
Re: Re tattoos, etc...Different strokes for different folks...
coyotefan2 10 Reviews 14235 reads
1 / 43

I know some of this has been covered before, but I would like to summarize and try to put in perceptive

The scenario:

A new clothing store opens up in your neighborhood. It is called Green's and it is owned by Mr. Green.
You have been looking forward to it opening, and when it finally it does, you go the first day. You see a store
that has green walls, green floor, green ceiling, and all green merchandise. Green pants, green tops, green
underwear. Everything is green. You talk to Mr. Green and he explains green is his favorite color, so everything
in his store will be green. No exceptions. "Green makes me feel good"

Mr. Green opens up a hamburger joint. Since Mr. Green does not like cheese, there is no cheeseburgers. He hates
fries, no fries. He likes diet soda, so no Coke or Pepsi. Just diet. "I only sell what I like. I do not listen to my customers"

The Point?

Ladies, your body is your commodity. The men on this site represent your customers. The men here have shouted loud and clear that
they do not like tattoo's or implants. Very few if any have said anything different. Yes, your body is yours You have every right to do anything
you want with it. However, just like Mr. Green, if you do not listen to your customers your business will suffer.

cgsmks 14 Reviews 10930 reads
2 / 43
chrisokoye 11939 reads
3 / 43

I agree with coyotefan (go redwings) You ladies need to start smoking more cigarettes during playtime and we also would like the option of bbfs.........what the hell Its not the eightys anymore. p.s. more greek speaking too! and cook a meal when we come over

NaughtyRub 10095 reads
4 / 43

You know I understand your point on this topic, and I have read many of the comments other people have stated about their view on this subject.
But this is just getting ridiclous, if some hobbyists don't like implants or tattoos, they have other providers to choose from that have none of those things. I might get reamed for this from other people, but just this once I am saying leave it alone. We don't need to explain ourselves to you as to why we get tattoos or implants. We are all adults, we do as we please with our bodies. We're not hurting anyone.  

"As you stated Yes, your body is yours You have every right to do anything
you want with it." I have one thing to say on that....
                 A  M  E  N!

HotOffLoad 10 Reviews 10873 reads
5 / 43

Speak for yourself cf2 - If tastefully done, I personally do not have a problem with providers with implants, tattoos, or body piercing.  In fact, I have a tattoo and an ear ring myself!  I did that to screw around with the minds of my grown children!  I have to say I did render them all briefly speechless.  

Then my son (not to be outdone!) went out and got an eyebrow ring and a tongue bar!

I do not plan to escalate the "piercing wars"!

enjoyinglife2 28 Reviews 11002 reads
6 / 43

I'm plus / minus on them.  Ashley's are so well done that anyone considering the option should contact her and find out additional info.

Muffyman 70 Reviews 10509 reads
7 / 43

I for one have no problem with implants, tattoos or piercings if tastefully done. While I have not been on this board for a very long time, I do not seem to recall such an overwhelming "call" from the guys as you seem to have found.

cgsmks 14 Reviews 11496 reads
8 / 43

Right on, Rub!  Without your tatoo, how else would we know that it was the real thing! :-)

Your Executive Assistant 12827 reads
9 / 43

Sky Silverman has implants AND a tattoo, and she is the hottest thing ever!

BAD implants that were done wrong, too big, or cheap, or excessive tattoos, can be a turn-off, but there is always someone that likes the opposite of what you do.

Either open your mind a little or keep the negativity to yourself.

Rick777 11087 reads
10 / 43

Personally I prefer unmarked bodies.  Except sometimes I like them.  If anyone knows Donna her implants are not noticeable.  Other people I have seen have had their body ruined with them.  So I suppose it is the end results.  I do think belly piercing are very cute.  Just a matter of taste.  As long as they taste good that is all I care about.

modprod 134 Reviews 10700 reads
11 / 43

It does not really matter to  me if a person has  body art, piercings or implants as long as they are done well.   A good attitude and  a fun person is far more important.

Shiro 10277 reads
12 / 43

I find it interesting that your detailed analysis of the providees' tastes have come to support whatever conclusion you had already made. I haven't seen anything close to what you conclude.

Perhaps that's because I didn't take "Statistics 101 by Goebbels" last semester. :)

Whether or not I like implants, it does remain that in certain areas (such as in Scottsdale, AZ) a large section of High School students are getting enhancements - if that isn't market forces at work I'll go back to 101.


modprod 134 Reviews 11180 reads
13 / 43

I tried a gold earing  made me look like Mr Clean.  The girls loved it, they kept asking "When your done could you clean the tub and toilet? "

IkneadU See my TER Reviews 10492 reads
14 / 43

perhaps because you were too busy so rudely stating you opinion on tattoos. Had you read all of the replies you would never have written, "The men here have shouted loud and clear that they do not like tattoo's or implants." because that WAS NOT the overall opinion or reaction to the topic... which really seemed to put a burr under your saddle. LOL

As you can see by the replies ONCE AGAIN, it is NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL to the majority! Why on earth should everybody have to be the same just to satisfy you and a few others??? Doesn't that make you every bit as foolish as 'Mr. Green'??? LOL

If you don't like it there are plenty of providers without tattoos or implants for you to choose from. We who enjoy body art, piercings and implants don't need your approval to have them and won't be hurt if you choose not to see us because of them. You obviously aren't the type of person that we would probably enjoy spending time with anyway judging by your stuffy attitude on the subject.

