
I'm so sorry this happened to you...
MadisonMalone See my TER Reviews 1035 reads
1 / 16

I was booked for an overnight appointment in Tucson tonight with a client I have seen before twice. He scheduled a weekend for me to fly to Colorado in November and cancelled (with ample time for me to adjust schedule) so I did not ask for any cancellation fee. He then scheduled with me again in December to visit him for four days in Tucson and changed it to two days a week prior only to completely cancel stating his father was ill two days prior. He rescheduled with me for an overnight today and I emailed him to confirm two days ago...he cancels tonight last minute stating that he had sent me an email two days ago to amend the arrival time and "made other plans when you didn't respond". I have sent him a very polite text and email asking for a $1500 cancellation fee as this is the third time and I lost three other appointments I could have booked in the time I cleared off my calendar for him. He is now non-responsive and I am miffed!!!!

My time is valuable, as I am sure his is also. What to do, what to do...

Dave76015 38 Reviews 610 reads
2 / 16

Third time is a charm.  
Courtesy should have no limits.  After two cancellations, perhaps the 50% down should have been an option.  There are rude comments in the GB regarding deposits, but it sure seems to apply in this situation.

I recently had an opportunity that fell through, and I offered to send the cost of airfare without any reservations, but it was declined by her.  At least I tried.  

This is a business that runs on trust.  In many different levels.  Regardless of where I make a commitment, as the song goes, a promise is a promise.  I really do not fathom how anyone would want to cancel on you, but that's just me.  I happen to appreciate the beauty of ladies in our town and are very thankful of it.  

Besides never considering seeing him again, does the idea of blacklisting accomplish anything?  What degree of cancellations makes a client not worth the risk?  I don't know, but thanks for sharing it

mitten3890 506 reads
3 / 16

Pay a $1500 cancellation fee for any reason. That's way too high a fee for zero service.  

If you want assurances that the client is serious, then collect a deposit up front for long sessions. Make no mistake however, you are in a client service business and cancellations happen.

funtogether80 21 Reviews 451 reads
4 / 16

That really sorry Maddy.

A similar thing happened to a provider friend of mine.  She lives in Phoenix and a guy contacted her and wanted her to go to Tucson, have lunch, play with him and his girlfriend that evening and possibly the next morning.  Fortunately, she received a 50% deposit and met him for lunch in Tucson.  They had a good experience but then dinner hit and they began having issues.  So, suffice it to say nothing materialized and she did not get paid anything more.

However, at least she received half her money and  she did get stuck with the time and the hotel fee down there since she was paid something.  

I personally would prefer not to pay a deposit, but in this situation, especially after the first cancellation, I think that is fair.

Good luck cutie

GreekDeprived 429 reads
5 / 16

a Dr's appointment--phone call.

however, if some one doesn't answer their phone, wants texts only? Even worse, eMails only!?

I seem to remember a deposite when hiring a contractor? Deposit when ordering a highly specalized item, retainer fee for up comming work.

Deposit for room reservation requiring refund only if cancelled X amount of time before hand--some room reservations cannot be cancelled! Airplane reservations that can be cancelled but the fee is equal to the ticket price!!

For some people, accepting responsibility for their actions or lack of actions is not a part of their life.

Check credit ratings?

Hope you find something useful in my ramblings.


tvlaw 58 Reviews 386 reads
6 / 16

In most professions, if you commit and do not honor your commitment, you must me the other person whole. If you actually lost 1500 in revenue, he should compensate you that amount. This is a business not the dating game. Why should you support or contribute to his failure to do the right thing. Sorry Miss Maddy!  I have said the provider you choose makes a difference, however, The client you see also makes a difference. If he can't afford 1500 he should stay home and not waste peoples time.

gymratguy 41 Reviews 477 reads
7 / 16

You guys are so funny. I'm not advocating stiffing any provider and actually think its pretty shitty, but this isn't Nordstrom's or Walmart, there's risks involve and the guy that stiffs a girl like this certainly isn't going make good on his word...

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 488 reads
8 / 16

For not requiring a deposit to secure your time sooner.  Why wait until he cancels again to respond with you need $1,500 for canceling?  Good luck getting that lol he will just go waste some other providers time now instead.  Blacklist him!

Start smart & require a 50% deposit to book all traveling appointments.  Now you will know your time is secure & booked for sure.

QueenBia See my TER Reviews 550 reads
9 / 16

Smile 4 me lovely lady! xoxo Life is our greatest teacher!

tvlaw 58 Reviews 352 reads
10 / 16

Life is too short Darling, don't let a dead beat make you feel anything. You are gorgeous and he is the one that is a flake. Have a perfect weekend!

0603450onThe 469 reads
11 / 16

Sucks, I know. We do our best to make the best judgment on someone across email, phone whatever in booking and confirming an appnt...but even then, a weed can pop up in the cracks every so often.  

