
lootis 8262 reads


danordanny10268 reads

i WOULDN'T give my personal info to any of these providers or agencys. Dont trust a soul with your personal info, Bad things can happen. If they ask for that kind of info simply move on and call another, theres thousands out there. Ask one for her social sec number, REAL full name, proof of address. If she shares hers I'll share mine.

Now back away from the computer!

Ok I lied about the "eom" part. *L*

TaylorLynn10756 reads

I agree but I do have to say that it wasn't me, but danordanny who started the whole thing with Aimee CRACKING him up.  If you read back, I defended her against his (and others) CRACKS and accusations even when she no longer worked for me.  I have always wished her nothing but the best.  

She worked for me for a long time and was like a daughter to me.  It is very unfortunate that our relationship ended the way it did but I still wish her nothing but the best.  Ask her, she'll tell you how much I care.  I've never written anything bad about her and never will.  

As far as Carmen/Devin is concerned, I told my story there as well - people deserve second chances ... if they clean up their act and prove to you they deserve it.  I am not in this business just for the money.  If I was, I'd be out there working myself because I'd make a hell of a lot more of it that way.  Ask any of my girls - they know that I truly care for them and their well being.  Ask my new Denver city manager - she was hired because of her caring nature and quest for something greater.  

I'll get off my soap box now, but I want to leave you with this.  I started my business with nothing but an idea to provide this city with a better agency experience than they were getting.  I had zero clients and worked my ass off to get where I am.  I don't give a ratt's ass if others come into the picture.  I am going to keep doing what I've been doing for the past 2 years and continue to be successful because of my honest ethics and awesome girls.  I also run a tight ship and if girls can't cut it, they don't work for me.  Martinette, remember?   keep it safe for you as well as the girls. You should appreciate that. If any of you have a problem with that, then don't call me.

Taylor I think you might have posted on the wrong thread?

danordanny7965 reads

Second Chances? In this business you put clients at RISK giving second chances to known users. Shame on you and Mya.

It's not about the money? BS It's all about the money, we all know this. Money is good and everybody deserves to make a profit. Any client who thinks its not about the money is a fool. Now for us hobbiest who spend our hard earned dough should know "it's all about the poon" PERIOD.

If you hire known flakes, you will be called out on it. Show some respect for your clients and quit hiring Zero's.

Actually once you have seen a couple of providers then you can use them as references and you don't have to worry about giving information out. I guess shop for who will trust you without all the other stuff. You could also have a friend who has seen a known provider introduce you so she can trust. There are lost's of ways but they need to know who your not more than who you are if you get my drift. So anything that gets you to that point. It's just a matter of getting that start.

ChrissyStone8249 reads

Since Sherrif Joe's little publicity stunt last year, many of the ladies here have really tightened up on reference requests.

As you say, Occularblues, by providing a couple of references, then you probably don't need to give much other identifying information (depends on the provider of course).

Another way to help with screening is to provide your TER name (and exchange private TER mail to make sure it's you and not an imposter using your handle).

I realize many men don't want to give up their TER privacy (in case they want to write a review), but it is another way to provide LE reassurance to the lady without the gentlemen having to give work numbers and the like.

brazilian838540 reads

I require all the information basically for my protection as well as a means to contact and confirm appointments, and yes i do a check to make sure the client is not LE. I never book same day appointments all appointments are booked in advance. If a person tries to hide or give wrong info i just dont see them.

I can see how that may have looked.....BUT I can tell you in the earlier post, Taylor was just taking a prime opportunity to nonchalantly point out that Club TLC runs a clean agency and was not "pot shotting" another agency.  I give her credit for pointing this out.  She has integrity not to feed drug habits.  Welcome to planet earth:  Drugs do sometimes coincide with this business.  She cuts girls loose (even ones she deeply cares about and when it is not in her best monetary interest) if she finds they are using.  I also know when she interviews she intensely questions about drugs and does not hire if she suspects girls are using.  Also, if she comes to find out they begin using while employed she cuts them loose.  I have seen this.  So I would venture to say that your chances of getting a girl on drugs sent to your house from Club TLC are VERY, VERY SLIM.  Plus, I would think it would show up in a girl's review.

azhacker8307 reads

I usually stay away from this type of soap opera stuff...simply stated each girl has every right to take ANY step to protect her well being...if you don't like it simply move on. I often do, my personal information is simply that personal...however I know a fair number of gals here and elsewhere so it isn't ever really a problem getting referenced easily...

That being said I find the comments from Taylor of TLC offensive. She isn't a provider or a customer and doesn't provide references to other providers. Her agency is overpriced underpowered and simply preys on uneducated consumers. Truthfully her interests are her own, not the girls or the customers.

Mr Truth5857 reads

AT LAST somebody with the balls besides dan & jackson to tell the truth. I think the agencys should do drug testing monthly and bring results to all calls. Cheap enough to do

TaylorLynn8773 reads

I actually am doing drug testing now.  Would you like to see the results??

