
My ATF is in jail, what to do?
paco1980 19 Reviews 1815 reads

Should I visit her?  Or pretend that I do not know?    

If any of you providers have been jailed in the past do you like for your clients to visit with you there?  What is the proper protocol for this?

I do not think she would want me to say.   Sorry.

Smallfish944 reads

....wait for her to get her shit together.

As to the question of should you visit her in  If you have to ask, the answer is no.  A few other things you might be confused about:

"She's having family over to her house for a party this weekend, should I show up?"  NO.
"She's in the hospital for a few days.  Should I pay a visit?" NO.
"She posted something to her personal facebook page that I want to like.  Should I?"  NO.

(Edit: this was unnecessarily dickish. Sorry)

-- Modified on 7/23/2016 12:41:02 AM

Makes sense what you wrote.  Thanks.  Didn't think it was really dickish btw.

Totally agree. It's a personal thing and nothing beats having a client visit you in jail lol. Wait for her to get out and maybe she will be back providing. Don't know if it's hobby related or what but for now I would stay out of it.  


I know, just trying to add a little humor to an uncomfortable situation.  
Man,  just do what is the next right thing for you.  Just remember there she has an  outside the hobby life and you can really complicate that.  It just depends on how well you really know her.  

Good luck.

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