
alexagrey 2254 reads
1 / 48

I would prefer somebody to take a shower before our appointment?

I offer the bathroom, complete with clean towels and soap to everybody who visits me. Most accept, but some say they have showered at home before coming to see me. 99% of those who say they have previously showered, have.. but lately I have had a LOT of trouble with those who have said they showered, but it may not be true. It is very hard for me to enjoy the time spent with somebody with a bad odor, and I do not feel comfortable going....down there on somebody who is not clean.

I don't want to come off as rude, and I am extremely shy when it comes to conflict.. I don't want to say straight up to somebody "you smell" but my last two reviewers didn't get the amazing GFE experience I love to provide to my clients, for this reason. I have been going out of my mind thinking of a polite way to address this with the clients I have been having issues with :(  

As a client, if a provider was having an issue with this, with you, how would you want her to address you?

alexagrey 1175 reads
2 / 48

I have it written on my site that hygiene is a huge factor for me. It also states that I can provide a shower, clean towels and soap...but I guess not everybody will read things like that. Or maybe not everybody cares.

ramc75 14 Reviews 913 reads
3 / 48

we have a policy. Card everyone. Sure a few people get upset but if they want what we sell they will have to show their ID. Add 5 or 10 minutes onto every session and let it be known on your ads and website that for your comfort they will be asked to take a quick shower (with fresh towels and soap provided) to ensure they get the best of your abilities. I'm one of those that takes a shower and jumps right in the car to head to a date. It's hot as hell outside and if people are in bad shape or refuse to use the AC they ARE going to sweat regardless of how short the drive is. I can't imagine any good clients having a problem with taking a quick rinse off.

Aguyinak 17 Reviews 794 reads
4 / 48

and it really doesn't matter if the guy took a shower right before he left or not.  There is plenty of opportunity for the body to ripen during the walk to and from the car and the ride over, however long it may be.

I recommend you simply greet your guys with a hug/kiss and a smile, comment about the heat and show them to the bathroom, saying you can't wait to join them after they get out of the shower.  If you so choose, you can even go so far as to reassure them that the time spent in your shower will not be deducted from the date.

In my opinion, there is no way a reasonable person can take offense to this approach.

tvlaw 58 Reviews 1467 reads
5 / 48

I completely agree with you. You don't have to be rich, to be clean. Go tell them baby! Make it funny like, you need to hang around some soap.

Drumsticks 90 Reviews 1001 reads
6 / 48

guy that you'll jump in the shower with him. Who could resist that?

-- Modified on 7/18/2014 3:24:58 PM

jcgolf 143 Reviews 848 reads
7 / 48

Cleanliness is essential on both sides to make for a great experience. Some of the best and most erotic moments I have encountered have been showering with my partner. Why not make it a part of the session to start with your client in the shower? It is lots of fun and assures both partners a pleasant and odor free date!! I would love to join you in the shower.

oralconniseur 10 Reviews 747 reads
8 / 48

with your being comfortable. I suggest that you make it part of your business policy that a shower (with soap) is required prior to the start of your date. After all your business is like any other business, with company policies for people to follow; or there is not business transaction.

If the guys don't want to, then end the date. Last thing you want is some stinky ass guy getting his stank on you. It would be the same thing as brushing their teeth or rinsing with mouthwash. Just because they brushed their teeth at 6am in the morning (some 12 hours before) does not mean their breath is minty fresh at 6pm.

need2bloved 4 Reviews 855 reads
9 / 48

Greet the guy with a hug & kiss. While up close, check him out.  If the hygiene isn't good, direct him to a quick shower.  The lady still makes the rules in spite of the "arrangement", and seeing your great photos YOU SHOULD MAKE THE RULES!

balljointnut 23 Reviews 1131 reads
10 / 48

I am a carpenter by trade. There are tons of things I don't like about my job. The heat. Constant slivers/splinter of wood piercing my flesh. Putting up with non-English speaking illegals and their music all day long. Dirty people. Just too name a few. I make a great living so I deal with it and do the same quality job everyday. You get 200/hr. and piss and moan about a little body odor. I would fuck peeps in a porta-jon and love the smell to make 200/hr. Sure I understand you don't like it, but suck it up girl and deal with it. In most cases you probably make so much more money than those coming to see you and your complaining about taking their money!!!!! You should be grateful that we are willing to spend our hard earned cash on you!  