-- Modified on 6/25/2004 12:11:31 AM

TaylorLynn7683 reads

LOL, The wonderful thing about the truth is that one only need to examine the facts at hand in order to find it.  And that's easy.

Fact 1, some person calling himself/herself azhacker, a person with only 2 previous posts all within the last 2 weeks, comes out of the woodwork to comment on an agency & an individual who's been in business for 2 years . . . ah, smells like pig slop to me!  That's some good eat'n ya know.

Fact 2, azhacker attempts to immediately misdirect the reader with the qualifying statement of "I usually stay away from this type of soap opera stuff" thereby explaining Fact 1.  This is obvious BS because a legit hobbyist wouldn't care about this.  One can infer, from this deduction, the opposite state to be the truth, meaning azhacker loves this kind of stuff & has done it before under another name(s). . . oh, that slop is tasty tonight!

Fact 3, azhacker uses the word "offensive" to describe comments I made about my motivations for starting my business.  One would only have such a reaction if one has had some previous, personal interaction with my business or me.  I don't know anyone named azhacker & I've never received any complaints such as this.  This calls into question azhackers motivations & the truthfulness of this post. . . give me a 2nd helping of that pig slop please!

Fact 4, azhacker also uses the word "customer".  This terminology clearly gives away azhacker as a provider.  The word customer, as used in this case, is possessive & implies the writer is not a customer.  Would a hobbyist refer to himself & others as customers?  The answer is probably not.  But a provider, perhaps a former disgruntled TLC contractor, would refer to hobbyists as customers.  I'm starting to think that azhacker might be a female provider . . . what's that . . . slop for dessert too?  Woo, them pig's are gonna get fat!

Fact 5, & this is the kicker, take notice of the terms, "underpowered", "preys" & "her interests".  These terms, imply strong emotional & personal ties to Club TLC or myself.  As an administrator of Club TLC & not a provider, most of my true customers don't possess this level of familiarity, yet a former disgruntled TLC contractor, definitely would . . . ummm, slop, it's not just for breakfast anymore.  Have it anytime of day by reading azhacker posts!

I'm guessing the truth, in light of the facts above, is that azhacker, & a few others out there, are simply 1 or 2 former TLC girls who couldn't live up to the expectations & standards that I set & now they're lashing out in a feeble, misguided attempt at self serving vengence.  How narcissistic & self absorbed can some individuals get before we all puke?  

In closing, any independent providers in the valley know that my phone ops give references to anyone who does likewise.  The only exception is former TLC girls who left on bad terms.  So, azhacker prove me wrong, what's your real name?  Let us all know who you are, & what your relationship to me is, so we can evaluate your statements accurately.  You give me a call, tell me your name, & I'll look it up in my customer db to see if you've ever done business with Club TLC.  But I’m betting you don't want anyone to know who you are & that you’ll just post some more transparent BS.  Or perhaps we can have lunch & talk things over. . . I’ll call ahead & order you the slop special.  You must like it because you keep feed'n it to us!  

Have a good day everyone & remember “A day without sunshine is like . . .


azhacker10264 reads


Seems like I got your attention....

1st, I've been around for along time, mostly under another handle. I post reviews 4 other places and haven't seen the need to post anything here.

2nd, I do stay away from this stuff, and I've never posted here under any other name....ever.

3rd, We've spoken for  or 3 hours on the phone (over 2 or 3 calls) going back to the start of your business. I told you then that you were missing a huge part of the local market...

4th, I'm not a provider, simply a long time consumer...

5th,  Hmm sounds like you think a few folks have an ax to grind, thruthfully I don't.

Taylor I have no ax to grind with you at all and actually wish you (and any other "proviser") nothing but success. I simply disagree with your business model, pricing and a variety of comments you've made here and elsewhere. As I stated above I've actually spoken with you at length and found you to be articulate and personable...but I felt (then & now) that you were missing the "big picture".

As for my identity, since I've never used your service you won't have any record. But if you want a reference ask Jordan Kay about Dave (with the green Jag).

To but this in perspective, I'm simply a member of a big market segment you've been missing. Instead of looking for ulterior motives (there are none) simply use that MBA and re-evaluate the market.

I have only been in the business for a very short time but haven't had a problem getting verification from reputable providers until yesterday. I had two separate men give me references that neither provider remembered. I declined to see them.  I feel bad if they really did see these women...but, I think taking that chance is being a little too naive.  And in this day and age can you really ever be too careful?

If he has seen a provider that I have heard of or know, I am comfortable with seeing him without getting any other info besides his name, cell number (I only call when they want a return call) and email address if applicable. Otherwise, they need to be verified by The Secret Keeper or Date-Check.  (I don't get the info myself, I just get the 'okay' by these two services)      

I have also had a lot of men wanting to see me without having ever seen another provider...without getting verified by the services above, I won't see them.

