
Sophomore Slump
TectorGorch 17 Reviews 283 reads

There was thread on this subject just a week or so ago, on the general board, I believe. Seems to be chancy, second dates sometimes less satisfying for whatever reasons.

I have encountered this from more than one provider that states "On your next visit, it gets even better" which I have replied, "I base repeating with a provider based on how the service was the first time not how it will be the next time".

What are your feelings about this?



I rarely repeat, except with my favorite Ladies and with a handful of others with whom the experience was fantastic.

If I wasn't impressed the first time, why should I return?

I saw one touring Lady who told me the same thing.  Despite outstanding reviews, I didn't not feel I received the same experience, and she rushed me out so I was sitting I my car inside of the hour.

Repeat?  No chance....

I'd rather spend my entertainment funds looking for that new special Lady, rather than hoping the second time is better than the first....

And these of my Top Favorites live in PHX....


There was thread on this subject just a week or so ago, on the general board, I believe. Seems to be chancy, second dates sometimes less satisfying for whatever reasons.

Posted By: TectorGorch
There was thread on this subject just a week or so ago, on the general board, I believe. Seems to be chancy, second dates sometimes less satisfying for whatever reasons.
It is so weird to me that you said this! I don't remember a thread to this effect on the GD, but I'll look for it. I don't think a provider has ever just outright told or promised me the next visit would be "better", but several have told me that the menu would be different for visit two. A marketing tool, clearly. Some, I have gone back and enjoyed the new & improved menu, and some I have not. None were a B/S (thanks TER!). Anyways, to your point, there have been three providers with whom I had an excellent session number one, followed by a somewhat less satisfying session two. A true sophomore slump, as you say. Not that these second visits were disasters, mind you, just not as good as the first. In two cases, session three was even better than one; in the other, session three has not yet happened but is definitely going to! I know many will say three times, so what; but in my young hobby career, and given the limited times I've repeated, to me it's statistically significant.

I'm starting to think the sophomore slump, while certainly not ubiquitous, is real for a lot of people, hobbyists and providers. So much so that when I see someone new, I ask myself not if I would like to see her once again, but whether I want to see her three times, because it's almost as if visit two can be thought of as an irrelevant mulligan. Also significant in my mind is the question: what is the cause for this sophomore slump?  

Maybe some providers are distracted, all up in their heads, thinking "okay, he liked me enough to come back. Maybe if he likes me again he'll be a regular." (I think they all want regulars. Maybe?) In my case, I've decided the "slump" was my own damn fault. I think I was all up in MY head, thinking about how I wanted her to know I liked her, instead of just relaxing, which is what all this is supposed to be about. I tend to over analyze and my mind gets in the way of things, in all facets of life, not just this. I'm learning to take to heart the obvious: that I show them I like them with my wallet and a smile and to just get over my damn self, LOL.  

Lexi, I think you're right too. There is no doubt in my mind that when a provider cares about her clients and establishing a connection/rapport, cares about what she does and about doing it well, then successive sessions with a given client will be better and better. Guys who are cynical and jaded may view a reminder of this as pure marketing. Guys who care about, or even believe in, establishing a connection are probably well aware of this without a reminder. (I shouldn't have said "guys" there. My apologies to Lopaw, et al.)

OP: you're right. More often than not, I've declined to repeat. To repeat or not to repeat; that is the question. The answer lies in the level of enjoyment of visit one, not in a promise of improvement, sincere as it may be.  

It most likely doesn't mean a damn thing to anybody but me, but those are my two cents.

Wow, that was way more than enough deep thoughts, for me or even for Jack Handy. If you're still reading, thanks

But I'm a connection guy. Like Lexi said, the second, third , fourth etc. visits have been a progression of learning what she enjoys and her learning what I like. With some of my regulars, the exploration into different pleasures has been eye opening. I would never have found out some of my kinks without multiple visits and developing trust with them.  

So, after excellent 1st times. The next visits do get even better.

First, I'm not much of a repeater. I got in this for the variety. I don't mind the statement from a provider "on your next visit, it gets even better" after all this is a business for her and small business relies on repeat customers. However,  For me this is a hobby, so if I hear that at the end of a session, it's usually because the session was just ok and I don't hobby for just ok sessions.  

There are to many great providers in Phoenix to repeat a just ok session with the hopes it'll get better.  


Posted By: brudog
I have encountered this from more than one provider that states "On your next visit, it gets even better" which I have replied, "I base repeating with a provider based on how the service was the first time not how it will be the next time".  
 What are your feelings about this?  

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