
Gotta disagree here
Richrass 229 Reviews 654 reads

Are these encounters not supposed to be a mutually enjoyable experience, or are you saying the business side trumps all else? Why wouldn't an ASP have the right to refuse anyone for whatever reason she has. Where is the MUTUAL respect in your equation? We're dealing with human beings here and opinions and practices are formed by life's experiences. I have no idea what they may be, but they are what they are. (I got sick after eating blueberry pie almost 50 years ago......haven't touched it since!) When I call someone for the first time I introduce myself and give my age, ethnicity (specific...not just Caucasian) approx. height and weight and years I've been a TER member. I do this so that when I arrive there are no surpirises and I know beforehand she can at least tolerate who I am and what I look
There are many types of ASP's I don't see based on body type, ethnicity, their pics, services offered, personality on the phone, etc. Does this make me a bigot? I think I should be able to spend my time with whom I'm somewhat confident I'll enjoy myself with and where there may be some some things in common.
Maybe they don't put who or what they won't see because they're trying to be PC.......lord knows it's the law of the land these days......or maybe just didn't think of it. Either way, it's her right to refuse ANYONE just as it's our right ONLY to see who appears pleasing to us.
I'm sorry you hit this bump in the road, but know this won't be a problem with many other friends out there.

onyxbone1406 reads

I know there really is no good reason to post this.  It will not change anything, but sometimes a minor rant is cathartic.  But before I begin I want to make it clear that I am not saying anything about a provider's right to discriminate or her reason for discriminating.  I am not trying to convince her or anyone else that I am not a member of an inferior race.  Hey I do not believe that she is a part of any federal or state government nor, do I believe she employed more than 15 people so the Civil Rights Act of 64 does not apply to her, nor should it.  With that said:

So I was heading to the Tuscon/Phoenix area.  I found an Asian provider that was well reviewed with a very open menu.  So I click on her ad and it says that she does not see men under 35 years of age, she likes references, but if you do not have a reference alternative verification methods are available.  There is no mention of race/ethnicity.

I emailed her noting my age, well over 35 unfortunately, and asking about the alternative screening method.  She promptly responds with what is your ethnicity.  I knew where this was going but I said what the heck, and told her I was black.  The response I got back was "I apologize. I do not see African American men. I hope you understand."  Now this is certainly not the first time this has happened and I am sure it will not be the last.  I usually just let it roll off my back.  But the "Hope you understand" line Just teed me off.  Of course I do not understand.  She did not ask my height, she did not ask my weight, she did not ask if women other than my immediate family members found me attractive.  The only thing she asked was my ethnicity.  So I could look like Jabba the Hut and, smell like him to, but as long as I was white I would be ok.  So of course I do not understand.

But I digress.  The point is that clearly ethnicity trumped age and it trumped screening, so why was that little tidbit not a part of her ad?  Is it simply because I am a member of what she appears to believes is an inferior race so I am not deserving of the courtesy of just putting in her ad no black men, or only latin, white and asians, or anybody but negroes?  Is this the the prevailing viewpoint among providers that this information should not be clearly placed in ads?  If ethnicity is such a determining factor that it trumps all else should it not be in the ad?  Clearly it cannot be fear of some backlash because I doubt very seriously if the caucasians hobbyist give a damn.

Man I feel better.

Everyone is deserving of common courtesy provided that they are also courteous and respectful.  Ideally you should get as good as you give and, as a minimum give as good as you get.

Given the very personal interaction between client and provider I believe both parties are entitiled to establish whatever terms they are willing to accept in order to complete the transaction (i.e. do the deed).  Given that the provider is advertising her wares, it would be nice if the advertisement disclosed whatever exceptions she has, whether it be young guys, old guys, fat guys, bald guys, black/red/green guys or whatever suites her fancy.  Many providers are very up front about their exceptions, however many also are not.  

Nobody likes to be rejected, and I can only speculate how it must feel to be rejected because of the color of your skin.  In a perfect world there would be complete disclosure and while you may not be able to see every provider you wish to, you could at least eliminate the irritation and pain of being rejected for something you have absolutely no control over.

I'm sorry you have to endure this, unfortunately I don't see any plausible solution that is going to make this go away.  I guess for now you can merely soldier on and put up with the occassional rejection or hang up your hobby boots and find a different outlet for your pleasure.  Meanwhile, I believe you are entitled to the occassional rant

onyxbone702 reads

Well actually kind sir I beg to differ with your analysis. The point is that nothing mattered but my ethnicity. The only way having reviews would be relevant is if I threatened to post false reviews about her, which I would not do. You must remember good sir the provider has an alternate verification process. If I have missed another way that reviews would be relevant I welcome your enlightenment as it may save me some bother in the future. Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post.

