
Re: Was it BP advertisement?
Mikeadams653 1254 reads

Yes was BP. And I am probably screwed.

Cops said it would be a $1000 fine and 24 hours, but internet says az is minimum 15 days sentence. I not smart and didn't do the checks like I should... getting lax. Any inputs welcome.

Eggs_over_easy1068 reads

I'd say get a lawyer but depending on what you said to LE, it may make that a useless endeavor.

bigguy30974 reads

Posted By: Mikeadams653
Cops said it would be a $1000 fine and 24 hours, but internet says az is minimum 15 days sentence. I not smart and didn't do the checks like I should... getting lax. Any inputs welcome.

I am working on that. Just curious if anyone has been through the process in this city or state.

I hope you did not say anything to compromise yourself.  If you were read your rights and talked without an attorney present, then you may be SOL.  

Posted By: Mikeadams653
Cops said it would be a $1000 fine and 24 hours, but internet says az is minimum 15 days sentence. I not smart and didn't do the checks like I should... getting lax. Any inputs welcome.

Btw, I fairly certain there is no getting out of it. That's not my question. I am wondering if anyone has done any plea bargaining or other activity (some "programs for 1st time offenders) to reduce from the listed min sentencing. You can imagine how 15 days in jail (consecutively) impacts home life.

The sucks bro. BP can be a very tricky place. Who did you go see? (If you don't mind me asking) Might save some of us from catching a case.

Ask for work release. You stay in jail over night but get out during the day

Hope you get through this with the least pain possible. I sometimes moonlight in backpage and luckily have managed to survive till date. I guess its the thrill of meeting the unknown that is exciting...

It will be very helpful if you can share any info about the tactics they used...might help others stay watchful. i generally do only outcalls with BP girls and that has kept me safe as I am in relative control. is there any chance that they do outcall busts as well?  

Again, wish you all the best!

Posted By: Mikeadams653
Cops said it would be a $1000 fine and 24 hours, but internet says az is minimum 15 days sentence. I not smart and didn't do the checks like I should... getting lax. Any inputs welcome.

Posted By: ItsHotOutHere
 Hope you get through this with the least pain possible. I sometimes moonlight in backpage and luckily have managed to survive till date. I guess its the thrill of meeting the unknown that is exciting...  
 It will be very helpful if you can share any info about the tactics they used...might help others stay watchful. i generally do only outcalls with BP girls and that has kept me safe as I am in relative control. is there any chance that they do outcall busts as well?  
 Again, wish you all the best!  
Posted By: Mikeadams653
Cops said it would be a $1000 fine and 24 hours, but internet says az is minimum 15 days sentence. I not smart and didn't do the checks like I should... getting lax. Any inputs welcome.
I strongly recommend that the OP does not write any of the details here or anywhere else until his case is settled.  It's the "can and will be used against you" part of Miranda.


Posted By: Max101
Posted By: ItsHotOutHere
  Hope you get through this with the least pain possible. I sometimes moonlight in backpage and luckily have managed to survive till date. I guess its the thrill of meeting the unknown that is exciting...  
  It will be very helpful if you can share any info about the tactics they used...might help others stay watchful. i generally do only outcalls with BP girls and that has kept me safe as I am in relative control. is there any chance that they do outcall busts as well?    
  Again, wish you all the best!  
Posted By: Mikeadams653
Cops said it would be a $1000 fine and 24 hours, but internet says az is minimum 15 days sentence. I not smart and didn't do the checks like I should... getting lax. Any inputs welcome.
 I strongly recommend that the OP does not write any of the details here or anywhere else until his case is settled.  It's the "can and will be used against you" part of Miranda.

NEVER believe anything John Law says!!

Never believe anything any lawyer, that wants to fleece you for money and send you away, says!

You are facing an adversary, adversaries that lie, bully, and attempt extorting you into giving into their demands. Remember, they practice bullying people into submission every day they work.

Unfortunately, what you are going to go through is discovering that you are only entitled to whatever "Justice"(protection from the government) you can afford.  

Some where on the net is information about court cases and who represented people with charges exactly like the ones they will threaten you with. If nothing else, some one who has represented other people with the same charges will most likely seen all the tricks and scams they want to run on you. Depending upon the circumstances, and what you have said, an experienced lawyer may or may not be able to alter the steam roller headed at you. but, Your chances of not being conned are much better with an experienced lawyer.


Very sorry to hear of your misfortune.  Like others have mentioned, I never consider anyone unless they have at least 10 reviews here ... did she have any?   If you don't want to share even that detail, no worries.  We all wish you the best of luck.

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