
or... Wear a Dominos Pizza ballcap and pick up a pizza on the wat [eom]
nysnys 6 Reviews 1574 reads
1 / 18

I have to say being newer to the hobby and having all this new crack down going on has scared me.  What can I do to be safer on meeting new and some I have already seen. Any help would be appreciated on keeping safe.

esports99 16 Reviews 953 reads
2 / 18

I feel each hobbyist has to do, what is best for them now.

This new law is a result of right wing nut cases taking over this state and I won't let that stop me. So just stick with who you have seen already and do it discreetly!  Don't even talk about the donation and stick with a date location that is low key.
If you really don't want to hobby in Phx for a while, try out other state options until things calm down.

So I don't write reviews often, but I travel out west a few times a year.  It's one of the few states, where just seeing the same provider or her friends pays off especially now!

-- Modified on 4/28/2014 10:25:27 PM

fartsonhigher1 1039 reads
3 / 18

Don't use you real name. Never talk about sex. Never talk about money. Don't see anyone listed as under 25. (local LE has stated they target under 25 in stings) Don't use email. Don't TXT. Don't leave VM. Use TOR to set up a fake gmail & faked Google Voice number that you run against an untraceable burner phone that you keep it in a faraday bag in your trunk and never call from your home or hotel. Wear baggy black clothing, hat and sunglasses when you go see a provider. Take a cab there from a shopping mall parking lot where you left your car with your wallet.

Mr-Blonde 602 reads
4 / 18
fartsonhigher1 609 reads
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stcooper10112 3 Reviews 604 reads
7 / 18

Part of what he says is correct. Use TOR from the torproject dot org site as a browser to protect your identity. Use a disposable phone that you paid cash for. Only see older provider 25 and older. Set up a fake email with a fake name to register the phone etc. Use a fake name. Catching a cab is not a bad idea.

esports99 16 Reviews 547 reads
8 / 18
Mr-Blonde 564 reads
9 / 18

When you go to an incall, bring a planted tree with you, and sneak around inconspicuously.

MatureCompanion See my TER Reviews 630 reads
10 / 18

You pick a gal you want to see. IF she doesn't ask you for screening info and doesn't take the time to screen you...
Then she's NOT concerned about her safety and well being and she's definitely not concerned about yours.
And the guy she saw before you...could in fact be LE... lying in wait to do a bust on her & other guys.

SO SCREENING plays a major role.... in not just our safety....but yours too, as well as putting you more at ease knowing she took the time to confirm you are who you say you are in the hobby, by having you supply screening/confirm your handle...contacting your references...making sure your safe to see. Those that don't......see at your own risk!!

Hobby safely and wisely!
Posted By: nysnys
I have to say being newer to the hobby and having all this new crack down going on has scared me.  What can I do to be safer on meeting new and some I have already seen. Any help would be appreciated on keeping safe.

dmc5150 4 Reviews 493 reads
11 / 18

Ok, this brings up a question for me on how I've been doing things.  When I contact a girl for the first time I've been emailing with refs, DC, ted, etc. to make it easy for her get things started.  From MatureCompanion's reply it almost sounds like I should not do that and see what she asks for.  If she doesn't ask for anything, run to the hills.

sedonaw See my TER Reviews 790 reads
12 / 18

There have always been busts and LE with their noses in our private consenting matters, but because of technology and "communicating" details, we have also given a detailed map to our labyrinth.  On the net of widespread communication, our sense of freedom is now our jailer.  It seems like Checkmate right now because just like a virus is written, there are those who are anti-virus.  From many woman in our business,  we share the perspective that we are the antivirus to a repressive, Christian, patriarchal society- (still no female president but black man is an improvement).  You are right to be scared because I believe a lot of law enforcement are brainwashed fools who's only job is to enforce/puppet the letter of the law, period... (but nicer ones sometime give grace or abuse the code and thrive on being a jackass without discernment).  Just like I have been a notch on some of your belts, I have become a prized chicken at their fair, too. No prizes claimed at my booth,  but no fun for me engaging and dodging the bullets. Trust me.  I have not ever been arrested for "that" . I feel for you , but I'm of the frame of mind, that if I haven't seen you in a long, long time, I have no idea where you've been (like arrested by some of the poor choices you've made in ladies.  You have the same dilemma with your pick's poor choices, too.  It's a gamble my dear.  I look at the posting of some of the people I've seen on here and I simply can't see them again because of their recklessness and total stupidity. Divulging any hints to locations of incalls and , at this point, explicit reviews when you are now an established client...  Trust me, after about the 20th or more reviews, we tend to believe you are legit especially when we can reach several reputable references.  I tend to freak out, sit back, watch and learn.  I advise you do some of the same before leaping

Dave76015 38 Reviews 568 reads
16 / 18

That's the $1MM comment, IMHO

Buddy2012 17 Reviews 465 reads
17 / 18

I enjoyed reading your post Sedona....crazy how the new and improved digital age can be so useful yet work against us.  I guess old analog technology wasn't so bad after all.  Why is it that LE can lie when they are sworn to protect and serve.  There should be some higher level of crime being committed before LE should be able to LIE and dig through your emails, texts etc without a search warrant.  To tap your land line phone, they have to get a court order to do so, how are cell phones and email accounts any different?  We are stuck in the digital age.  I assume  that phone conversations are probably the best, if not explicit, as they don't leave any foot print other than date, time, phone #, but no record of what was said.  Text messages and emails however often are not erased on a timely manner and probably can be retrieved anyway.

With that being said, it would be nice if a lawyer and a knowledgeable technology person could list the best way for a provider and client to communicate.  Also how to erase communications such as texts and emails so that they cannot be retrieved, maybe this isn't even possible?
Posted By: sedonaw
There have always been busts and LE with their noses in our private consenting matters, but because of technology and "communicating" details, we have also given a detailed map to our labyrinth.  On the net of widespread communication, our sense of freedom is now our jailer.  It seems like Checkmate right now because just like a virus is written, there are those who are anti-virus.  From many woman in our business,  we share the perspective that we are the antivirus to a repressive, Christian, patriarchal society- (still no female president but black man is an improvement).  You are right to be scared because I believe a lot of law enforcement are brainwashed fools who's only job is to enforce/puppet the letter of the law, period... (but nicer ones sometime give grace or abuse the code and thrive on being a jackass without discernment).  Just like I have been a notch on some of your belts, I have become a prized chicken at their fair, too. No prizes claimed at my booth,  but no fun for me engaging and dodging the bullets. Trust me.  I have not ever been arrested for "that" . I feel for you , but I'm of the frame of mind, that if I haven't seen you in a long, long time, I have no idea where you've been (like arrested by some of the poor choices you've made in ladies.  You have the same dilemma with your pick's poor choices, too.  It's a gamble my dear.  I look at the posting of some of the people I've seen on here and I simply can't see them again because of their recklessness and total stupidity. Divulging any hints to locations of incalls and , at this point, explicit reviews when you are now an established client...  Trust me, after about the 20th or more reviews, we tend to believe you are legit especially when we can reach several reputable references.  I tend to freak out, sit back, watch and learn.  I advise you do some of the same before leaping.  

fartsonhigher1 555 reads
18 / 18
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