I understand however, how do we know who or what he represents. I don't normally respond to a post when posted with an alias. I do think that everyone regardless of color should be afforded a reasonable level of respect. Moreover, I think that all providers are entitled to accept or reject any prospective client with or with out explanation. If a person is a gentleman and treats providers with respect, just like The Temptations song, treat her like a lady, I would be surprised to find many great ladies that would decline. I believe the key elements are, kind and courteous, Not rude or abrasive, have the wherewithal to fund, no unsafe or dangerous request and that you have good hygiene. Also, you understand it is business and not the dating game. Good Luck to you.


1. First off I think your viewpoint is skewed. She is not necessarily saying you are inferior. Maybe it's an issue with attraction. Maybe black dudes just don't float her boat. Maybe she had a bad experience and it has left her weary. Maybe she thinks soul brothers are just to "Beauxcoup" (Shout out to the Full Metal Jacket fans).

2. Also, I think I saw an earlier post a month or so ago about a provider that was assaulted by a black guy, and she posted about how she wasn't the first. It has been a string of assaults. Providers are a cautious bunch, and maybe she is screening customers to try her best to avoid the guy.

Either way, you're not the first guy it's happened to, and won't be the last. I get turned down by providers in Korea and Japan all the time because I'm not Asian. No big deal. We're not inferior, we r are just not their type. In the end it's their decision and their fee/donation/$$$ to lose....

onyxbone722 reads

Thank you for taking the time to read and respond to my post.  However, my post was not concerned with why she would not see the black man in general, and me in particular.  But rather why she, in particular, and providers in general do not  post that they will not see black men for whatever the reason. I tried to make that plain when I stated that it was her absolute right to discriminate for whatever the reason.  I would ask that you reread my post and if you have any suggestions how I can make that point clearer I would greatly appreciate it.  Thank you

It's difficult to make a cogent point and rant at the same time. The central point will often be lost in the "hot words" . I would suggest if you want to rant, then let her rip. If you want to start a discussion around a specific topic, stick to that topic and  Keep It Simple

I didnt get that was your main point too, but I think its uncool for providers to state "i dont see blacks" in their ad.  I'm a white guy, and seeing that would turn me off.

We all have preferences for what ever reasons.  But I agree with Alexia that there really isnt any nice way to advertise "i dont want to see black clients".

By putting that in the ad, I think fosters communal discrimination as opposed to a private discrete email of rejection.

Perhaps a nicer way to handle a situation like that would be a "sorry, this isnt going to work, best of luck" rather than having to state the reason.

No girl who rejected my date requests ever told me why she rejected me.  Are expectations different in a pay for play situation?

-- Modified on 2/21/2014 11:46:38 AM

Nah, it's a tad racist here.  

I am a Chicago transplant.  What is  most surprising is the number of young providers(under age 30) that feel that way. Certainly thought they were beyond that nonsense.  

I will say this, if you find a reviewed provider in Phoenix that doesn't discriminate, you will have an outstanding time.

First and foremost I do not agree with how you've been treated.  
As to your specific question, a lady might not disclose publicly she is a racist. It's bad for business in general. Another reason for not disclosing that from the onset is because she has a pimp of a similar ethnic background as you and he would feel threatened.  
That would be two very logical reasons an open menu lady would not advertise she is being run by a pimp or worse.  

Soft and pink,
Samantha Good

onyxbone791 reads

Thanks for actually reading my post.  And the same to the gentleman from AK.  That is something to chew on.  If he only knew me he would not be threatened. Women have no problem telling me no. :)

Have HUGE members and impressive stamina. Although pleasurable, it CAN put a lady out of business for a couple of days. If she is a petite Asian spinner, maybe she was worried about size? Just a thought :)
I hope you find a suitable alternative and have an excellent time!

Well my there pretty lady, you sure have a pretty mouth.........

Mr-Blonde757 reads

Regarding what you wrote about looking like Jabba the Hut, I suggest you follow your own advice and email her again and tell her that you are white and you look and smell like Jabba the Hut, and you have Princess Leia in chains by your side, she is also dressed provocatively for some reason, and you are eating frogs right now and demanding more Domino's Pizza.  You are also watching someone fight some kind of creature to the death for your amusement.  But you are white, so she has to see you.   Yea, I think that would work.  As long as you don't tell her that you are black.  That will blow your cover story for sure.  