It also comes off as you making excuses for your last two poor reviews.

gonein60min 68 Reviews 885 reads
11 / 48

I'm not going to slam you for your comment but I think you are missing the point.  
First, Alexa is getting great reviews, she looks fantastic and I would love to see her (Damn Alexa, you are fine). I get from her post that she wants to provide a better experience but her clients have to cooperate and smell nice for her to be perfectly comfortable, do her job, and be her best. I appreciate that and say good for her. I hope to see her and if I do, I'm taking that frickin' shower. She did not come here to this forum and say, "wash your smelly ass and balls you nappy motherfucker you"

Secondly, I wish I made what a carpenter makes, I make minimum wage at best but I'm not complaining, I love my job. You probably work a full day and most of the providers I have seen cannot and will not see more than a guy or two a day. Many of them work regular jobs where they are lucky to make anything above min. wage and they provide on the side. It's not really accurate to imply that they work an 8 hour day, 5 days a week at $200/hr.

Lastly, you must have access to some really nice port-jons because I cannot join you in loving the smell of fucking peeps in one for $200/hr. Just to clarify, "peeps" refer to "people" right? We are not talking the sugar coated marshmallow Easter treats.
Posted By: balljointnut
I am a carpenter by trade. There are tons of things I don't like about my job. The heat. Constant slivers/splinter of wood piercing my flesh. Putting up with non-English speaking illegals and their music all day long. Dirty people. Just too name a few. I make a great living so I deal with it and do the same quality job everyday. You get 200/hr. and piss and moan about a little body odor. I would fuck peeps in a porta-jon and love the smell to make 200/hr. Sure I understand you don't like it, but suck it up girl and deal with it. In most cases you probably make so much more money than those coming to see you and your complaining about taking their money!!!!! You should be grateful that we are willing to spend our hard earned cash on you!  
 It also comes off as you making excuses for your last two poor reviews.

timesrbetter 748 reads
12 / 48

60 and Nut you both right and wrong
 Men should be clean and IF she offers a shower take one, I have no problem taking one when I show up, its a long drive sometimes, a quick rinse takes no time at all.
       $200 per day is good money remember tax free, that's only if she does one call per day more likely she will do 2 maybe 3 per day, no matter what they say about low volume, That great money.

bigguy30 779 reads
13 / 48

If a grown ass man, does not respect himself to clean up before having private time. Then you should not see him period.  
It's a lack of respect for the both of you

bigguy30 697 reads
14 / 48
alexagrey 819 reads
15 / 48

There is no need for me to make any excuses for my last two poor reviews.  

I am a provider, yes..but I am also a human being. Not everybody is going to think I am as attractive as others. Not everybody is going to classify me as a bbw at 140lbs. Not everybody is going to get the same experience as the last guy because let's face it, you are all individuals and the chemistry will never be the same from client to client. But hey, this is where I'm damned if I do treat you like individuals and damned if I don't treat you like individuals and act like you're all the same.  

Did I get hit with two crappy reviews in a row? Yes. But, I had 9 consistent amazing reviews before that. I do my damn best to make sure that every single man who walks in my door is comfortable, feels like he belongs there with me and enjoys his time to the best of my ability. However, this is where many factors come into play. If I cannot enjoy myself while spending time with you and/or being intimate because of your very bad body odor (and to say it's a little odor is an understatement) then no, we will not have as good of an experience as I can have with somebody who has amazing hygiene.  

With that being said, if you are comfortable having sex in porta-jons for 200/hr, I wish you all the best. HOWEVER, I don't think I will be following in your footsteps any time soon and I don't think I'll be abandoning my views on personal hygiene either.

alexagrey 803 reads
16 / 48

Thank you so much, gonein60mins. I can see that you got exactly what I was trying to say. I am extremely critical of myself, so when I received two negative reviews in a row, I took a look back at who they were from and thought about how the sessions went. I looked back on what I would have changed during the appointment, so we could have a better session overall and a main point that came up is PERSONAL HYGEINE. Is it my fault? Yes, to an extent because as a woman, I need to be more stand-up when it comes to this and tell a guy that he NEEDS to wash up.

