
Re: Sounds like a WACKO to me..
CaramelBBW See my TER Reviews 575 reads

I was thinking more on the lines of BLACKMAIL but extortion works too.

There are some privacy issues surrounding this situation that were deliberately violated by said provider which adds even more nastiness to it.  Also to consider blacklisting a  long standing, reputable, generous, & extremely kind hearted man out of spite is quite shocking.

IMO a gent in a situation like this has very little option on how to protect himself.  Its unfortunate really.  Bringing to light the situation & citing the provider for her bad behavior - leaving others to decide for themselves what is true or not - is one of them.  If you are an active hobbiest with a long standing board presence/member of the community & especially have met/reviewed many reputable ladies (as my gentleman above has) - the truth is easy to decipher.  Otherwise I don't believe there is really a predictable outcome.



You book with a provider.  

You then cancel said appointment as soon as you realize that this provider doesn't accept the form of payment you need to use (unable to pay all cash for discretion reasons).  

Mind you, the cancellation of this tentative appointment is almost a week in advance (you were extremely courteous) & you proceed to book with a provider who accepts your form of payment.  

SO you did everything right:  communicated your payment method ahead of time, gave plenty notice of cancellation, were very kind & courteous during all conversation.  

The response you get from said provider is "Its not appropriate to book another provider because I won't accept your form of payment, you are now going to be blacklisted on EVERY website I am a member of".

Am I the only one who thinks this is nuts??  Am I missing something here??  Thoughts??

P.S.  This is not something I have not nor will ever do to any prospective/current client.  Who you decide to see is your business (as that is the whole point of the hobby)  & even if a gent cancels last minute I am extremely quick to forgive/forget.


And a form of extortion also,,,,so from a providers point of view how does a hobbyist protect himself if this provider follows through?  By the time the hobbyist finds out she did follow through with her threat, the damage is done.

I was thinking more on the lines of BLACKMAIL but extortion works too.

There are some privacy issues surrounding this situation that were deliberately violated by said provider which adds even more nastiness to it.  Also to consider blacklisting a  long standing, reputable, generous, & extremely kind hearted man out of spite is quite shocking.

IMO a gent in a situation like this has very little option on how to protect himself.  Its unfortunate really.  Bringing to light the situation & citing the provider for her bad behavior - leaving others to decide for themselves what is true or not - is one of them.  If you are an active hobbiest with a long standing board presence/member of the community & especially have met/reviewed many reputable ladies (as my gentleman above has) - the truth is easy to decipher.  Otherwise I don't believe there is really a predictable outcome.



Ok, so does that mean that the provider in question is not allowed to see any other clients as well?  If the provider in question is going to pull that card, that street goes both ways.

Carmel, all I know is, I started in this because I wanted a break from my life that has drama on tap, and you know what?  Its all free, whenever I want some drama, its there for me.  I was hoping the 80/20 rule was going to work in the favor of "like minded adults (adults is the key word here), who are just looking to have fun".  I am quickly finding out that there are just as many bat-shit crazy individuals here, as with everywhere else.  Maybe we all need to be reminded that this is supposed to be fun damnit!

I hope this situation works out on the positive side for your client.

This is the exact reason you should never give a provider your real identity. All it takes is one wacko to destroy you. While I realize the ladies here have to protect themselves, there's not one woman alive worth that level of risk.  

Posted By: CaramelBBW
I was thinking more on the lines of BLACKMAIL but extortion works too.  
 There are some privacy issues surrounding this situation that were deliberately violated by said provider which adds even more nastiness to it.  Also to consider blacklisting a  long standing, reputable, generous, & extremely kind hearted man out of spite is quite shocking.  
 IMO a gent in a situation like this has very little option on how to protect himself.  Its unfortunate really.  Bringing to light the situation & citing the provider for her bad behavior - leaving others to decide for themselves what is true or not - is one of them.  If you are an active hobbiest with a long standing board presence/member of the community & especially have met/reviewed many reputable ladies (as my gentleman above has) - the truth is easy to decipher.  Otherwise I don't believe there is really a predictable outcome.  

So if he cancelled b/c his schedule had unexpectedly changed that would be OK?  Or would that also be a supposed BLACKLIST offense as well?  All 1 week in advance too, sheesh.

alexagrey499 reads

That sounds nuts to me!!
I feel like she's crossing the line, definitely. She should beware because just as easily as she can put his info out there and "blacklist" him for some bologna, he can put her out there and let potential clients know how much of a lunatic she is.

I am glad that I am not the only one who finds this situation detestable.  

Now for the hard part.  

I want everyone to know I thought long & carefully about how to handle this situation.  I didn't come to the following decision "willy nilly" so I hope if you cannot understand it - you will at least respect it.

The client in question - is very dear to me.  Has been a friend for some time now.  Because I value every friendship I create & the privacy surrounding those relationships, I feel it is not my place to hand out this providers name - publicly OR privately.  

If that is something he would like to do - He has my blessing BUT it will have to come from him.