Live and let live ;o)

foxy kay See my TER Reviews 12639 reads
15 / 43

wow!I have breast implants and am proud of em.if you dont like them now you would have liked them back then lol.they were droopy and looked like old socks.thank the lord for implants for they gave my boobs life again.
   jordan kay

Nikita 135 Reviews 11018 reads
16 / 43

who made you the judge?  your survey must have been done with your own hand.

skysilverman 11091 reads
17 / 43

I have my navel peirced and a large tatoo around it. I like it and have not had any problems with men not wanting to see me because of it. I dont think that are after me for that anyways. And I am often complimented on it. It is part of who I am and its my personality. I was never much for tatoos but I feel different about them if they are done nicely. I love a man with colored sleeves. A limp Biscuit kind of boy. (Spelling might be wrong but I think we all know who he is)
I also have implants and they rock. Most men like them but even if they didnt I cherish them and kiss them often.


modprod 134 Reviews 10444 reads
18 / 43

All of you rocks, and if you ever need help kissing those implants  I'm just the guy for the job

Rick777 11718 reads
19 / 43

If it is as sweet as she is it must me a work of art.

Slowstart 8 Reviews 13775 reads
20 / 43

A while back I lucked out and went out with a perfect 10 dancer.
Absolute perfect natural breasts, no tattoos and no piercing.  Absolute perfection and just beautiful.

BTW she was probably the worst lay I have ever had.  Go figure.


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IkneadU See my TER Reviews 11247 reads
21 / 43

Pay attention to what EVERYONE is saying this time... not just the couple of people that agree with you (and even those people aren't as ridiculously adamant about it that they have to keep harping on it). Get over it and move on.

lil DebbieAZ 12444 reads
22 / 43

I'm not sure if you were just trying to stir up controversy because the boards have been a bit slow lately or you really have this strong of an opinion.

Either's not very nice to spread around this negative energy towards the ladies and it doesn't really help you in trying to see them in the future.

You seem a bit hypocritical as well, since you've seen me a couple of times and I do have implants (beautifully done I might add) and a belly piercing. Don't have the tatts, but that's beside the point. I also recall getting a reference request from another well-known lady here that also has one or two tattoos that you I think went to see.

I'm not trying to continue this post, since it's full of negativity, just want you to be aware that we need to be nice to others and maybe express our opinions in a more insightful way. From past posts and emails from you, I know you to be a truly intelligent and well read man, so I know it's possible.

wildfireinaz 12452 reads
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Didn't the free world win the Cold war against Communism?  I personally don't have any percings or tattoos but I enjoy a diverse population.  You should be able to see the beauty in all types of people.  Remember we aren't buying a car here or joining a home owners association, where you can have the same dam house as the next person.  If you need a certain type of women there are penty out there to suit your needs.  To all you women out there do what makes you feel good and happy.  Life to to short.

NaughtyRub 11125 reads
24 / 43

Thank You so much cgsmks, your such a sweetie..

youngstud697 7 Reviews 13848 reads
25 / 43

I would disagree.  I am a BIG fan of implants and don't care too much about tattoos (as long as they are fairly small and in certain locations - not massive ones where you see more of them than the actual skin.) These ladies can do what they want with themselves and must realize that they are personal AND busines decisions.  You can never make everybody happy, so you might as well make yourself happy.

big_brat 13180 reads
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modprod 134 Reviews 12630 reads
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They are great, but  really special because they come with you

HO_DUDE 11959 reads
28 / 43


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Taylor Morgan See my TER Reviews 9936 reads
29 / 43

Well, of course I have got to put my two cents in on this one.  I have implants and rather large ones at that.  I always tell people that there are 3 reasons why I did them so large.  First and most important is because it would make me feel better about myself, which it most certainly does, second is because I knew it would be an investment, as I was a dancer, and third is because I CAN!  We are all our own separate individuals.  We think different, we look different, we talk different, we like different things et cetera.  I never was one to judge someone by what they look like or how they dress or anything. Your attitude and the way you treat others is what I look for. I love to see people doing what makes them happy.  If a tattoo or implants makes them feel better than by all means DO IT!  No one made a rule book here that says you cannot.  Everyone who is so worried about everyone else and what they do or have done to THEIR bodies and has to speak their opinion (which you have a right to), should take a real look at themselves to see what it is that makes them so unhappy with themselves that they have to nit pic at someone else and their choices.  People who are soooo worried about other people and what they are doing, obviously have nothing going on in their lives.  If they did, they would be concentrating on that instead of on us.  Can't we all just get along?  LOL

moebius8 11171 reads
30 / 43

I have other things on my mind usually. though pierced nipples are kind of a turn on and pierced tongues esp during a bbbj are just the best thing since the big mac!

