
Re: Could not agree more modprod (nt)
GlenAz 13067 reads

-- Modified on 8/9/2003 9:09:03 AM

LittleDebbie13673 reads

I think I’ve taken over Snow’s position as official welcomer and greeter to the new ladies in the valley. Over the past several weeks, a couple of new ladies to the business have contacted me on how to get started and how to screen and if you look back on a post not too long ago I was singing the praises of Starina Fair. Well, the past couple of weeks, I’ve gotten quite friendly with a new lady to the business named Kandee. Let me tell you boys – you’re in for a wild ride for sure with this hot mama! She’s blonde and beautiful with a body and face that belongs in Playboy in her early 20’s no less with a personality and brains to match!

Anyway, enough about Miss Kandee’s excellent qualities…because I think she’s going to be quite busy once people get wind of her we’ve decided to offer an introductory 2-girl rate that’s well below what I would normally charge just so that you local fellas get a chance to meet her before the out of towners start flocking in for the fall/winter months and filling up her schedule. She also does not have photos or an ad up yet – which will be remedied next weekend by the talented Glen and will probably be available for your viewing pleasure by the end of August. I also will be updating my pictures and website this month too so look for that.

I’ve developed a great reputation in the valley over the years, and I have no worries staking my rep on this one and she is not one to put off seeing for too long. You know how I love blondes and she is wonderful. You can contact me at the link below for more info and to set up a time to meet. Her email address should you choose to contact her directly is [email protected]

GlenAz14043 reads

Glen loves Debbie :)

LittleDebbie13192 reads

Debbie loves Glen xoxo. I'll see you next Sunday mister!

IFG_Fantasies10287 reads

so glen, I have been told by many people that you are still doing websites. Is this true? If it is I am really hurt that you lied to me and told me flat out that you would not do my website because you are too busy and don't do them anymore. If there is one thing i can't stand it is lying. All you had to do was be honest with me and tell me are friends with someone i know and it is a conflict of interest. This is funny though because you seem to do more than just one girl's sight. I like your work you do an awesome job. Please just have the decency to tell me the truth on why you won't do a site for me. I am doing awesome, but guys want to see pics..please just tell me the truth this time           Jewel

GlenAz8864 reads

Well Jewel, I am not sure I can give you one without more information. I don't remember being contacted by anyone going by the name of Jewel. Did you go by another name at the time?.

Drop me a email at [email protected] and perhaps I provide an answer for you. Need more info.


IFG_Fantasies11381 reads

I was best friends with a provider out here. I do not want to mention her name because I do not want her drug into anything. I do not mind telling anyone my real first is Jaimee. You know me, trust me and i am just amazed that you would bold face lie to me. I told you on the phone that i would pay you double what anyone else would and you told me that it was not about the money that you just were not doing websites anymore. I have nothing to hide from anyone and you shouldn't you can reply to me in the forum...I think i deserve that. have a great day!

GlenAz13748 reads

Ah yes, I remember you now. OK, you want it honest, on the public got it. Frankly I did not want to do a site for you because I did think it would create a conflict with your former provider best friend, and you really should not have asked me based the way things were left between you two. You had to know it would only cause more bitterness between you two eventually and probably would drag me into somehow as well.

Your former friend is not only a client, but someone who has been very nice to me as well. I was not going to screw that up by working for someone is essentually her enemy. She did not ask me not to do a site for you but I do have some sense of loyalty to my clients and was not going to sell out for "double the pay".

There are a lot of webguys out there that would probably love to put a site together for you, why do need to have your former friend's webguy?. It's been months since we last talked and you are still obviously upset about this. You knew what the real deal was when we talked on the phone, you just want me to say it for some reason. Well it has been said now, happy?.


You can't have Debbie! She's mione, I tell you! Mine!  I challenge you to loaded condoms at 20 paces!  You name the date and place! Let's settle this once and for all!!

GlenAz11693 reads

lol!, well....Given the nature of the challenge, and your TER handle, I fold, could get too messy :) Blackjack instead?.

ChrissyStone14510 reads

I'm sure Kandee will do well, especially with Debbie's help to get her started.  

I personally owe Debbie a big thanks for her advice and help when I got started around 8 months ago (and I'm not the only one she has helped).

You're a sweetheart, Debbie, and I'm sure Kandee is too. :)

the new girl Kandee, Debbie and Chrissy all together.  Not to be a pig but wouldn't that complete every man's dream?

LittleDebbie12687 reads

Me, Kandee, Chrissy and Sky!!! Oh I pity the man that would plan that party. He would be mushy putty by the time we were done with him:) But in a good way!

The 4 of you together would require some preparation. I'd have to see my doctor first as just thinking about it makes my blood pressure rise. ( along with something else)   Next,  better update my will, don't know if you can die from pleasure but this might be the first case.  Since it will be 4 of you would  need to cash in some of my portfolio, at least this would be an investment sure to go up. Lastly will need a  plastic surgeon as that would be the only way to get the smile off my face.

jackii16388 reads

Lil Deb
I almost couldn't handle wed nite. You are more than enough for me

LittleDebbie10969 reads

Not too worry did fine! And it was a pleasure meeting you.

tbone6911822 reads

OMG!  Sign me up for that one Debbie. It may be 110+ degrees, but I'd probably have to go outside into the hot baking sun just to cool off.  Yeah, what a way to spend a hot summer day!

skysilverman10966 reads

Gr8t idea Debbie. I would love to see you again and meet the other hot girls with a boy we can all play with!

LittleDebbie12695 reads

You're a sweetheart too and I knew when we first met that you would be a real asset to the boys in the valley. I know good people when I meet them and have discriminating tastes to only hang around with the best. We have to most awesome blondes in this town don't we?

I have seen Debbie, Chrissy and Sky.  Add one more, Krystal Lynn, and they are the top 4 Ladies in Phoenix, bar none.
I am sure that with Debbies recommendation, Kandee will join that select list.

Good Luck to you all and please be safe.

IFG_Fantasies11373 reads

Hi little debbie! I have heard a lot about you through other providers...all good don't worry. I have been in the business for awhile just never by myself. i am glad you are welcoming other are a sweetheart!         Jewel

LittleDebbie13168 reads

Though I've not heard of you before, I'm sure you're an asset to the valley as well. There are so many wonderful men out there that we need a lot of lovely ladies to take care of them and keep them company:)

To Kandee, welcome!
To Debbie,  face it kiddo it is in your nature to be helpful and caring to both man (or woman) and beast.  It is one of those special qualities that sets you apart and  makes you so unique and wonderful.

GlenAz13068 reads

-- Modified on 8/9/2003 9:09:03 AM

StarinaFair13689 reads

Welcome to Phoenix Kandee. You are one lucky lady to have Debbie assist you. She is totally awesome and our towns "HOUSEMOM"! I have no idea where I would be, if she hadn't helped me just 7 weeks ago, when I first moved here. HAPPY PROVIDING!!!!!Starina

LittleDebbie12359 reads

Wow, Starina, I didn't realize that it's been that long since you've been here! Time flies when you're having fun I guess. You've definitely made a name for yourself here and I knew when I talked with you and then finally met you, you'd be great! Keep up the good work:)

LittleDebbie13897 reads

when are you going to come see me again so that I can be helpful and caring to you again? Just make sure you eat your wheaties because it's been so long we need to make up for lost time. Or you can come and see me and Miss Kandee! Then you'd really be in trouble:)

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