Posted By: onyxbone
So I could look like Jabba the Hut and, smell like him to, but as long as I was white I would be ok.

GreekDeprived717 reads

Well.......I give a dam.

As a child i learned The Pledge of Allegiance and believed it! "...with liberty and justice for all." No one ever said it wasn't true?! As I discovered the groups of people who were NOT part of "all" I became disappointed, felt conned, that I had been lied to!! Then I began to wonder why we are not all "Equal Under The Eyes of The LAW"?

Later I concluded that an individual is only entitled to what ever justice they can afford to buy. AND, that many times if one cannot afford to buy justice, justice is rapacious, taking what ever it can rob from you.

And I agree, part of the information about someone who has been reviewed should include a list of what disqualifies anyone from seeing them.

Its such a personalized experience that some one clearly stating they will not see anyone if they are "X" is valuable information if you are in the "X" category.

I would like to point out that since this person does not know you, it does not have anything to do with you. Consider it that person's FEAR.  There could be something in their background that triggers this FEAR!!

At one time I read about creating a conditioned reflex, ringing a bell and then feeding an animal. Also, I read about how ringing a bell and then shocking an animal created a fear reflex that could not be undone. The example was shocking a child that picked up a "Bunny Rabbit"--never again would the child get near a rabbit let alone pick one up.

Deprived and disillusioned  

-- Modified on 2/19/2014 7:47:03 AM

Are these encounters not supposed to be a mutually enjoyable experience, or are you saying the business side trumps all else? Why wouldn't an ASP have the right to refuse anyone for whatever reason she has. Where is the MUTUAL respect in your equation? We're dealing with human beings here and opinions and practices are formed by life's experiences. I have no idea what they may be, but they are what they are. (I got sick after eating blueberry pie almost 50 years ago......haven't touched it since!) When I call someone for the first time I introduce myself and give my age, ethnicity (specific...not just Caucasian) approx. height and weight and years I've been a TER member. I do this so that when I arrive there are no surpirises and I know beforehand she can at least tolerate who I am and what I look
There are many types of ASP's I don't see based on body type, ethnicity, their pics, services offered, personality on the phone, etc. Does this make me a bigot? I think I should be able to spend my time with whom I'm somewhat confident I'll enjoy myself with and where there may be some some things in common.
Maybe they don't put who or what they won't see because they're trying to be PC.......lord knows it's the law of the land these days......or maybe just didn't think of it. Either way, it's her right to refuse ANYONE just as it's our right ONLY to see who appears pleasing to us.
I'm sorry you hit this bump in the road, but know this won't be a problem with many other friends out there.

onyxbone766 reads

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post. However I would be remiss if I did not point out that I absolutely agree and reaffirm her right, and that of any provider, to discriminate for any reason, and I so stated in the first paragraph of my post. The question was does not common courtesy suggest she should also place in the ad that she does not see African Americans, Blacks, Negroes, Porch Jockeys, Jungle Bunnies, Tar Babies, etc. Just like she included pricing screening and other information in her ad. Thank you once again.

sapper1772856 reads

Many of the younger providers will tell you horror stories about violence and attempts to "recruit" girls. A lot of these guys are apparently black. I've heard a few of those stories from these girls. Unfortunately, there is a thug mentality in many young people regardless of color. I get your rant, but unfortunately in this line of business, racial stereotyping makes prudent financial and safety sense otherwise these ladies wouldn't be doing it.  It's not a matter of fairness, it simply is. If this profession was out in the open, then this may not be an issue.  End racism, vote libertarian.  

Posted By: onyxbone
Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post. However I would be remiss if I did not point out that I absolutely agree and reaffirm her right, and that of any provider, to discriminate for any reason, and I so stated in the first paragraph of my post. The question was does not common courtesy suggest she should also place in the ad that she does not see African Americans, Blacks, Negroes, Porch Jockeys, Jungle Bunnies, Tar Babies, etc. Just like she included pricing screening and other information in her ad. Thank you once again.

onyxbone658 reads

And again I am not concerned with why the provider feels that way that is her business. However When she places an ad and causes me to waste my time and effort that is my business. So again I do not care why she will not see Blackmen. I care about why she does not so clearly state in her ad. And I legitimately wanted to know why a provider would not say so in her ad. Once again I do not care why she will not see Blackmen, it is immaterial to my post, it is irrelevant to my post, it has nothing to do with my post. Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post.

sapper1772572 reads

So it's irrelevant to your post? LOL!! No, I understand your point and it would be a timesaver for all parties involved to post it.....and it's an important part for them. They could put it in in lieu of " please no contact from law enforcement", which is kind of like me requesting no sobriety checkpoints in Scottsdale. All things equal I agree with your sentiment.  

