
Re: Angel, be careful. EOM
a1hobbyist 9545 reads
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I am new to the Phoenix area and fairly new to the hobby and have only seen 3 different ladies from 1 agency (one of them I have seen 3 times). Some of the ladies I found on TER I would like to visit state "must have 2 different references". One lady I contacted was really rude about it which surprised me! (scratched her name even if I get 100 references) If I have gone through an agency on 5 different occassions without a problem, doesn't that count? I guess I will have to do a thorough search thru TER and find a lady I would like to see that doesn't require references (do they exist?) so I can get that magical 2.
Any suggestions. And, while I'm at it, here's another question.
If a lady doesn't want to see a guy in his mid 50's, why don't they say so on their websites etc. Sometimes it's tough enough to contact a lady without the first question being 'how old are you?' followed by I don't see older men, hang up..OK, I'm through bitchin' now. Is this the way Phoenix is or have I just been lucky enough to catch the bad ones? Any suggestions?

AZChewy 7887 reads
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Considering the nature of the business, most, if not all the ladies, will require references. As I am sure you can understand, these gals need to be careful. I am not clear why you can't use your agency "experience" as a reference source. Like you, I am an older gentleman and I have not encountered the problem of a provider here in Phoenix "blowing me off" becuase of my age. It has been my impression that most ladies will inquire about age to screen out the very young or immature types as contrasted with the more stable, mature gentleman. My suggestion would be to "hang in there" and it will happen for you. I "chased" a particular lady for a very long time when first starting out without references and while it was frustrating at best, I did eventually catch up with her and the wait was well worth it. Posting on these boards on a regular basis can also be of help to you. Good hunting!

Jackson4117 7 Reviews 9990 reads
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try calling jordon kay, madison, or any of the girls at  All of these ladies are kind, considerate and very, very, very good at what they do.  Also try Arizona Angel.

danordanny 7284 reads
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e-mail me. ill help ya out danordanny at

quixotic_jon 6 Reviews 9276 reads
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in that it took a long time to see my first escort because I didn’t have any references AND was unwilling to provide personal information.  After several weeks of what was a frustrating experience for both of us I finally broke down and provided my information to her.  Things worked out for me but I’ve heard several horror stories about the misuse of personal information.  My advice to you is to use one of the verification services.  I’m new to the Valley too (and am over 50), and it has worked well for me.  There are at least three, but the two that are most often cited seem to be RoomService 2000 and The Secret Keeper  I personally like The Secret Keeper.  Plus, I’ve heard two providers say THEY trust April, the lady who runs the site.  If you become a Secret Keeper member and have your existing reference I wouldn’t think you would have any problem.

Good luck to you :)

TaylorLynn 8799 reads
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Most of the independent ladies allow my agency to be the only reference, provided you've booked with me more than once.  

Also, my ladies don't care how old you are as long as you are polite and treat them right!!  If there is any way I can personally help you out, just let me know!

IkneadU See my TER Reviews 6393 reads
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I'm sorry to here about your trouble getting references and don'r know why agency references wouldn't help. The ladies here have had to be extra careful since our sheriff took out his vendetta last year.

Your age should be seen as a plus by most ladies. You must have come across the wrong ones. I know it's hard (;oP) but try to be patient and keep trying. There are some great ladies to enjoy here and like Chewy said "the wait was well worth it". Please, don't judge us all by a few ;o)

NaughtyRub 8441 reads
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latestreviewer 9986 reads
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I am not new to Phoenix and have had the same problem.  I contacted one agency (TLC) with my last two references and got no reply, and when I followed up, I got a rude message about my various aliases.  (What the ?*!  Note the irony in my using an alias on this posting.)

My only guess is that because I only indulge in the hobby once every few months, my references did not remember me or remembered me as two different persons.  In any case, the paranoia is ridiculous - and there are much better ways to screen for l/e and creeps, but the providers and agencies are not interested in coming up with those ways.  I have come to accept that us "non-regulars" are losing our place in the hobby.

-- Modified on 4/23/2004 2:23:47 PM

Arelty 1 Reviews 8277 reads
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I, like latestreviewer, am also not a "frequent flyer," but do enjoy the hobby several times a year.  I understand the ladies' need to take precautions given the LE environment, but I think it is getting way out of hand and, at this point, references are a huge pain in the ass.  Sometimes it's hard enough to get ahold of your provider of choice, and then she has to take the time to contact 2 others who are equally hard to contact.  Three days later, sorry, I'm not in the mood any more.  A couple of suggestions:  try Nikki Hot--she's easy to contact and doesn't put you through the reference hassle.  Also call Jordan Kay--she's also easy to contact and is a complete and total sweetheart!  By the way, most of the ladies actually prefer those of us over 50!

Arizona Angel 8645 reads
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I would be glad to help any hobby friend in need... I will work with you and the one referance you've got... call me at 602-793-0905... we should be able to work something out...

Arizona Angel 8782 reads
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Some good ole boys trying to have some fun and being denied... now I do check referances... but I also trust me gut too... and most of the time I am right on... So if any more of you gents are having problems call ME!!!  602-793-0905

IkneadU See my TER Reviews 9097 reads
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I just heard the the ol' sheriff is still at it today. Rumor has it that the sheriff's department hit Busy Bodies massage this morning.

Play is good but play safe out there everybody ;o)

Slowstart 8 Reviews 10435 reads
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Arizona Angel 8024 reads
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I still check for referances... and I still check IDs... and I still prefer a provider or agency referance from someone I have heard of or know personally, and I still use rs2k and sk. I was just saying I let my instincts play a good part of my verification process. If I get a creepy feeling abut someone on the phone... asking to many of the wrong questions etc... I just say I am sorry not interested... call me after you have seen someone else for a referance or Sorry I am not interested in seeing you... A girl still does have the right... LOL But thank you for looking out for my best interests SlowStart... I adore you too...

TaylorLynn 8169 reads
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Hi, Jackie here, and I feel compelled to respond to this one, seeing as I am the person who dealt with "latest reviewer's" reference check.  First of all, my delay in getting back to this "gentleman" was due to the fact that, while his references did remember him, they had vastly different experiences with him, which is a red flag and of course demands further research.  Also, one had his info under another alias, one which yet another provider suggested I look out for in the future.  Another red flag. In fact, this is a gentleman who, while he claims here that he is only an occasional hobbyist, had used our services in the past under yet another alias, and has been quite the pot stirrer on this very board. (Think people, what royal pain haven't you heard from in a while?)  I should state at this point that my greatest concern when checking references is for the safety of the women that I work for.  I am sorry to say that while it usually doesn't take very long to check references, the women's security, not the client's convenience, is my priority.  It is my responsibility to do what I can to help them avoid run-ins with not only legal problems, but shady characters as well.  A person with such an impressive string of identities puts me on my guard, and I would rather lose a small amount of business than put anyone I work for at risk.  Finally, I have to say that my response wasn't rude in the slightest; I merely told him that based on the responses I had received, we wouldn't be able to take care of his needs at this time.  I wished him luck and sent him on his way.  I was as pleasant and diplomatic as I could be, given the circumstances.  But if he chooses to make this a matter of public concern, then I will call a spade a spade.  Sadly, it is often dealings with hobbyists such as this that makes the screening process so important.  As for this gentlemen, a particular quote comes to mind:  "Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive."  That brings to mind another Shakespearian quote: "Goodnight sweet Prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest.

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