
Re:Followup Question to Hobbyists
UnI4now 11013 reads
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I got some insight with my question to providers concerning significant others and now I am trying to get the whole picture by asking those who partake of provider pleasures.

 Do any in this hobby have a preference to provider's status?  I mean, would you have any problems seeing a married provider or is the service the primary prerequisite?  I assume there are a lot of fantasies being indulged by the many apparently fabulous ladies.  Is their being single a requirement to fulfill any fantasies?

   And finally, does being married have any impact on your generousity or is it based solely on services received?  I assume the service is the thing but my lady seems to think otherwise.

moebius8 9839 reads
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I avoid seeing the ones i know are married. If i dont know for certain i dont worry about it. If i find out later then i dont see them again.

jim_dandy 11393 reads
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If I had a preference, I would rather the provider be married.  All other things being equal, it would seem like the married provider (or semi-married provider) might exercise more discretion than the unmarried provider.

thirsty 2 Reviews 9011 reads
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Most of the providers in my area keep there marriage status a secret. I can think of only one local provider who admits that she's married because she often doubles with her husband. Granted, there are a few married providers; they just don't like to publicize it. Are the ladies here more open about their status?


NaughtyRub 9605 reads
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I am a very open and honest person. My website also states that. I am happily married, and my husband supports fully what I do. I enjoy what I do, I love meeting new people and making new friends, granted the money is nice and all, but that is only half of why I do it. I have a very strong sex drive, I crave it.
Some hobbiyests will only see providers if single, and that is there option, no hard feelings. Maybe I shouldn't be as open, but that just wouldn't be me......


Rick777 9686 reads
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Like Moe I avoid providers that are married or that have boy friends.  This may sound sill but I feel like I am cheating on them.  I hope no one gets offended but I can't really defend why I feel that way.  I can only say it bothers me.

IkneadU See my TER Reviews 10925 reads
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I have no problem telling someone that I'm married if they ask me but it's usually not something that I bring up on my own. My husband knows all about the business and me. The only reason that I could see for a man to feel guilty seeing a married provider is if her husband is unaware of what she does.

thirsty 2 Reviews 10951 reads
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I have always assumed that ladies keep their partnership status secret to maintain the fantasy. I remember seeing a young lady from an agency once, she mentioned her boyfriend and then tried to take it back. Maybe some ladies feel that the gent can get into the fantasy better if he feels that she is unattached.


moebius8 10410 reads
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ive been cheated on once or twice and I decided then i wasn't going to be that guy. Even though the dynamic here is diffrent i still feel like that guy if i know. Now i do make exceptions on occasion but not too often.

HO_DUDE 8719 reads
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put the shoe on the other foot & see how you would feel!!
if this woman was your wife how would you feel??
ask yourself these question & feel you will know the answer than!!

Dana Victoria See my TER Reviews 10134 reads
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I have stayed single during the three years that I have been a provider by choice. I mean no offense to those ladies that are in relationships but for me, I could not respect a man that would let me leave his bed to go to someone else's. And since I am not ready to quit it becomes the old cliche of "the vicious circle". I want someone in my life, but do not want to lie about what I do, and am not ready to quit the 'biz' and would not respect a man that would let me stay in the biz. So I am single, sigh! As Rick777 says, I can't really explain why I feel this way, I just do. And this is not meant as a insult to other ladies who are in happy relationships, it is just me. Peace, Dana

IkneadU See my TER Reviews 12457 reads
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No offense taken but from my point of view I couldn't love or respect a man that I had to lie to because he couldn't handle me being me. I enjoy what I do and made it clear that I enjoyed the adult industry from the very begining of our relationship. I would also have no problem if my man were to be in the same type of business. The bottom line for me is that jealousy has no place in a loving relationship.

Dana Victoria See my TER Reviews 10913 reads
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And I agree with all you have said. I will not be in a relationship where I would have to lie. And I am not referring to jealousy. Jealousy is an evil thing no mattter what the circumstances are. I am simply referring to my idea of committment by both of us, and to me, committment means we are faithful to each other. But as I said, that is me. I also enjoy what I do and have a healthy attitude towards sex and am not ready to give up the adult entertainment industry. But when I do meet the guy that is the one, it will be a part of my interesting past, not a part of our now or our future. Again, everyone has their own ways of living their lives and what works for them doesn't necessarily work for others. That doesn't mean it is wrong or right, just what works for each individual. Peace, Dana

FreedomRider225 11015 reads
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Forgive me ladies but I have several issues with seeing a provider with a SO. Maybe it's silly, illogical or outdated but the fantasy turns to dust if a provider is spoken for.

IkneadU See my TER Reviews 9377 reads
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Everyone is entitled to have their own 'code' or morals to live by and they should be respected.

For me, honesty is most imporant and I won't hide things from my clients or husband. I just don't like to have to hide things from people and that is hard in this business. Some have to choose to hide their SO's to protect their business.

bertie 13 Reviews 11211 reads
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that the provider is single, of a pure heart but utterly lonely and she sits by the phone waiting for my call while screening everyone else's.
and she cries herself to sleep when i don't call.

IkneadU See my TER Reviews 10674 reads
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Very well said... if everyone thought like that we would have a much more happy world because everyone would respect each other's choices.

IkneadU See my TER Reviews 10846 reads
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LOL... I hope that you don't care what she looks like because if she's 'utterly lonely' chances are she's utterly scarey too! LOL

Rick777 10209 reads
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It is so important that they love me.  Cause no one else does.

MadisonAZ 12919 reads
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Awwww.....I love you Rick.....How could anyone not???
I will pay plenty attention to you! :-)
((((Puppy dog eyes))))))
Wanna play??  :-)~


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