For my part, I wanted help him by putting his scenario down on paper in a discrete way SO that if this lady does indeed cross that very thin & delicate line - his story is already out there for him to help fight the repercussions of her malice IF HE chooses to do so.  

This wasn't an easy decision for me & more than anything I hope -  I fucking HOPE - she will read this & decide that her bad behaviors aren't worth continuing.  That there is a real threat in treating people this manner. Not everyone will just stand by & watch it happen without a word. One which will only damage her reputation & not of those she seeks to inflict her mental anguish on.  Cheers.


Posted By: CaramelBBW
I am glad that I am not the only one who finds this situation detestable.    
 Now for the hard part.    
 I want everyone to know I thought long & carefully about how to handle this situation.  I didn't come to the following decision "willy nilly" so I hope if you cannot understand it - you will at least respect it.  
 The client in question - is very dear to me.  Has been a friend for some time now.  Because I value every friendship I create & the privacy surrounding those relationships, I feel it is not my place to hand out this providers name - publicly OR privately.    
 If that is something he would like to do - He has my blessing BUT it will have to come from him.  
 For my part, I wanted help him by putting his scenario down on paper in a discrete way SO that if this lady does indeed cross that very thin & delicate line - his story is already out there for him to help fight the repercussions of her malice IF HE chooses to do so.    
 This wasn't an easy decision for me & more than anything I hope -  I fucking HOPE - she will read this & decide that her bad behaviors aren't worth continuing.  That there is a real threat in treating people this manner. Not everyone will just stand by & watch it happen without a word. One which will only damage her reputation & not of those she seeks to inflict her mental anguish on.  Cheers.  
Great that you are helping your friend by putting this out there for all to see should the provider carry through with her threat.  I had a provider do that for me a few years back on a local board were the provider was bad mouthing me....

Granted, there are three sides to every story, but it certainly seems like based on the information, that every possible way to minimize the impact on the provider was done properly.  

I'd seriously question the motivation, motives, and professionalism of the woman.  Why, I wonder, would she have accepted an appointment if she knew up front the terms of payment offered?  I could understand if Dollars were offered and he shows up wanting to spend Bitcoins at the front door.

I think the issue was not necessarily payment it was the fact that he chose to see a different provider instead of accommodating her desired payment method (which is extremely hard for him to do).  Website says accepts Visa/Mastercards he uses Visa Gift Cards (which work EXACTLY like cash & can be purchased discretely on a credit card under the guise of an in-store purchase at Wal-Mart/Walgreens).  

Appointment was set-up with him thinking Visa/Mastercards applied to his payment method & when he further inquired to make sure she would accept Visa Gift Cards - the ruckus began

My darling, I show up with Dead Presidents.  Or Dead Signers to the Constitution or Former Dead Ambassadors to France.

I like how you put that Dave - but wanting to use a different form of payment is still not a good reason to threaten blacklisting.  Especially when he was courteous enough to ask her in advance rather than assume ;)

Posted By: CaramelBBW
I like how you put that Dave - but wanting to use a different form of payment is still not a good reason to threaten blacklisting.  Especially when he was courteous enough to ask her in advance rather than assume ;)

This truly has to be the dumbest "hypothetical" statement I have ever seen here. I thought we pay cash because it is discreet. Credit card = trail. Why did he tell her he choose to book another hooker? That is just asking for trouble. Any dullard can see that.

Is the hooker BSC and completely out of line? PROBABLY! But of course as so often happens here we are only hearing one side of the story. You should probably clue her in to your post and let her tell her side. Or do you just believe everything men paying for sex tell you

Do I really have to explain this to you BJN?

When you share accounts with SO's & said accounts are closely monitored - it's extremely hard to hide money & to this gentleman(as I am sure is with many MANY others) an unnecessary risk.  A credit card which your SO doesn't know about/have access to isn't a bad option - especially when you can go the extra mile to protect yourself by using that credit card at a grocery store to buy a form of payment which is virtually untraceable.  Yes there is still risk - but it's a lot less than withdrawing large sums from a bank account which most certainly will cause questions from your loved one.  

She knows about the post but as I am sure you know - by commenting here she would in fact be willingly outing herself.  That's something I know for a fact she does not want.

How do I know what he says is true??
I'm not an idiot.
Because I saw her emails to him.  Which is the only form of communication he uses up until the day of appointment.

How did she know he booked another lady?

That's a question to which I am going to take the high road & decline to answer.  I think most would be filled with shock & disbelief if I told you what she did to find out.  I will say this- I am the one he booked with instead & she didn't find out from me, him, or anyone affiliated with either of us.  She knows what she did & can answer that question for you - If she has the balls.

I am sorry that you find me trying to help a dear friend who has been subjected to craziness he most certainly did not deserve dumb.  I guess I care too much.

-- Modified on 5/18/2015 7:07:11 PM

A week should be plenty of notice to cancel and if he isn't smart enough to figure out how to get cash he's probably not smart enough to avoid getting caught anyway.

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