Posted By: onyxbone
And again I am not concerned with why the provider feels that way that is her business. However When she places an ad and causes me to waste my time and effort that is my business. So again I do not care why she will not see Blackmen. I care about why she does not so clearly state in her ad. And I legitimately wanted to know why a provider would not say so in her ad. Once again I do not care why she will not see Blackmen, it is immaterial to my post, it is irrelevant to my post, it has nothing to do with my post. Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post.

Mr-Blonde586 reads

With all due respect, you are complaining about how you are wasting all this time and effort, but honestly, you aren't wasting that much time or effort when someone emails you back to tell you that they can't see you.  

It is not like you took time off of work, booked a hotel, waited for her to show up, and she showed up 4 hours late and then said that she won't see you.  Or better yet, didn't show up at all.  That would be a REAL complaint, and people around here have those types of complaints, which are valid complaints, at least more valid than the issue you are complaining about.  What you are complaining about is petty nonsense, if you think that she is "wasting your time" by not saying certain things in her ad.  Jeez, she told you anyway by email.  You are complaining about such a petty issue.  You could "waste" the same amount of time by calling someone who is selling a car on Craigslist, who tells you on the phone or by email that they are sorry, they sold their car already.  So what now, you are going to get angry that they wasted all your time and effort?  That is exactly the type of thing you are complaining about.

Besides, to complain about how a provider wasted your time, she can also tell you about how she deals with clients who think nothing of wasting HER time 100 times more often that what you are talking about, and she deals with that every single day.  Are the providers here who are reading your complaints supposed to feel sorry for you?   Honestly, if you are a person who complains about petty nonsense, a provider is likely to not want to see you just for that reason.  In fact, nobody in any industry likes dealing with clients who complain about petty nonsense, because they are always a pain in the ass.  

Posted By: onyxbone
And again I am not concerned with why the provider feels that way that is her business. However When she places an ad and causes me to waste my time and effort that is my business....

onyxbone886 reads

Thank you for taking the time to respond.  I will chock that up as one no vote for the proposition that black hobbyists are not entitled to common courtesy.  Thank you for taking the time to respond.

Mr-Blonde716 reads

You misunderstand.  I am not voting against common courtesy to black hobbyists, I tried unsuccessfully to explain how you got common courtesy anyway, even though the courtesy you received was not in the format that you wanted, because it was by email, and not in the ad.

If you think that represents a lack of courtesy to "black" hobbyists, then how do you propose that "black" hobbyists communicate back and forth this screening information?  By carrier pigeon?  

A provider does not have to list every type of person she doesn't want to see in her ad.  Should she really say that she doesn't see cops, children, people who have a foul odor, lesbians, gays, people with massive genital warts, drunks, drug addicts, or AIDS patients? That would only make her ad look like a TV commercial from a pharmaceutical company with all those disclosures.  She might as well say to see a doctor if your erection lasts longer than 4 hours too, as long as you feel that she must disclose everything up front like that, so as to not waste YOUR precious time.  Normal people just communicate by email to sort it out to see if they are even compatible for this meeting.  Nobody considers that task to be a waste of time.  But that is your complaint, and you say that this waste of your time is the lack of common courtesy, just because you are black, as if it couldn't possibly happen to anybody of any other race.  In fact, you stated earlier that if you were white and looked like Jabba the Hut, you would be okay.  Sorry, but what you are complaining about is still absurd in my book.  I still maintain that you are being ridiculous.  

Posted By: onyxbone
Thank you for taking the time to respond.  I will chock that up as one no vote for the proposition that black hobbyists are not entitled to common courtesy.  Thank you for taking the time to respond.

She wasted less of your time then it took you to post your OP. Clearly not much of a waste at all. The level of indignation you feel is not in balance with your complaint. Thus your complaint is probably REALLY not that she didn't say on her site that she won't see black men. Your complaint is actually that she won't see black men in the first place and it bothers you. This is backed up by your repeated use of racial slurs when you say that she should post she doesn't see black men on her site. You can't type that without expressing a certain amount of anger and thus clearly your issue is the racial one. It is just to bad that you can not come to grips with this or admit it.  

Truth is you discriminate every time you pick a provider on looks as well as other things. She can't do the same?