I understand you being wary of giving out your personal info, but if you were a woman out there by yourself, would you see someone without knowing anything about him?  I think not.  Try not to be so insensitive and think about others a little.  We are all trying to be safe out here, not trying to wreck your marriage.      

On a slightly different note directed to providers:

Ladies, I understand that this is a bit of a competitive market, but please remember that we are all working hard, trying to make everyone happy and most of us are good people....when another provider contacts you for a reference, please respond.  I will always respond to you!  It would be sooo nice if women put cattiness aside in this situation to keep each other safe and help each other out.  



-- Modified on 6/22/2004 10:39:41 PM

TaylorLynn12974 reads

My phone ops are great about giving references and we keep track of all of our clients in private database that doesn't even reside in the US so all of our clients can feel safe providing us with any information deemed necessary.  If the client doesn't want to leave his full name, we use code names and the client just tells the provider that he wishes to see his code name and everything is good to go.  
CLIENTS, please note however, that if the provider you saw with Club TLC gave YOU a bad review, that will also be recorded in our system so we can alert other providers that call for a reference on you.  

I've got some great ideas on how we can make this even easier for everyone - clients, independents and agencies alike, but I'm still trying to get my head above water with everything else I am doing so it has been put on the backburner for now.  However, I am here to help in any way I can to make it safe for EVERYONE to play and have fun.  Isabella, you can call us any time!

Interesting comments from Chrissy and Isabella. Do you think most providers feel the same? That they would be comfortable with one or more references and a cell WITHOUT offering other personal/professional ID info??

Obviously this would probably vary depending on the person. But with the booking forms containing all of the blanks to fill in, it makes it seem that the women would not even consider returning the em contact. Although I suppose the gents could reapply with the details filled in a second time. Other thoughts???

BTW, Carla, could you contact me?? Thanks.

You may e-mail me any time for a reference as I agree we must all work together, which in turn will make it easier on our play dates.


Great post- maybe we all should read this twice.....

lootis9056 reads

SO WHAT WAS RESOLVED HERE??????????????????

Actually a couple of things:


“by providing a couple of references, then you probably don't need to give much other identifying information (depends on the provider of course)”

And if you don’t have references:


“they need to be verified by The Secret Keeper or Date-Check. (I don't get the info myself, I just get the 'okay' by these two services)”

No one here talks about giving out the name of your first born!  But there’s no way to completely protect yourself from your family finding out unless you completely stop.   Which is always an option.  

Arizona Angel8153 reads

in order to protect themselves in case anything bad happens they need to at least know you are a safe person... ie. not a serial killer/ rapist. I ask for all the information a client will give me... it makes my life easier. I verify you once and from that point on you can use me as a referance. I need to know you are who you say you are and not LE... that is it. If you have an alternative way of verifing clients suggest it. YOu can verify that the ladies on the boards are not LE, read thier reviews... Usually a first and last name along with a ground line or a name, a cell, and a provider referance will work. Also keep in mind that we use our gut intincts too. I screen really hard on people who ask fishy questions or feel strange to me... dunno what else to say... wish you the best..

moebius88444 reads

1 avoid the top end of spectrum they will not only want refernces but they will want to know not only your work number but your bosses too. And lets face it they cost alot more i would rather see a girl twice a week at 150 then once at 300

2 call around the last week of the month in the middle of the week (rents due and landlords are very much about the money)

3 if possible give references (though ive had really good luck with simply saying wow im sorry im not comfortable with giving you that imformation ill be happy giving you my home phone number so if you change your mind you can call me; often i get a nice vm a few days later)

4 never forget its about the money YOU have all the power in this equation if one wont see make sure to write a review about the one who does and mention the one who didnt.

5 dont look to these boards for your info sources use reviews for contact info and some of the private lists for straight information. i once wrote a review here for public consumption that while factually accurate was definitely sanitized for public consumption my friends know who im talking about...if i have done that I know others have

6 stay away from agencies they are the proverbial middle man when possible go straight to the wholesaler

7 even after you've seen someone a few times keep your personal life personal (me im single i dont worrry about 7 too much but if i were married or had a real life to hide i would)
8 have fun if it feels like too much work to see someone it is, call another

9 if worse comes to worse the parlors are often an awesome time several here in town will leave you limp and happy for a buck sixty or less

10 i cant stress enough stay away from agencies if they dont think your somebody they will almost certainly rip your ass off (and the goal is to stay anonymous) and there is nothing you can do about it the cops will laugh at you or possibly even write you a ticket for intent to solict (never happened but then i have never called an agency)

11 have fun and dont stress about it so much it may be extra effort to keep your life private (and i often dont as much as i should so take all this witha  grain a salt but i know from personal experince it can be done

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