
Falling in love? (kind of long)
cgsmks 14 Reviews 6814 reads

Ah, my second day in wonderfully wet and damp Alabama!  Can't wait for the flight home on Friday!

I've got most of the morning off and have been trying to catch up on the discussions.  There have been quite a few discussions on the National Board about hobbyists/providers falling in love with their clients/providers.  Seems to result in heartbreak and other uncomfortable feelings including not wanting to read reviews about the provider you are in love with.  The responses range from "go for it", "it's a wonderful feeling, enjoy it while it lasts" to "what a sucker, she only wants your money" and "it’s a business, remember that".

I have met some truly wonderful women through hobbying and really enjoy every minute I spend with them.  I guess you could say I love them, but am not "in love" with them.  I understand I'm paying for a service and they listen (with a smile) to me prattle on about all the boring stuff I talk about and make me feel special whether I am or not.  I'm sure I get much more out of the encounter than the women do!  But I have fun and always look forward to the next encounter, whether a repeat or with a new provider.  Maybe its more like "unconditional love"; I don't expect anything emotionally from the provider after our encounter.  Or maybe I am "in love" with meeting new people.

Must be the Gemini in me or my need to see everything as an experiment, but my curiosity is peaked by clients/providers that fall in love.  I understand how it can be hard to separate the fantasy from the reality, for both sides.  I understand it may be hard to separate emotional feelings from sex.  I'm curious as to how it evolves from a fantasy encounter to being in love.  Are people looking for this from the start?  Do they see a picture and decide this is the person for me?  Or does it evolve over multiple encounters?  Does it happen to mostly single, never married people, people coming out of a relationship (divorce or otherwise), married people (happily or not)?  Just curious!

Oh well,  enough of my rambling.  Must be the weather.

when it’s all about lust.  

It's the same whether it's a so called "fantasy encounter" or on a date.  Both are paid encounters lol but the fantasy encounter is suppposed to be sex without consideration of future emotional relationship: no strings attached and leaving everything at the door.  The problem with labeling it as a fantasy experience, though, is that sex is THE most real human experience -- and incredibly bonding.  The reason a client has repeat experiences with a particular escort is because he feels a greater sense of chemistry than with other escorts, which is the same reason he goes on repeated dates with "civilian" women.  Some guys might fall for an escort on the first date, and others might take a lot longer.  But with regular repeated experiences it seems to me that it's almost inevitable unless the guy is emotionally incapable of bonding.  

Real love is all about caring for the best interests of other human beings.  It’s simply not in anyone's best interest to “fall in love” (aka lust) within the boundaries of the "hobby."  All kinds of weird sh*t can happen, and settling down in a nice ranch style home with white picket fence and 2.4 children ain’t one of them.  If they do end up “falling” for each other the relationship almost never seems to last more than a few weeks.  There are exceptions, but rare.  The best thing for escorts to do is look for an SO outside the “hobby” and the best thing for a client to do is don’t even go there.  The only way I know to prevent it is to cut off the escort - client relationship at the first sign of “love” obsession.  Much easier said than done.

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