
Re:Major bust in Phoenix area
DonnaNextDoor See my TER Reviews 12943 reads

I agree with Jordan. A pedofile is usually someone who does bad things to children who are not asking for it. A prostitute is someone who offers a service for lonely men or couples.
 They mentioned the fact that we work in neighborhoods with children. Who is more likely to hurt those children? The kicker is that it is exactly those type of men, with families, that I see. In fact at my old place I had 6 regular visitors all in my area. Less than 1 mile from me. It is all just made to fit what they want the public to think. I am going to lay low. I think I picked a bad time to come home!!

Just heard on the news that approximately 63 arrests (providers & clients) were made today by Sheriff Joe and company. Hope all of our TER ladies avoided this mess. A clear messeage here for  all to play SMART.

that there's that many less people less people going to be enjoying themselves tonight. Lord knows that adults having sex in privacy endangers everyone! A man may happily go home to his family with a big smile and a woman may be able to pay her bills and care for her family. How awful! (It would be so much better if that man went home and beat his wife out of frustration and that woman couldn't pay her bills and ended up out on the street!) Thank goodness Sheriff Joe and his posse are able to stop those horrible people from having some healthy adult pleasure! I feel so much safer.

Now if only someone could save us from the REAL danger... people interferring with or taking away our most PERSONAL ADULT RIGHTS!

enforce the law," Arpaio said."

Hmmmmmm.... Hey Joe, there's a law on the books that says there is a possible 25 years in prison for cutting down a cactus. When can we expect the posse to start enforcing that? And what about the law against refusing a person a glass of water???

I think that you really need to get working on enforcing the one in the books that says you may not have more than two dildos in a house. Dear Lord! There could be people out there with several dildoes in their house!!! C'mon Joe! Just think of the horrible things that they could be doing with them!!! You'd better get busy and stop them before they have too much fun just like those awful people using escorts and getting massages!!!!

I hate to chime in here but,  if the police start deciding which laws they will and will not enforce we are a doomed society.  There are a few examples in todays world.  If we play by the rules, they are pretty simple to understand - we should be able to play safely!

The 'dildo law' is not enforced but it's on the books. It's just one of many that aren't enforced by LE and I would guess because 1) it would take waaaay too much work to enforce 2)it would piss a lot of people off coming to their homes and 3) they probably have a lot of dildoes to hide! LOL

I would love to know why and how they can choose to ignore some laws and yet Sheriff Joe himself says that prostitution laws are enforced because they're on the books. Why don't we get ALL of the stupid laws off the books so that he and the others can get rid of drugs, gangs, domestic violence, child abuse and all of the many other life threatening, life destroying and life ending crimes? Isn't life what's important here?

I agree with you and certainly am not a Sheriff Joe fan.  But, I don't understand why enforcing one law seems to mean that other laws are being ignored.  (I don't believe that to be the case!) Why can't we play safe, within the rules and still have fun?

When was the last time you saw that the sheriff's department used 300 deputies to enforce the law against cutting down cacti or refusing a glass of water or, my favorite, possessing too many dildoes? Yes, it is the case or these laws would be pursued as wholeheartedly as the others. After all, Joe himself said that if a law is on the books it should be enforced.

Sure, we can "play safe".... but as long as the laws against prostitution are on the books there will never be any real 'safety'. Sheriff Joe has made that very clear.

When was the last time you/we saw the news media covering a story about cacti or glasses of water?  If we only believe (or listen to/watch the "news" that is presented by businesses looking to sell to us we're in pretty bad trouble.  We're not in disagreement here - just a little different perspective.  BTW - Arizona LE is dead serious about cactus!!


see the link I provided.

We are doomed as a society when we sit back apathetically and allow our politicians, judges, and LE to create and enforce laws like prostitution, alchohol (prohibition), marijuana, steroids, too many dildos, spitting on the sidewalk... and do nothing but roll over and take it.

At what point in your life do you decide that enough of your personal freedoms have been legislated as illegal to take action?

People ARE playing by the rules.  They're making their displeasure known, as evidenced by the poll they're taking.  The numbers are OVERWHELMING!  So, how out of touch is our LE and lawmakers???  Look at the poll results and see for yourself.

I_see_your_point10446 reads

Joe is saying, based on the raid, there's a syphillis epidemic.
is that true?

Shiro10995 reads

I think that Phoenix & Maricopa county have high per capita syphilis rates and they are on the rise. Sheriff Joe is the one drawing the link to providers; the raw numbers come from the CDC but are worrisome.

