
Re:Yeah, your comments of me are correct,
sundad 4 Reviews 12682 reads
1 / 38

how would you really like to be rated by the providers that you have seen? And truthfully how would you really rate yourself??? Rate yourself according to TER's rateing system.O.K. I'll start          Looks-( 1 )-I was really scared                   Performance-( 1 ) A total rip off

GeoJungBoy 13 Reviews 13016 reads
2 / 38

Looks (6 to 7) (depending on the day)
Performance (5 to 8) (depending on the provider)

LittleDebbie 14077 reads
3 / 38

Mr. Sundad, I totally have to disagree with your assessment of yourself!! Why so down? Either you have a great sense of humor or need self esteem lessons:) You're totally a 10 in the performance department and most of the other ladies that you've seen will probably attest to that:)

DonnaNextDoor See my TER Reviews 12538 reads
4 / 38

I agree with Debbie!!

sundad 4 Reviews 14420 reads
6 / 38

Thank you very much Debbie you are a very kind and sweet LADY you are right about the sense of humor and the self esteem lessons.And I'll tell you what we will discuss that the NEXT time I see you because I had a GREAT time that night (before during and after)you are just a GREAT GREAT LADY. And believe me that there WILL DEFINITELY BE A NEXT TIME but that is totally up to you if you want to see me again.

skysilverman 16012 reads
7 / 38


I must agree with Debbie. I mean, I have not had you yet but I know you and you are an 11 babe. Dont be so hard on yourself!


Ez_coyote 1 Reviews 14518 reads
8 / 38

Hey sundad,

As long as the past providers rate me as "hope to see you again" instead of "bring more money next time" I am a happy camper!

And how would I truthfully rate on TER's system.

Looks 5-6 (and getting uglier ever day!)
Most providers appreciate good hygine over good looks and luckily I clean up pretty good.

Performance scores between 5-10 average of 7 or higher lately
because of a positive attitude of truely making the experience pleasurable for both parties and I have been lucky enough to see some quality providers who are wonderful teachers!

Personal note: Don't take TER scores too seriously... It is amazing how much "chemistry" plays a factor in the quality of one's experiences.

It seems a bit much that we score our "dance partners" (providers) so critiquely when we are often the one's out of step with passion's musical rythum and stepping on their feet so to speak.

In closing with the standard disclaimer... YMMV (your milage may very). Remember you can't be rated unless you get in the game. Grab your "bat", step up to home plate. You may hit a home run... or strike out, but at least you are still playing in the game.

Fortuna audaces juvat... Fortune favors the bold...


sundad 4 Reviews 12585 reads
9 / 38

Thank you very much Sky another very sweet sweet LADY. I know that all we did so far was just meet for cofee. Someday will hopefully be this Monday the 19th.I answered your e-mail for Monday the 19th and yes BOOK me. But I am also going to call you.So we hopefully wouild have talked before you read this.See you Monday I HOPE.

flyball 22 Reviews 13630 reads
10 / 38

Yes, Sundad.  You rocked my world, too.  Your such a 10 and such a  Just messing with you.  You left out bat size. Weight and ounce?  Anyone wanna step up to the plate on that one? Hobbyists? Providers?

sundad 4 Reviews 13711 reads
11 / 38

I noticed you didn't have the guts to rate yourself. But I'll answer your questions 1) bat size-61/4-61/2  2) weight of bt or me if it is me 220lbs. and 3) what the heck is ounce????? And how I rated myself is an honest opion of how I trully feel.

jaejae 18 Reviews 14848 reads
12 / 38

Well, I'm just passing thru, but I'll rate myself.

Looks, I think I'm a 7, all the women tell me I'm a 10 LOL

Performance, anywhere from 5-8 depending on my date. Again all the women tell me I'm a 10. LOL

LittleDebbie 10619 reads
13 / 38

Have a great time with Miss Nikki! and we need to get together so I can buy you lunch to thank you for you know what:)

GeoJungBoy 13 Reviews 25277 reads
14 / 38

. . . is getting pretty thick.  Do you girls really need to upsell at this point?!  I agree with the previous sentiments - every hobbyist is a 10 for the right $$, right?

cesar.andia 2 Reviews 16061 reads
15 / 38

i really don't care.  It is a business and nothing more to me

HotOffLoad 10 Reviews 11312 reads
16 / 38

That is to say, if we all (providers & hobbyists) don't tell the truth, maybe "it" will grow longer!! (LOL)

LittleDebbie 14145 reads
17 / 38

What are we upselling? I just happened to disagree with sundads opinion of himself and said so. Are you jealous???:) lol!

