
Providers: Stop the fake moaning
paco1980 19 Reviews 2228 reads

When a client is on top of you or behind you, please STOP with the fake moans.  It is not only annoying but distracting.   If you wish to make noise-fine- that is up to you but please only real sounds of pleasure or pain if that may be the case.  But believe me it is NOT a turn on when you do those stupid fake pleasure moans.   I sometimes must think about baseball so I do not erupt too quickly and I cannot do this thinking when you are distracting me with your stupid moaning and whining.    

So....if you do not wish to lose good customers do keep this in mind!

It seems like you're on here trying to make incredibly bad decisions for very close family members, penis pill hunting, and taking shots at providers. Just a thought, would it be possible for you to write up a list of Paco approved noises, sounds, and music so then a provider would have full clarification that Paco won't give them hell on the ter boards? Perhaps you could put it on your own app! That would be helpful. Then when the serenaded by the sounds of lovely crickets you can feel like you're all alone with your lady in the wilderness, while she doesn't have to mask her boredom with a collaboration of fake moans...
 If you're not happy with the "stupid" sounds, maybe you should think about it for a while and ponder if it's really them or if it's really you? And what are you going to do about it?  Good luck to you in your search of the Perfect moan.

Please make tons of noise, act like you love it, tell us how handsome we are, fake many orgasms as you can. It is a fantasy right?! Continue to help us escape and make us feel like kings!

I recently did a threesome with another provider. She was so theatrical that I had to hold back the laughter. It was really awkward and I din't enjoy myself at all. How does anyone cum with a gal howling like that. lol

Me too.  I'm not insecure about my dick.  I don't need you rolling your eyes with all the "Ay Papi, you so BIG!!"  Um, not big, and not insecure about it.  I'd rather you just smile and tell me that you like the way it looks, or tastes, or how I use it - if that is true.

Do clients really need all this puffery?

stop you in the middle of what you are doing, and tell you how to do it the right way so we don't have to fake it...would that be more acceptable to you?


I would not mind if you did that.  There are polite ways of communicating in bed what one likes or dislikes.   It pleases me if the provider i am with also enjoys herself and gets off.

I was just going to say .. A good provider shouldn't have to fake it. Im sorry but I am not a faker. If the gentlemen is not doing something right, you be a mature woman about it and tell him what he isn't doing right. Trust me it's better if you are enjoying it as well. No offense but those woman that fake it, They know you are faking it. They an feel inside your vagina and if its dry, they will know, and sex will be extreemly uncomfortable for you. I agree with Paco on this one. I've heard about the actress providers and trust me ladies, THEY DO KNOW and THEY DONT LIKE IT..

I have had 2 providers that their moaning was so contrived, I actually pulled out and started laughing.  If my stuff was that good, I was in the wrong profession.

I saw a porn star in Vegas a few years ago and I referenced some of her movies and I asked if she really acted that way. She said "only for the camera".  We had an incredible session because there was no "oh baby, harder, you da man, fuck me stud muffin!" lol if a woman uses her acting skills to make it appear that I'm hitting all her right spots, I like that. I've had a lady become so theatrical that, even tho it was becoming comical, I also found it was a bit of a turn on for me so I started overacting myself. Soon, we were playing off each other and our fake guttaral utterances and over the top porno cliche ridden talk had our session rivaling one of the cheesiest pornos ever! It was fun, spontaneous, I came hard inside her and I gave her an excellent performance rating. Party on, Wayne!

...he's not necessarily wrong about the fake moaning being distracting. I've experienced some really wild ones every once in a while...  That said, I also appreciated Drumstick's point of view.  The point is that everyone is different.  If a lady I am with is trying to inject some energy into our shared experience, make it more interesting, kudos to her!  Great idea, in principle, but sometimes the execution leaves something to be desired...  And if the obvious fake nature of the moaning becomes distracting, then it is actually counter-productive.  So... the obvious solution is to go to a forum and whine about it to everyone else....

NO!  The obvious solution is to tell the person you're with something like "hey, honey, I appreciate the effort, but the moaning is just not doing it for me. Maybe we could try something else?..."  I am sure she would appreciate your candor -- and the fact that you're trying to help the situation along.  There are ways you can do it nicely (even you, Paco!).  Enough said... I hope....

If you don't have the skills to please a lady, hearing fake things may work for you.   If you REALLY have the skills to provide a woman sexual pleasure across the range of experiences, then this should not be an issue.

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