
Re: Yes! Someone PM me that list, too. I would like to go back to work! EOM
morganxoxo See my TER Reviews 638 reads

I would like the list also... Morgan Taylor

Recently a provider contacted me for a reference for a gentleman that I see regularly. Knowing that this provider has recently been arrested in a sting operation I quickly contacted the gentleman to inform him of such happenings. Also I did not reply to the provider for the fact that I did not want to incriminate my regular by informing her we have meant.  

I felt bad ignoring the provider but this incident only happened a month prior to her requesting a reference.  

On another hand I also feel that if you have been caught up in any type of situation involving the police you're not someone that I want to communicate with in this industry for my protection & that of my devoted gentlemen.  

I'm curious as to what other ladies think about this situation and even you gentlemen.

If a provider has been arrested is there a certain amount of time that afterwards you would feel comfortable seeing them as a gentleman or giving them a reference as a provider?

Knowing that police officers have this person's real name and information who's to say that they're not constantly being watched even if they do move after such situation?

Why is it also a huge secret to not share these people's identity and I'm not talking about the personal information but what they go by in this industry for the fact that if I did not know she had recently been arrested, I would have verified and my dear gent would have all sort of hell to deal with.  

I just curious what others think.

It's always a concern for me.  This hobby requires absolute confidentiality.  If someone involved with it has been busted, it's no secret that an enormous amount of pressure can be brought to bear.  I would certainly not want you to verify me for someone who has been arrested, assuming I had ever seen you.

I'm glad you maintained confidentiality.  Well done.

It's probably the same lady and I feel terrible for her but I keep getting appointment requests from guys using her as a reference..... I won't even contact her to verify. Sucks cause I know these are potentially great clients but it's just too soon for me. Better safe then sorry. I'm curious what everyone else's opinions on this are

Hi everyone this is Morgan Taylor everyone has been talking about me.. Sorry for everyone paranoia ... I can't believe the talking is still going on...  Thank you or all your support.  Kinda funny that people say that I got busted but do you know what for???   I have been a provider for over 9 yrs. the people that know me don't even question anything about me and what happened ,my reputation is still strong and I'm not going anywhere...  
Be safe xoxo

bigguy301086 reads

It's not about hurting anyone business, but hobbyist should help each other on this Phx broad too! I think a discreet busted list should be made known in a discreet matter.  You can use a Ter back up name etc

This is what I was talking about before, with the providers in this area. You guys will start to lose a lot of business, if hobbyist don't know who they can really trust!


-- Modified on 4/28/2014 7:03:13 PM

There is already a lot of risk in this hobby. There is no sense in taking any more chances. We all feel sorry when this happens to someone but I would steer clear of any contact. I think you did the right thing.

Only now with so many new arrests, I don't trust anyone because I have no idea who has been picked up.  I've even told guys I wont take that person as a reference because I know that they have been arrested. I don't do it to be mean and I wouldn't ever want to be in their shoes and trying still work in the business. I would be on edge all the time because LE would always know who I was and where to find me. Someone was right when they mentioned bringing the business way underground.  Much of it means not communicating on here or posting reviews because we all know LE is on here reading our postings/reviews, too.  We've advertised our  inner workings to the whole world (booking, references, ratings, reviews etc.) that it's too easy to set us up after they've nabbed a few of us (including clients). I think learning to keep things hush like in the old days is for the better.  If you know someone is good and reputable then stick with them.  Variety is great, but at what price?

Posted By: jcgolf
There is already a lot of risk in this hobby. There is no sense in taking any more chances. We all feel sorry when this happens to someone but I would steer clear of any contact. I think you did the right thing.

It's really funny that everyone is afraid of me!!

War has been declared by LE in order to suck the most money out of people.  
REAL violent criminals or criminals that hurt people don't make money for cops when they get arrested, look at the number of outstanding warrants in the hands of Sheriff Joke and local cops.

Can LE follow every person they bust?  Doubtful.
Can they dangle false promises in order to catch more johns?  Yep.
We really don't know what happens after the handcuffs and marched out by Storm Troopers.  
I'm sure part of the release condition is they get rolled back up if they tell anyone what really happens with LE "behind closed doors".

I'm sure this is part of the strategy of LE:  freak everyone out, create doubt, so the Evil Doers self deport on their own.  And YES, according to Bored Housewives of Gilbert, we are the Evil Doers, and their poor little men are helpless victims to those Siren Sluts.  

This has to be the hardest question to answer, and I don't have any solutions to recommend regarding blackballing ladies who are the real victims here

bigguy30776 reads

It's a lot of people who travel to Phx for business and do not know, about the daily utr secrets of this area. All we know are the providers, we deal with when coming to town. How is a traveling hobbyist suppose to know, if he can still trust a provider?

This site is suppose to help hobbyists with information and if you keep it to yourself, then how in the hell will that help out somebody else.  I don't think a provider should be blacklisted either, but everybody knows this is a business and now it's about survival. If she is busted, other hobbyist should know it.  

So I will not let these assholes ruin my hobby enjoyment, but the whole phoenix area is now a big question mark, along with each provider!

-- Modified on 4/28/2014 9:07:48 PM

I agree. I'd move if I didn't have family ties here.  I'd rather be a totally broke bitch than not see my loved ones.

Not knowing who has been arrested essentially defeats the purpose of what these forums were meant to be, an exchange for  information.  Ooops I forgot...all the reviews/ stories are fictitious and are for entertainment purposes only.

This board is designed to help others out.