It's just a sketchy business/hobby on both sides. Everyone deserves common courtesy. I think the real question is why. Unless someone personally knows the provider and is willing to say why we will never know. Myself being a black man I've experienced being turned away for race but also as well as age. This isn't McDonalds and no one is guaranteed service. On the positive note  
at least you were turned away before the donation was given. To be real here are some of the stories I've heard "black men are cheap, black men pack to much meat, no attraction to black me It's just a sketchy business/hobby on both sides. Everyone deserves common courtesy. I think the real question is why. Unless someone personally knows the provider and is willing to say why we will never know. Myself being a black man I've experienced being turned away for race but also as well as age. This isn't McDonalds and no one is guaranteed service. On the positive note at least you were turned away before the donation was given. Even some of the black female providers won't see black males. To be real here are some of the stories I've heard "black men are cheap, black men pack to much meat, no attraction to black men, my boyfriend won't allow me to see black men, and the good old a black man will rob me".  n, men  my B/F

I would say yes, she already avoids clients under 35 so why not ethnicity.

Hello :)

I completely understanding what you are saying and wanted to share some of my own experiences.  

I do see people of all races, but that view has been tested a few times :/

At first, I had people ask me if I saw black men and I would be like "of course!"
But now, I do still cringe up a bit when I see that my client is African American. I find it to be more of a cultural difference than a race issue. They tend to speak to me in a way that I don't care for or don't understand - such as baby, booty etc. I hate to be so stereotypical, but yeah, they tend to approach me with this pimp and ho's mentality. There are 6 black men that I don't see anymore, because they disrespected my rules and tried to laugh it off like they were being charming. The 1 black man I do still see...well he had Superman underwear and that was pretty cool. He talked to me like an actual person, not a caricature.

It is a pity that she didn't see fit to include that in the ad, and this is just a guess, but maybe she doesn't want to be seen as a racist by everyone, just doesn't mind if only you see her that way because she doesn't seem to care about your feelings anyway :/

My biggest issue was with Indian men, it was getting really weird how each session kept playing out the same way, and I was really close to just saying 'that's it, no Indian men no matter what, I am sick of this.' I realized I can't judge an entire race by my interactions with these few. So just remember that whatever her issue is, it has nothing to do with you personally and with something that has happened to her in the past.

I can say that Gina is right:) You're just known for having a big dick, BOOM said it, and she's a tiny Asian spinner ;) Come on, who wouldn't want to be known for that, I sure as hell would if I was a guy ;)
As for the whole placing it on her ad thing, I believe I was the one who told her it didn't come across right, and neither she or I is racist. I don't think it sounds very nice and people may take it the wrong way.
And she can't exactly say "I won't see guys with big dicks" first of all BP would take her ad down ;) and secondly make everyone else feel weird...

I don't mind seeing gents of any race! Even though my pootytang is noice too

Have a good day all!


I get tried of some woman in this hobby, saying they don't see AA men!  It's funny how we all want to be view as our own person, but some people always group AA men together.  We as black men are different, just like white men in this hobby.  I find that some woman in this hobby are insecure and don't know how to be truly open minded.  If a lady does not see AA men, it's her lost.  

So when a lady sees ten white clients and three act like assholes, does that men all white men are assholes? NO!  The same applies for black men, not all of us are assholes.  

I will say Phoenix is a cool city and does have great ladies to see for us black men, just go with the ladies with the best reviews!

Could be a lot of reasons.  I've heard a lot of stories, but credit the girl for keeping thee screening private between you and her.  I have less respext for a girl who puts doesnt see blacks on her ad.

I'll share a little known fact that some asian girls wont see guys from their own ethnicity, and they dont advertise that either.  They would see you no matter how big you are if that makes you feel better.  There are some girls who Only see guys of a certain ethnicity.

In the "civy" world, I remember black dudes with big dicks having an advantage and were the flavor of the generation... Probably still are.

Other reasons i've heard of pro's turning down black dudes:
1. Girl was raped, harbors resentment.
2. Girl has a black pimp who said "no black guys" (i know one white girl in town in that situation)
3. Place where girl works doesnt have many blacks around, doesnt want to attract attention out of the norm

The big dick theory might be true for ignorant girls, but most pro's know big dicks come in all ethnicities.  And even a girls with a small pussy can still satisfy a big dick even if she cant put it all the way in.

If your heart is set on asian I recommend visiting LA, or San Fran.  Getting the references will be the trickier part, but there's enough info around to figure that out if you want.

Best of luck bro' and dont take it personally.