Mystery Man 11151 reads
18 / 38

I'm new to the hobby but I'll give it a try.

Looks - 5. In my mind I'm a 10, but unfortunately my mind uses my eyes and when I'm around a mirror reality sets in. Thank goodness for dim lights.

Performance - 5 to 6.

But the bigger question is how did the provider respond to your performance? Did you feel like you were really good and 'rocked her world'? If you did, then the Provider gets a 10 for client satisfaction and everyone goes away happy. Whether or not you actually performed at that level is irrelevant because you felt like you performed at that level.

Same thing with O's by the Provider, whether real or not, if they felt real, then in my book perception is reality and they were real and everyone goes away happy.

To me, the hobby is fantasy time for men to be with incredibly beautiful women that are otherwise unattainable (at least that's the case for me). We step into the fantasy, hopefully have a great time, and step back into our normal life looking forward to our next trip to fantasy land. A good Provider should make all Hobbyists feel like a 9 or 10 in the performance area.

In reality, we're men and have big egos and love to get them stroked even if we know we're getting stroked.

GeoJungBoy 13 Reviews 12532 reads
19 / 38

I will remember that.

Implaying4 7 Reviews 12420 reads
20 / 38

Looks 7, 8 on a good day at the gym

Performance 8   If it's been awhile since I've had it....which of course never happens, LOL then a 5.

Hygiene  10

DonnaNextDoor See my TER Reviews 13856 reads
21 / 38

I completely agree with you Mystery man. I enjoy what I do and have a great time with the people I see. I do not look at things as a rating system though. I just want to have a little fun and make sure that the person I am with has a great time and wants to come back right away. It is more important to make the person feel like they are a ten because ultimately that is what we are here for.

lfa 13022 reads
22 / 38

. . . true, dg27 is not mr. joyful but at least his postings are discussable and the mutual flirtation is pretty damn boring. dg27, dont take is so seriously, dude.  lil' deb, have you even seen dg27?  good luck on seeing him anytime soon! . . . let's keep it civil folks!

-- Modified on 5/16/2003 6:19:12 PM

GeoJungBoy 13 Reviews 14531 reads
23 / 38

and I appreciate your observations about this being a "discussion" board and the email from the unnamed provider.  But whatever Debbie thinks of me, I still recommend Debbie as one of the best and would not, for instance, retract my vote in the poll because I always had the most fun with her (which IS the main point).  On a professional level, I always treated Debbie with respect, but keeping in mind who pays who for whose time, it is one thing to THINK of one hobbyist as better than another ("once in a lifetime" - please, someone get me my boots), but it is a whole different thing to ADVERTISE it on a discussion board.  I have no illusions about my "performance" and "looks", nor any false modesty, but that sort of comment is just unprofessional and a bit suprising.  Considering that I am not a "regular" of Debbie's (or will be), the fact that sundad is showered with complements and I am dissed simply illustrates the first rule of good business - grease the wheel that will pay off the most in the future.  Anyway, it is good to know where you stand.

No offense to sundad.  You seem like an obsequious and generous guy, and Debbie, Sky, etc. all seem to be pretty smitten with you and more than willing to respond to the fishing, so you must be doing something right.

PS. Please no more emails starting with "I can't believe you/Debbie . . ."  I know it is human nature to look for conflicts, but it's really not a big deal worth discussing.  No harm to anyone - just disappointed.

-- Modified on 5/16/2003 5:46:52 PM

sundad 4 Reviews 13843 reads
24 / 38

No offense taken dg27. And my self esteem issues go way back but that is  my problem not anybody else's. And as far as that pole goes I hadn't had the pleasure of being with her yet I just recently saw Debbie on Monday May the 12th. I also have done a review on her and rated her a 10 on looks and a 10 on performance but according to TER's standards my review was not graphic enough for them so they dropped my 10 down to a 9.And I will be seeing Debbie again.

sundad 4 Reviews 15536 reads
25 / 38

Thank you Donna you are another one of Phoenix's best poviders as I put in my review and I will also be seeing you in the future ( if you want ). And I hope that you had a GREAT time in Vegas.

