
Re: The two of you are sexy woman, just fuck and make upteeth_smile
bigguy30 609 reads


DAVEPHX1532 reads

Posted By: CaramelBBW
Anyone seen this girl before?
One of pictures is in ads in LV, Chicago, Palm Springs etc.

BUT , why are you scanning womans ads for "fresh or fake meat ? " ...
I hate to point the obvious but your new "around"and you are posting the Most..and now pointing out obvious answers etc.  

No mind me, Sorry I say what I feel . But if its not the obvious , know that in the past the loud posters have been red targets.  

Jus sayn

Ok, the OP is an industrial strength user of the Phoenix board.  Would the inherent information shared  
be more valuable if it came from a seasoned hobbyist or someone who doesn't post frequently?  There may be some that get value from the message, not the castigation of the messenger.

As the beautiful Sedona once put it, someone that has a decent, respectful posting history, a solid review history with verified legitimate ladies, is probably pretty legit.  Add in a lady with a long term, solid review history with a number of gentlemen with a depth of reviews, I'm betting a dollar they are legit as well.

Granted, things can change in a moment.   However, one of the ways we survive and thrive is the open exchange of ideas and fun thoughts.  

Don't post stupid questions.  Don't make stupid suggestions.  Be safe, believe in screening, and don't shoot the messenger when you hear things you don't like.

bigguy30584 reads

It does not matter, how long someone post on this broad.  
We are all here to have a good time and get laid.  
I just feel like the scumbags putting these laws into place, are winning now.  
When people start sounding, like some of you in your comments.  
The self righteous bullshit has to stop, this broad is for all hobbyist.

Wow.   That's pretty harsh.
I agree that scumbags pass laws.
As far as self-righteousness, get a grip on reality.
Everyone should have the opportunity to post, even those whom post using an alias.  I'm not going to throw rocks at anonymous posters unless they are sphincters.  
If you have a logical, reasonable, point of discussion, please bring it on.  
That's all I'm saying

bigguy30713 reads

Dave I agree with your last point, but some of the comments have been harsh to the new hobbyist on here.
We all were new, to this hobby at some point

WHY do people try to decide for themselves what is relevant speech and how it should be moderated??  Is your voice and ideas  more important and relevant than another person's??  Really???  WHO the fukk do you think you are?? I'll wipe my ass with your answer..

No disrespect Ms. Grey, and I absolutely hate to point out the obvious, but you seem to go out of your way to PICK at my posts.  As I have stated in the past although I am new to TER (Now only semi-new :D), I have over a year & a half experience in the hobby.  I am by no means a "newbie".  

Your passive agressive remarks to most of my posts are borderline bullying.  I will always stand by the fact that


The SAFETY of EVERYONE in the hobby is EVERYONE who is involved in the hobby's responsibility.  Honestly I think if everyone said more about the things that ACTUALLY matter in keeping us safe, the amount of "red targets" will shrink.  Just because it is your opinion that standing back & saying nothing is the safe thing to do doesn't mean we all agree.

I do not believe I have crossed any lines in anything that I have posted but as you like to say "don't mind me" I say what I feel also :)

Beyond that what does it matter for there are  

Posted By: elitegray
BUT , why are you scanning womans ads for "fresh or fake meat ? " ...  
 I hate to point the obvious but your new "around"and you are posting the Most..and now pointing out obvious answers etc.  
 No mind me, Sorry I say what I feel . But if its not the obvious , know that in the past the loud posters have been red targets.  
 Jus sayn.  
-- Modified on 9/1/2014 9:11:37 PM

I apparently need to get past the newbie stage so I am actively ISO A gentleman who posts on our board to test my newbie skills so I can "graduate"  then maybe just MAYBE Miss Gray will stop picking on me :)

In all seriousness though, there will always be newbies & this is a good place for them to go to find information... Especially when it comes to safety.  If the few of us who do post warnings & such remained quiet we are providing more ammo for other side hence fighting a losing battle!

-- Modified on 9/1/2014 8:44:14 PM

The funny thing is… one of her "regular" regulars will get busted with a Backpage girl and shine some unfavorable light on her very careful very cautious business practices then she may 'see the light' herself


Posted By: CaramelBBW
I apparently need to get past the newbie stage so I am actively ISO A gentleman who posts on our board to test my newbie skills so I can "graduate"  then maybe just MAYBE Miss Gray will stop picking on me :)  
 In all seriousness though, there will always be newbies & this is a good place for them to go to find information... Especially when it comes to safety.  If the few of us who do post warnings & such remained quiet we are providing more ammo for other side hence fighting a losing battle!  