-- Modified on 2/21/2014 9:48:55 AM

-- Modified on 2/21/2014 9:50:36 AM

It's funny do we put all providers good or bad into same group? No! The smart hobbyist will  
spend time and research which providers is the best for them to see.  So why can't a  
escort do the same with background checks?  

If I have a bad experience with a provider, I don't think all of them are the same.  It's a lot of bs with the excuses and those woman that do it are fools!  

I love how Rodgerdaily gave reasons that some providers will not see black men, but the dick theory was the ignorant point.  All of the reasons that was mention turning down black guys are bullshit!  

So when you find a lady that is really open minded to all races, ask her if she has other  
friends for you to see and build a network that way. It's many out there guys you just  
have to do your research and don't let a small group of racist ladies or hobbyist comments, stop  
you from having fun!

Mr-Blonde875 reads

Rogerdaily said that he personally knows a white provider with a black pimp, and that is why she doesn't see black men, so he attested that he knows personally that this is a real example.  He gave some other plausible examples too.  If I understand you correctly, you are categorically saying that everything he just said is bullshit.    Who are you to say that this is bullshit, and then to tell him that he is ignorant with his big dick theory?  You are really saying that someone is ignorant when they say that dicks come in all sizes?  Who are you anyway, the resident black dick expert?  Do you have some sort of chart that says that black dicks don't in fact come in all sizes?

It would also be presumptuous to ask a lady (or any other kind of self employed business person) who their competition is because you want to go see their competition instead.  If you want to know if a lady has other friends who would see you, that type of question is better suited to be directed to a pimp, not an indy provider.  

Posted By: bear96
 I love how Rodgerdaily gave reasons that some providers will not see black men, but the dick theory was the ignorant point.  All of the reasons that was mention turning down black guys are bullshit!...    
 ...So when you find a lady that is really open minded to all races, ask her if she has other  
 friends for you to see and build a network that way...

Wow Mr- Blond is it?  Where did you come from and why don't you have at least one review?  I was saying the whole mind set is ignorant, not just the dick theory.  All of it, is a way to cover up racist attitudes and guess what it not always white people with this stupid mind set either.

I only deal with the best providers and like I mention before, if you check out most providers websites they have there provider friends on there sites links. She might also recommend another provider if she likes how you handle yourself around her.  

The research really is important, when picking the right provider. I guess you would not know about that, with no reviews!

So I don't deal with pimps either clown and stop hiding behind aliases.

Mr-Blonde676 reads

You are bringing up red herring arguments instead of defending what you said.  The number of reviews I wrote is irrelevant to this discussion, so I am not going to grace you with a reply to that question.  

You know exactly what you said.  You called someone a liar and then said that dicks don't come in all different sizes.  Now you are saying something different, you are saying that the whole mindset is ignorant, and it is a racist attitude.  Well, congratulations, you are now half wrong and half right.  What a way to backpedal yourself out of a corner there, my friend.  

The people who are truly ignorant are the ones who make blanket statements like "All of the reasons that was mention turning down black guys are bullshit!"  As for the providers themselves, if they are making up rules that include such things as racial preferences, the rules would be based on their own life experiences which are not the same as your life experiences, so they are following some kind of rational decision making in their thought process, which would not lead to the same decisions that you would make.  Even if they are not making rational decisions, maybe they just don't find certain types of people attractive, which could also cause a problem during the session that is beyond their control.  You don't really know what the reason is.  In any case, there is a reason for everything whether or not you agree that it is a valid one.  The person who is ignorant is the person like you who refuses to acknowledge that their rules could possibly be valid, because you make blanket statements that their reasons are all "bullshit" as you stated before.  You know, rapists use your same argument, like how when a woman says "no" she is obviously wrong or ignorant to say that, and therefore you get angry about it and refuse to take "no" for an answer.  That is the side you are taking, and you don't even realize it.  

So you don't hide behind an alias?  Does your birth certificate really say that your name is bear96?

Posted By: bear96
Wow Mr- Blond is it?  Where did you come from and why don't you have at least one review?  I was saying the whole mind set is ignorant, not just the dick theory.  All of it, is a way to cover up racist attitudes and guess what it not always white people with this stupid mind set either.  
 I only deal with the best providers and like I mention before, if you check out most providers websites they have there provider friends on there sites links. She might also recommend another provider if she likes how you handle yourself around her.  
 The research really is important, when picking the right provider. I guess you would not know about that, with no reviews!  
 So I don't deal with pimps either clown and stop hiding behind aliases.