I'd like to know who's been arrested, someone PM me, but personally I think it should be posted right here...

Agreed.  I'd sure like to know.  Or at least a direction so I can do my own recon.

Posted By: gymratguy
This board is designed to help others out.  
 I'd like to know who's been arrested, someone PM me, but personally I think it should be posted right here...

where does a person even start?

In an effort to deflect the wrath from any unintended ruffled feathers, I would like to first state that I am very sympathetic to the plight of all who have been affected by the heightened LE activities.  I have particular empathy for the providers who have been arrested and are now living the hell created by the overreaching arm of our misguided government.  Frankly, it is hard to believe that in "The Land Of The Free"  we are arresting and causing great personal harm to consenting adults engaging in a mutually beneficial business and PERSONAL relationship.

To the OP, I commend you for the concern you have shown for the safety of your clients and I believe what you did was perfectly ok.  Had I been your client I would have been very appreciative both of your candor with myself and your discretion with the compromised provider, as truly unfair to her as this may seem.

From my perspective, I would never knowingly enlist the services of a provider that I have never seen before and has been recently arrested.  The risk is simply way beyond my acceptable threshhold.  Until I am satisfied that the provider in question is not working for LE I would not consider contacting her for any reason.  

Now if a provider that I know well has been arrested I would definitely reach out to her to see how she was doing and offer whatever assitance that I may have to give.  I would also figure out a way to continue seeing her once I knew the score, she would definitely need the business!

The simple reason that people are sercretive of those providers that have been arrested is because it is devestating to their business.  Once the word has gotten around you can pretty much forget about attracting new business until the smoke clears and people figure out who is working for LE and who is not.

It is a very tough time for this business, however you will not hear me complain of my plight.  The people impacted the most are the lovely ladies that are trying to make a living and provide for their families, for them this is their livelihood.  For us guys, we have it easy, we can simply forego our pleasure or seek other options in another town.

I will be laying very low for the foreseeable future

If it's someone I don't know, then I may be hesitant to reach out to them for a new meeting for the next month or so.  

As far as references go, DC has a 5 point scale from NFW: Danger Danger, to YMMV, to Highly Recommended.   I don't know how P411 does it, besides the guy has to initiate the reference request.  
Maybe this pushes the DC/P411 requirement a lot more?  It avoids the phone call from one lady to another and getting worried about that.    

If it turns out that someone I know and think of as a friend is hurt, then I'll be there as a friend.  Jerks can't arrest someone for being a friend (YET).    I believe life is too short and the world is too mean not to take care of friends in need.

One thing that may contribute to the problem is demanding "juicy details" in reviews.   There have been reviews that I've not done because lack of "sufficient" details, and I promised not to go into them so no review.      

If I could leave a less than graphic detail and someone could PM for details, perhaps that  might be an option.   Or basically:  Is it a rip-off?  Are photos legitimate?  Any surprises?  Would you go back or recommend to someone?  

A lady and I had this discussion earlier today, and we couldn't come up with any easy answers, other than "it just depends on who is asking, and who are they asking about?".   She had an out-of-town arrangement cancel on an in-call he had set up nearly 2 weeks ago.   She was thinking about how paranoid it's getting out there.  If I set up an in-call at a private residence with someone who is without a doubt a professional, why should I get all concerned?

This is definitely a minefield of morality and character we're being forced to navigate blindfolded without much help or guidance.  

Finally, REGISTER TO VOTE and VOTE IN PRIMARY ELECTIONS!  Some of these assclowns need to be called out on "OK you hate Federal government on your back, so how do you justify local government getting between your legs and in your bedroom?"

-- Modified on 4/29/2014 3:29:51 PM

Posted By: Dave76015
If I could leave a less than graphic detail and someone could PM for details, perhaps that  might be an option.   Or basically:  Is it a rip-off?  Are photos legitimate?  Any surprises?  Would you go back or recommend to someone?
This!  I had a review rejected because it wasn't full of acronyms and there weren't enough "juicy details".  I don't want to include "juicy details" - I'll happily provide more information about the quality of the experience for VIPs, though.  There's plenty of information about the services provided in the companions' profiles.

Back on topic - as others have said, the lion's share of the risk is on the ladies, so stiffer screening is understandable, and avoiding contact with women who may be under scrutiny is reasonable, if unfortunate.  I've had a few meeting requests disappear over the last few months - I choose not to push it because of the environment we're in.  Like most people on this board, I already know a number of wonderful women whom I enjoy seeing. Not having a chance to meet new people is unfortunate, but it's not going to tarnish the experiences I do have.  Stay safe, everyone.

..... I appreciate you taking the time to share your opinions.  

-- Modified on 4/29/2014 11:56:28 PM

You should have at least posted this in the PO forum, but now everyone has access to it, so why could this post not be used against you too?  incriminate

Strange logic.

I'm no lawyer and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but because I didn't mention the provider or gents handle in this post, it wouldn't be sufficient evidence in a court case unless he choose to see the provider regardless of my warning, then yes this may be incriminating for the gent.  

On another hand who's to say which provider, out of the many that where busted I'm referring to? Multiple ladies that have been brought to my attention have tried contacting me for references and are being used as references. The lady replying to this post, as if she's the one in question, is assuming she's the person I'm talking about.  


-- Modified on 5/8/2014 11:01:58 AM

fartsonhigher1545 reads

Likely, it has been helpful somewhere in promoting safety. Some posts like this aren't, but yours was very smart about the entire issue.

My reviews and posting were brought up in a custody battle but the judge threw it out.

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