Hell, I don't even let wash up/shower time cut into our time together because I KNOW it is something I would prefer to happen. So hell, if I have to give somebody the extra 10 minutes at the beginning of every appointment, I would do that before I abandon my personal views on hygiene. It's mutual respect, and sadly I'm seeing that more people do not have the same views on hygiene. If a guy doesn't like to be intimate with a woman who is not clean, what makes them think we want to be intimate with them when they are not clean!?

And for somebody to say that I am "making excuses" for 2/11 reviews is ridiculous. Yes, I am a provider but I'm not a super hero. I'm a regular 21 year old woman, recently moved to Phoenix from Toronto who is HUMAN. I have the same human problems that other people go through, and sometimes, crap happens.

Freemoney 1282 reads
17 / 48

Posted By: balljointnut
I am a carpenter by trade. There are tons of things I don't like about my job. The heat. Constant slivers/splinter of wood piercing my flesh. Putting up with non-English speaking illegals and their music all day long. Dirty people. Just too name a few. I make a great living so I deal with it and do the same quality job everyday. You get 200/hr. and piss and moan about a little body odor. I would fuck peeps in a porta-jon and love the smell to make 200/hr. Sure I understand you don't like it, but suck it up girl and deal with it. In most cases you probably make so much more money than those coming to see you and your complaining about taking their money!!!!! You should be grateful that we are willing to spend our hard earned cash on you!  
 It also comes off as you making excuses for your last two poor reviews.
BINGO!!! I was thinking the same thing.. Just trying to cover  the last two reviews.... eom

tvlaw 58 Reviews 733 reads
18 / 48

Alexa, No need to apologize! Maybe make it clear when you post, I am clean, you must be clean as well. No one is paid causality pay to be intimate with a dirty smelly person. F those reviews, if you look close, those guys must be related. They don't give high numbers to anyone. Moreover, 200 for an hour of suffering is not worth the gross experience. If I went to a provider and she was dirty, I would pass and kindly advise her of the problem. Being clean is a way of life not a temporary fix.  So, IMHO you are not unreasonable, you are clean, YUMMY.

AZartguy 85 Reviews 723 reads
19 / 48

wow- I don't know about popular - but certainly interesting... there are all kinds of things you raised here that could reveal a lot about yourself - if one was inclined to analyze the post...  

someone could conclude that you hate your job, you will do anything for money, you are a misogynist and racist that is intimidated by people who are different than you, that you have some repression, projection and shame issues that cause you to stay closeted or at least hide some bisexual tendencies that may be uncomfortable for you, along with a weird "restroom" / "scat" fantasy...  

but I am sure none of this is the case, I am sure the post is satire - and besides, even if it wasn't, I don't really think it is a good idea for non-professionals to take part in backyard psychoanalysis...
Posted By: balljointnut
I am a carpenter by trade. There are tons of things I don't like about my job. The heat. Constant slivers/splinter of wood piercing my flesh. Putting up with non-English speaking illegals and their music all day long. Dirty people. Just too name a few. I make a great living so I deal with it and do the same quality job everyday. You get 200/hr. and piss and moan about a little body odor. I would fuck peeps in a porta-jon and love the smell to make 200/hr. Sure I understand you don't like it, but suck it up girl and deal with it. In most cases you probably make so much more money than those coming to see you and your complaining about taking their money!!!!! You should be grateful that we are willing to spend our hard earned cash on you!  
 It also comes off as you making excuses for your last two poor reviews.

LoboGris 3 Reviews 768 reads
20 / 48

I like to shower before and after.. you want to let me do that on your nickel and I'm all over it.. you want to join me in some sudsy fun and I'm definitely going to say yes and probably book my next appointment at the same time :)

Two blocks between showers in the Arizona monsoon it too long.. just hand them the towel and soap when they come in the door and tell 'em to meet you in the bedroom...

piranhad 21 Reviews 577 reads
21 / 48

I had never actually noticed you on the site until today, but after I looked at your pictures once, it occurred to me that I would have a difficult time to saying no to anything you asked.  I imagine anyone who is anticipating enjoying your company would be willing to do whatever he could to make sure that you are as happy and comfortable as possible.