I didn't double check this but if my memory serves me (which is always a problem lol) Of all the providers arrested all were tested and only one came up with out a negative result. So, if there is such a huge epidemic, wouldn't you figure that more than one provider would of been flagged by the test? It's just another one of Joe's fanatical claims to scare the bejesus out of the ordinary people reading his propoganda. Didn't hitler use the same tactics against the Jews...saying they were an epidemic and had to be controlled for the good of the arian race?? hmmmm, makes you wonder??? At the risk of sounding like a paranoid woman, this man has WAY too much power and inluence over our media and county money.

lil DebbieAZ9211 reads

I did see that Mercedes was busted on the news today. Also, it seemed they only went after ladies that advertised in the newspapers so hopefully we all learn from this. Always, Always, Always, check everyone out before you see them. They are charging these ladies with a felony so this won't just be a couple of days in tent city for them.

Hey Debbie,  When you say Mercedes are you referring to the same girl that calls herself JayCee now?  (Young girl, bleached blonde, real tan)...advertises on phoenixexotics.  Thanks for your help.

StarinaFair8943 reads

Jeez.....I cannot believe that taxpayers are having to pay to stop people from being healed and having fun. Go after the childmolesters, rapists , murderers and drug dealers!!! Honestly,  I am scared shitless, just to think maybe last week I thought I was seeing someone really nice , who may call back to bust me this week. When will our society become more liberal and move away from the orginized religion thinking: "Hide from you true feelings and be ashamed of who who are and what feels so good!!Who is complaining..the bored, lonely ugly housewive, couldn't be the men, they all love us. I am so angry, scared and pissed off. I love what I do, people smile when they leave my place . Guess I have to screen people even more and or decline in-town newbies, past month repeats. SORRY to all!!! Be ready to give all the lovely ladies all of your info. Looks like we are all going to be extra cautious and I sure hope you understand!!! Have a great week everyone and most importantly..BE SAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Starina

Amen Starina... what kind of a society puts forth more effort to prevent pleasure, kindness and happiness than it does to prevent all of the pain and suffering going on????

Wow!I take one day off and see what happend.geezzzz
I have had a lot of weird calls and turned them down lately because something did not feel right.What a shame the pigs have nothing better to do but mess with people and have to crush many lives.OK not only this but now i have a convited petafile on my block who just moved in.i got a letter yesterday for he is registered now.How can they worry about busting people having fun with they have petafiles moving into neighborhoods were children are at play?
    BE safe everyone and please call me for a quicker refrence for email takes sometime.
   love to all
jordan kay

This will be my first post here, so I will try and keep it light.

Sheriff Joes Gestapo tactic to inforce his own BS moral code has to be a product of sperm retention syndrome..I mean take a look at the long has it been for him??

Good luck to all and remember, that which does not kill us makes us stronger.

"sperm retention syndrome" ROTFLMFAO!!!! I've never heard it put quite so eloquently and you're absolutely right! He has the face of a man who's own hand probably wouldn't give him any!

I'm sure that Mrs. Joe thanks her lucky stars for every moment he's away from home on one of his 'missions' to save the county. I can't even envision that man in any kind of sexual situation! Eeeeeewwww! Think about it, there isn't a person around who doesn't know that face so he'll never get any in this lifetime. No wonder he's got such a vendetta against prostitution.

I agree with Jordan. A pedofile is usually someone who does bad things to children who are not asking for it. A prostitute is someone who offers a service for lonely men or couples.
 They mentioned the fact that we work in neighborhoods with children. Who is more likely to hurt those children? The kicker is that it is exactly those type of men, with families, that I see. In fact at my old place I had 6 regular visitors all in my area. Less than 1 mile from me. It is all just made to fit what they want the public to think. I am going to lay low. I think I picked a bad time to come home!!

I happened to be browsing the boards here tonight and had to chime in on this one.  I live in the Chicago area, and there was a pretty good size bust there a few weeks ago as well.  I agree that there are much more crucial things for LE to focus on.  Although none of us were around at the time, the failure of alcohol prohibition has been well documented.  Guess what?  Prostitution prohibition has been just as big a failure.  When is the public going to wake up and hear the birdies sing on this one, just as they were forced to an alcohol prohibition?  Ever heard of an organization called COYOTE?  It supports the legalization or prostitution.  COYOTE is an acronym standing for Call Off Your Old Tired Ethics.  Does anyone know if they have a website running?

Jack Death9176 reads

There were a large number of arrests yesterday due to "Operation House Call"  Some of you may know me, some may not, but several of my clients were caught up in this sting operation.  

