters but she has made countless enemies.

She tried to get Vampy on her side against me but it didn't work.  He was there and knows the truth about the limo and wont defend a liar and a BULLY.  So now she couldn't get him on her side she publicly attacks him and his right to even post and then brings me into it too by both my  
How is this you being nice no matter how someone treats you?  You just showed your true self...evil.

This bullying and childish behavior has to be stopped.  Think of how much time she has spent hurting people instead of caring for them.  This she will have to answer to her maker for.  I on the other hand was good to her and she turned on me as soon as she didn't get what she wanted.  She wanted Vampy and I to pay for her limo and started lying when we said no.  

I have been the bigger person and tried to ignore her and let karma repay her for all the damage she has caused to many people.  I tried not to play these childish games with her.  However, she will never quit until she's removed.  So, she continues to lie, bully and play games.

Bullies need to be STOPPED.  No one wants to stand up to a big bully for fear of loss.  I have loss ever since I befriended Misty.  She has cost me so much money, time and has emailed so many people behind my back with so many lies it's ridiculous. I regret befriending her, as many others do too.  I want to warn others to be careful not to let it happen to them too, is that wrong?

Misty you rarely speak the truth especially about me or Vampy and that's what we get for trying to help you.  We felt sorry for you and this is how you repay kindness...with stalking, attacking and bullying?   It was 10 yrs. ago don't you think its time to quit already?  

All this came from a masturbating woman driving a  This is completely ridiculous and I hope TER just deletes this whole thread.

Are there any of you ladies out there that she has hurt as well that would like to stand up with me here on TER?  Please email me and I will add you too a long list of people Misty has hurt, stalked and bullied over 15 years now.  

People do like to hear the truth, what they don't appreciate are liars, stalkers and BULLIES!!!

Also I'm assuming from this post that we are allowed to post off topic on this board now?  

Aren't we suppose to just post about topics pertaining to the business or about TER?  If we step out of that box then what else will pop up?  Videos of animals, families or god forbid......children.   What's next?  

I thought rules and boundaries were to keep our community safe?  

How is that possible when anyone can just say anything...especially without any proof of their accusations?  

Obviously, I am passionate about protection and equal rights and the difference between right and wrong?

PLEASE help TER, I trust you and know you can do the proper thing.  

Thanks for equal rights and the right to NOT be bullied.  

Preservation of our community is very important.

Now, I would like to get back to work and not get sucked back into all this drama by Misty again.  This my LAST post about this subject.  

I prefer to make funny, happy, loving, caring and informative contributions to our AZ community.

-- Modified on 7/20/2015 10:15:11 PM

It was 2007 - not 10 years ago.

I state facts of which I have proof of - of which if I wanted I could have taken to court but I decided not to because I knew Karma would take care things. Can you say the you can not. Is it just a coincidence that it's been 7 yrs since you left and items fall off credit reports after 7 years?

Karma has already taken care of others over the years who have tried to spread lies about me, like you are trying to do now.

I have never bullied any one. But I will defend myself especially to those who lie - especially without ANY proof.  

This whole situation started when Vampy put not only myself but Drumstricks down. I will always defend myself. But I also will not waste any further time on you or Vampy but especially bother this community with this BS.

Whether you were defendi g yourself from Vampy or not, you brought up Candy from completely out of the blue over something from 7 years ago.  That's not defending yourself, it's attacking someone.  Time to move on, isn't it?

Got no stake in this at all - just being honest.

No you didn't take us to court because you can't and you know it.  Only lack of proof would stop you, not karma like you say...more bs.   I have proof too.  However, this board is not a place for your drama, but you can't quit, it's an addiction.

Stop talking about me, slandering me and bullying me or I will have no problem taking you to court myself.  Don't threaten me!!!  I already have tons of proof myself.  However,  I prefer to keep it private unlike you.  Stop and desist immediately.  

I state facts, you lie for your own purposes.   This is my defense from your attack with lies yet again.  I wasn't even in the discussion but you couldn't let it be could you?  You just had to pull me into it.  Get over it already and stop causing more drama.

Yes I can say the same, my karma is just fine and  I fear nothing including a big bully.  

All the others you talk about are the ones you did bully or harass and turned on.  You always claim it as lies while you are lying.  Yes your karma did catch up with you didn't it?  How about the rest it?  

You have bullied many people but especially ME and yes I'm sick of it and only want you to stop, very simple.  I have a list of people you have bullied over the years.   Where's your proof?  However, the fact that you pulled me into this in a public way over private personal dispute is exactly the BS I'm talking about.  

This is not you being nice no matter what people do to you...what crap....see how you are?  This is you bullying and everyone else can see it too.  I wonder how many other people would like to see you quit bullying as well?

7 yrs. has nothing to do with it besides that is changing now too.  There was no REPORT.  Not all things fall off after 7 yrs. anymore.  How dare you insinuate yet again.  I went to Cleveland to help my family and you know it and now im back home.  Besides it was 8 years ago not 7.  I know when I left.

Bullies never think they are bullies.  Their victim's do.  Yes you have bullied me and stalked me, my posts and the people who respond to my posts.  You lie whenever you feel like it.  If you are so innocent and nice then LEAVE me alone, stop lying  and get out of my life...very simple but not for a bully...its an addiction...hence all this time and you still wont always have to have the last word don't you.  Prove I'm wrong by quitting.

This whole thing started when you brought me into stop it.  You enjoy harassing not defending.  I'm only one of your many victims.  So you are lying about never bullying anyone and I am the proof.

Vampy only posted that it maybe off topic then you jumped all over him.  He didn't do anything until you attacked him...which everyone can see for themselves.

We will always defend ourselves too especially if ganged up on or lied about, but you like to make it public for your own purposes.  

GREAT you say you will not waste anymore time on Vampy or I...great now do it and stop bothering the community with this BS...stated by your own words.  You started it and can stop it too or can you?  We'll see?  I'm certainly done

I'm just grateful someone posted SOMETHING!!!  I am visiting and amazed how dead this board is!

Thanks Misty and Emily Paige for adding a little interest to a mostly dead board.

That's it guys, if you want to chase the ladies away from the board, just keep it up

When did so many people here lose their sense of humor?  This is all supposed to be about having fun and enjoyment ... if you just want ads there are other resources.  If you're going to pick one of the Seven Dwarfs, choose Happy or Bashful, not Grumpy!

... they would have raced over here to post about it IMMEDIATELY!

geez, we've got mods denying posts that allegedly simulate ads, in only their minds... we've got two great members who apparently ate out of the same box of Wheaties this morning... and we've got a board that's like watching an oil painting dry... WHERE'S THE LOVE MY PEEPS?!?!

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