
New Girls!!!!teeth_smile
phxqts 8365 reads

I just wanted to let everyopne know that Aimee is back and doing great!!! SHe got everything situated and would like to start seeing people again.  So call me to make an appointment with her.

I also have a new 20 year old named Kaylee!! Pictures will be up of her soon.  She is 5'3" black hair and beautiful peaches and cream skin.  A true delight.

Samantha and Kimberly are also available.  Tiffany and Robin are still traveling.  In the evening if you can't get a hold of your favorite independent give us a call.  Many of the most popular girls are working with us now.  Keep that in mind

The phone problem is fixed so give us a call

Hope to talk to you all soon


Good for you! Glad to see thangs are going well. Hope you are recovering well from your loss too.

TaylorLynn7499 reads

It is good to hear that Aimee is back.  I hope that she has finally gotten herself clean and is back to the old Aimee everyone knew and loved.  Please wish her the best of luck from myself and all of TLC.  We are rooting for her!

phxqts8271 reads

She said to tell you hello Taylor.  I'll let her know that you wish her well.  All of her family problems are behind her and she
is doing well.

northdak539415 reads

clean that fast....I doubt it!

One doesnt....

think we all know that answer!

Whteher or not the speculations or insinuations about a persons habits are true or not...

This little feud needs to stop.
It's ironic that TLC makes this comment about Aimee. She did the same thing when Carmen left. Check the posts from 4/22 if you don't believe me. But when the same person comes back and changes her name it's all better. And it's happened vice versa. PHQTS have done this too.

Ladies you're in competition. You both have great customers reviews. You're going to have ladies jump back and happens. But please knock off the sniping about a person's personal life. Aimee, Carmen and any other provider are responsible for their own decisions about being in this trade. If they quit, get canned or just need a scenery change than let it be. But to fire off conjectures about them to undermine them or their new employer is just wrong. If nothing else, you shoud be glad they left if they were a problem to you.

Please. I have the utmost respect for all of you. But knock it off.


Both parties have done an excellent job and offer outstanding service. No reason to turn this into a "mudslinging" political campaign. It's just not nice. Thanks for the excellent post Brian.


TaylorLynn6264 reads

I agree but I do have to say that it wasn't me, but danordanny who started the whole thing with Aimee CRACKING him up.  If you read back, I defended her against his (and others) CRACKS and accusations even when she no longer worked for me.  I have always wished her nothing but the best.  

She worked for me for a long time and was like a daughter to me.  It is very unfortunate that our relationship ended the way it did but I still wish her nothing but the best.  Ask her, she'll tell you how much I care.  I've never written anything bad about her and never will.  

As far as Carmen/Devin is concerned, I told my story there as well - people deserve second chances ... if they clean up their act and prove to you they deserve it.  I am not in this business just for the money.  If I was, I'd be out there working myself because I'd make a hell of a lot more of it that way.  Ask any of my girls - they know that I truely care for them and their well being.  Ask my new Denver city manager - she was hired because of her caring nature and quest for something greater.  

I'll get off my soap box now, but I want to leave you with this.  I started my business with nothing but an idea to provide this city with a better agency experience than they were getting.  I had zero clients and worked my ass off to get where I am.  I don't give a ratt's ass if others come into the picture.  I am going to keep doing what I've been doing for the past 2 years and continue to be successful because of my honest ethics and awesome girls.  If any of you have a problem with that, then don't call me.

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