
DesertDweller 7678 reads
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Tuesday, June 15, 2004, 4:20pm MST


By the Associated Press

The Maricopa County prosecutor's office rejected about 60 prostitution cases forwarded by the sheriff's department because of the way some undercover deputies and volunteer posse members behaved, said a county attorney's spokesman.

About a half dozen deputies and posse members engaged in nudity, oral sex and other sexual contact during a prostitution sting carried out between September and November, said Bill FitzGerald, a spokesman for the Maricopa County attorney's office.

The techniques, which deviated from standard investigative practices, reduced the likelihood of a conviction, he said.

A call to the Maricopa County Sheriff's Department wasn't immediately returned Tuesday.

But Sheriff Joe Arpaio has said previously that detectives working undercover in the prostitution sting had his approval to disrobe in the company of the women they were investigating.

Copyright 2004 Associated Press

bdby 9925 reads
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All of the young ladies who were detained should see an attorney to see if Sheriff Joe illegally entrapped and arrested them.  Another black mark for Sheriff Joe.

Secret squirel 7246 reads
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At last someone who has some sense. The county prosecuter may have known what was going on, but once the public backlash started in the papers,tv and radio, he may have changed his mind on allowing, or admitting to such tactics since it reflected negatively on him and his offices. IMHO, what is the point of allowing the posse and officers to partake in the hobby and recieve illegal services, are they not committing a crime? Isn't that the same thing they were arresting the guys they caught for?  I am sure the officers had to fight over the sign up sheet for those special secret under cover (pun intended) assignmemts. I can hear their chant now... nudity, breasts, blow jobs OH MY......nudity, breasts, blow jobs OH MY......boys beware these women are cunning and dangerous!
 Besides, trying to legislate morality is like trying to walk on'll only wind up all wet.

WymenLover 36 Reviews 6424 reads
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The Sheriff says he will take cases to U.S. Attorney's Office???  He neglects, apparently, to say what federal law(s) he thinks have been violated.  Seems a safe bet that there are none regarding the sex (though maybe be income tax ramifications, but would seem the federal gov't probably does not have any low-level violations on their radar screen).  The voters of Maricopa County have elected a guy who has too much time (and too little brains?) on his hands.  Maybe you need more street crime there....

buster cherry 8373 reads
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In the immortal words of the late, great Gus I. Grissom: "Fuggin A, Bubba!"

IkneadU See my TER Reviews 7421 reads
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I big thanks to the County Attorney's Office for not allowing our idiot sheriff to succeed with his stupidity!

No Joe, "Two wrongs do not make a right". Yes, prostitution is illegal (1st wrong) but a cop entrapping a prostitute by getting naked and fondling her, being fondled by her or allowing any other sexual contact between himself and her (2nd wrong) is the most ridiculous wrong of all!!!! (Gives new meaning to "Open up in the name of the law!" LOL)

The statement I liked most from ol' Joe was when he said that it was up to us to change the laws if we didn't want him to enforce them..... as if there are no drugs, murders, thefts, domestic violence, etc. for law enforcement to worry about! LOL What an ass!

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