
Bad attitude....
BuckNekked 1 Reviews 6213 reads

No not you or any of the ladies here. I find myself in a funk with a really bad attitude lately. I'm not sure why, but since I don't seem to have anything of importance to contribute here and my nastiness seems to get the best of me I'm going to take some time away from this and my other boards that I find the old me. You really would have liked the old me.


Make a list -- Note past experiences that seemed overwhelming at the time. Recall how you resolved them. Most importantly, remember that you survived them and probably learned a great deal in the process. Review your list when troubles arise in the future.
Find joy in small things -- Take time to notice the small wonders that occur each day, like the cute store clerk that finally smiled at you today, or the friend who happened to call when you were down and out. Finding a moment to notice these things will help keep problems in perspective.
Use thought-stopping techniques -- Obsessing about the past or future is merely a bad habit. When you find yourself wallowing in negativity, visualize a red stop sign, or simply say the word "stop." Then refuse to entertain the thought any further. Instead, call a friend, go for a walk or work on a project that is absorbing and enjoyable. With practice, your bad habit will eventually diminish.
Ask yourself an important question -- Will the negative situation you are dwelling on make a difference in a year? Next month? Tomorrow? Asking this question will help to cut your problem down to size.
Avoid toxic situations -- Whenever possible, enter uplifting situations with positive people. Negative experiences are toxic for all of us, and it is better to steer clear of them whenever possible.
Put these antidotes to work in your life. Most importantly, remember that it is not circumstances that create your happiness -- it is how you look at them. Even in the worst of times there is good to be found if you seek it.
Hope this helps you find your happy self and send your bad attitude packing.
Hugs and Kisses (they always help lol)
Malissa xoxoxo

What excellent suggestions, you should be a therapist, but then I guess you already are!  Life is all about attitude and what we expect from life is directly proportionate to what we put into it.

thought I would put my two cents in and give all something to ponder.  So here goes........................................

Isn't it strange how princess and kings and clowns that caper in sawdust ring, and common people like you and me are builders of eternity.  For each is given a bag of tools, a shpeless mass and a book of rules, but each must make ere life is flown, a stumbling block or a stepping stone.

Well I am not much of a poet but this has always given me a boost if I got down and out or in a funk.  Hope it helps someone else.

Those who work in my shops see this posted somewhere in each of them and I have it on my frig at home. A friend passed it along to me years ago and I think she said it was from AA. All I really know is that it helps put things in perspective for me whenever I feel life getting complicated or troubled....

Is the answer to all of my problems today.
When I am disturbed
It is because I find some
Person, place, thing or situation,
Some fact of my life,
Unacceptable to me
And I can find no serenity until I accept that
Person, place, thing or situation
As being exactly the way it's supposed to be
At this moment.
Noting, absolutely nothing happens in God's world
By mistake.
Unless I accept life completely on life's terms,
I can not be happy.
I need to concentrate
Not so much on what needs to be changed in the world
As on what needs to be changed in
Me and my attitudes.

Two words of advice:


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