
Re: This is just plain silly (an outsider's view of Phoenix providers)
Hobbynaut 11 Reviews 897 reads

+1 hardknocks.  I travel around the country for a living and pound for pound it's very tough to beat the quality to price ratio you can find in PHX. More importantly I've just found folks to be much more fun and laid back here than anywhere else. That's tough to put a price on.

LE heat over the last 18 months or so have definitely driven folks to be little more cautious but I've continued to have a great time just by doing my homework and putting in some extra legwork to find the hidden gems

Woke up this morning and looked at the latest three pages of "new reviews" in Phoenix.
Wow, as a group, what mediocrity!
This covers the most current 45 reviews, going back just a few days, and many of these have dozens of reviews.
I found that there are only about a handful of ladies who have collective averages of over 8.5, and the vast majority fall into the "7" range, with sooo many falling between 5.5 and 7.
An old guy like me longs for that Heyday of Sedona Weaver, MJ, Isabella Amore, Alicia, and their friends.
Oh, well, it's a new world, but I'm quite sure today's Seven is NOT yesterday's NINE!
Just an observation......and it seems there's a considerable more poundage on a lot of these ladies today, too.

AreYouKiddingMe1836 reads

Also, as we all know most of the scores are highly inflated. A 7 is really a 5 or a 6...esp. we rarely have providers that are young (in their 20's) who are GFE. Most GFE providers are older and I can't name too many hot young GFE providers here...

Sad times in Phoenix, if we compare our top 100 to the top 100 in other major cities, we are in a bad shape.  

I have started saving money to actually go and hobby in other cities...

many women are choosing to stay under the radar with all the busts that have happened this past year.  Hopefully that will improve after the Super Bowl is over?  

Posted By: JEFFREY
Woke up this morning and looked at the latest three pages of "new reviews" in Phoenix.  
 Wow, as a group, what mediocrity!  
 This covers the most current 45 reviews, going back just a few days, and many of these have dozens of reviews.  
 I found that there are only about a handful of ladies who have collective averages of over 8.5, and the vast majority fall into the "7" range, with sooo many falling between 5.5 and 7.  
 An old guy like me longs for that Heyday of Sedona Weaver, MJ, Isabella Amore, Alicia, and their friends.  
 Oh, well, it's a new world, but I'm quite sure today's Seven is NOT yesterday's NINE!  
 Just an observation......and it seems there's a considerable more poundage on a lot of these ladies today, too.

I mostly see established friends or referrals from a few of my trusted gf's because of the risk. For me personally, it's best to remain UTR for a budding business venture outside of the hobby :-).  
So important for everyone to be extra careful nowadays.
Play safe!

1time4fun966 reads

There are plenty of hotties still in the valley!! You have to be patient & find these hidden gems......

Wow, I'm amazed to hear you think this city is lacking in talent?? I don't think we have met yet?????? I find the review numbers are low so they don't think they are being inflated?! My friends are loyal respectful and genuine. As are my reviews. Looks like you need to dig deeper with your search....... Or just come see me already!

Kelly XO

Back and better than ever! (Just enough) Older, wiser, and freakier to make things more interesting!


And, no, I'm NOT givin' that up, Bro!

Toddcush821 reads

You must be one of the lucky few to be members of the MM club at Vista Ave!

I've only been playing for about 8 yrs. If your just looking to fuck supermodels then maybe things have diminished. For me, I like to meet nice young ladies who know how to fulfill my needs. Are they all supermodels? No. They do have very reasonable prices. I am not a high volume whoremonger. I find a few reliable hookers and stick with them. There are many great price/performance ho's out there if you are willing to look for them. I do occasionally spooge, Ahem, I mean splurge on something special. Go get a BJ and stop being a grumpy old man.

Love your attitude! No complaints, just get it sucked by a woman who loves what she does. :)

Perhaps pulling out a thesaurus and finding a better alternative to poundage, might attract what you perceive as higher quality. I personally don't find it appealing to spend time with a gentleman who uses the word poundage.  

Keep this in mind boys... Just like there are men who lurk the board, there are also women who are considering taking the leap into the hobby and while they observe the board and read posts such as this one you might be deterring some beautiful talented ladies of participating in our community.

youaresostupid1211 reads

come on Krista seriously?  Would you have preferred he simply stated that there were far too many FAT providers out there?  Would that be more acceptable to you?  Now if  he were using poundage as a verb, as in to-be-pounded, then I would understand your objection.  However, I am somewhat at a loss in my attempt to understand how you can be offended by the use of the word as an adjective.  Fat by any other name is still just fat.

And it's deterring from, not deterring of

How stupid to suggest, or insult a provider with a STUPID statement like you made. At least use your correct handle and don't hide behind an alias. Why don't you post your pic and lets see what providers have to say about you.

LOL, Hey, it wasn't me!  But, they guy was right--I was referring to a lot of chubby women out there (No, NOT Krista, she's slim, and simply gorgeous), and using the word "poundage" as meaning "excess weight," not the verb at all!
And I hope Krista reads this and I'm sure she'll understand what I was driving at.
Right, Krista?


I couldn't help myself...

Great skills do not always come in small packages.  Beautiful doesn't equal skinny to everyone.  To each their own.  That's what the hobby is all about!!

youaresostupid1697 reads

Krista's comments were nonsense, I actually think she didn't even understand the context with which Jeffrey used the term to describe the large quantity of rubenesque providers he has observed plying their wares of late.

I stand by my comments, they were on point.  You, on the other hand, are in danger of losing your man card.