I wanted to post to let you know that I am a criminal defense attorney here in Phoenix, and that the majority of my practice focuses on this industry.  Dave knows me, and has sent people to me for legal help and/or advice.  

I know the players on both sides here, and if you, or anyone you know was caught up in this thing, they really should contact an attorney who knows what he or she is doing.  I know that some felony charges have arisen from the raids, along with charging not only the girls, but the guys, as well.

It seems that most, if not all, of these arrests were made as the result of warrants being issued, and served on people at their homes or work.  WIthout providing legal advice, it would seem to me that the first line of defense would be to look at these warrants to check their validity in the first place.

In any event, if any legal assitance is needed, please feel free to give me a call at 480-704-5030, and I can hopefully help.  Thanks.

Law Office of Robert R. Jung

TiffPhxBBW9105 reads

You can now see pics of alot of people who were arrested on under Sexcrime in the Mugshot section. They were mostly Newspaper girls. Although I did recognize a couple names and faces.

For what ever it is worth...

This guy is for real. Give him a call even if you havn't been arrested.

any chance that you'd be willing to help us as a group to make some changes? I know that's a tall order with this topic but we need to come together and work for some change before they make more and tougher laws that restrict or take away our rights.


I_see_your_point11079 reads

I symphatize with the concerns here.
Althought its is very clear this stunt was for elections and
the media bit cuz of sweeps(last 2 weeks:Religous cult, sex visitors,raid,teen gambling..anything to scare the middle class) Joe left an openning. He's enforcing it because its on the books. The only way to remedy this is to get it off the books. I'm not familiar with specifics, but couldn't someone write a proposition or new ordinace? since there seems to be 60% support. I believe a citizen and a lawyer can suggest a proposition in a city. Of course, it has to be written so it has the best chance of passing. ie pleasing the most people without offending a lot of people. I thought a town like maricopa is hopeless, but this 60% vote(although online) is incouraging.
As a bonus, this would actually be something that city hall
'doesn't have to do' if it can show it will not increase crime(ie Budget) in other areas.
Joe claims it spreads disease, increase domestic violence, drugs,
etc. So these bullets have to be shown to be irrelevant.
Of course, the other way is to fight all the way to Supreme Court.

Jack Death9239 reads

I think after we get through with these cases, we will have a better opportuity to see where we can, or need to go.  At this point, my immediate concerns are for my clients, indivdually.  Once those matters are resolved, then I think we can work to see what direction we need to go.  I agree, of course, that this whole thing was just to get publicity.  Exactly what kind of publicity it turns out to be, is yet to be seen!  ;-)

AZChewy11806 reads

One of the quotes attributed to Sheriff Joe in an article was as follows: "We're a full-service law enforcement agency," he said. "We go after everybody."

Boy, I was sure glad to discover that he is "full service", 'cause up until this time I thought he was just a "jerk off"! Do we think that Joe has learned some new vernacular from our hobby?

ONEBUSYEXEC12274 reads

If you read to the end of the article, you'll see how they told one guy not to bring his buddy who just got back from Iraq.  They felt that HE, the soldier, deserved better than to be put in jail.  OMG, equal opportunity? Things that make you go hmmmmmmm...

I_see_your_point8576 reads

He just showed us who is above the law. Joey.
Makes me want to say "I just came back from Iraq" in all business dealings. hmm..DUI??-"But I just came back from IRAQ!!"
I've never heard of a sherif being more well known than the mayor. I heard he was on NBC.
Talk about a power trip.

buster cherry10782 reads

Looks like Skylor, aka Cinda, got caught without her makeup.

The public opinion poll taken today by the Arizona Repulsive news rag held that nearly 70% of readers were against the pussy posse raids.

I agree. I feel that Bozo Joe should have been putting those 300  officers and that confiscated drug money to better use like parking outside the homes of known gang bangers and meth lab operators. Looking for the many drunk drivers on Phoenix streets is also a good use of manpower.

I was impressed with Joe's speeches today. He used the word "I" only once in each sentence.