SuperMan38 10048 reads
26 / 38

I would have noticed the ";" in little debbie's message, but I can understand how dg27 missed it.  Also, who reads "lol" as lots-of-laughs, lots-of-luck, lots-of-love?  Maybe that's the problem.  I have an idea - why don't we put them both in a locked room and keep them in there until they both kiss and makeup . . . or whatever . . . ha, ha . . . lol!

-- Modified on 5/16/2003 4:41:36 PM

definetly_alias_for_this 12206 reads
27 / 38

...but I think dg27 should first be bound and gagged so debbie could inflict just a little bit of punishment first!  No offense to dg27, but I think debbie is a little bit more right on this one!  Besides you'd probably like my idea, I know I would!

lfa 13589 reads
28 / 38
LittleDebbie 18585 reads
29 / 38

I'm just trying to lighten things up a bit and made a small joke that apparently wasn't taken that way. I know who you are and truly didn't think you'd be offended by that, so I apologize for you taking it that way.

It seems that you are analyzing this hobby and thinking into things way too much these days, when you should just be enjoying the company of all the wonderful ladies in the valley.

Also, just wanted to know when my emails started with "I can't believe you" so you're welcome to email me directly so we can figure this whole mess out. Miscommunication seems to be a big issue with you and I and I don't like it.

Oh, one more thing, why did you change your alias name? Are you incognito and trying to be extra stealthy? :)

LittleDebbie 12470 reads
30 / 38

Nothin' but love baby, though he may feel otherwise for me at this point:)

GeoJungBoy 13 Reviews 13801 reads
31 / 38

Over-thinking?  Guilty as charged, but I would much rather be accused of that than the opposite.  Besides that, I thought this was a board for "discussion", not foreplay.  In the last three weeks, I have been accused of being both "jaded" and "romantic", so I must be doing something right (?!)

Miscommunication?  Perhaps.  But clue me in to exactly what is the implication of "Are you jealous?" in the midst of throwing out compliments to all your favorites. (Oh yea . . . ha! . . . I get it now.)

BTW, I did not mean to imply the emails came from you, but they came from two others browsers who are even more jaded than me - if you can believe that.  (These people love a pissing contest, I tell ya.)  To be honest, I regret even replying to lfa's "tense" comments.  But at the risk of sounding presumptuous, I would suggest that you don't take it personally.  I was just making an observation about the profession, that's all.  You're still the best at the job of anyone in the Valley, as far as I am concerned.  I can also smell a brush-off a mile away (and for the listening audience, this is not the first "miscommunication" of late), and that's fine - as you said, there are plenty of other great providers in the Valley for me and plenty of hobbyists for you.  So it's all good.

Oh, one more thing, I changed my handle because I was being confused with someone else whose handle happens to be the acronym "lm" (I will give you three guesses who that might be).  Nothing stealthy, really - TER changed the handle on all my postings.

Peace and nothin' but love, sister.

PS to everbody else - Debbie is great and a generally kind person - anyone who knows why she's not available on Fridays can attest to that.  She just pissed me off, and that's the end of it.

-- Modified on 5/16/2003 9:09:03 PM

HotOffLoad 10 Reviews 16617 reads
33 / 38

Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Brave, Clean & Reverent!

But then, what does he know!! Besides, I think he's doing 10-25 for feeling up little boys!! (LOL)

flyball 22 Reviews 14076 reads
34 / 38

Hey Sundad, like I said, I was just messing with you, or joking with you.  I thought I'd follow suit with the compliments.  Maybe we should have a TER contest of hobbyists for the providers and call it "The Mr. Viagra Award" An award given to the top performer, so does speak, or most legit reviews submitted.  Regarding your rate-yourself-program, I'd say I'm a 7 on looks, 9 on personality/attitude, and an 8 with performance.  I'm a grower, not a show-her, topping off at 7 inches and a little more girth than a toilet paper roll.  Pictures & references provided upon request...just joking again. I'm also a sucker for the line, "It's not the size that matters, but how you use it".  Good luck with the survey.

GeoJungBoy 13 Reviews 12135 reads
35 / 38
love machine 16003 reads
36 / 38

but dg needs to get some sexy pictures up first!...just kidding!!! and sorry bout the alias confusion dg

-- Modified on 5/17/2003 12:26:12 PM

GeoJungBoy 13 Reviews 15848 reads
37 / 38

Long story short - Debbie is correct - a miscommunication.  No excuses for me, I apologize.

love machine 12991 reads
38 / 38

...dg27 is at a loss for words!!! (jk, dg27)

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