Wow Mr.-Blond either you can't read or just being a racist asshole.  I never called roger a liar and don't twist my words smart guy.  It's clear your point is to be a clown on this subject.

So I said in my reply post to Roger was, the dick theory was the ignorant point? All of the reasons that was mention turning down black guys are bullshit!  I guess you missed the word all and just wanted to start trouble, instead of reading the whole line smart guy.  

It's nothing wrong with choice or preferences, the problem is when a person puts a whole group of people in the same group.  Just based on there race or a bad experience with a person of that race in the past!  

If you want to continue to act like a fool, go somewhere else.  

Does my birth certificate really say bear96, maybe I am giving you too much credit calling you smart at all

Mr-Blonde851 reads

In summary, you don't defend what you wrote even after I quoted exactly what you wrote and threw your own words back at you, you back-pedal when you were called on it, you use red herring arguments, and as you appear to be in an indefensible position, you feel that somehow this makes me the racist asshole?  That is a leap you are making there, buddy.  What a life you must have to be carrying that chip on your shoulder.  

I will just be the better man, and concede and let you win this argument, but I am doing that basically because I am getting bored.  In conclusion, everybody is full of bullshit if you say so, despite the fact that you don't acknowledge the reasons why other people do those things that you disagree with, and of course you feel that you don't need to defend your position at all with anything other than red herring arguments and insults.  Despite the fact that Roger is full of bullshit, he is not a liar.  (Although I don't really see much of a difference there, but however you twist your words now is fine with me.)  Also, the second thing you state is that all black men, without any exception, all have large dicks, because you said anything to the contrary is being ignorant.  Lastly, anyone who questions you about any of these claims you are making doesn't know what they are talking about because they post under an alias, or they are a fool, a clown, ignorant, or a racist asshole.  Of course anybody who dare disagree with you about anything would naturally have to be a racist asshole.  I guess it must be a black rage thing, so there is no need to understand, so I will just take your word for it on that one too.  Finally, you half-heatedly admit that you too are posting under an alias after all, despite the fact that you had previously criticized me for posting under an alias.  And that concludes this lively debate.  

Posted By: bear96
Wow Mr.-Blond either you can't read or just being a racist asshole.  I never called roger a liar and don't twist my words smart guy.  It's clear your point is to be a clown on this subject.  
 So I said in my reply post to Roger was, the dick theory was the ignorant point? All of the reasons that was mention turning down black guys are bullshit!  I guess you missed the word all and just wanted to start trouble, instead of reading the whole line smart guy.  
 It's nothing wrong with choice or preferences, the problem is when a person puts a whole group of people in the same group.  Just based on there race or a bad experience with a person of that race in the past!  
 If you want to continue to act like a fool, go somewhere else.    
 Does my birth certificate really say bear96, maybe I am giving you too much credit calling you smart at all!  

Wow man you can't read and a fool. So I am moving on from your stupid comments!

followme226 reads

you must realize that he is posting under an alias. and as you very well know some do the vast majority of their  posting under an alias and submit reviews under  their real screen name. So for all you know he could have a hundred or more reviews.  since you do not know your comment is stupid and irresponsible as are all you comments about the reviews of others.

You're Welcome

I must've misinterpreted the response, I thought you "loved" how I brought that info up lol.

No offense bear, put picking on an alias with no reviews when you have one review doesnt wash wrt a theory of the more reviews some one has, the more credible they are.  Best reason to use an alias is if you have potentially contriversial things to say, and dont want that hurting your hobby experience.  I appreciate Blonde's defense, but guys its not worth arguing over.

I decided to share some facts with everyone.  I dont think bear is accusing me of lying, he just doesnt like the reasons why someone might have for not seeing a person of a different ethnicity.  In an ideal world, you are right; but far be it from me to judge someone's feelings when they have been victimized.  If that brings up a bad memory, why should they have to put themselves in that position.  There are girls who wont see other ethnicities for similar reasons.  Its their right.

Ultimately, the girls body is her own, and its her right to do with it as she wants.  For guys, its our money and time, and our choice how to spend both as we see fit.  Respectfully to Onyx, you spent a lot more time posting on the discussion board than was "wasted" with the girl.  She actually did you a favor, because I guarantee you would have felt like you wasted money and more time if she had seen you.  Again kudos to all the girls who discreetly screen and if needed reject us for whatever your reasons.  I've save a bit of money over the years when girls do that.

But like what trinity said, the girl who wants to maximize her biz sees only one color; green.

Rodgerdaily you made some good points. I am glad you see, I was not calling you a liar either. So I know what Mr. Blond was trying to do and it was stupid.  