If you see me, I promise you that, not only will I shower before I leave my house, but I will be more than happy to shower immediately upon seeing you.  

I don't see, in all seriousness, why anyone would object.  What does it hurt me to take a shower?  So long as I get all of the time for which I'm paying, I'm more than happy to spend 10 minutes to make myself as attractive to you as I possibly can.  (Particularly since I am more than well aware that "attractive" is not an adjective that is often applied to me... and never by girls as beautiful as you.)  

I would not spend any time worrying about your negative reviews.  All of us who are smart enough to check reviews before seeing someone realize that a couple of bad ones don't matter when there are so many extremely positive ones.  Sometimes things just don't go well.

I, for example, have no taste in wine.  I can tell the difference between Boone's Farm and Beringer, but beyond that, I don't know anywhere near enough about it to have an intelligent opinion.  If someone gave me a $2000 bottle of wine, while I am absolutely positive it would be superior to my $20 bottle of Beringer, I honestly would be unable to appreciate it.  This is not because the wine is not good.  It is because I lack the taste and experience to understand what a wonderful gift someone has given me.

Exactly the same is true in the hobby.  You might well be the best there is, but some men can't appreciate a great provider any more than I can appreciate a great bottle of wine.  And, just as it doesn't make me less of a good man because I don't know good wine when I have it, it doesn't mean the gentlemen who fail to recognize your value are bad.  They simply lack the capacity to appreciate something of exceptional quality.

I'm glad those were not your only reviews, though.  If all you had were bad experiences, I admit I wouldn't have wanted to see you.  After having read the others, though, I recognize the fact that you may be an ideal provider for me to visit.

You just keep doing what you do, and you do it the best you can.  That's all anyone can ask.

AzRnr 28 Reviews 834 reads
22 / 48

Wow!  And yet, you have no problem complaining about YOUR inability to perform due to a provider's "odor."  

I do agree with Drumsticks.  People don't like to be told what they can't do (We can't continue until you wash your ass!) , so tell them what they CAN do (Let's lather you up!  A little extra time is no problem!

arizbob 19 Reviews 788 reads
23 / 48

They would have known what her expectations were. Her web site is simple and straight forward so no problem there. A good mechanic keeps his tools clean for the next job. The first guy doesn't know how to clean his tool, if you catch my drift. A provider expectation for any guy to be clean is not unreasonable. On the flip side as someone else pointed out we expect everything to smell like roses when we visit. Seen it brought up in a lot of reviews. Alexa is a really sweetheart.

Actually I'm surprised there hasn't been a post by a provider to remind certain knuckleheads wash and brush before you arrive or take advantage of the facility's.  No one likes to kissing an ash tray if they don't smoke.

bigguy30 847 reads
24 / 48

It's crazy how some people would even debate this subject and not have enough pride to care for themselves without Alexa bringing this up!

So this is not about her, but the people who would try to party smelling like ass!  

Who the fuck does that and thinks a lady would want to go all out for them

tvlaw 58 Reviews 717 reads
25 / 48

AZ Bob, you are right on point. I can't understand why anyone would not care about how a beautiful lady perceives them. Yes, she is a sweet baby...

tvlaw 58 Reviews 907 reads
26 / 48
Allstar 9 Reviews 661 reads
27 / 48

I just want to be clean. I dont like smelling like sweat and would want the lady to be clean and not smell of any body oders. Its hard to believe some dont feel that way. Didnt your mother teach you to wash? Did you grow up in a barn?

gymratguy 41 Reviews 677 reads
28 / 48

maybe some guys are just concerned with leaving their wallet, ID, cash unattended....IDK...

My schedule always permits me showering, getting in the car and then seeing my date, so if anything I smell to

journaz 49 Reviews 1352 reads
29 / 48

I would say join them. Two of my favorite sessions with a provider included us taking a quick shower together. I would say give the guys couple minutes in the shower alone and then get  in with him.  It makes things fun and who doesn't enjoy a beautiful wet woman.

alexagrey 835 reads
30 / 48

I understand the concern, but my bathroom door has a lock so there goes that..

gymratguy 41 Reviews 742 reads
31 / 48

Then there's no excuse........wash it or leave.....

I more metrosexual I guess, lol...

