
Stop free VIP & make everyone pay to keep it honest & avoid fakes!!!!! E.
Likeaglove 314 reads


Seventeen new reviews posted on the Phoenix board today. I don't recall ever seeing this many in one day. I thought things slowed down here in the summer but at least for now that doesn't seem to be the case. Three of them are brand new girls.
Things are heating up in the Valley

alexagrey750 reads

things really are heating up in the valley but...personally, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Hmmmm...according to several of the reviewed people, some are BS, to say the least. Wonder if the free VIP is driving some? Just sayin........

Free VIP is a motivator.

There is a company out there offering to write a B.S. review for a fee.

With the recent changes in the law and the time of year we are in I would say if 17 reviews is 'out of the ordinary'; then something is out of the ordinary.

I certainly wouldn't look toward the sky and thank God for sprinkling the valley w/ new heavenly delights; maybe one, or two....not 17.

how does paid VIP stop fake reviews....? I guess it could remove an incentive, but doesn't really stop fakes or reviews that might be skewed one way or another - and in no way would it keep everyone honest. That is like saying everyone that files a tax return is honest - or that all amazon, yelp, etc. reviews are 100% accurate and to be trusted.  

to carry the idea forward - should one consider that paid VIPs as the only ones who should be allowed to post reviews?  

I get kinda tired of people bitching about fake reviews, this is all supposed to be for 'entertainment' only anyway.  

To be honest - ALL reviews are subjective by nature - I trust VERY few online reviews of ANY KIND, and reviews on the hobby?? This industry is the wild frontier, buddy... you gotta take each and every review with a grain of salt, look for patterns, look at those reviewers and providers that build up a track record, look at ads and posts and do other research and then still trust your spidey-sense and make a judgment call.

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