STPhomer 176 Reviews 11032 reads
31 / 43

a tasteful tatoo or two.  Esp ankle tats.  And artfully designed implants...WOW!!!   I think it is to each their own and the ladies probably have a better sense of the market that you give them credit for.  I"m telling guys in Phoenix are spoiled.  You have the finest providors in the country!! Count your blessings and lucky..lucky bastards!!!

vamptat2 49 Reviews 11519 reads
32 / 43

Dude you can't tell other people what to like. I for one love tattoo's & piercing's, as stated in earlyer posts. I have both & if someone doesn't like then they don't have to look. Try to open up to diffrent things bro.


STPhomer 176 Reviews 13782 reads
33 / 43

mind.  You  mean you"re not all natural and that isn"t a birthmark??

lovekandee 12652 reads
34 / 43
redbbw007 See my TER Reviews 10102 reads
35 / 43

Ms. Massage opens a massage establishment, she loves massage all types! She fills her establishment with all the best massage products, educates herself to provide the best massage service, tells the customers, Massage is great and will make you feel good.
Mr. busybody comes to Ms. Massage establishment, he doesn't want a massage, he doesn't like to be touched, he is a curmudgon and a pest and likes to spread his negativity all around. He tells Ms. Massage that she should not do massage, but she should do what he likes and what he wants and that she is foolish to try and only do what she likes, since this is a customer driven business. Mr. Busybody wants everyone to act, look and provide the same thing. This makes his life easy and it allows him the opportunity to degrade those that don't conform.
Ms. Massage looks at Mr. Busybody and asks, If it says massage on the sign, and on the door and on the cards, why did you come in here expecting something else?
He replies, because I am here to tell you that you need to do what everyone else says you are supposed to do.
To this Ms. Massage explains, that she is true to her self, her talent and her spirit, and that by being true to herself, she can not suffer, nor will her business since her positive attitude will attract those who indeed need her services. Those who aren't interested in what she has to offer will look elsewhere, which is exactly the way Ms. Massage wants it to be.
Then she tells Mr. Busybody..."Don't try to make me be what I am not, don't tell me to do what I won't and don't look for what you want in all the wrong places.
Moral of the story, if you don't like something, then don't pay for it, but don't try and change everyone to your opinion.
LADIES: ~TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE~all others will just have to deal with it lol!

darbygfe 10878 reads
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You know the funny thing about coyotefan is that on occasion he raises a good point, but he is so judgemental in doing so that after reading his comments one becomes so distracted by his ignorance that you actually lose focus on what could've been a valid argument...which brings me to my next are always tactful and open minded in arguing your case, so regardless of what I believe is right...I find myself drawn to your view on things for the simple fact that you're tactful with your words. So on that note, keep doing what you're doing. We love having you here. :)

Take care. Havea great week.


redbbw007 See my TER Reviews 12250 reads
37 / 43

Thank you Darby,
No need to perpetuate the negative. If we all keep a positive attitude, the negative things will fall to the wayside.
Some people for what ever reason are afraid of individuality and that in itself is a sad thing.
Yes I am multi lingual lol...(just never could speak greek lmao)

Muffyman 70 Reviews 11934 reads
38 / 43

Oh I am certain that there might be a few gentlemen here in the Phoenix area who would be willing to teach you some Greek should you ever care to learn  :D

redbbw007 See my TER Reviews 11517 reads
39 / 43

If I ever care to learn you all would be the first to know...but don't hold your breath lol...since its not too likely lol

jim_dandy 11436 reads
40 / 43

. . . even better than the real thing, as the song goes.  Truly, Deb's doctor should be in the Best of Phoenix poll.

jim_dandy 11523 reads
41 / 43

I understand your point of view, I guess.  A tattoo in bad taste can certainly be a turn-off, and nothing gives you a sinking feeling more than a rock-hard set of funbags.  But don't the TER reviews accurately reflect this?

Keeping it all positive, if you absolutely, positively must have an all natural woman, then I recommend darby.  But there are a whole lotta other "altered" ladies out there who are just awesome - whether you consider woman's body is a visual or tactile turn-off/turn-on.  For example, in my own humble opinion, debbie is the jenna jameson of the Valley, sans the tattoos.  (Lots of luck with that at this point!)

youngstud697 7 Reviews 10689 reads
42 / 43

Way to go Taylor.  I love your response.  Very classy and got your point across without stooping down.  Another instance of why you rock!  Take care of yourself.

lil DebbieAZ 12411 reads
43 / 43

I agree, I do have a great set don't I? Most people can't tell and I love to show them off:)

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