
Ashley frost
LytoMN 876 reads

Hello fellow hobbyist. Was wondering about Ashley frost she is based out of Phoenix but supposedly visiting MN. Her last review went sideways should we stay away or ???

ShillBill405 reads

And next time provide a link to the profile.  

Posted By: LytoMN
Hello fellow hobbyist. Was wondering about Ashley frost she is based out of Phoenix but supposedly visiting MN. Her last review went sideways should we stay away or ???

LytoMN500 reads

Personally I would stay away. You don't want any more drama, there are others out there :)

DNS there is an uptick in armed robberies in Phoenix so anyone with the slightest hint of unsafe behavior must be put on the DNS list.

Posted By: pseeker41
Personally I would stay away. You don't want any more drama, there are others out there :)

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