Wash, shave whole body above knees, clean ears, brush teeth, gargle, cologne....

mrbillnot 6 Reviews 818 reads
32 / 48

If they are paying for a room, $200 a day is not good money.   Let's not forget the days they have no calls, in which case they run negative.

alexagrey 613 reads
33 / 48

sigh, I do love a man who can take care of himself

balljointnut 23 Reviews 648 reads
34 / 48

Your missing the point. If she only see's one client per day she is still making $1400.00 a week. 2 clients a day $2800.00. A WEEK. That translates into almost $12000.00 a month. They don't have to work 8hrs a day 5 days a week. Like she is really working a minimum wage job somewhere! I also didn't say I love the smell of porta-jons. I said if I could make $200.00/hr. in one I'd love the smell. Your very naïve. I bet you believe everything they tell you don't you?

balljointnut 23 Reviews 871 reads
35 / 48

I got exactly what you where trying to say. Obviously you didn't get what I was trying to say. Funny that one of your negative reviews mentions that you were not so fresh.

balljointnut 23 Reviews 715 reads
36 / 48

You hit the nail on the head. I couldn't agree more. I would never arrive unclean or refuse a rinse of but as you also say at $200 a day or more  maybe there should be a little leeway.

balljointnut 23 Reviews 666 reads
37 / 48

Really $25.00 dollars an hr. isn't good money for somebody with no other skills? All business's have expenses as well as good days and bad. Many if not most ladies wait until they have a scheduled appointment until they rent a room. They don't get up in the morning go rent a room and hope for the best. Obviously that's different if they are touring.

balljointnut 23 Reviews 730 reads
38 / 48

Yup that's right. Respect. Lots of hobbyists don't make a ton of money and yet they are willing to give up half or more of their paycheck to see a $200/hr. lady. Should they arrive clean? Of course, but for her to give them a poor performance for their money shows a lack of respect for the man shelling out his hard earned cash. Either turn him away or be enthusiastic, but don't just lay there so you can get his money!

balljointnut 23 Reviews 648 reads
39 / 48

If I cannot enjoy myself while spending time with you and/or being intimate because of your very bad body odor (and to say it's a little odor is an understatement) then no, we will not have as good of an experience as I can have with somebody who has amazing hygiene.  
 With that being said, if you are comfortable having sex in porta-jons for 200/hr, I wish you all the best. HOWEVER, I don't think I will be following in your footsteps any time soon and I don't think I'll be abandoning my views on personal hygiene either.

Then simply turn them away. Don't just lay there so you can get their money. That speaks to greed. The porta-john reference was simple an allegory. Go ahead and look it up.

balljointnut 23 Reviews 884 reads
40 / 48

Exactly!!!! If a provider wasn't clean you would pass. She should pass as well not just lay there so she can take their money and then complain about it later.

balljointnut 23 Reviews 856 reads
41 / 48

If you are referring to me as the first guy then you are simply being ignorant. I find it to quite fun to play devil's advocate on these forums. Just because I post an opinion doesn't mean that it represents me as a person. I just love the mock outrage in this over politically correct world that we know as Obama's America.

balljointnut 23 Reviews 697 reads
42 / 48

Replies like this are exactly why I put up my opinions/play Devils advocate. ROTFLMAO. One more poor soul who thinks he has me figured out from a post on meaningless board. Still LMAO. See post up above and look up the word allegory.

balljointnut 23 Reviews 602 reads
43 / 48

Didn't care for the odor.  I was neither the first or last to mention it. Didn't stop me from giving 100%. What I didn't do was start a topic on it. Went back and saw her at a later date and things where fine. I gave an honest review. Some things were negative, but I also gave credit where it was due. Isn't that the point of a review? Oh, I'm sorry I forgot in the new PC America it's wrong to say what you really think if it might be negative in any way. I love the way you cherry pick a single word from a review to try to define me with it

alexagrey 677 reads
44 / 48

First off, who is saying these were $200/hr appointments and not quick visits or half hour appointments? OR on a day when I am doing LESS than $200/hr rates. You talk a big game for somebody who has a minimum amount of information. Yes, these guys are shelling out their hard earned cash AND yes TO AN EXTENT I suck it up and deal with some odor. HOWEVER, if I have to keep myself from vomiting, that's not okay. No matter what.  