Also I do not take any offense to the one review point. Since I have more reviews coming in the near future, but I am not new to this hobby. Just posting reviews on this site. So I do have some experience in what I am talking about too.

I am done with this topic now, back to having fun

I see all races of men and women and by far the biggest dicks have been on skinny white guys
I always ad EOE in my ads and think other girls should also if they see all races
Equal opportunity escort  

Posted By: Rodgerdaily
Could be a lot of reasons.  I've heard a lot of stories, but credit the girl for keeping thee screening private between you and her.  I have less respext for a girl who puts doesnt see blacks on her ad.  
 I'll share a little known fact that some asian girls wont see guys from their own ethnicity, and they dont advertise that either.  They would see you no matter how big you are if that makes you feel better.  There are some girls who Only see guys of a certain ethnicity.  
 In the "civy" world, I remember black dudes with big dicks having an advantage and were the flavor of the generation... Probably still are.  
 Other reasons i've heard of pro's turning down black dudes:  
 1. Girl was raped, harbors resentment.  
 2. Girl has a black pimp who said "no black guys" (i know one white girl in town in that situation)  
 3. Place where girl works doesnt have many blacks around, doesnt want to attract attention out of the norm  
 The big dick theory might be true for ignorant girls, but most pro's know big dicks come in all ethnicities.  And even a girls with a small pussy can still satisfy a big dick even if she cant put it all the way in.  
 If your heart is set on asian I recommend visiting LA, or San Fran.  Getting the references will be the trickier part, but there's enough info around to figure that out if you want.  
 Best of luck bro' and dont take it personally.  
 -- Modified on 2/21/2014 9:48:55 AM

-- Modified on 2/21/2014 9:50:36 AM

But I have talked to quite a few of the ladies I have seen why they put in their post "Sorry, but I don't see AA men" or "no AA men under 35" and the answer is pretty consistent: they keep getting African-American men (usually younger) who want to try to be their pimps and can get violent about it when rebuffed, and these ladies want nothing to do with it.  Now, its not all black men, or even all young black men, but it happened so many times, that they just don't want to take the chance.  So, I think its a damned shame that these assholes are ruining it for the decent African-American hobbyists who, like me, just want to have a nice time.  And I know that such guys exist, because I have met them and drank with them -- but not here in the US, where we treat providers like criminals and hobbyists like perverts.  But in other countries, where things are more normal, and prostitution is not illegal, but pimping is, then you have a very different situation.  I have met so many white and black american hobbyists sitting in a bar in the Dominican Republic, and the situation is very different.  There, pimping is just not an issue, and white and black hobbyists are on a pretty equal footing.  Sure, there might be a few ladies who prefer not to see black men, but it is a tiny fraction compared to here in the US.  So, I don't think it is a racial prejudice thing per se, but more like racial profiling, due to the stupidly bad situation caused by criminalizing a victimless crime.

Personally I do not find black women to be sexually attractive. It isn't the body, it is just not the facial features that were a part of my developing years. I grew up in a part of the country with almost no black people. I don't feel they are inferior in any way but they just don't turn me on.  

That said, given that most guys won't be turning on a provider and that statistically black guys aren't any bigger then white guys I really don't know why some providers have this restriction unless they are in some way afraid of you or have a pimp that has this policy. I have read that many do have pimps with this policy and it is probably that. But they may also have been raped by a black man and have a fear they can't get over. Not that they couldn't have been raped by a white man, but just saying.

Hi ITAdmin thanks for the honest post and I use to think just like you, but about white woman.  Then I started in this hobby with a open mind and met some really good ladies.  It's funny when we get caught up on race or things we are not comfortable with personally. You miss out on so much more in the long run.

I don't doubt it. It just is my personality. When I go to a restaurant I never order something unknown if the menu has a dish I know I love. This "hobby" is pretty much the same thing imho. At least to my way of thinking. If I have $300+ on the line do I want to risk something that just may not work for me or go with something more familiar and comfortable. I have never been one to over burden myself with choice and am usually sure of just what I want and like and don't generally stray from it :)  

That said, given my main point of enjoyment is a good BBBJ  and some of the ad posting from the black providers in the area seeming to specialize in this area... it sure has its temptations lol.

ITAdmin  I think everybody that eats ice cream, does not get the same flavor every time.  Just give it a try, you might like it.  I learned flavors may look different, but they all taste great! So the same applies to woman, they might look different. If you respect them and know what you are doing in your private party, you will enjoy your parties no matter the race.  LOL

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