-- Modified on 9/1/2014 8:44:14 PM

I don't see how that is funny at all.  Wishing ill will on a fellow provider so they can "learn a lesson"... & such a life shattering one at that...  Not cool.  I wouldn't wish such a thing on my worst enemy.

FYI:  I am very careful.  Even the most cautious of cautious make mistakes though.  It's part of being human.  I am not infallible but I try to keep mine minimal.  I will not apologize for defending the many instead of hiding in a corner like the few.  There isn't one provider or gentleman in the hobby who is actually safe.  We are all taking a risk.  A weak link can happen in ANY business practice with this many variables!  Who is anyone to tell others that "so-so" is more "safe" than others...  We count on our reputation & our reviews to speak for us.  

These "regular" regulars you speak of are not the bottom feeding your post seems to insinuate.  They are good & hard working gentlemen.  I don't appreciate your comments.  I won't be intimidated by E. Gray, you , or anyone else.

Posted By: MadisonMalone
The funny thing is… one of her "regular" regulars will get busted with a Backpage girl and shine some unfavorable light on her very careful very cautious business practices then she may 'see the light' herself  
Posted By: CaramelBBW
I apparently need to get past the newbie stage so I am actively ISO A gentleman who posts on our board to test my newbie skills so I can "graduate"  then maybe just MAYBE Miss Gray will stop picking on me :)  
  In all seriousness though, there will always be newbies & this is a good place for them to go to find information... Especially when it comes to safety.  If the few of us who do post warnings & such remained quiet we are providing more ammo for other side hence fighting a losing battle!

-- Modified on 9/20/2014 8:28:44 PM

I am sorry .. I am not picking on you. I do however try and give a obvious or wise insight as I have been on the site for some time now and have seen , read, heard it all.

I do honestly find something's strange.... I do not scan others ads on the other site for "alarms". I also do not stick up for new posters or offer any services to new posters as AZ has proven its self with "hobbyist" and "providers". Trust is something I do not share unless I know someone.. not based on how many post they can get in thru a week. EVEN verified "posters" and reviewers have proven to have its "leaks".  

With that said.. I am not trying to come down on you... If you see it different again sorry. There is no reason to target anyone, that's not my motive. I do agree we have gotten abit "stiff" around here and not in a good way :)

Have a fantab week.

Come on!  
Up until your original response to this post I have taken your backhanded remarks & passive aggressive statements in stride.  I have been polite & conscientious to you.
Because this a public forum ANYONE can read my previous posts.  When those posts are looked at they will see, on more than just a few, that you single me out & pick at what I have to say.  I apologize that, while I am concerned for my own safety & protect it with every resource available, I am taking a little time out of my day to contribute to the safety of all.  I am not going anywhere & you may be skeptical, but I am doing everything possible to make sure!

 As with any business everyone runs theirs differently.  SO while you may think it's strange that I "scan ads", stick up for new posters, & I CERTAINLY do not recall offering services to ANY new posters, I choose to run my business as such.  

 I control what I say, & who I SEE.  Honestly I find it strange that you seem SO interested in my practices???

Although you think that it is my goal to put in as many posts as possible, if you actually LOOK at what I have posted & how often, the majority of my postings have occurred within a post that I commented on MANY times or created myself.  

We aren't in high school anymore Miss Gray & you CERTAINLY are not the principal.

Let bygones be bygones for John's sake.


Posted By: elitegray
I am sorry .. I am not picking on you. I do however try and give a obvious or wise insight as I have been on the site for some time now and have seen , read, heard it all.  
 I do honestly find something's strange.... I do not scan others ads on the other site for "alarms". I also do not stick up for new posters or offer any services to new posters as AZ has proven its self with "hobbyist" and "providers". Trust is something I do not share unless I know someone.. not based on how many post they can get in thru a week. EVEN verified "posters" and reviewers have proven to have its "leaks".  
 With that said.. I am not trying to come down on you... If you see it different again sorry. There is no reason to target anyone, that's not my motive. I do agree we have gotten abit "stiff" around here and not in a good way :)  
 Have a fantab week.

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