My thoughts on this topic are pretty simple....I have found there are 2 types of gentlemen in this world. Those who can truly 'get a grip' and know what they want and book without falter. They are more than capable of sticking to their commitment no questions asked. And speaking for all ladies, this is the kind of client who gives 'us' wet dreams.  

Now, on the flipside we have the gentlemen I like to simply call the 'wafflers' or the gentlemen who love to simply 'take us for a ride'. Unfortunately, these gentlemen are incapable of first, committing to themselves they really want to meet, second, still go through and book with you, three, are incapable of mustering enough courage to go through with it. All the while, talk talk talk and talk some more. Not a turn on for the ladies here I'm afraid.

Fortunately, this world has a plentiful supply of gentleman #1 or I wouldn't be here, thank god. But I've designed some rules to help keep things in check for myself, as we are in charge of 'our own domain' here.  

Rule #1-Gentleman cancels on me once...strike one you're out. We will never be meeting.  
Rule #2-I cancel on the gentleman (hence a clear red flag has shot up as a waffler)...strike two you're out. We will never be meeting.
There is no strike 3 in my rule book.

PSAnnouncement to the Gentlemen...and this is a perfect example what this poor gal went not book with a lady until you have made the commitment to yourselves first and foremost that you are capable of meeting as a grown man, not a lil 5 yo who needs his mommy to hold his hand and walk him to the bus in the morning. This isn't kiddiecare. And while some men here do act like overgrown children, my policy hopefully weeds them out to find the true grown men who are out to have a great time, no drama, no questions, just cake. I personally don't have the time nor the patience for anything less than a grown man. Period.  

But yes, weeds tend to grow where you don't want them and I have made poor judgments before only to use and learn for future encounters. So my advice gentlemen, make sure your words from word one are where they need to be for they may be your last.  

*If you can't make the commitment with yourself first, then please, don't make one with us second.*

-- Modified on 2/20/2014 7:46:21 AM

Bosty 58 Reviews 365 reads
12 / 16

On a similar note........if a provider views your profile, and then decides to not grant you access to more on her website or a simple introduction request.......i.e. ...she never responds back to your move on.  She obviously was either not comfortable with something she read or simply did not think the client was a good match.  Fair enough from my point of view.

Bosty 58 Reviews 379 reads
13 / 16

Hey Maddie,
Sounds like you did your part.
Sorry that happened.  
If another provider asks for a reference just be honest and say that he has been less than reliable.

0603450onThe 391 reads
14 / 16

works both ways indeed. All I am saying is as I have noticed as of late...and perhaps I am a 'magnet' to it specifically...but there are many who talk the talk and don't walk the walk. I do my best to decipher between those but we are human and not robots nor perfect. In the same gesture, the same goes for you gentlemen, you can do as you feel is right for you as well with the 'choice' or your 'selection'. God knows there are plenty of amazing women for you to choose from in this realm and if one woman doesn't work for whatever reason, then yes, you move on.  

That's not what I have an issue with, nor is what this is about. For the most part the choosing is on you, I'm sure you would agree, most of us don't contact you first, you contact us if you like what you see. However, 'we' ultimately decide who we want to spend time with in the end. And most of us putting the money aside, have a pretty good intuition from word one if it will be a good 'match' for the evening or not. That is all any of us have to go by. Sometimes we are smack dead on, and sometimes we are wayyyyyyyyyyyy off.  

There is no crystal ball, at least that I am aware of. I've had more people surprise me, than not.  

Fair enough?

-- Modified on 2/20/2014 11:38:54 AM

Bosty 58 Reviews 479 reads
15 / 16

Very fair!    
And well said!

Posted By: TaylorSteele
works both ways indeed. All I am saying is as I have noticed as of late...and perhaps I am a 'magnet' to it specifically...but there are many who talk the talk and don't walk the walk. I do my best to decipher between those but we are human and not robots nor perfect. In the same gesture, the same goes for you gentlemen, you can do as you feel is right for you as well with the 'choice' or your 'selection'. God knows there are plenty of amazing women for you to choose from in this realm and if one woman doesn't work for whatever reason, then yes, you move on.  
 That's not what I have an issue with, nor is what this is about. For the most part the choosing is on you, I'm sure you would agree, most of us don't contact you first, you contact us if you like what you see. However, 'we' ultimately decide who we want to spend time with in the end. And most of us putting the money aside, have a pretty good intuition from word one if it will be a good 'match' for the evening or not. That is all any of us have to go by. Sometimes we are smack dead on, and sometimes we are wayyyyyyyyyyyy off.  
 There is no crystal ball, at least that I am aware of. I've had more people surprise me, than not.  
 Fair enough?

-- Modified on 2/20/2014 11:38:54 AM

SKOC 66 Reviews 385 reads
16 / 16

Sadly I've had girls stand me up too.  But I can't get a cancellation fee.  Chalk it up to him being a jerk and don't take his calls or emails.  That's what I do.

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