Remember your place, our place in this world.  Jeffrey, you and yes even me, are the customers, the ones with the $$$.  We don't need a service provider lecturing us on what words we can and cannot use, particularly when it is pretty clear that she didn't understand what he was talking about. Can you imagine how well it would go over if one of your partners was lecturing a potential client, telling them how they should behave?  No fucking different Einstein, pull your head out of your ass.

I am done with this, and with you

What kind of name is you are so stupid! One thing is to have a flash of ignorance however, partner, you are captain stupid. You obviously enjoy insulting people especially  women. Moreover, you probably are a woman hater so, why are you hobbying? I suspect you don't see women that's why you don't have any reviews. I am confident that you feel like providers are second class citizens however, real men appreciate providers of all shapes, colors and sizes. I regret that you got your feelings hurt little guy, this is normally a friendly forum that will do just fine without your participation. Good luck to you.

The sycophant speaks again. YASS is totally right. I will refrain from using his terminology. In your eyes he enjoys insulting people but you try to do the same. Just look at your own post. Does it make you feel like a man to call people names? "Captain stupid" "Women hater" Little guy" Do these terms make you feel superior to those of us that don't kiss every hookers ass like you do? Maybe you feel like a man when you call others names and try to degrade them. PLEASE let us know if you got a boner while writing that response. LMFAO

Posted By: KristaStarr
Perhaps pulling out a thesaurus and finding a better alternative to poundage, might attract what you perceive as higher quality. I personally don't find it appealing to spend time with a gentleman who uses the word poundage.  
 Keep this in mind boys... Just like there are men who lurk the board, there are also women who are considering taking the leap into the hobby and while they observe the board and read posts such as this one you might be deterring some beautiful talented ladies of participating in our community.
I find it sickening how some of if not all of the reviewers are somewhat morons.
I've never written a review and probably won't.
I think a review should not be written as a penthouse forum bit of garbage.
More like, yes pics accurate, yes gfe or pse, yes I'd go back or no I wouldn't..
Distaste in the form of "I did this to her" or "she did that to me"
I really don't need nor want to know what some assholio did..
My 2cents

It is unfortunate that due to the current local enforcement temperature, many great providers have elected to not, be active or have relocated. The latest weapon I hear about around the court house is a detection device that will pinpoint the location of a cell phone. This is problematic considering LE has elected to use this device without obtaining a warrant. IMHO, this is not something that is being utilized in pursuit of an independent provider or a small low key agency. I do not want to add to, or suggest that everyone panic. This issue will be taken up on appeal and if it is successful, the pending cases may very well be tossed. It may be worth your time to monitor this issue. I will post something as it develops if the majority has an interest.

I am all good in the hood. The beautiful providers are out there. Just do the homework.  Jeffrey,  you know that is true.

I can name at least 8 that will put you to bed happy...Ellie Rose, Bianca Bliss, Ivy Sullivan, Lexi Cruze, Teagan Bell, Mona Lisa, Sunshine,  Maya Foxx, Tilly, Ryan Savage...oh wait, that's 10! As in they are "10's"  in my book. Good luck and happy fucking!

Yes Puff, you are right there are still some knockout babies here. I should have clarified, thanks. Some of the 10s still see clients however, will not post. Yes Jeffrey probably has several that he is keeping for himself. He is cool, I guess we will have to start trading, like baseball cards.  
Hey don't forget Stacie Lynn, Krista Starr and Deanna. Happy times, be safe...

...that I want to. Phoenix rivals Vegas in the number of beautiful, available women and that's why it's my favorite place to play. And remember, today's agency lady whom you believe is too hot to touch will become tomorrow's Phoenix 'it' girl when she goes independent and you wish you would have seen her earlier!

I am not about slamming anyone. I could give a rat's ass about that.I apologize if anyone thought that. That's not my game.  I'm serious, I just want to get some pink all over my hardness. I love this hobby and all the glorious opportunities it brings us. We just need to continue to post good reviews for the deserved providers and we will all go to that happy place in the sky with smiles on our faces! Right? Continue on gents and angels. Share knowledge and get laid. That's what it's all about!

good reviews for the deserved hookers.

There's nobody left for you to see. LOL

but probably true.

Posted By: tt85003
There's nobody left for you to see. LOL

I travel a lot, and have hobbied in 20 cities.  I also know about my trips far in advance so I can study the provider choices available and do my backchannel work.  In my opinion, Phoenix has the best talent per dollar (great talent, reasonable prices) of any city I visit regularly.

Taking the last 45 reviews, covering less than a week, is a metric that has almost no value.  There were no top 25 women in the last 45 reviews.  This is not surprising at all, given the nature of LE activity in Phoenix.  I would bet that any of the top 25 (and a ton of former top 25 ladies) are quite available and keeping their regulars quite happy with 8, 9, 10 performances -- they are just flying UTR.

Btw, I'm not a White Knight -- I just look forward to my five or six visits a year to Phoenix.  It's hard to decide what to do....hmmmm... see the usuals or find one of a dozen potential new friends????

+1 hardknocks.  I travel around the country for a living and pound for pound it's very tough to beat the quality to price ratio you can find in PHX. More importantly I've just found folks to be much more fun and laid back here than anywhere else. That's tough to put a price on.

LE heat over the last 18 months or so have definitely driven folks to be little more cautious but I've continued to have a great time just by doing my homework and putting in some extra legwork to find the hidden gems

that's what I'm getting from those that I've spoke to....Just to crazy here anymore

Hope you are doing well...I miss posting here!

Looking forward to seeing more of you here.

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