When a client arrives and his private area is horribly unfresh, it puts the provider in a difficult position because sometimes we don't know about it UNTIL we are in the middle of the appointment. At which time, we've already spent time together, and some actions have already occurred. Personally, I don't think it is polite to stop on my way down and say, hey you're really not that nice smelling and I can't tolerate it. So, I do the best I can do with what I'm given. Of course, a client who is completely unfresh is not going to get the same experience that somebody who is fresh is going to get. I LOVE oral, but only when a client has nice hygiene.  

Like I've stated in my previous posts, maybe you and I have different ideas about provider/client respect....and also about what we are willing to do to make $200. If your boss told you he's going to flood your work station with horse manure, and you have to deeply breathe the odor, but he's willing to up your pay...will you be able to do your best work? The exact same quality of work that you're able to do when you aren't working in a pile of horse manure? I highly doubt it. If you can, kudos to you......

I think you're seeing this very black and white.....yes, as providers we are highly paid HOWEVER we put ourselves at risk EVERY SINGLE it's a little different than being a carpenter (as you tried to compare it to in your original post) and we certainly SHOULD get paid what we are paid.

piranhad 21 Reviews 780 reads
45 / 48

Most providers I have met, and you especially, absolutely earn the money you make.

You are providing a valuable service to men who need it.  I know that, in my case, for example, I am NEVER going to get to have intimate relations with a girl even HALF as beautiful as you are.  If I can find the money, at least I can have what others who are younger and hotter than I can get for free.  Should I have to decide that because I'm old and I'm not good looking that I should need to give up some of the greatest pleasures in life?

If, in order to make the experience as good for me as it can be, (which means it also needs to be as good for the provider as I can make it), I need to take a shower, I see no reason to complain.

If we had reasonable laws, it would be much less expensive to see a provider.  Part of the cost is in dealing with the unnecessary risks providers (and hobbyists for that matter) have to take.

If someone doesn't want to pay what it costs to have these experiences, there's no reason he needs to do so.  I just don't see any point in complaining that it's unfair to be a decent human being while engaging in an intimate business relationship.

I think someone just wants to cause problems on the board.  The arguments he is making are simply absurd.

balljointnut 23 Reviews 663 reads
46 / 48

I have built many homes in the Queencreek area in close proximity to dairy farms so yes I can smell shit all day long and still do well at my job. I don't put myself at risk every day? Have you never heard of OSHA. I have a very hazardous occupation. I could shoot myself with a nail gun, cut my self with a skilsaw, fall off a 2nd story roof and die(I have actually seen that happen), etc. etc. Again I bring up that in one of you negative reviews the client had issues with the smell of your private area. Care to address that or will you continue to gloss over it? He said your pussy stank.

alexagrey 624 reads
47 / 48

he said, he said, he said...
but have YOU looked over the numerous reviews that claim I'm very clean, smell and taste amazing? C'mon now, you continue to troll on the discussion board, and mainly on my post...but you're making an ass of yourself. You'd like to view this post as an "excuse" of some kind for some idiots who always have something bad to say about providers, when in reality it's SUMMER and I'm sure I'm not the only provider who is having a tough time with clients smelling...... I just so happen to be the only one who wanted to write a post about it. Get the heck over it. Like I said, if you'd like to make $200/hr in a porta-potty, we can make a post and ask people to send you some recommendations for locations :) Otherwise, get over yourself & let us know when you're done attempting to make yourself, and your one-sided opinions relevant. [rolls eyes]

Posted By: balljointnut
I have built many homes in the Queencreek area in close proximity to dairy farms so yes I can smell shit all day long and still do well at my job. I don't put myself at risk every day? Have you never heard of OSHA. I have a very hazardous occupation. I could shoot myself with a nail gun, cut my self with a skilsaw, fall off a 2nd story roof and die(I have actually seen that happen), etc. etc. Again I bring up that in one of you negative reviews the client had issues with the smell of your private area. Care to address that or will you continue to gloss over it? He said your pussy stank.

azgolfer1 22 Reviews 693 reads
48 / 48

An additional thought. I carry disposable toothbrushes and bottle of water in the car when going to meet a lady. I know I appreciate good breath from her so she should get the same. Easy to do in the parking lot immediately before.

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