That crap about Joe  finally realizing he had such places near his home only after the Sept 3 raid on the Phuket Island in Scottsdale was a load of crap. Where has Joe been hiding? In all the local Krispy Kremes located under really big rocks

I agree with you Buster. It is a sad sad day, when they form a task force to arrest women who are doing an ancient business practice and not harming anyone. Drug busts, Gang Bangers, Crack that would require alot of balls to bust in on those guys, they carry guns, kill cops, kidnap, maim, and are just plain ruthless. Our fine sheriffs department along with the local detectives wouldn't want to risk getting hurt. After all getting naked, feeling up and soliciting women is much safer and a hell of a lot more fun! I hate to sound like the feminatzi but, it's about control, these men don't like women to be in control of businesses, money, sex and power. It's all about trying to keep a woman in her place, and joe thinks anyone that doesn't agree belongs in his place (Jail). When will they realize that these sex/prostitution laws are inane, useless, and forceable moralizing of ones own personal constitution. No one forces a man to call on any of the thousands of ads, websites, and agencies out there. If there weren't a need then there wouldn't be any supply and all the so called law breakers would be sitting around wishing the phone would ring. When you give a woman the power to do as she wishes with her body, you are allowing her the same rights that every male has, and that in a nutshell is the fear behind the puritanistic views of prostitution/abortion/female advancement. Just my two cents and then some lol.

"At the end of the news article Arpaio says the world's oldest profession isn't going to end anytime soon.
   It'll still be there, but they'll never know when we're coming back"

Now my concern here and maybe I am being a little paranoid but Not one word has been said about computers. Now don't they usually confiscate these things for evidence.

Where I am going with this is maybe they haven't said anything about computers because they are ON THE COMPUTERS and they don't want to mention anything about being online because that would make the work they have been or ARE doing a waste of time.

In other words is nothing at all mentioned about the www, email or the confiscation of computers in order to gather more evidence and or leads to keep busting more people. Does this set uneasy with anyone else?  I can't believe that out of all of those who were arrested that NOT ONE of them had not even one computer.
Maybe Arpaio hasn't left yet. OR He will be back sooner than later.

You're not being paranoid. Joe has some sort of vendetta going against prostitution and he is hell bent to pursue it whether we like it or not. (The polls have made it clear that we don't like it.)

Don't be afraid... be careful...VERY CAREFUL!

Arizona Angel10100 reads

Is anyone else concerned about the fact that several of us are advertised in the same internet sites as a few of the unfortunate ladies who were busted. I for one would like to know more about what was taken from these ladies during the raids. Computer equipment could be very detrimental to all of us, providers and hobbiest. If I am wrong please let me know. Also is there going to be anywhere safe to advertise from soon? Has anyone looked into why the USA is one of the last countries to make prostitution a legal hobby? And if so what can we do about it?

You're at risk anywhere and anytime that you advertise but the only risk is of being located. It's what you say and do when you're contacted from those ads that get you in trouble/busted. (That's when your ads can be used against you if you aren't careful what you say in them.)

The same goes for the internet and because you all know that they can confiscate computers the same should apply to contacts and advertising on them. Be careful what you say and do on them!

If you pull ads or just don't put yourself out there anymore Joe you've played right into Joe's hand. He made it a point to let everyone know that they were using the ads to find these people so that it would scare everyone enough to not advertise. It's simple, no ads = no clients = no business = Joe wins.

The same goes for the grand display the men who were caught up in this whole sideshow. Joe made it a point to have them plastered on the news and papers to scare the hell out of their comrades in the hobby. Another simple equation to kill the business, scared hobbyists = no clients = no business = Joe wins again.

If you don't want him to win then you need to come together and work to change things... and most of all, be smart & careful. Know your rights and know how to handle yourselves. This goes for everyone, ladies and gentlemen.

Arizona Angel11306 reads

I have heard you can get in trouble for saying you are full service. Or that you have a fee, instead of a donation. Not to mention several other things I have "heard" mostly via hearsay. What exactly are we allowed to say and do? Who knows these rules or where we can find the answers. I seem to be a little a head in some areas and a little behind in others. No pun intended... lol Seriously the laws/licences seem to be changing so frequently or enforced at such a random state that I can't keep up. Help me I am getting dizzy!! I may not be the brightest M&M in the jar, but jeez this gets so frustrating and confusing.

Giving any indication that you offer sex (or anything sexual) for money is what will get you in trouble. The term 'full service' is doing exactly that unless you're in some other line of work. (Gas stations can be full service.) It just depends on the type of service you're referring to ;o)

Perhaps Mr. Jung could help you out with that one, i.e. editing your advertising copy  to avoid self-incrimination. I'm not pimping him I just think in this legal climate, maybe having a lawyer on retainer could be a very wise business expense.
The confiscated computer (or other records for that matter) goes back to details. A name in a phone book only shows contact not crime- however detailed entries like dates, times, fees paid and descriptions of events Will give LE cause to follow-up on that lead.
We hobbyists better hope no-one we saw kept that kind of thing.
Don't laugh at the thought, think Heide Fleiss and Charlie Sheen

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