
How to handle Fake Reviews
ab74 See my TER Reviews 906 reads

I am curious to why gentleman have to write reviews about a provider when they clearly have never met them nor contacted them.  Can anyone shed some light on this subject for me?  I am only on here every now and then so I log on today to find that some hobbyist wrote a review about me who I have never heard of and to top it off with said I did a duo and I do not do duos with anyone nor do I do Bare back FS.   He also stated that I was a full figured woman and I clearly am not over 130lbs at 5'8".  I am so livid how do you get this removed and what should I do about it?

Any thoughts?

I looked at your 3 most recent reviews and did not see that.  The most recent one did describe you as "really sexy solid full figured tall woman", which does not sound so bad to me, and did mention a duo with your roommate.  It clearly said that EVERYTHING was covered, however.  Maybe he edited it?...

I think you should contact TER and raise a red flag about a review that is completely off base, especially if it conflicts factually with all your other reviews.

I have often wondered why some reviewers (not speaking about this one in particular, just in general) feel the need to exaggerate the services they receive from providers.  They are not helping anybody.  They are not helping the hobbyists, who will go expecting a certain kind of treatment that they will not experience and thus be disappointed.  So in turn it hurts the rep of the provider, who gets blamed for giving them a lower level of service ("you did it for that other guy, but not for me!"), and they might get a negative review because of that.

about uncovered FS....  (because I am shocked that any guy would put that in a review)

WHO THE HELL DOES THIS ANY MORE?!?!?  What the fuck, did you not get the memo about STDs... what, about 40 years ago??  If you expect any provider to do uncovered FS with you, then you are are a fucking moron and you deserve any STD you get.  And I hope it kills you quickly, so you don't have the chance to spread your diseases any further.  And if a provider is stupid enough to do it with you, the same applies to her.  (I was once with a provider who told me she would do uncovered FS for a small extra fee.  I immediately walked out, leaving my money behind.  And no regrets.  Luckily we had not gotten much beyond the LE check and washing hands stage...)

Really, people, are you serious??  I am constantly amazed when I hear providers tell me that they have guys asking if they do uncovered FS.  IN THIS DAY AND AGE??  Wake up, it ain't the 70s any more!!  If you want to go back to that time, then either build a time machine or get yourself so stoned that you cannot tell the difference -- at least, you won't be able to do much harm...

OK, rant over.

The biggest issue is that in order for cheap skates to get VIP membership, they have to write fake reviews every two weeks.  Otherwise, they need to open their wallets and pay for it.  

One of my major concerns is the number of fake reviews that end up staying up after women complain to admin about being false.  Being said, how do you deal with a real review that is not complimentary?  IDK.  

All you can do is complain to the powers, Miss Autumn.  Hope for the best.  


Zzbottom2270 reads

The guy that wrote that had many reviews of some very well known ladies. Maybe he put it under the wrong name or like Dave said was just trying to get his VIP membership in.  

At least the scores were good. Sorry that happened to you

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there's little to no chance that review is coming down. Despite their review guidelines stating all reviews need to be accurate, TER staff has yet to take any action for me or the many other providers I've spoken to who have had issues with review accuracy. Maybe, just maybe, you'll have better luck since you didn't actually see the guy. I'll cross my fingers for you.

I've actually wanted to make a similar post for a few days. I don't care for the scoring system in use here (I'm not even eligible for 10's), but the scores I receive don't really affect my business (I assume because most clients realize the problems inherent with how this site is run). If you write a review and say I'm an 8, that's fine. Whatever, to each their own. But if you write a review and say something offensive like I'm "a good ride", or my 5'3, 125 pound self is "bigger" than my "old" pictures, that actively hurts my reputation and business--especially considering I am in no way big, and my pictures are three weeks old.

I'm specifically referring to a review written by an almost impossible client that I had a horrible time with, who was blunt, rude, smelled, literally just lay on the bed the whole time, and overstayed his welcome. From speaking with other providers, it's ALWAYS those clients who write shitty and offensive reviews. I wrote to him and very politely explained why I had a problem with his review. He blocked me. I then wrote to TER and they said they'd write to him. I haven't heard anything back; I can only assume they either didn't write to him or they sent something completely ineffectual, because they don't care.

It would be great to have some kind of comment system for the providers, so that if we have any issues we could make a note and attach it to whichever review we have a problem with. But I doubt that will ever happen.

you *may* be able to have it deleted. contact support and they will walk you through the steps to do so.

I've had fake reviews wrote about me.. the most recent one I was able to get deleted. It wasn't a "bad" review exactly, but the things he said I did in the review gave people a huge unrealistic idea about what a session with me is like. When I PM'd the reviewer, he pretty much said he it was "fantasy" and that's what this site is about (not actual about taking the disclaimer seriously). When I told him he was putting me at risk by writing I do something I don't (what if somebody came to me just for that service...ugh) he started talking about escorts in general sooo negatively. I was able to take our conversations to admin and they deleted not only the review about me, but his account & all the other reviews he wrote.  

If they don't delete the review, all you can do is continue to push through and conduct your business in the same way you are doing now. Your other reviews should speak for themselves, most guys do not read just ONE review when they're making their decision. I've had guys say they've read my reviews and can tell when they've read a fake one, or if somebody is trying to write a "revenge" review.  

Good luck!!

Here is the process:

You email TER support and tell them you did not meet this person or don't believe that you met them

They will ask you to contact the reviewer to see if they can clarify and remind you of meeting

Often if the user doesn't respond TER will pull the review while they investigate (whatever that entails)

Most will be pulled if you can show that the review lacks any specific details about you or your location

Try not to worry about it too much - TER is usually very helpful if you state your case clearly and with thought


Take care and good luck

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